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Utopia Talk / Politics / official BS by delusional fraud POTUS#9
the wanderer
Fri Jul 12 13:32:10
Trump says it doesn't matter that he keeps revealing the times of these ICE raids

pretty sure every single ICE agent would disagree

common sense is all that's required... yet obviously too much to ask for Trump to have any
Fri Jul 12 18:36:56
Oh good! I was beginning to wonder where I would get my daily course of inane drivel. Glad to see you are continuing to provide.
the wanderer
Fri Jul 12 18:51:38
you're welcome

you can always go directly to Trump's twitter if you want the inane drivel straight from the source & to catch all that i skip
the wanderer
Fri Jul 12 19:04:15
apparently a Bill Haggerty is an R running for Senate... and guess what...

He is strong on crime, borders & our 2nd A. Loves our Military & our Vets. Has my Complete & Total Endorsement!

another great personalized endorsement
Fri Jul 12 21:43:32
I'm here for the personal drivel you provide spurred on by your obsessive delusions. I can see how you may have been confused in your current mental state.
the wanderer
Fri Jul 12 22:09:14
for the record, the stuff i put in double quotes is said by the President of the United States (in case any confusion)

do you feel giving the exact same endorsement to over 50 people is meaningful?

a normal person might notice it's insulting... insulting to his fans who he obviously thinks are idiots (& is apparently correct) as he assumes they find the clearly duplicated text meaningful, and insulting to the candidate (& presumably written by a lazy assistant to make the endorsement even less meaningful... if that's possible)
the wanderer
Fri Jul 12 22:45:00
also feel free to explain how Trump announcing ICE raids in advance is not a problem for the agents

see if you can work in this quote by Trump from last year when he attacked a mayor for announcing a raid...

“What the mayor of Oakland did the other day was a disgrace. They had close to 1,000 people ready to be got, ready to be taken off the streets. Many of them — they say 85 percent of them — were criminals, they had criminal records. The mayor of Oakland went out and warned them all: Scatter. So instead of taking in 1,000 they took in a fraction of that.”
the wanderer
Sat Jul 13 11:31:32
This is one of the most horrible abuses of all. Those texts between gaga lovers would have told the whole story. Illegal deletion by Mueller. They gave us “the insurance policy.”
^ this is the President... (he is responding to a Tom Fitton (a dishonest piece of shit) tweet that is deleted... but from context it's about Strzok & Page)

and the President's comments are total bullshit (& he has said them before, so plenty of time for people to correct him if a mistake)... Mueller did not illegally delete anything... he's referring to FBI agents phones being wiped after being handed in, which is standard procedure... not illegal. (Plus the texts were recovered anyway)

so that's the President repeating his false claims, weeks after he made them (as he does often)... not a sole in his orbit willing to correct him as demonstrated over and over and over... totally acceptable, right?
the wanderer
Sat Jul 13 11:40:55
Andy McCabe is a major sleazebag. Among many other things, he took massive amounts of money from Crooked Hillary reps, for wife’s campaign, while Hillary was under “investigation” by FBI!
^ this is the President...

and the President's comments are total bullshit (& he has said them before, so plenty of time for people to correct him if a mistake)

McCabe's wife (while running for office in Virginia) took a legal campaign donation from Terry McAuliffe who was a governor of Virginia (so weird, he'd care about races in Virginia, right?)... and that election was over before McCabe was ever in charge of any Hillary case. (That's the whole story of Trump's repeated insinuation of Hillary bribing him... if you're wondering how that shows Hillary bribed him, your brain is working)

also McCabe was fired over something he did that was harmful to Hillary (NOT Trump)... so more evidence he's not working for Hillary... not that there was ever the slightest indication otherwise...

is all that clear to listeners of Trump? should the President be allowed to repeatedly lie over and over for months/years when it is KNOWN and PROVABLY false? lucky for him, his idiot fans only watch Fox News and Fox News is in the tank for him
the wanderer
Sun Jul 14 13:13:12
So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly......
....and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how....
....it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!
^ this is the President...

he is -definitely- referring to "the Squad" (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, & Ilhan Omar) based on current events* and common sense
*Trump was trying to stick up for Nancy Pelosi about her semi-feud w/ those 4 just yesterday as well

however only Omar was not born in America

so we have the President saying 'go back where you came from' to people who are just minorities...

yet let's watch Trump defenders say he only meant Omar...("CongresswomEn, countrIES, governmentS, THEY, placeS" oops, lots of typos)
Sun Jul 14 13:42:51
It's pretty obvious that this was prompted by Tucker's coverage of Omar earlier in the week. You'd have to be a complete fool to chalk it up to racism...which is of course what CNN immediately did. Too predictable.
the wanderer
Sun Jul 14 13:42:54
supposedly Fox & Friends was showing clips of Talib & Pressley at Netroots Nation just before Trump posted (if you needed any more proof who he meant)... however it was 100% clear anyway
Sun Jul 14 16:24:32
The Sebs and tw's of the US are now screeching about their token 2nd-gen immigrants and muh racism
the wanderer
Sun Jul 14 16:36:24
"It's pretty obvious that this was prompted by Tucker's coverage of Omar"

wrong... the past day or so there was news of Pelosi's feud w/ "the Squad"... Trump defended Pelosi yesterday as well

if he meant just Omar there wouldn't be all the plural words, nor bringing up Pelosi (Pelosi vs. AOC was the main friction, not Omar)

'they aren't white, they must be foreigners'
~ the President

it's not like its the first time he's given that implication... recall how ALL* white nationalist groups enthusiastically supported Trump

(*except that one guy w/ ~12 twitter followers who Fox News found who claimed to be the leader of a KKK group in California & to support Hillary)
Sun Jul 14 16:46:29

One Somali immigrant, a 2nd-gen Puerto Rican, and a 2nd-gen Palestinian, two of them Michigan/Minnesota Islamists

The Patriot
Sun Jul 14 17:58:13
Not like Trump didn't perpetuate birtherism which was stained with racist overtones. But forwyn can't possibly see the insinuation since he is a staunch supporter of white nationalism. He sure misses his BFF Aeros, but at least his other latent friend Rugian is still here.
the wanderer
Sun Jul 14 17:59:16
you accept the plural so i'll count it as a win... the Trump crew are pushing the 'he only meant Omar' nonsense
Sun Jul 14 18:29:32

There is no insinuation. He told them to come back with their lessons. It's one of the few cogent tweets of the past month from Trump - so naturally retards whine about it.
the wanderer
Sun Jul 14 19:46:35
So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, “RACIST.” Their disgusting language.....
....and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged. If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020!
^ this is the President...

i guess he doesn't mean 'the squad' since none of them actually called Pelosi a racist nor have a proven unbridled hatred of Israel... must be some mystery people who only Trump knows about

speaking of which... remember when he declared 3-5 million fraud voters, and his idiot supporters were like 'well maybe as president he has secret info that only he knows about'... haha, that was funny...

it's so hard to tell if Putin, who likes spreading division, is a fan of Trump... surely he was 50-50 on Hillary/Trump
the wanderer
Sun Jul 14 21:31:16
there was some sarcasm in that post... I feel I should clarify as probably most not paying as close attention...

AOC (Alexandria Ocasio Cortez) is the one who implied Pelosi was racist (thus the reporter then asked if she was calling Pelosi racist, and AOC said no, but that's not as exciting), and Fox News has a lengthy campaign going of trying to suggest the group hates America/Israel/Jews... so yes, with ~300% certainty, he was referring to 'the Squad' members

...not that anyone here cares :p ... its a bigger fight on Twitter
The Patriot
Mon Jul 15 03:14:07
Just like the good boot kicker he is. He laps his tongue on the shit covered leather and asks for more. The connotation that is blatant, but insists by no means the overtones of racism exists. No matter, maybe Drumpf should go back where he came from so he can be closer to he fatherland.
Mon Jul 15 09:47:08

aka muh feels
The Patriot
Mon Jul 15 11:15:14
Seig heil amirite?
The Third Reich
Mon Jul 15 11:18:02
Whoa! Careful using that, only a select few posters are worthy of such a phrase
Mon Jul 15 11:23:53
You do have to admire the chutzpah of a political faction that regularly and explicitly calls for conflict between the races accusing Trump of being racist. Hey bitches, maybe drop the bullshit like "people of color" and "white privilege" and comparing everyone who opposes your radical ideology to the Klan before you start judging the words of others.
Mon Jul 15 11:24:30
Also, telling Omar to get the fuck out of this country because she hates it so much is warranted.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 11:24:31
If Democrats want to unite around the foul language & racist hatred spewed from the mouths and actions of these very unpopular & unrepresentative Congresswomen, it will be interesting to see how it plays out. I can tell you that they have made Israel feel abandoned by the U.S.
^ this is the President...

man, maybe i better watch Fox News more so i can figure out how what these demonesses are up to

poor lil Israel... i guess Trump keeps giving them huge gifts for nothing to comfort them from the evil women...
Mon Jul 15 11:29:12

Omar is an anti-Semite.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 11:30:16
"Also, telling Omar to get the fuck out of this country because she hates it so much is warranted."

well he didn't say it to just Omar, as provable in the ~300% range as noted

but there was also an idiot moron on twitter telling me 'why doesn't she leave if she hates it so much'

the problem: Fox News is the one saying she hates the country... i can't find her saying she hates the country...
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 11:34:16
"Omar is an anti-Semite"

according to Fox News

mentioning money in regards to Israel support is not inherently anti-semetic, there is definitely a large pro-Israel lobby spending money

mentioning the devotion politicians show to Israel is also not anti-semetic, just clearly obvious

see the 'huge' win of moving the embassy... who the hell cared about that... how did that benefit a single non-Israeli American? why is Jerusalem in party platforms... & so critical that you are attacked if it's not in it...
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 11:57:56
apparently fully corrupted Lindsey Graham is on board w/ the lies

(according to Trump twitter) Lindsey said 'we all know the AOC crowd hates Israel & this country'

charming what a cesspool the Republican party / Fox News has become
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 11:59:31
...and now Trump speaking on TV saying Omar 'hates jews' as if a fact...

presumably will be tons of lies (live event on now)
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 12:29:37
Trump claims the ICE raids happened & were very successful

as Trump always lies, I'll assume ICE just canceled those Sunday raids since he publicized them so much
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 13:09:51
Maryland Congressman Rep Andy Harris MD
tells me President Trump's tweets this weekend were "clearly not racist" and that "he could have meant go back to the district they came from--to the neighborhood they came from."
~ Bryan Nehman (audio interview)

yup... sure...

R's are the ones w/ a derangement syndrome
the wanderer
Mon Jul 15 16:30:47
the America/Israel/Jew hating quartet speaking now... they haven't brought up their hatred of America/Israel/Jews yet for some reason

Pressley did well, & only refers to the lump as 'the occupant' which surely will annoy him... Melania better lock her door... Omar not a great speaker, but called for impeachment, so that's nice... AOC up now
Mon Jul 15 17:07:01
I dont have enough time to address each of your 15 posts in the last few hours...but the irony of AOC and Pressley, who both got to where they are by literally playing the race and gender cards in order to unseat incumbent progressive congressmen who just happened to have the misfortune of being white males, is too much.

Democrats have gone absolutely insane with SJW politics.
the wanderer
Tue Jul 16 14:34:18

"I believe that what this president has done to our culture, to our civic discourse ... you cannot unring these bells and you cannot unsay what he has said, and you cannot change that he has now in a very short time made it seem normal for schoolboy taunts and obvious lies to be spun out in a constant stream. I think this will do more lasting damage than Richard Nixon's surreptitious burglaries did."
~ George Will, an intellectual (<- a compliment)
the wanderer
Wed Jul 17 02:12:42
on Trump's presser notes when slandering the women, he had added hand-written stuff (in his giant marker as usual)

he spelled 'al qaeda' as 'al caida'... make of it what you will (suggests to me he's barely, if ever, seen it written...)

he's a moron
Wed Jul 17 02:39:59
koran = quran, muslim = moslem, transliteration is not a strict science.

Trump doesn't know that, he's just accidentally, technically correct, as even retards are prone to be occasionally.

Though I hear he also misspelled English words on the same notes.
the wanderer
Wed Jul 17 11:31:37
i may have given him too much credit, no clear space in his 'alcaida'...

and yes, he misspells plenty... like 'cheif','seperation','smocking','hamberder'... in the same ways a child may misspell something

however, as he's a total constant liar, his excuse is "Really I’m actually a good speller, but everyone says the fingers aren’t as good as the brain."

these are not finger slips, Trump is a liar... and a marker-wielding child
the wanderer
Thu Jul 18 18:19:22
simple proof of how Trump lies

he's asked "Why didn't you ask your fans to stop chanting [send her back]"?

his answer starts immediately, not sure why Fox cut off the question:

"i think i did, i started speaking very quickly" was his answer for non-clickers
the wanderer
Thu Jul 18 18:20:34
... now here is the event... see tail end, 6:25 to end


the chant dies out completely before he begins to speak

you may not care about this incident, but it's just standard practice for the CONSTANT fraud conman liar child dickbag criminal
the wanderer
Fri Jul 19 00:27:36
Lindsey Graham & <squiggly-scary font>Lindsey Graham</ssf> on Trump:

the wanderer
Fri Jul 19 18:59:03
a retarded ignorant emotionless child struggles to pay attention & pretend he has a clue while listening to woman's story:
the wanderer
Sat Jul 20 11:46:35
apparently you can win $30,000 in cash & prizes by retweeting Trump, so pick your favorite lie & spread it to the world
the wanderer
Sat Jul 20 11:49:11
...or maybe you win if Trump retweets you... not clear to me... so write lots of praise tweets to Dear Leader in case he or his team sees & retweets

either way disgusting
Sat Jul 20 11:58:37
the wanderer Fri Jul 19 18:59:03
a retarded ignorant emotionless child

More adjectives please. Also, you try having even 50% of his stamina in the discharge of his responsibilities.
the wanderer
Sat Jul 20 12:01:58
i think i can manage watching TV all day between golfing trips (which is obviously w/ a golf cart)

we've seen his daily schedules on more than one occasion, they are not busy at all
the wanderer
Sat Jul 20 12:09:23
Axios said the 51 private schedules it obtained show that since Nov. 7, one day after the midterm elections, Trump spent about 297 hours in executive time and about 77 hours in meetings for things like policy planning, legislative strategy and video recordings.

Responding to the report, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders emailed Axios to say Trump "has a different leadership style than his predecessors and the results speak for themselves."

note no claim Axios lying

'executive time' is watching TV & calling his friends to talk about how great his election win was or whatever lies he's currently spreading

& his Twitter proves he's watching TV constantly w/ so many clearly referencing the program on at the time (plus all the people who've worked there saying he does so)... the evidence is mountainous... just like the evidence he is unfit for office
Sat Jul 20 12:11:16
Considering that tweet came less than 24 hours after Trump held a major rally for thousands of loyal real Americans...I'd say he's a pretty busy guy.
Sat Jul 20 12:16:18

You ever watch Boardwalk Empire? "You sit behind your desk all day, making phone calls. I'm out there in the fucking world"

Calling people/networking IS a major role for any high-ranking executive. That's why Trump is currently making a huge fortune by selling Joe the Boss's own heroin back to him, while you've just lost $100,000 and your job.
the wanderer
Sat Jul 20 12:22:14
rallies are entertainment for Trump... it's not like he prepares hard for them, watch them, he was talking about the Apprentice & Arnold Schwarzenegger at this last one... and again talking about how people he knew in the past, now call him up and call him "Sir"... very important stuff

and calling people to talk about how great he is is also entertainment for Trump, he doesn't need to be President, he'd do it anyway
Sat Jul 20 12:25:20

You're acting like charisma and an ability to naturally converse / speak in public are bad things.

I'm sure Obummer would spend hours with twenty staffers practicing every last syllable of his next speech. What I'm getting here is that you value pageantry and polished BS over everything else.
the wanderer
Sat Jul 20 13:09:17
you're acting like being able to entertain half-wits w/ self-praise, nonsense & lies is helpful & makes one worthy of being President
The Politician
Sun Jul 21 06:23:48
Its amazing how far people will go to defend Trump's grammar, misspellings, and basically the bastardization of the English language, but refuse to address the major issue that perpetuates false equivalencies (which Rugian ironically brought up in another thread), misinformation, bold face lies, and hypocrisies. I am sure Trump is proud to have such a blind follower.
the wanderer
Sun Jul 21 13:55:25
Miss Michigan has been stripped of crown over supposedly racist/islamophobic comments... plus she's a Trump supporter

so we have
- a beauty pageant contestant
- hating on muslims
- liking Trump

surely he will dive into & bathe in this story
the wanderer
Sun Jul 21 14:26:01
this one's kinda funny...

I don’t believe the four Congresswomen are capable of loving our Country. They should apologize to America (and Israel) for the horrible (hateful) things they have said. They are destroying the Democrat Party, but are weak & insecure people who can never destroy our great Nation!

for the "weak & insecure" part :p... Trump loves reusing insults of him... not sure how it remotely applies to the 4 women however

"you're the puppet!"
the wanderer
Sun Jul 21 22:11:11
Trump has not built a single mile of new border fence after 30 months in office

In a statement last week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the federal agency overseeing border barrier construction, confirmed that all the fencing completed since Trump took office is "in place of dilapidated designs" because the existing fence was in need of replacement.


i feel like Trump may be lying about the progress
the wanderer
Mon Jul 22 15:37:30
Trump recalling or making up a conversation w/ India's PM about a conflict w/ Pakistan:

"[India's PM Modi] actually said, 'Would you like to be a mediator or arbitrator?' I said 'Where?' He said, 'Kashmir.'"


"We have seen @POTUS's remarks to the press that he is ready to mediate, if requested by India & Pakistan, on Kashmir issue. No such request has been made by PM Modi to US President."
~ Raveesh Kumar, Official Spokesperson, Ministry of External Affairs, India


^illustration of the absurdity of having this thing as President... whether you care about this issue or not... now Trump -may- be the one telling the truth here, but there's absolutely no reason to think so... as with ALL things he says

the "actually said" thing strongly suggests Trump's the one lying... its the kind of words he uses when he's making something up on the spot

the complete absurdity continues
the wanderer
Tue Jul 23 16:26:57
"those numbers in California and many other states are rigged... you got people voting who shouldn't be voting... they vote many times" (w/ the 'put a new hat on' nonsense)
~lying piece of shit


i hope a reporter eventually asks him to explain what a voter roll is...
the wanderer
Fri Jul 26 01:59:20
a couple posts about R's selling their souls:

I am pleased to announce the House has passed our budget deal 284-149. Great for our Military and our Vets. A big thank you!

a spend spend spend deal... D's touting that it has increased non-military spending, R's touting that it has increased military spending... is that really the top spending priority for moron Trump supporters? how much is enough i wonder


Farmers are starting to do great again, after 15 years of a downward spiral. The 16 Billion Dollar China “replacement” money didn’t exactly hurt!

Trump celebrating the huge gov't handouts to farmers because of his tariff trade war
(that's a two-fer of things R's used to hate)
the wanderer
Fri Jul 26 12:09:02
France just put a digital tax on our great American technology companies. If anybody taxes them, it should be their home Country, the USA. We will announce a substantial reciprocal action on Macron’s foolishness shortly. I’ve always said American wine is better than French wine!

he has also always said he doesn't drink alcohol
the wanderer
Fri Jul 26 12:14:07
Fox News is at it again. So different from what they used to be during the 2016 Primaries, & before - Proud Warriors! Now new Fox Polls, which have always been terrible to me (they had me losing BIG to Crooked Hillary), have me down to Sleepy Joe.

'proud warriors' means defenders of Trump, he used the same type of term for the R's in Mueller hearing

and he's blaming Fox News for their poll results... so... he's asking them to fake them i guess? (he also blamed Glenfiddich Scotch for their poll results, leading to him boycotting their products)

so that's 2 requests for Fox to behave corruptly in his favor

have i mentioned this moron is unfit for office?
Fri Jul 26 12:14:21
puffery noun
puff·​ery | \ ˈpə-f(ə-)rē \
Definition of puffery
: exaggerated commendation especially for promotional purposes

By the way, even the anti-tariff WSJ thinks that Macron is out of his mind with this idea...kind of hard to disagree with the president on this one. Not that that will stop you from finding a way, I'm sure.
the wanderer
Fri Jul 26 12:18:42
now defend his repeated steering of Fox News
(Fri Jul 26 12:14:07)
the wanderer
Fri Jul 26 12:33:33
“Taken for Granted,” a wonderful new book by Gianno Caldwell on how Conservatism can win back the Americans that Liberalism failed, has my full Endorsement!

book not out til November... he heard about it where? guess? guess? while watching Fox

stupid people: oh, maybe he read an advance copy!

(not all of my complaints are equal here, just noting a fraction of his ridiculous unfit behavior & lies)
Fri Jul 26 13:53:02
Well Fox just hasn't been the same ever since Roger Ailes was forced out. You still have some good eggs there (Tucker, Hannity) but also a lot of garbage now.
Fri Jul 26 14:14:11
I have no room for libertarian cocks
the wanderer
Sat Jul 27 13:59:31
during Trump's continuous briefing by Fox News (they did a segment on Elijah Cummings' district):

Rep, Elijah Cummings has been a brutal bully, shouting and screaming at the great men & women of Border Patrol about conditions at the Southern Border, when actually his Baltimore district is FAR WORSE and more dangerous. His district is considered the Worst in the USA

As proven last week during a Congressional tour, the Border is clean, efficient & well run, just very crowded. Cumming District is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess. If he spent more time in Baltimore, maybe he could help clean up this very dangerous & filthy place

Why is so much money sent to the Elijah Cummings district when it is considered the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States. No human being would want to live there. Where is all this money going? How much is stolen? Investigate this corrupt mess immediately!

he's so good at bringing people together... & hurling criminal allegations without any evidence
Sat Jul 27 14:01:07
Everyone and their mother knows that Baltimore is, in fact, a shithole. Are we now to criticize the President of the United States for saying things that are true?
Sat Jul 27 14:16:18
BTW, here's a map Cummings' congressional district...very natural shape which was not at all determined by gerrymandering.


Corrupt shithole
the wanderer
Sat Jul 27 15:39:58
it's your side of the supreme court who upheld gerrymandering (w/ R's in control of more State legislatures) ... i know of no one who supports it

"No human being would want to live there."
i suspect this is NOT in fact a factual statement

i know nothing about his district... but WSJ says:

"The district has a median household income of around $61,000 and a poverty rate close to 17%, according to census data. Baltimore as a city has a median income of around $47,000 and 22% of residents live below the poverty line."

so perhaps "Worst in the USA" is also not a factual statement
the wanderer
Sat Jul 27 15:45:00
how about a tweet

"Hey Representative Cummings, as we both represent the subhuman rat companions living in your shithole district, how may I help you improve their lives?"

to show he wants to help
Sat Jul 27 16:05:40
"it's your side"

I dont have a side.

"it's your side of the supreme court who upheld gerrymandering (w/ R's in control of more State legislatures)"

The Supreme Court (appropriately) ruled that congressional districts are the purview of elected states legislatures, not unelected federal judges. Thats not the same thing as endorsing acts of gerrymandering abuses by those state legislatures.

I realize that understanding the role of both the federal judiciary specifically and the federal government generally within our national system is completely beyond the reach of most people on the left, but you should realize that not every non-ideal situation is solved by handing more power to federal courts.

"i suspect this is NOT in fact a factual statement"

Its basic hyperbole meant to drive home the fact that significant parts of Baltimore are complete shitholes. Or do you think that people who live in ghettos LIKE living there?

Sat Jul 27 16:06:50
"as we both represent the subhuman rat companions"

Oh for fucks sake. I hope you're smart enough to not fall for the media's ridiculous racism claims on this one.
the wanderer
Sat Jul 27 16:11:18
the point being you won't win any fight claiming D's are gerrymandering more than R's

as to his tweets, you feel this was presidential behavior that is helpful to the country somehow?

he's an ignorant child who watches Fox News all day w/ favorite shows being the ones w/ sensational outrage stories (why he jumped into the horror of kneeling football players, & basically anything he shows interest in)
State Department
Sat Jul 27 22:27:44
"Cumming District is a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess."

Baltimore is infested with rats, rodents, and frankly, animals.
Sun Jul 28 07:31:49
"the point being you won't win any fight claiming D's are gerrymandering more than R's"

Where did I say they were? Hell, based on media coverage of the subject, youd think it's almost exclusively a North Carolina problem. That wasn't my point.

"as to his tweets, you feel this was presidential behavior that is helpful to the country somehow?"

I dunno. Is Cummings' witchhunt against the president helpful to the country at all?

"he's an ignorant child who watches...news...all day"

Sun Jul 28 07:35:26
"Speaking of failing badly, has anyone seen what is happening to Nancy Pelosi’s district in San Francisco. It is not even recognizeable lately. Something must be done before it is too late. The Dems should stop wasting time on the Witch Hunt Hoax and start focusing on our Country!"

I suppose this is the point where CNN pundits accuse the president of misogyny against Pelosi and homophobia against SF. Or maybe, just maybe, they realize that theres no racial animus in the presidents comments, he just tends to go against the opponents that yell about him the loudest.



Hahahahahaha. Yeah not likely.
the wanderer
Sun Jul 28 10:28:16
"Is Cummings' witchhunt against the president helpful to the country at all"

Cummings was criticizing the conditions at the border, is that a witch-hunt now too? there have clearly been failings
the wanderer
Sun Jul 28 13:00:42
here's a decent piece by Brian Stelter (who i know R's hate) but ignore his opinion of racism... he shows how a much more fair portrait of the district to viewers, plus shows the Fox News segment so you see how Trump gets his info... from a right-wing blogger


Fox News is garbage, Trump is garbage
Trolly McDick
Sun Jul 28 15:16:57
It's a witch hunt because Trump is being criticized. Rugina can't stand that
Sun Jul 28 17:38:34
Trump must have gotten his information on Baltimore from his son in law Kushner. Who apparently owns a goodly number of rat infested section 8 housing units in Baltimore.
the wanderer
Sun Jul 28 22:18:08
yeah, i'm guessing Kushner not appreciating all the slumlord articles popping up
the wanderer
Mon Jul 29 09:59:29
so Trump is now calling Elijah Cummings, "King Elijah"... and racist... & has retweeted a British woman calling Baltimore a shithole (w/ video of some blacks attacking a white guy)... & is calling Al Sharpton a conman who "Hates Whites & Cops!" & pretending he only reluctantly went to Al's events after Al pleaded w/ him to go...

and saying "When the leaders of Baltimore want to see the City rise again, I am in a very beautiful oval shaped office waiting for your call!"

yep... Elijah is the one pretending to be King, and Al is the conman...
(well Al may be a conman, but Trump much more so :p)

the complete absurdity continues
the wanderer
Mon Jul 29 19:03:46
Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith is doing a GREAT JOB for the people of Mississippi and fully supports our #MAGA Agenda. Cindy is tough on Crime, Strong on the Border and Illegal Immigration. She loves our Military and our Vets and protects our Second Amendment. Cindy has my Full and Total Endorsement! #MAGA

~60th person... i may have to try to count them again

what's weird is it's not a copy/paste... yet clearly 'strong on crime/border/2ndAmendment; loves military/vets' is written somewhere... so does the idiot typing it think he's fooling someone by writing it slightly differently?
the wanderer
Tue Jul 30 17:41:13
(in case anyone disagrees w/ Trump being a psychopath in other thread)

The twenty traits assessed by the Hare Pychopathy Checklist-Revised are:

- glib and superficial charm [yup]
- grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self [off the charts]
- need for stimulation [yup]
- pathological lying [off the charts]
- cunning and manipulativeness [yup]
- lack of remorse or guilt [yup]
- shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness) [yup]
- callousness and lack of empathy [yup]
- parasitic lifestyle [yup, even tho rich, still prefers using others money + so used to servants, can't close an umbrella]
- poor behavioral controls [yup]
- sexual promiscuity [yup]
- early behavior problems [yup, sent to military school because of it]
- lack of realistic long-term goals [i dunno]
- impulsivity [yup]
- irresponsibility [yup]
- failure to accept responsibility for own actions [yup]
- many short-term marital relationships [yup]
- juvenile delinquency [dunno, wouldn't be shocking]
- revocation of conditional release [N/A, afaik]
- criminal versatility [yup]

A score of 30 or above qualifies a person for a diagnosis of psychopathy.

(0-2 points per category, 40 point maximum score... Trump's probably a 35ish)
the wanderer
Tue Jul 30 17:58:31
also of note

"People with no criminal backgrounds normally score around 5. Many non-psychopathic criminal offenders score around 22."

be as generous as you want, he's not going to be near only a 5
Tue Jul 30 17:58:40
"Psychopaths are assertive. Psychopaths don’t procrastinate. Psychopaths tend to focus on the positive. Psychopaths don’t take things personally; they don’t beat themselves up if things go wrong, even if they’re to blame. And they’re pretty cool under pressure. Those kinds of characteristics aren’t just important in the business arena, but also in everyday life."

That is from an article on the Smithsonian site. If President Trump is a psychopath that might actually be a good thing given the position he holds.
the wanderer
Tue Jul 30 18:14:16
you're copy/pasting the positive aspects paragraph

i could live without the pathological lying, myself... and lying doesn't really cover it as he'd have to learn the truth first which he has no interest in, he's happy to state whatever his mind comes up with as fact

plus it's not like being a psychopath is his only problem... his behavior is that of a child pretty much across the board

& sadly that still doesn't cover it
Tue Jul 30 18:24:02
I'm pointing out that the Hollywood version of a Psychopath that you believe President Trump to be isn't always the case.
Psychopath is a clinical term for a certain mental condition. The condition doesn't designate good nor evil just certain traits that can be a help or a hindrance depending on the individual.
the wanderer
Tue Jul 30 18:54:52
i didn't mention a hollywood version, i gave a clinical checklist, and those traits aren't super positive

i'm not saying Trump is evil... he's just a terrible person in every aspect of character, utterly repulsive to anyone valuing intellect & honesty, & completely unfit for office
the wanderer
Wed Jul 31 11:32:01
Such a great victory in court yesterday on the Russian Hoax, the greatest political scam in the history of our Country. TREASON! Hopefully, the Attorney Generel of the United States, and all of those working with him, will find out, in great detail, what happened. NEVER AGAIN!!!!

add 'General' to the list of words he can't spell... and another idiotic claim of Treason...

again, this is from the President
the wanderer
Thu Aug 01 01:15:18
Trump's Tower of criminals (twitter thread)


i haven't fact-checked as it would take a long time as there are sooo many... but several i knew of, so have no reason to doubt the rest
the wanderer
Thu Aug 01 11:07:57
the wanderer
Thu Aug 01 16:00:56
Trump doesn't believe Russia will continue to interfere in elections
his intel community disagrees, but i'm sure his gut has better info... the traitor continues to defend Russia as he has done basically continuously
the wanderer
Fri Aug 02 11:59:00
"Really bad news! The Baltimore house of Elijah Cummings was robbed. Too bad!"
~the same organism who said:

"With the exception of the late, great Abraham Lincoln, I can be more presidential than any president that's held this office."
Anarchist Prime
Fri Aug 02 12:07:45
"his intel community disagrees, but i'm sure his gut has better info... the traitor continues to defend Russia as he has done basically continuously"

well,the rooskies do have THE pee pee tape of all pee pee tapes
the wanderer
Fri Aug 02 12:13:34
are you suggesting he hasn't completely abandoned his duty to protect the country, or just making a joke w/o a point?

for over a year he countered the intel community trying to suggest Russia innocent, and it's never really stopped (his Helsinki 'correction' was total bullshit, provably)


and here's a deranged violent Trump fan:
Anarchist Prime
Fri Aug 02 12:29:52
"are you suggesting he hasn't completely abandoned his duty to protect the country, or just making a joke w/o a point?"


if he's a rooskie asset as you and maddow,mench and arquette claim,then it's a sad country you live in.
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