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Utopia Talk / Politics / Another Trump friend arrested
the wanderer
Sat Jul 06 21:42:18
Billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was arrested for allegedly sex trafficking dozens of minors in New York and Florida between 2002 and 2005, and will appear in court in New York on Monday, according to three law enforcement sources. The arrest, by the FBI-NYPD Crimes Against Children Task Force, comes about 12 years after the 66-year-old financier essentially got a slap on the wrist for allegedly molesting dozens of underage girls in Florida.

lengthy article:

Trump's on record knowing this guy liked them unusually young... if he can be implicated in this thing it'd be the start of the comeuppance we've all been waiting for... dare to dream

...and yes I know Bill Clinton knows this guy too
Sat Jul 06 21:50:37
haha, tw is willing to give up bill clinton if it might mean trump can get in trouble for... knowing... a rich friend of his likes younger women.
the wanderer
Sat Jul 06 22:06:06
no, the knowing is evidence he could be involved

+ Trump is known to sexually assault & rape women

+ Trump admitted going into his beauty pageant dressing rooms to gawk w/ at least one teen saying he did so at the teen pageants

+ Trump is a primitive mentally-ill amoral child & putting his dick in any women has been one of his limited interests in life

there's reason to be hopeful
Sat Jul 06 22:35:09
"+ Trump is known to sexually assault & rape women"

False from the first fucking statement you make.

Stick to memorizing Trumps golf cart driving habits. You're not competent to do any better in the analysis field.
the wanderer
Sat Jul 06 22:45:23
he admitted to the behavior + ~20 women have said he did it... including his wife

plus given how doubleplus full of himself he is, not surprising he would assume all women would love being groped by him
Sat Jul 06 22:48:40
He admitted to raping women? How completely full of shit are you?
Sat Jul 06 23:17:44
i don't blame tw, i blame the fake news he reads on the daily to have slowly convinced him that trumper has admitted to raping women, including his wife.
the wanderer
Sat Jul 06 23:34:53
he admitted to the sexual assault behavior... i'm sorry i have to spell things out

"I better use some Tic-Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful [mumbling on tic-tac] I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything."

i'm sure everyone says that when pulling out tic-tacs... and it would be soooo bizarre for a man of such high moral character to ever actually do those things

plus there's the ~20 women saying he did it... including his latest rape victim who had 2 people she told at the time corroborate, and all credible people, not crack-whores... including noting odd behavior like the victim laughing while telling one friend, not a detail you'd add to a fake story probably (though believable for a true story by someone just through a traumatic event)

however, believe whatever you want about the piece of garbage... not sure how you find redeeming qualities, but obviously as a successful conman, he must have some skill in deceiving various people like yourselves
the wanderer
Sun Jul 07 00:05:16
he took advantage of people w/ his fake university, and took advantage of charity money, and takes advantage of investors w/ his fraud towers... but no, he'd never take advantage of women...

however, Bill Cosby... sure, he'd do it
Sun Jul 07 08:25:06
”Girls aged 14 to 17 years old were recruited and paid $200 to $1,000 to give Epstein erotic massages that included sexual contact, intercourse and rape, Palm Beach cops found.”


"I've known Jeff for fifteen years," Trump said. "Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."


Wow. Trump is basically admitting to that it is fun to be with his friend and rape young girls.

Sun Jul 07 08:52:29
And then we have all the other women, independent from each other, who has came forward and accused Trump of raping and/or groping them. Most recently E. Jean Carroll.

It sure looks like Trump might be a serial rapist. And a serial liar.
the wanderer
Sun Jul 07 11:41:27
Epstein claimed he wanted to set up his modeling agency like Trump had set up his.

...and Epstein's purpose was sex trafficking so...


and in Epstein's phone book

"Epstein created a number of other odd categories, including one called "Jeffrey." There were dozens of names in the Jeffrey category, including Ehud Barak, Alan Dershowitz, then–Senator John Kerry, former senator and lobbyist George Mitchell, powerhouse DC lobbyist Thomas Quinn, and David Rockefeller.

Trump was also listed in this section. Under his name were 14 phone numbers, including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman."

maybe that's his list of 'johns'... i know Dershowitz has been accused


insinuations galore! ...may the lords of karma finally wake up & smack down this piece of shit (& any other pieces of shit, but mostly the king of shit)
Sun Jul 07 12:15:40
Trump raped his wife and admitted it - tw
Sun Jul 07 13:28:30
I'd place a more likely than not odds on Trump not only having raped a woman, but had sex with (and thus raped) underaged women.
Sun Jul 07 17:09:51
"+ Trump is known to sexually assault & rape women"

"he admitted to the sexual assault behavior... i'm sorry i have to spell things out"

Can you honestly not see the difference in the two statements?

I'm guessing probably not, that is how delusional and obsessed you have become.

" And when you're a star, they let you do it."

Know what that means?
the wanderer
Sun Jul 07 18:02:22
"Can you honestly not see the difference in the two statements?"

he is known to sexually assault & rape women based on evidence, where does this statement require his admission? ... although he did admit the first part

"Know what that means?"

yes, that the piece of shit assumes they wanted it as he thinks he is the greatest man to ever walk the earth... only a total idiot would assume it's impossible that he was wrong occasionally
Sun Jul 07 22:07:39
yeah I didn't think so. Should have known better than to even ask.

Your obsession isn't healthy ya know. You might wanna get some help.
Sun Jul 07 22:11:27
seriously, i dont think tw has gone a day since trump was elected without posting something about trump and about how trump is about to be arrested for something. he legit should see a therapist and hear from a professional that he is obsessed and it ain't healthy or productive.
Sun Jul 07 22:13:38
the sobering wake up call for tw will be when he realizes he is behaving exactly like HR behaved during the obama years. the only difference is tw is, presumably, a healthy 30 something year old and not a crippled old man confined to a wheel chair alone in his house with only the internet to keep him company.
the wanderer
Sun Jul 07 22:55:58
it's a total mystery why people think Trump sexually assaulted & raped women

it's a total mystery why people think Trump committed obstruction of justice

it's a total mystery why people think Trump was involved in the illegal payoffs of his mistresses

it's a total mystery why people think Trump engages in fraudulent business practices

it's not clear at all that Putin preferred Trump over Hillary

Trump's behavior is completely normal for an adult & totally acceptable for a President & his level of honesty is no different than any other politician

...according to Trump supporters

downright scary
Mon Jul 08 00:53:09
"exactly like HR behaved during the obama years."

I'd say a noted difference is the actual arrests, vs. wanton rumor mongering and straight up falsehoods.
Mon Jul 08 02:11:37
that isn't a very good note. everyone who has gone to jail has been people tangential to trump. and thats entirely due to the main stream media cumming everytime there is someone going to jail who met trump at some point. trump is president. he isn't dirty. get used to it.
Mon Jul 08 02:15:41
I guess being a probable child rapist counts in the "not dirty" column. Who are you, Fred?
Mon Jul 08 17:24:06
I'm betting that if convicted, a lot of people are going to be receiving a lot of money to protect this 'Skinner' while he's incarcerated.
Sam Adams
Mon Jul 08 19:36:01
Did clinton really fly on his jet 26 times?
Sam Adams
Mon Jul 08 19:55:13
News is going to have a field day. A billionaire pedo with ties to 2 presidents and a bunch of famous folks?

Popcorn supplies should be replenished.
the wanderer
Mon Jul 08 20:04:56
I believe the 26 comes from flight logs which are one entry being airport to airport so not really 26 trips. (One trip was a 5-legger for example)

but yeah

I'm willing to sacrifice any number of people to take out the fraud god...
Mon Jul 08 20:15:02
Not a single person who flew on the Lolita Express returned a second time to slaughter the population of the island with an assault rifle, so go down the manifest and put a round in every dome.
Mon Jul 08 20:55:16
So with his eastern European ties and modeling agency, this reminds me of a punisher max story.
Wed Jul 10 13:28:28
Duuuuuur remember when duuuuur I admitted duuuur I raped duuur a girl duuuuur
Wed Jul 10 19:20:50
yeah, this guy seems like a comic book villain.
the wanderer
Wed Jul 10 22:10:14
"Liberal media makes desperate attempt to link President Trump with Jeffrey Epstein"
~ Hannity banner

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with."
~ Trump

wasn't too hard


also we have this disturbing anecdote...

Trump in 1992 directed Florida businessman George Houraney—who would later accuse Trump of sexually harassing his former girlfriend and business partner, Jill Harth—to organize a members’ only “calendar girl” competition at Mar-a-Lago. After Houraney “arranged to have some contestants fly in,” he told the Times in an interview Monday, he discovered that there would be only two attendees. “At the very first party, I said, ‘Who’s coming tonight? I have 28 girls coming.’ It was him and Epstein,” Houraney recalled. “I said, ‘Donald, this is supposed to be a party with V.I.P.s. You’re telling me it’s you and Epstein?’”
Wed Jul 10 23:22:03
Rich guy arranges "party" to be surrounded by women


the wanderer
Thu Jul 11 01:31:18
having 28 girls brought over as a competition just to ogle (& assault?*) them w/ his ephebophile friend? yes, a bit creepy

*"I don't even wait"
the wanderer
Fri Jul 12 14:19:39
Acosta has left the Trump admin... he's the guy who gave Epstein the nice deal & granted immunity to all of Epstein's associates for no apparent reason

bring on yet another unvetted 'acting' white individual for this administration

we have an acting:
-White House Chief of Staff
-Labor secretary
-Defense secretary
-Homeland Security secretary
-U.N. ambassador
and acting heads of:
-Consumer Product Safety Commission
-U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
-Office of Personnel Management
and whatever Ivanka is acting like today
Fri Jul 12 14:49:41
"he's the guy who gave Epstein the nice deal"

I think you're confusing Acosta with Cyrus Vance. Acosta was the one who successfully prosecuted Epstein after the state of Florida tried to drop charges against him altogether. Also, if by "sweet deal" you mean the plea deal that was entered, then I guess 97% of all federal prosecutions end in "sweet deals."

In the end, Acosta is another victim of a media mafia hit job...sad but not surprising.
the wanderer
Fri Jul 12 14:59:18
no, i meant Acosta

but in Vance's wikipedia: "In October 2018, several news organizations reported that Vance and his office were under investigation for allegedly refusing to prosecute the adult children of Donald Trump following reports of improprieties in real estate transactions"

so i'm fine smearing him too... i know Fox News is working over time to find anyone else to blame... they even pulled in Mueller for being head of FBI at the time as if he would've been involved in the plea agreement
Fri Jul 12 15:21:37
If you think I'm going to stick up for the guy who's prosecuting Manafort because "Orange Man might pardon him reeeeeeeee," you are mistaken.

Basically, this story was manufactured by the same press corp that spent two years trying to convince us that POTUS colluded with the Russians. Trump should know better than to acquiesce to their peer pressure campaigns by now.
the wanderer
Fri Jul 12 15:32:25
Instead of being sent to state prison as are the majority of sex offenders convicted in Florida, Epstein was housed in a private wing of the Palm Beach County Jail. He was able to hire his own security detail and was allowed "work release" to his downtown office for up to 12 hours a day six days a week. He served 13 months before being released for a year of probation.

12 hrs a day at his 'office'... the billionaire head of his own company... his 'office' most likely nicer than anywhere i've ever lived... then to a private wing of a county jail instead of prison

doubtful that resembles anyone else's work release experience for those 97%

plus mysterious immunity to co-conspirators

Acosta's deal
Fri Jul 12 15:48:51
Did the leftist loser that edited that article also note that Epstein agreed to turn informant for the feds and subsequently became a key witness in the government's prosecution of Bear Sterns executives?

The work release deal was agreed by the Palm Beach sheriff's department...not Acosta.

As for the more general revelation that a billionaire with major connections was able to get a lighter sentence than a typical Florida methhead would have..well, welcome to America.
the wanderer
Fri Jul 12 17:29:30
giving rich people light sentences w/ cushy terms isn't mandatory, when a prosecutor does it he should be criticized... especially w/ a vile criminal such as Trump's long-time friend Epstein
Sam Adams
Sat Jul 13 00:47:23
"giving rich people light sentences "

One of sebs ghetto migrants can break into 16 homes before they get more than a slap on the wrist. Lets not pretend soft prison sentences are just for the rich in todays soft pro-criminal justice system.
the wanderer
Wed Jul 24 22:33:32
Accused pedophile and wealthy Manhattan financier Jeffrey Epstein was found injured and in a fetal position inside his cell at a New York City jail, according to sources close to the investigation.

Epstein, who is being held in Metropolitan Correctional Center during his trial for conspiracy and sex trafficking, was found semi-conscious with marks on his neck, two sources told News 4. Investigators are trying to piece together exactly what happened, saying details remain murky.

Two sources tell News 4 that Epstein may have tried to hang himself, while a third source cautioned that the injuries were not serious and questioned if Epstein might be using it as a way to get a transfer.

A fourth source said an assault has not been ruled out, and that another inmate was questioned.

so serial killer Hillary at it again?
Anarchist Prime
Thu Jul 25 09:47:17
Thu Jul 25 13:07:35
"Jeffrey Epstein’s Jailhouse Injury Leads To #ClintonBodyCount Trending on Twitter"

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