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Utopia Talk / Politics / Game of thrones:The Audition
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ | Sun May 12 19:54:33 Forces have arrived at Kings Landing for the final battle. 80 mins of intense pointless battle that will end because only one person (Cersai) has to die and the entire evil army folds. Why the fuck would Cersai surrerender to tyrion? She's winning and Tyrion offered nothing. Will we get one last Hot Pie cameo? Why doesn't Bran worg into a bunch of crows and peck Cersai to death? Most importantly will "The Watchmen" live up to the hype? |
Member | Sun May 12 19:59:22 Any nudity? |
Member | Sun May 12 19:59:59 Alright, let’s fuckin do this thing live |
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ | Sun May 12 20:04:39 no nudity listed. Ohh and this Vary's bullshit is just that something for his character to do. |
Member | Sun May 12 20:13:31 She’s gonna fuck them up, all of them |
Member | Sun May 12 20:55:28 What a magnificent shitshow |
Member | Sun May 12 21:23:57 Not even magnificent. This feels tedious. I almost regret spending 80 minutes watching this. |
Member | Sun May 12 21:27:48 I feel like I've made too many critical comments about this show recently, so I'll try and be nice here. The score was on point, as usual. |
Member | Sun May 12 22:56:58 Eh, I am surprised you guys are being so negative. Varys has always stated he doesn't back a specific leader, he backs the right leader. He thought it was Dany and then she stopped listening to his advice and started killing POWs. Now he sees Jon and realizes Jon is a better person and would show mercy and not need to be reigned in whenever he gets mad or upset. Dany has always shown she is ruthless but she tempered that with mercy. Varys saw that once she left mercy she would be ruthless, and now we saw what Dany going full ruthless is. She just punishes in the name of destiny and protecting future generations from bad rulers. Also, Cleganebowl was somewhat underwhelming. I know the hound said he would die, which in film speak means he will die, but i still held out hope he would use a nearby torch to show he overcame his fear of fire and his brother, and lived to tell the tale. But oh well. It was convenient Jaime picked up a random sword just in time to run into big dick Euron. Otherwise he would've been screwed in that death match. Also that fight was surprisingly long, no wonder both characters are gassed by the end of it. Jaime should've used his metal hand to smash Euron's face in. Oh well. Dany using Top Gun techniques of disappearing into the sun to get an advantage over the iron born fleet was a nice touch that made sense. The long takes with Arya trying to navigate through the massive terror attack were great. I thought maybe Arya would be one of the tens of thousands killed in a random fire blast by Dany, thus they would find her body (some random valyrian dagger attached to a burned body of a small girl) that would spur Jon into wanting Dany dead. But nah, I think Dany is now on Arya's list and Jon is definitely going to be on board, albeit reluctantly. |
the wanderer | Sun May 12 22:59:54 the whole point of the scorpions was to defend vs the dragon, & the fleet was theoretically on guard, & there was no real surprise except sorta using the sun i guess... so that all seemed kinda silly going in on a cloudy night to burn the fleet would've made sense but perhaps not good TV... especially as they already had a darkness episode anyway, i guess Daenarys won't be ruling :p |
Renzo Marquez
Member | Sun May 12 23:01:51 http://twitter.com/mirthismight/status/1127773641733758977 |
Member | Sun May 12 23:11:46 that is actually really funny renzo |
Member | Sun May 12 23:20:44 You shouldn't be surprised, mt. It's been a fairly shit season so far. If you weren't so far up your own asshole trying to defend anything cinema, you'd recognize that the story telling in this season is well below the quality we've seen in seasons past. It almost feels like the show is still trying to pull off Red Wedding levels of fan agitation but for no other reason than "fuck you, that's why!" So, yeah. fuck it. |
Renzo Marquez
Member | Sun May 12 23:27:00 Been downhill since season 4 ended. |
the wanderer | Sun May 12 23:31:33 not sure the ground forces had any relevance... the dragon took out its only threats on its own & was then unstoppable |
Member | Sun May 12 23:48:32 Yeah, Drogon definitely got some upgrades to his firepower. Motherfucker was melting steel beams by the end there. It's really hard to defend this one. Dany going Mad Queen was certainly a viable option and shes certainly had some bad impulses throughout the series, but she went from 0 to 100 in the course of like two episodes. It was jarring to say the least. I saw people saying that it would have made more sense for her other dragon to die this episode during the attack on KL, and that becomes the straw that breaks the camel's back and causes her to go mad...and yeah, that totally would have been better. Fucking D&D |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun May 12 23:52:19 "I think Dany is now on Arya's list" Totes McGotes. If that wasn't motivation to God of Death someone, I don't know what is ;) .. [tw]: "the whole point of the scorpions was to defend vs the dragon, & the fleet was theoretically on guard, & there was no real surprise except sorta using the sun i guess... so that all seemed kinda silly" I figured she'd be *okay* against the fleet, but wow, that was unstoppable. None of them even had time to reposition for shots. This *was* the biggest of the dragons, but I definitely thought that Danny would lose her dragon and get caught in the open to Cersei's overall advantage. Bad call — oops :p That also changed the outcome for Jaime. Instead of Cersei looking like the bad guy, Danny takes all of the public perception heat, so Jaime just got to die in love. Also a turn that Arya decided against vengeance. I kept expecting her to pop out when Cersei got to Maegor's Holdfast, but nope. I guess it's kind of nice that someone as lovable as Cersei got a romantic ending ;) .. When she first started torching peasants I was like, "Okay, you torched a couple of peasants, that's out of your system. You can apologize later." But then she just. Kept. *Going*... D: ... How do they even talk to Danny after that? "Hey, umm.. you okay now? We'd like to talk to you about.. umm... you murdering 90% of King's Landing after all of the ground forces surrendered. Some of us felt that that was... too much... do you.. sort of agree.. a little?" ?? D: ?? I also wasn't expecting Varys' death. That should have been the last sign that Danny was about to turn loose. Varys was supposed to be her fail-safe/conscience, but she killed him just for planning to tell of Jon's lineage... (Cold-blooded! ♫ You're so hot, you burn me out ... don't be so cold blooded ♫) ;p ... so I guess it's not good to advise someone if she knows that you'll turn on her if she misbehaves... kind of paints a target on you when she plans to misbehave ;D .. [hood]: "but for no other reason than "fuck you, that's why!"" I've said as much a bunch of times in the past (mostly season 6 threads, I think), but the escalation of plot events is all about production costs. These actors have all become established, so they expect larger paychecks from the show. The actors also face a lot of demand from other studios/productions which means limited filming schedule flexibility (they have to be paid more to get them to set, and the producers have to limit their scenes to accommodate more difficult filming schedules). The production also loses tax cuts because filming locations know that they can bleed an established production. This all means that the producers have to pay a *lot* to keep the show afloat, and the returns keep diminishing. So they *had* to cut the show short — not because they want a bloodbath but because they can't herd these stray cats (actors) forever. If they tried to stretch it out with slower pacing, we'd see a lot more actors replaced than just Daario Naharis. That's why I think a show like this needs to get really long-standing contracts that prevent renegotiation and keep actors from growing out of their roles if they become too famous ;p .. [tw]: "not sure the ground forces had any relevance.." It did!... Until Danny ignored the bells XD |
Member | Mon May 13 00:13:11 It's not cutting it short, it's the storytelling that's been so awful. Making Gregor actually invincible was dumb. Having Jaime and Cersei die to a damn cave-in was dumb. Dany nuking the city because "westeros doesn't love her" and Jon wasn't down with incest was dumb. Euron is just always dumb, but his battle with Jaime felt pointlessly dumb (while obnoxiously in character, I literally asked myself "why?" multiple times during that fight). If it was just that they had to limit screen time for a bunch of actors, ok sure. Skip around (the massive teleports in the last episode were fine), make things quick. But make it not dumb. At least tell me a good to decent story while you're cliffnoting, not this half-assed bullshit. There were better ways of turning Dany into the bad guy so that the Starks could finally win. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon May 13 01:02:57 "Making Gregor actually invincible was dumb." That was established a couple seasons ago :/ .. "Having Jaime and Cersei die to a damn cave-in was dumb." I thought it was nice. They didn't get gored to death and got to go out on their own terms — together. ♥4evar The writers also pointed out that Jaime always wanted to die "in the arms of the woman [he loves]" and that the twins came to life and died together. .. "Dany nuking the city because "westeros doesn't love her" and Jon wasn't down with incest was dumb." That was not her motivation though... Through her entire story in the series she always had advisors protecting her from her baser impulses (her love of death and punishment on her road to retaking Westeros), and each of her advisors were taken away from her. She lost Jorah, her great protector whose love for her was unconditional; then sees her best friend, Missandei, killed in front of her, with Missandei's final request being that Danny burn the shit out of everything. Then, Jon refuses to love her for more than her position and Jon's oath to her, meaning that she has no connection to Westeros. Then, one of her closest advisors and a symbol of her conscience, Varys, betrays her in favor of Jon while seeds have been planted for Sansa to usurp her via Jon. Lastly, the only person she has left — Tyrion — becomes ineffective and too afraid to challenge her, leaving her with a dragon and an army commanded by Greyworm, who also wants to burn everything to the ground. She is left completely alone, doubting herself and feeling all of her work slipping away. She hears the bells and knows that a peaceful transition will mean that Jon will take the throne and she will sit in the shadows because that's the tradition. She sees the Red Keep in the distance: as per the writers, the castle that her family built 300 years before but which was taken from them (as it's about to be taken from her again), leaving her to rebuild her life from scratch. It's close but impossible for her to grasp as is, so all of the disappointment that's been bubbling under the surface of her for the entire season finally rages to the surface and she becomes the person that everyone knew was underneath the surface, fucks everything up and lets everyone know that she's the one who grabs the sun! ;D ... makes sense to me. .. "[Euron's] battle with Jaime felt pointlessly dumb" I'll agree on that point. Euron should have just died at sea. The fight didn't even have an effect, because Jaime's wounds didn't matter to the rest of his life. |
Member | Mon May 13 10:17:16 As Benioff explained in GoT's "Inside the Episode" featurette, we saw this side of Dany all the way back in season one. "Even when you look back to season one, when Kahl Drogo gives the golden crown to Viserys and her reaction to watching her brother's head melted off, he was a terrible brother -- so I don't think anyone out there was crying when Viserys died -- but there is something chilling about the way Dany has responded to the death of her enemies," he reasoned. "And if circumstances had been different, I don't think this side of Dany ever would have come out. If Cersei hadn't betrayed her, if Cersei hadn't executed Missandei, if Jon hadn't told her the truth -- if all these things had happened in any different way, then I don't think we'd be seeing this side of Daenerys Targaryen," he added. The beginning of the episode especially set the stage for what was to come. "Dany's an incredibly strong person. She's also someone who has had really close friendships and close advisors for her entire run of this show. You look at those people who have been closest to her for such a long time, and almost all of them have either turned on her or died, and she's very much alone," Benioff recapped. "And that's a dangerous thing for someone who's got so much power, to feel that isolated. So at the very time when she needs guidance and those kind of close friendships the most, everyone's gone." "Jon Snow is someone that she's fallen in love with," he noted, referencing the character's pulling away from Dany ahead of the war. "And as far as she's concerned by this point, Jon has betrayed her by telling people about his true identity, and also the fact that he's unable to return her affections at this point." "I think that when she says, 'Let it be fear,' she's resigning herself to the fact that she may have to get things done in a way that isn't pleasant, and she may have to get things done in a way that is horrible to lots of people," Weiss explained, as Benioff confirmed Dany "chose violence." According to Weiss, however, Dany didn't decide upon total and utter destruction until those bells were rung. "I don't think she decided ahead of time that she was going to do what she did. And then she sees the Red Keep, which is, to her, the home that her family built when they first came over to this country 300 years ago," he said. "It's in that moment on the walls of King's Landing, when she's looking at that symbol of everything that was taken from her, when she makes the decision to make this personal." |
the wanderer | Mon May 13 11:29:25 maybe they had Jaime kill 'bad guy' Euron to make it clear he was not messing up his redemption story... just has the fatal flaw of devotion to an evil sister |
Member | Mon May 13 11:41:27 So who kills Dany? Jon or Arya? And Grey worm? |
Member | Mon May 13 11:46:48 Tyrion gets Dany!? |
Member | Mon May 13 11:48:34 Or: Dany becomes dragon queen and rules via terror. We then see everything snap back to Bran's eyes as he and Jon are about to tell Sansa/Arya about Jonaegon and they don't. And we live happily ever after. |
the wanderer | Mon May 13 11:53:13 Arya led that woman & child to their deaths... time to go to Hot Pie's tavern & become a depressed alcoholic |
Member | Mon May 13 12:13:37 I enjoyed this episode. Euron should have died at sea though. The fight between Euron and Jamie was just dumb. And what’s up with that Gregor guy, a.k.a Darth Vader. He got a fking knife through his brain and he’s still standing up and tries to pull out the knife. I swear he survived the fall also. Arya didn’t do a lot in this episode. She just ran around like a child and got dirty. And Jon Snow..rofl. He shouts at his men to stop fighting while he himself is swinging his sword and stabs a pow in the belly. If Jon really loved his queen he would go all in, like her. I liked how slow they were with the Scorpions this time. There was like a hundred of them but we only saw like three or four shots at the dragon. I enjoyed how Danearys razed the entire city and killed everyone. I hope she will be able to continue like that. If I were her I would now burn and slaughter the entire continent. |
Member | Mon May 13 12:46:29 I believe the point for Arya was to feel the helplessness she did in season 1/2. She's been so focused on revenge that she forgot that the thing that killed her father was a mad tyrant. |
the wanderer | Mon May 13 12:52:44 Arya is done killing mains Jon kills Daenarys, the dragon eats Jon then flies away or Daenarys kills everyone & moves people over from the East where she was loved |
State Department
Member | Mon May 13 17:19:23 Agreed on Queenslayer Jon. Something has to be done with Drogon though. With all the obvious anti-dragon weapons gone (scorpions and maybe wildfire), he's free to burn everything everywhere. I think maybe Bran pulls off his greatest warg yet. |
the wanderer | Mon May 13 20:20:55 Tyrion killing her would be fitting too... to take up Jaime's mantle of kingslayer, and for betraying Varys |
Member | Mon May 13 20:38:50 Props to the tallest living Lannister |
Member | Mon May 13 21:52:42 From r/freefolk: "Euron died the way he lived. Magically transported to a hugely improbable location just for the sake of causing strife for a plot-relevant character." |
Member | Tue May 14 05:23:13 Tyrion will be kinslayer and kingslayer? |
Member | Tue May 14 06:52:53 It occurs to me Tyrion might now have a claim on the iron throne via the Boratheon dynasty as last surviving sybling of Cercie. Not that this is really how such things work. Re the plot points - I don't think they are that dumb. The story was always heading here. It's a tragedy about power and corruption and character and fate; with a meta twist of "fuck you audience for wanting to believe in heros and placing your faith in flawed beings". Danaerys was never going to be a just ruler. Her apparent goodness of character stood out from the flawed characters of the others, but in the last three seasons we've seen her act brutally. What's mishandled is the scaffolding that allows plot and charter evolution to feel natural and even inevitable. I think the thread hitting 100 ate my post on how I don't think the pacing can be any different from how it is now. The crucial decision was to have all the kings landing cast wiped out inthe sept last season. GoT relied on its multi stranded plots and characters to give a sense of passage of time, place and evolution to plot and character development. Once pared back - CC is probably correct this is likely driven by costs - the shows producers can't really recreate that without boring padding material. Do we really want a couple of episodes with Danny slowly succumming to paranoia? What is everyone else doing in this time? Hanging around dragonstone? Why? And what are the events that reveal this inner descent? Truth be told we have been shown motivations for Daenerys descent into savagery: *The loss of her various aides and thus connection to ordinary people *The growing realisation that she's not got the love of the people so must cost between ruling with fear or not ruling and being forced to accept reclaiming a land she never knew is more important to her than justice and freedom. *The death of the two people who were closest to her personally, and the rejection of the third (Jon) The problem here isn't the lack of plot points, it is that they come far too quickly (compared to earlier season) with each having less time to be reinforced with call backs or refeences, so we, the audience, give them less salience in our perception of events and interpretation of the narrative. But they don't have the necessary supporting cast and other plot stands to support the B plots for episodes that would allow this reinforcement. So the ending must inevitably feel forced. In this example we get some nervous looks at the banquet table, a grimace as she turns from the talks with cercei, and then uncombed hair and no make up. The more they signpost the way the story must (from a thematic point) end, the harder they make it to be surprising and the more they make it predictable and boring. It's harder, I think, than we give them credit for. That said, Euron/Jamie felt tacked on. |
large member | Tue May 14 09:11:42 The lineage game certainly became easier Stark-Baratheon (Arya-Gendry) Stark-Targaryen (Jon-Daenerys) **Frienemyzoned** Stark-Lannister (Sansa-Tyrion) Lannister-Tarth (Jaime-Brienne) **DOD** Lannister-Greyjoy (Cersei-Euron) **DOD** Bronn-? Brienne-? Arya learning to care about other people and children in particular...pregnantbrain forshadowing? Euron-Jamie served a purpose. It underlined the yuckiness of this battle and did provide character development + why a mortally wounded Jamie accepted the inevitable at the very end. It did seem contrived, but served a greater good. |
Member | Tue May 14 10:11:33 Jergul: For a show that's going all "real life isn't a neat narrative", having him coincidentally meet Euron is jarring. Creates more problems than it solves I think. |
Member | Tue May 14 10:15:50 Damn, cocked up and hit back. Quick version: Don't buy Arya/Gendry. My guess is (I'd say 30%) Danny kills Jon after Jon tries to play Ned to her Cercie. Arya kills Danny (not for revenge but to protect the world). Magic is then gone from the world. The seven kingdoms break up. Tyrion survives and takes up the mantle of rebuilding kings landing to pay his debt to Varys. He gives Castly Rock to Bronn to repay his debt to him. |
Member | Tue May 14 11:20:09 They might as well put Sansa on the throne now and be done with it. Let her marry her brother Bran. He is still a virgin, right? |
Member | Tue May 14 11:56:59 we need one final fuck you from the showrunners, something outrageous. Like, Bran wakes up and realizes that it was all a dream, he wasn't even thrown out of the window, it never happened. Or, alternatively they can bring in some very minor character and put him on the Iron Throne, along with some incredibly stupid explanation. Some distant lannister cousin, for example. Better yet, put the dragon on the throne, he will rule until he goes mad, because dragon is also targaryen. |
Member | Tue May 14 13:16:14 Addendum: Jon tries to take Danaerys down with law like Ned Vs Cercie. She will try to have him executed by drogon, but Jon is fireproof, this confirming his Targaryean status to the world. Grey worm will then execute him. |
the wanderer | Tue May 14 16:42:22 Ozzy man noted Varys was probably trying to poison Daenarys, which i didn't really absorb but seems to fit 7:25-8:10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uNgQ-lK9ks so that unknown girl killing off Daenerys would be a nice way to piss off viewers :p |
Member | Tue May 14 17:47:28 Seb: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2TlSM-2SyI Jon ain't immune to fire. His hand gets burned. |
Member | Tue May 14 17:48:00 HOWEVER! It would have been awesome if he were immune to the ice fire from the undead dragon. |
Member | Tue May 14 18:43:00 varys does have a history of trying to poison dany. the only way that theory can ring true is if that same little girl approaches tyrion and tells her about the plot to poison dany. itd be fitting if Tyrion ends up poisoning wine he drinks with Dany to convince her it is safe. |
Member | Wed May 15 01:21:31 Tyrion may be the only one left who is defnding Danearys. Danerys is gonna feel alone abandonded, so when Tyrion pulls out that bottlw of whine and they start drinking, she is gonna pull out his penis and put her mouth around it. And then Tyrion dies with a woman’s mouth on his dick, and Danearys dies too, both from the poisoned wine. |
Member | Wed May 15 02:33:43 *bottle of WINE not a bottle of whine. |
Member | Wed May 15 06:49:21 Bronn has got it right! |
Member | Wed May 15 07:21:06 The poisoned wine blow job plot is as solid as any, para. I can already picture us, next Monday morning, discussing the plausibility of how quickly poison traveled to Tyrion's jizz, with the same geeky enthusiasm we use to criticize tactics of a battle that involves dragons and magic |
Member | Wed May 15 07:46:20 Well clearly Dany would have had a few sips (or full bottles) of wine before ever considering blowing a Lannister. No need to consider spunk poison. |
Member | Wed May 15 08:58:27 I think it is stupider with Tyrion splurge being poisoned, and therefore a more fitting end |
Member | Wed May 15 10:03:02 The seed of the poisoned wood. |
Member | Wed May 15 10:30:35 Didn’t think about that, that his sperms would get poisoned from the wine. That would be so weird that it actually would be a good ending. |
Member | Wed May 15 12:45:09 If D&D want to pull off the ultimate subverting of our expectations, they should announce on Sunday that there is no Episode 6. |
Member | Wed May 15 12:55:30 Episode 6 only needs to be like 2 minutes long. It could start with a 10 second long scene where Danearys and Tyrion is drinking wine followed by 40 seconds where Danearys is giving oral sex to Tyrion and then a 10 second scene where we can watch them die from the poison. That scene then transitions into a scene where we for a whole minute get to see Sansa sit on the throne. And perhaps Jon and Arya can stand next beside Bran and holding hands. It doesn’t need to be longer than that. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Wed May 15 13:04:26 [obaminated]: “the only way that theory can ring true is if that same little girl approaches tyrion and tells her about the plot to poison dany. itd be fitting if Tyrion ends up poisoning wine he drinks with Dany to convince her it is safe.” That would be... pretty cool :D |
Member | Wed May 15 13:32:22 Why didn't Dani burn Cercie and friends in the Dragon Pit when they brought a dead to show it to her? Could have avoided all this shit |
Member | Wed May 15 13:36:21 Why didn't Cersei unload on Dany and her 50 Unsullied with scorpions when she stood in range of the wall making demands? Could have avoided all this shit |
Member | Wed May 15 14:17:43 Why didn't Robert Baratheon quit drinking? Could have avoided the boar and all the shit. |
Member | Wed May 15 14:33:31 Why didn't aerys just quit burning folks alive? Could have avoided the rebellion and shit. |
Member | Wed May 15 14:42:36 Cause aerys was mad, duh. That shit was unavoidable for him |
Member | Wed May 15 14:45:19 Why did Bran have to warg into him, thus making him mad? Could have avoided this shit season |
Member | Wed May 15 15:00:08 We could have avoided a season 8 regardless with Dany ignoring her advisers and burning down the walls of KL, because dragonfire is stout AF apparently |
large member | Wed May 15 15:01:29 Seb I am not speaking of them as a couple, but rather that Arya may not just dump any offspring in a ditch, but might concievably give it to Gendry to raise as a lord/lady. |
Member | Wed May 15 16:00:40 Jergul: Maybe. |
Member | Wed May 15 22:26:59 " the Metamorphoses conditions were only maintained in ironic theme (eaten alive by one's hunting dogs, for instance). So even *if* there's a model for the War of the Roses here, its conclusion will be upended. " Not GRRM's writing, in the books Ramsay and Roose are both still very much alive |
Member | Thu May 16 03:01:14 What if George RR Martin had written a novel about a woman and her knitting parties instead? |
Cherub Cow
Member | Thu May 16 03:16:40 Then, if not Martin, David&D.B. will take us home with a win for anarcho-syndicalist communes? :D Final plot development: After Jon and Davos are executed by Danny and the little girl and Tyrion kill Danny with poison, Sansa and Yara attempt to take the throne, but a 37-year-old peasant named Dennis realizes that kings have been gaining titles by exploiting the workers with a self-perpetuating autocracy and by hanging on to dated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in society. A popular movement is established wherein supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from sitting on some chair made of swords. The Seven Kingdoms are then ruled in turns by a sort of executive officer for-the-week, but all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting by a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs but by a two-thirds majority in case of more major affairs. Bronn is hanged for war crimes, Greyworm flees with Missandei's head to Naath, Queen Elizabeth II is exiled to the island of Saint Helena, Bilbo Baggins finishes his book, and HBO announces that they'll pull a Disney by doing a GoT spin-off every year until the current fanbase's children become a viable demographic, at which point the entire thing will be relaunched starring some YouTube kid star that you've never heard of and whose unthinking adoption of new tech makes everyone uncomfortable. |
large member | Thu May 16 06:37:35 Or seriously outperform Disney. 3 spin-offs have scripts, one is in early preproduction. 2 more have been pitched and have moved on to script writing. According to GRRM |
Member | Thu May 16 08:13:17 I am not in love with CC's suggestions, except for the a 37-year-old peasant named Dennis. And even Denis character, while intriguing, needs some work. |
Member | Thu May 16 08:15:41 More than 300,000 people want 'Game of Thrones' final season remade http://www...me-thrones-petition/index.html GRRM should demand they reshoot the season completel, with Quentyn Martell as a pivotal figure in it, this is what fans want |
Member | Thu May 16 08:35:20 Why is Yara still alive? |
Member | Thu May 16 08:41:48 Because the audience needed closure on the political status of the Iron Islands. That totally warranted the rushed "Hey Yara you're free now" "Thanks Theon, now I'm going to disappear from the rest of the series" scenes in Ep 1. |
Member | Thu May 16 08:45:42 At least they did give us that for the Iron Islands though.For a show that's famous for loving its politics, we know Jack shit about who's running the Westerlands, the areach or the Riverlands right now. Hell, the Stormlands have been completely absent from the plot since Season 2; I'm not sure theres even anything for Gendry to rule there at this point. (Also how does a low born bastard with zero connections to the Stormlands aristocracy realistically assume rule there...oh fuck it, who cares) |
Member | Thu May 16 09:00:42 I don't see much time for a satisfactory ending. They've have to kill Danny in the first few minutes. |
Member | Thu May 16 09:24:55 They literally had her go full Hitler in the space of an episode and a half at the 95% mark of the series...they're clearly not concerned with pacing at this point |
Member | Thu May 16 12:58:45 "More than 300,000 people want 'Game of Thrones' final season remade" You don't even have to do that much, just start at Episode 3 and rework from there. Or you can go all the way back to start of S7 and have Varys ask why Tyrion is a retard, and point out that clearly dragons are superior siege engines that can insta-gib KL walls, and not just people barbecues. Dany takes KL in S7Ep2, and unites the kingdoms for a glorious final season of The Walking Dead |
Cherub Cow
Member | Thu May 16 13:08:04 With the impossible amount of material to cover next episode, I sometimes doubt David&D.B.’s commitment to Sparkle Motion. Maybe a Seinfeld ending where all the big characters end up in a cell together with Yara trying to get water out of her ear? .. [CR]: “And even Denis character, while intriguing, needs some work.” They could flesh out Dennis’ character with a scene where he’s piling filth in a field next to an abandoned castle, and Tyrion tries to repress him, thus showing the violence inherent in the system. |
Member | Fri May 17 09:17:49 Final has leaked Jussayin |
Member | Fri May 17 09:29:08 oh my, I read through the unconfirmed leak. Sounds as retarded as I hoped it would be. |
Member | Fri May 17 10:25:56 If it plays out according to /r/freefolk, shit is hideous. |
Member | Fri May 17 10:31:31 Freefolk has known the ending for a while now; apparently the "bells" bullshit verified that they had good leaks. Been trying to avoid the leaks themselves, but yeah the reaction to them had not been good. |
Member | Fri May 17 15:50:40 Ya there is no way that's how that ends. |
Member | Fri May 17 15:52:14 The jaime/jon parallel tho. |
Member | Fri May 17 16:27:57 Three is no good way to end this, let’s be real. I challenge anyone to post an ending to this magnificently wretched season that people will not trash. Just an outline, nothing deep. Assume the money is no object and you have the best cameramen, cgi people, etc. You have around one hour of screen time. Maybe I am wrong, but with all the outlandish, crazy stuff that happened over the course of the past few seasons of GoT, the acceptable way to wrap it up, in one hour, just doesn’t exist. |
Member | Fri May 17 16:47:06 Arya is really the waif, she poisons the remaining characters at a celebration dinner. With no claimants to the throne and none of the major houses standing, the iron bank takes over ownership of westros. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Fri May 17 17:08:59 "I challenge anyone to post an ending to this magnificently wretched season that people will not trash." People will trash anything, but I read someone's version where Brienne and Tormund have graphic, porn-level sex by firelight for a full hour and credits roll when they finish. That could work. ;D I also like a Bran-villain ending where it turns out that — as three-eyed raven — Bran was an agent of the Children of the Forest and thus wanted all of this and arranged all of the killing and carnage (Bran sponsored the making of the NK and also sponsored battles against the NK to clear the fields of *everyone*) so that he could end the age of the Andals and the Rhoynar, leaving only the Wildlings and Northerners. So Jon kills pretty much everyone and returns home where Bran tells Jon how much he played everyone, Jon is like, " http://i.k...s/newsfeed/000/971/686/891.jpg [(Dam Son)]", and Bran is like, "I *am* Bran Stark and the legacy of the first Starks. Starks forever. Fuck the world." Then Sam publishes his book from the Citadel for some quick story-line wrap-ups: King's Landing is a ghost town, Dorne is vaporized, Essos is afraid to invade, Yara becomes a hermit, Sansa marries Arya and they raise a Baratheon child together (not that the Baratheon name matters anymore), Darth Sidious' ghost takes Rey Skywalker as his apprentice, and Frodo gets addicted to Xanax. That's *my* perfect ending ;p |
Member | Fri May 17 17:09:34 meh, not that much better than the ending that supposedly leaked. I mean, I would prefer pillz ending to the one that got leaked, supposedly, but not by a lot. |
Member | Fri May 17 17:14:11 “People will trash anything, but I read someone's version where Brienne and Tormund have graphic, porn-level sex by firelight for a full hour and credits roll when they finish. That could work. “ I don’t know if it would though. What is the longest time you watched porn for? Continuously. Even with beautiful people I’d get bored in about five minutes, and those two are not exactly handsome. Add two more minutes for the freak factor |
Cherub Cow
Member | Fri May 17 17:18:14 The point would be to give them the full hour so that people could just skip around to their favorite parts. And it wouldn’t matter that they’re not attractive; it’s like the sex scene in Team America. |
Member | Fri May 17 17:19:07 Back in college me and a bunch of other people hosted a viewing of Pirates on our dorm lobby's big screen TV. We did get bored with it halfway through though. |
Member | Fri May 17 17:22:46 Plus that movie was mostly hilarious acting that was occassionally interrupted by porn, not an hour-long uninterrupted sex scene |
Cherub Cow
Member | Fri May 17 17:34:35 Only monsters watch porn all the way through from start to finish. David&D.B. would just be taking a tip from Steven Soderbergh by realizing that this is the new way people consume media: in hedonistic 1-minute fragments divorced from plot details or fancy effects. Just a couple of people going at it, and you can watch whichever parts you want without worrying about having missed plot details. ;D |
Member | Fri May 17 17:36:09 Thats how they've shot s8 of GoT though... |
Cherub Cow
Member | Fri May 17 19:27:48 If so, then we've been prepping for this Brienne/Tormund sex scene finale all season :o |
Member | Fri May 17 19:42:03 I mean...it wouldn't exactly represent a drop in quality... |
Cherub Cow
Member | Fri May 17 19:59:13 Okay! Everyone's on board and HBO still has two days for re-shoots! Let's do this!! \:D/ |
Member | Sat May 18 05:40:23 Thinking on a bit, Danaerys torching of kl makes far more sense if far from being an act of madness, is an act of pure rationality. Her allies have all betrayed her and made ruling with love impossible. The torching of kings landing is a giant and very rational final written warning. Bend. The. Knee. This is not inconsistent with her willingness to torch people she sees as the enemy or in her way. So far we've tolerated it because *we* see them as baddies. For her, though, anyone who doesn't bend the knee is a baddie, and the lack of mercy to kings landing is a mercy to all the other people she won't have to roast. And it's all Jon, Sansa, Tyrion and Varys's fault - because they left her in this position by betraying her. Nor is it inconsistent with the theme of the show. We are foolish to believe in neat narratives and peoples attempts to define themselves or others into good and bad, and very foolish that there can be a good absolute monarch. You can argue then unlike "madness" the whole show has been pointing this way - e.g. that long list of titles "mother of dragons, breaker of chains" - it's classic narcissist lunatic absolutist cult of personality BS. Initially it seemed like PR but it's clear for a while she believes her own PR. We just chose not to interpret it that way because we were invested in a hero myth, even as the show had repeatedly demolished those myths by redeeming a man who tried to murder a child to hide his incest while beheading successive classic heros like Ned, like Rob, and have Jon repeatedly fail every time. Maybe it will end with Danny on the throne after all. |
Member | Sat May 18 07:29:02 Yeah. Everyone else's fault that the queen with a habit for capital punishment without trial, a willingness to destroy entire houses on little more than a whim, and 2 seasons of trying to burn westros to the ground... Finally started to westros to the ground... Dany is not smart. She's never been demonstrated to be. She understands power (always resorts to 'I have dragons') and her every idea has been shot down by jorah/baristan/tyrion. And she's only been able to attain power because she is, quite literally, magic - and has dragons. Dany has always been an abused, angry, self-worshipping, crazy bitch. She just finally snapped. She didn't see half her advisors and confidants dead and suddenly realize she needs to play 4D chess by acting crazy. Her decision was rational in so much as she thinks anyone who doesn't bow to her should be reduced to ash. |
Member | Sat May 18 07:53:21 Pillz: The "everyone should bow to me" is no less rational than what any other monarch thinks though. The "irrational" part was killing civvies after the city surrendered. She supposedly snapped. I don't think she snapped at all. I think she'd figured out what she was going to do by the time Tyrion came to her to tell her Varys had betrayed her. She was already ahead of the game. "Jon has" "we no, Varys" "no, because Jon told sands, Sansa told you, you told Varys, Varys told everyone". Her instinct is fire and blood because I have a destiny. She's given the political way a chance, but recognised it requires either marrying Jon or Jon's secret remaining a secret. It failed, because Sansa (supposed ally) is on manoeuvres, Jon ignored her order to keep silent, Tyrion instead of advising her mulled treachery with Varys, and Varys decided she was less bidable than Jon. From her perspective, would it not be entirely reasonable to say she's been backed into a corner by them. So she'll go with her plan A: fire and blood. A strategy that plays to her core strengths - an army of loyalist foreign professional soldiers with no need to show restraint like westerossi lords have, and a very hard to kill dragon. This isn't 4D chess. Tyrions plans are 4D chess. They don't work because he can't get everyone else to like up |
Member | Sat May 18 09:07:10 She knew jon had betrayed her because he rejected her - he had no ambition and he was more Stark than targaryan. Everything after that was pretty straight forward. She knew the secret was out (Jon's fault) and she knew she'd tell his family (so Sansa) and tyrion came to her (so Sansa didn't tell Varys). You're right she had made up her mind - outside the walls of kings landing days or weeks before she followed through. Instead of trying to do something about it, like speak to Jon and tyrion, she decided I'm going to burn the westros's largest city to the ground (and then we're supposed to believe, execute every surviving soldier). Everybody in the show but Cersie tried to compromise - at least tried. Certainly Jon and Tyrion have been the most diplomatic, but Sansa hasn't exactly got a terrible and bloody repution either... Dany has always been the closest to Cersie in terms of character and , who has always been or been building to a mad queen. Certainly the the writers will have some explanation, but it's clear that Jon becomes the king(queen) slayer and kin slayer, and then disappears. Jon Snow, Aegon Targaryan, lord command of the nights watch, king in the north, queen slayer and kinslayer. Maybe even king in the north... But Dany doesn't come out on top in the song of ice and fire. |
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