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Utopia Talk / Politics / official BS by delusional fraud POTUS#7
the wanderer
Tue Apr 16 13:10:50
sorry Rugian, these threads not stopping til the unfit nutbag gone

"So weird to watch Crazy Bernie on @FoxNews. Not surprisingly, @BretBaier and the “audience” was so smiley and nice. Very strange, and now we have @donnabrazile?"
~ criminal


so... here he is warning Fox News or something? getting ready to smear them again if they don't fully support him in the campaign? (as done in last primaries)

how dare they have on Dems & be nice to them... & the audience must be fake

mentally ill dictator
Tue Apr 16 13:17:20
"surveillance is not spying if spying is used in a way that hurts my feefees" Comey, tw, sub-70 IQ tards
the wanderer
Tue Apr 16 13:20:12
if there isn't an implication of improper behavior by the term then how could lying shitbags use it as corroboration of improper behavior?

my correctness is self-evident, i accept your apology
Tue Apr 16 13:23:05
Yes, it is improper to attempt to play word games to avoid saying, "Yeah, we spied on a campaign to further an existing CI investigation"

"Nah, we just placed them under surveillance and they're villainizing us!" - only retards eat this shit up
the wanderer
Tue Apr 16 13:34:47
the issue is whether legally done, which it was (or at least no non-BS evidence has been presented otherwise)

the surveillance is not new information, Barr saying "i think spying did occur" was the only 'new' piece of info

team Trump jumped on this as confirmation of his BS theory of illegal actions, therefore it's clearly all about the term 'spying' (even though Barr did note later he's not saying anything improper occurred... but lying shitbags aren't going to note that)
Tue Apr 16 13:35:04
So basically we are getting these threads until you decide to leave the forums.

You should gather these all together and write a book. You might break into the top 100 for fantasy.
the wanderer
Tue Apr 16 13:40:54
please give your analysis of the OP tweet
Anarchist Prime
Tue Apr 16 14:32:04
c'mon cut trump some slack,
he listens and acts when confronted with fake intel from the good guys.


To persuade Mr. Trump, according to people briefed on the conversation, officials including Ms. Haspel also tried to show him that Mr. Skripal and his daughter were not the only victims of Russia’s attack.

Ms. Haspel showed pictures the British government had supplied her of young children hospitalized after being sickened by the Novichok nerve agent that poisoned the Skripals. She then showed a photograph of ducks that British officials said were inadvertently killed by the sloppy work of the Russian operatives.

Ms. Haspel was not the first to use emotional images to appeal to the president, but pairing it with her hard-nosed realism proved effective: Mr. Trump fixated on the pictures of the sickened children and the dead ducks. At the end of the briefing, he embraced the strong option.
Tue Apr 16 14:42:54
The issue is your hero Comey saying that surveillance is not spying, which is the only reason I brought it up.

We both know that Patriot Act/CI investigations are given extraordinarily broad powers, so arguing about legality is a moot strawman.

Maybe the issue is that spies wrap themselves in a false cloak of heroism; naturally, shitfucks like Brennan and Clapper also took issue with the term used.
Tue Apr 16 14:45:15
"please give your analysis of the OP tweet"

President trump is inserting himself into the story. Good or bad he would rather people talk about him than Bernie.

It worked.

Most are talking about what the president said about the town hall and not about what Bernie said during the town hall.

You are doing exactly what President Trump wants you to do.
the wanderer
Tue Apr 16 15:21:03
it's not just Comey & Brennan

everyone on team Trump says 'hooray, see our idiot lying hero told was right!'

whereas Dems all upset at the term ('You're not suggesting that spying occurred?' was the question posed to Barr)

'surveillance' != 'spying' in a broad number of people's minds



i didn't watch the Town Hall so no, not talking about it

Trump is prepping to call Fox fake news as needed, a shame you don't see it (& Bret Baier asked him some tough questions, so that's why he is upset w/ him... he reportedly has a list of each Fox personality and their loyalty score)

he wants only Meadows, Jordan, Gaetz, & Nunes types on Fox... why don't you note how often you see those people compared to Fox giving Dems cozy questioning & cheerleading
the wanderer
Tue Apr 16 15:30:41
to tie both arguments together sorta:

some Hannity tweets (Fox News highest-rated stain on humanity):
JUSTICE IS COMING! Rep Mark Meadows, @SaraCarterDC & @JSolomonReports will join us for a fast-paced segment on criminal referrals and the forthcoming Mueller report.
w/ link to article:
"Mark Meadows: Likely We'll See Criminal Referrals From DOJ Inspector General On 2016 Surveillance Abuse"

... yeah, right

"Devin Nunes is on NOW to talk about this major development towards Deep State accountability! Don’t miss it!"

"AG Bill Barr testified today that “spying did occur” on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election… @LindseyGrahamSC, Jim Jordan, and @SaraCarterDC will have reaction on #Hannity"

Meadows, Nunes & Jordan... shocker... plus obviously sticking to the 'it was all illegal' BULLSHIT

and 'spying did occur' is apparently news (when surveillance is not)
Tue Apr 16 16:01:17
"whereas Dems all upset at the term"
"'surveillance' != 'spying' in a broad number of people's minds"

All retards, then
the wanderer
Tue Apr 16 16:08:35
33% of the country think Trump is honest & trustworthy

retards are everywhere
Tue Apr 16 16:55:33
"Trump is prepping to call Fox fake news as needed, a shame you don't see it"

I see it. The difference is I know why he may do it. You do not.

The thing about Hannity is his program is a talking head program. I don't watch it but I do know from tidbits I do see his comments are all ratings driven. I put him in with Glen Beck and Rachel Maddow for how much credence to give what he says. He is entertainment (for some) but should never be counted on for information.

I catch Shepard Smith when I eat lunch and sometimes have the Five at Five on behind me in the office.

None of that matters though and getting back to the topic at hand. I'm not talking about only this tweet has you doing exactly what President Trump wants. You have been doing his bidding from before he was elected. He wants everybody talking about him. You most definitely make sure he is among the main topics here each and every day.

Do you see any threads here talking about Bernie? Have you seen any news agencies giving his town hall more than a moments thought?

Then again they might not be talking about the town hall because Bernie did not shine from the clips I have seen. His fellow democrats got a lot of ammo to use against him as the race continues.

the wanderer
Tue Apr 16 17:01:46
"Bernie did not shine from the clips I have seen"
the ones Fox shows?

Trump promotes Fox shows (that praise him), hires from Fox, tweets from Fox... his influence matters

he turned bikers against Harley, he can turn their viewers against them & they know it... he's shaping his propaganda channel & it matters
Tue Apr 16 18:38:37
Not everybody is fixated with his each and every word like you are.

He didn't turn bikers against Harley. He cranked out a few tweets.

What has hurt Harley is the retaliation tariffs from the EU. Motorcycle sales have been steadily declined for a few years now as baby boomers are getting older and millennials not all that interested in big bikes.
Still their profits have increased because of an increase in international sales.

THis shows the tweets do not matter but the actions do.
the wanderer
Tue Apr 16 22:13:00
the words of the President of the United States matter


[Trump] is highly biblical, and I would say to your listeners, we will in all likelihood never see a more godly, biblical president again in our lifetime. So we need to be not only praying for him, we need to support him, in my opinion, in every possible way that we can.
~retard Michelle Bachmann (on a radio show)
Tue Apr 16 23:35:45
"We could go on what the president has done..."

See that?

What he has done.

Not what he has tweeted.

And she is off her rocker.

the wanderer
Wed Apr 17 00:02:30
noun: speaking
1. the action of conveying information or expressing one's thoughts and feelings in spoken language.

speaking is an action

and his speaking has had plenty of negative impacts
Wed Apr 17 01:40:11
His tweets still mean nothing without some actual action other than just another tweet taking place.

Kinda like this conversation, pointless.
Wed Apr 17 01:52:20
Is Kargen doubling down on his tweets mean nothing bullshit again?

He tweeted that we would ban transgender people from the military. Instantly most of his cabinet balked at that. It just went into effect after some yo-yo'ing.

He tweeted that we would unilaterally pull out of Syria. His cabinet said it wouldn't happen. Mattis resigned because of it. Graham got him to delay a little bit but it will probably happen anyways because Trump is a man-child.

He tweeted about sending illegals to Sanctuary cities. Everyone around him said no. Now we are going to implement some form of it because he needs a distraction from the Mueller report.

Trump's tweets become policy because the guy doesn't know how to back down from anything. He's king joffrey and always has to have his way no matter who suffers.
Wed Apr 17 03:42:44
yeah he is and that is because they do not.

All your examples prove my point.

Took two years and several directives for the transgender thing to go into affect and it will expire in 2020 if a court doesn't overrule it before it can expire.

President Trump uses his tweets to keep the focus on him. Any big story he interjects himself into with a quick tweet.

Anarchist Prime
Wed Apr 17 06:58:19

Deborah Haynes‏Verified account @haynesdeborah

Follow Follow @haynesdeborah
 More

Update: UK security sources say they’re unaware of children hospitalised because of #novichok or wildlife killed in #Skripal attack. May have been a photo of a dead swan though not evidence swan was killed by #Novichok. If that’s true, I wonder what these images used by CIA were!

12:02 AM - 17 Apr 2019
the wanderer
Wed Apr 17 11:15:29
Trump requires pictures & his name sprinkled throughout briefings for him to pay attention, if they have to use duck photos w/ the child so be it

and there is plenty of non-policy harm from Trump's stream of lies... undermining faith in the FBI, the NFL, the media ('fake news' was not a chant before, nor the idea that the sources are fake), judges, elections (does anyone think he won't call fraud voting next election? what if he loses? 'the coup failed so they rigged election!!!')

plus what the idiot says to world leaders obviously matters

the wanderer
Wed Apr 17 11:21:43
Many Trump Fans & Signs were outside of the @FoxNews Studio last night in the now thriving (Thank you President Trump) Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, for the interview with Crazy Bernie Sanders. Big complaints about not being let in-stuffed with Bernie supporters. What’s with @FoxNews?

threat #2
the wanderer
Wed Apr 17 15:27:05
Ivanka has confirmed that daddy did offer her the job to head the World Bank (as she's 'good w/ numbers')
the wanderer
Wed Apr 17 21:45:27
total take down of Fox News:
the wanderer
Thu Apr 18 12:00:14
a nugget from the Mueller report:

After Trump fired Comey in May 2017, then-deputy White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters in a press conference that “the rank and file of the FBI had lost confidence in their director,” prompting Comey’s firing. When told by a reporter in the briefing that the vast majority of FBI agents supported the former director, Sanders responded that she had heard “from countless members of the FBI that say very different things.”

When asked by the special counsel about the source of that statement, Sanders described the statement as a “slip of the tongue,” made in the heat of the moment “that was not founded on anything,” according to the report.


TLDR: Sarah Sanders makes up total shit not founded on anything and relays it to the public in her role of spokesperson for the President

(technically, this should be shocking)
Thu Apr 18 12:02:38
This is why Barr was right to withhold the report: because rabid anti-Trumpers like TW would desperately obsess over every single line, trying to come up with a kernel of anything that could possibly make the administration look bad.
the wanderer
Thu Apr 18 12:05:31
there are whole cobs

an easy obstruction case, Barr says no corrupt intent... Barr is wrong
the wanderer
Thu Apr 18 12:08:12
also... having a White House Press Secretary that is as disconnected to truth as Trump (or in the ballpark) is obviously unacceptable

there was reason to distrust her already, now she's admitting she told bullshit (i don't recall her correcting herself at the time... or ever)
Anarchist Prime
Thu Apr 18 12:33:09
putin winning!
the wanderer
Thu Apr 18 12:58:00
the Mueller report is here for anyone who cares:
the wanderer
Thu Apr 18 18:44:26
It was a really great day for America! A special evening tonight on @TuckerCarlson, @seanhannity & @IngrahamAngle Will be very interesting!
~ Trump going out on a limb and guessing those 3 hours of 'news' will be positive
the wanderer
Fri Apr 19 11:13:12
Statements are made about me by certain people in the Crazy Mueller Report, in itself written by 18 Angry Democrat Trump Haters, which are fabricated & totally untrue. Watch out for people that take so-called “notes,” when the notes never existed until needed. Because I never....

...agreed to testify, it was not necessary for me to respond to statements made in the “Report” about me, some of which are total bullshit & only given to make the other person look good (or me to look bad). This was an Illegally Started Hoax that never should have happened, a...
~liar who wasn't allowed to testify as everyone knew he'd lie

then apparently he was tackled and phone taken away as no further tweet
the wanderer
Fri Apr 19 18:33:01
after 8 hrs of poking his phone:

....big, fat, waste of time, energy and money - $30,000,000 to be exact. It is now finally time to turn the tables and bring justice to some very sick and dangerous people who have committed very serious crimes, perhaps even Spying or Treason. This should never happen again!

he sure does care about the Russian interference

oh, & 'spying' used as an inherent crime, howboudat
the wanderer
Mon Apr 22 11:46:47
My friend Herman Cain, a truly wonderful man, has asked me not to nominate him for a seat on the Federal Reserve Board. I will respect his wishes. Herman is a great American who truly loves our Country!
~guy who picks the best people

so will his next pick be a Fox News employee, Fox News guest, personal friend, or family member? (as obviously those are the only sources of candidates)
Mon Apr 22 11:55:37
Another male public figure who got his career railroaded by MeToo horseshit.
the wanderer
Mon Apr 22 13:27:34
maybe he runs a dogfighting ring too, who knows

Trump's other unqualified pick also under fire for past jokes? about women

sample article by him

pretty clear what women might object to :p
the wanderer
Wed Apr 24 14:09:15
"I have been the most transparent president and administration in the history of our country by far"
~Trump... while explaining he's fighting all subpoenas

...& also lying that Mueller already looked at his financials
Wed Apr 24 14:33:56
Which subpoenas, those of deranged leftists Congressmen?
the wanderer
Fri Apr 26 11:06:09
“President Donald J. Trump is the greatest hostage negotiator that I know of in the history of the United States. 20 hostages, many in impossible circumstances, have been released in last two years. No money was paid.”
~Cheif Hostage Negotiator, USA!
~mentally ill unfit criminal child so-called prez

if that quote is real, the negotiator needs fired

if it's not real, Trump needs dragged out of the White House

(& since Trump can't name the person & the quote sounds like Trump, i'm guessing it's option #2)
the wanderer
Fri Apr 26 14:05:06
"I'm so young! I can't believe it, I'm the youngest person. I'm a young, vibrant man."
~ crazy person
the wanderer
Sat Apr 27 11:52:51
about the white supremacist accused of plotting to kill democrat politicians & media figures:

Hasson's public defender stressed repeatedly that these charges are overblown. She said that Hasson's list of targets wasn't a so-called hit list but looked like something the president would compile after watching FOX News, given the president's rhetoric in person and on Twitter. The public defender also said the racial slurs that Hasson wrote out are part of what she called the, quote, "national vocabulary that Donald Trump uses, similar epithets in his everyday language and tweets."

so apparently it's hard to distinguish between the words of a white supremacist murder plotter & the President
Sat Apr 27 12:11:23
Or...lawyers will say literally anything when it comes to serving their clients, regardless of how wild or factual it may be.

Do you also believe that OJ was framed by racist police for the murder of his wife and the Jew?
the wanderer
Sat Apr 27 12:15:01
would've been a much harder argument to make with pretty much anyone else as President... even Jeb! (w/ his racist sounding name)
Sat Apr 27 12:27:07
That may be the case for people whose opinions of the president have been severely warped by watching too much CNN Right Now with Brianna Keilar, I suppose.
Sat Apr 27 12:37:15
Since I don't know Brianna Keilar from a hole in the wall, I thought I'd google her. Here's the first page of results:

"CNN's Brianna Keilar Declares Trump Is Trailing In All The Polls - Aug 17, 2016" (LOLOLOLOL)

"CNN's Brianna Keilar rips Trump's briefing room appearance: This is a stunt - Jan 3, 2019"

"Brianna Keilar: None of what Trump said there was true - Apr 9, 2019"

"Keilar: Trump doesn't know WikiLeaks? Roll the tape. - Apr 11, 2019"

"Brianna Keilar: Trump is pushing lies - Jan 7, 2019"

"CNN's Brianna Keilar: Trump's Pattern Of Insulting Military Leaders - Nov 20, 2018"


Definitely seems like someone who isn't being paid to try and bring down the president on a full-time basis by endlessly portraying him in a negative light. CNN is propaganda.
the wanderer
Sat Apr 27 13:33:51
which of those was false?

Trump is a liar... having to report on a terrible president is going to lead to negative headlines

when has Trump acted like a good president/person & the press ignored?

(also i guarantee that would not be the defense of this person w/ any other president... i shouldn't have said 'much harder')
the wanderer
Sat Apr 27 13:48:43
Neil Cavuto calling Trump a fucking liar

Judge Napolitano calling Trump a criminal

even some people on his propaganda network can't stomach him all the time
the wanderer
Sat May 04 22:02:37
this is sitting on the President of the United States twitter...

all Republicans should be forced to read his tweets everyday, maybe the problem is it's all old people who don't know what Twitter is... they just see Fox News saying he's great so don't see the problem
the wanderer
Sun May 05 11:33:44
The Kentucky Derby decision was not a good one. It was a rough & tumble race on a wet and sloppy track, actually, a beautiful thing to watch. Only in these days of political correctness could such an overturn occur. The best horse did NOT win the Kentucky Derby - not even close!
~like, really smart guy

political correctness?
the wanderer
Sun May 05 11:45:04
again, he is acting as a Russian agent whether he is or not... driving wedges on every possible issue... you are a fucking idiot if you think Russia didn't want Trump (...kargen)

Russian bots have been fighting on both sides of many issues to spread division

not a joke
Sun May 05 11:51:59
tw, I like how you think that anyone here gives a shit about what Cavuto and Napolitano say.

Napolitano in particular has been butthurt about not getting picked for the USSC...his trashing of Trump is a product of that meltdown.

You really don't understand us here. Because you religiously watch CNN, you think your political rivals must automatically watch Fox...which is not correct.
the wanderer
Sun May 05 13:39:06
"his trashing of Trump is a product of that meltdown"

yeah, obviously... just like George Conway is just jealous of Kellyanne... not because Trump is absurdly unfit for the office

i'm not quoting CNN, i'm quoting Trump for my arguments
the wanderer
Sun May 05 13:40:48
sorta sorry for the personal attack broadside on kargen though :p... i just have low tolerance for those w/ nutty views given how CLEARLY OBVIOUSLY UNFIT this IDIOT FRAUD is

the wanderer
Sun May 05 13:49:00
i haven't even seen CNN cover the PRESIDENT endorsing that the 'elites' say America must submit to Islam or else... w/ video of guy saying people who don't convert will be killed & have their women taken...

that's how far we've come... barely a notice

(also haven't seen them cover his stupid interference in the Derby decision either for that matter)
Sun May 05 23:20:28
Complaining won't change anything. He has like 45% approval rating now because of Obama's economy pulling him up still. Go out and register some people to vote or donate some money or volunteer to fight Russian psy-ops.

Trump has a very real chance of winning re-election. Whining constantly won't do shit.
the wanderer
Mon May 06 01:21:15
pointless whining is the whole purpose of this forum
Mon May 06 03:19:15
Anarchist Prime
Mon May 06 07:21:57
pointless wining is the whole purpose of this forum
Anarchist Prime
Mon May 06 07:22:20
the wanderer
Mon May 06 12:46:48
"More than 370 former federal prosecutors have signed a statement saying they believe special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation would have resulted in obstruction of justice charges for Donald Trump if he wasn’t the president of the United States."

as is pretty clear reading the Mueller report where he concludes Trump met all aspects of obstruction on multiple occasions (as well as noting some occasions would not meet obstruction)

if Fox News reported on this unfit idiot criminal child properly maybe he'd have been long gone by now... instead i'm sure they aren't noting any truth about the Mueller report Vol 2*... which even AG Barr doesn't seem to have read
(*beyond those who crack & can't take it any more like Napolitano)

Trump & Fox News actively dumbing down the pretty dumb already populace... and we have to let him continue another 1.5 years as impeaching the most deserving person in the history of forever is not possible w/ a garbage network propping him up
Mon May 06 17:02:38
Trump is pissed and wants a 2 year extension to his term in office. Claiming he lost the last 2 years due to the Mueller investigation.
Mon May 06 19:32:18
the wanderer Mon May 06 12:46:48
"More than 370 former federal prosecutors have signed a statement saying they believe special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation would have resulted in obstruction of justice charges for Donald Trump if he wasn’t the president of the United States."

Translation: there are at least 370 scumbag lawyers in this country that vote Democrat.

Anyway, given that the Democrats and their MSM whores have spent the last two years attempting to unseat a legitimately-elected president over a fake story, granting the president a one-time extension of his term seems only fair. Of course that won't actually happen since Trump isn't actually a dictator like the left keeps reeeeeeing about.
Mon May 06 19:47:02
Actually I made a factual mistake, sorry. "Fake story" is not an adequate description for it. "A fake story willfully propagated by our national security and law enforcement agencies whilst they were engaged in an unprecedented spying campaign against an opposition candidate" is more accurate. My mistake.
the wanderer
Mon May 06 20:20:29
you seem like you're getting packed with misinformation and team Trump talking points

it's quite clear why there was an investigation, no unwarranted 'spying' went on, and the stories the media told were true
Mon May 06 20:24:07

Maybe the person who spent two entire years believing that Trump colluded with the Russians shouldn't be accusing others of being fooled by misinformation.
Mon May 06 20:29:33
For someone whose side has literally no empathy, it's kind of a joke that you claim to know what we were "believing" or thinking on the sane side of the world.

But keep making shit up. You've become too accustomed to it at this point.
Mon May 06 20:33:52
"For someone whose side has literally no empathy,"

What is this nonsense?

"it's kind of a joke that you claim to know what we were "believing" or thinking on the sane side of the world."

I suppose you're right, it's definitely a possibility that you knew that it was fake news but willingly peddled it anyway.
the wanderer
Mon May 06 21:20:48
I never believed Trump personally colluded... he's too stupid to be helpful in colluding

and this notion that the media told everyone he did, means that if Mueller had found he did and recommended charges that no one would've been surprised, which is ridiculous

the campaign did suspicious and unethical things and lied repeatedly as the media stated and Mueller confirmed
Mon May 06 22:19:51
Given the facts that came out, there was indeed enough of a likelihood of an investigation to warrant a special investigator looking into Trump's dealings.

Or does a campaign head giving polling data to russians or your own son meeting with a Russian agent just everyday politics to you?

I know it's tough for you to think outside of your moronic black-and-white world but some of us have the ability to think in more than two dimensions.
the wanderer
Tue May 07 13:34:33
the meaningless words of the President of the United States have once again mysteriously affected the stock market... @kargen...
the wanderer
Wed May 08 16:56:52
he said this June 15, 2018, but not sure i mocked it at the time:

"[Kim] gave us the remains of our great heroes. I have had so many people begging me — parents, and fathers, mothers, daughters, sons — wherever I went, “Could you please get the remains of my boy back?” They’re giving them back. Nobody thought that was possible."

yeah, i'm sure those "so many people" existed...
Wed May 08 17:18:06
^I don't think Trump has ever visited an old folks home. Let alone one with so many parents of the Korean War veterans.
the wanderer
Wed May 08 17:27:07
apparently Liar Jr. must've lied to congress as he's been subpoena'd by the Republicans in the Senate

may the R's keep finding their balls to stand up to this disgusting family of frauds
the wanderer
Sun May 12 23:24:45
hey... Trump is saying his own FBI director is corrupt to continue his bullshit conspiracy theory... totally fine!

“Just another abuse of power in a long series of abuses of power by the Democrats that began during the Obama Administration, continued through the Mueller FBI operation, & now the baton has been passed to Jerry Nadler to continue to abuse power to harass President Trump..
....and the Democrat National Committee-The Democrat Party apparatus-has been caught using donor Dollars to Collude with Russian Intelligence to attack a domestic political opponent (me). The FBI has no leadership. The Director is protecting the same gang.....that tried to....
....overthrow the President through an illegal coup.” (Recommended by previous DOJ)
^ TRUMP quoting Tom Fitton* (Trump adding the 'recommended by previous DOJ' so we know that supposedly corrupt Wray isn't his fault)

*the seemingly only member of Judicial Watch... & presumably frequent Fox News guest as they love these nutters
the wanderer
Sun May 12 23:34:35
^hopefully this will be top story tomorrow as it should be, but i wouldn't be surprised if not even noticed

every Republican should be asked about it daily
the wanderer
Mon May 13 11:32:14
well i googled 'Trump Wray'... only clear story about Trump calling his FBI director corrupt was from Fox News (apparently Trump was quoting nutbag Fitton from his Lou Dobbs Fox interview...)

the insanity continues

and here's Trump thanking himself for helping OANN's ratings... the even-more-Trumpy Fox News, i assume (it's where Sarah Palin has/had a show):

"Also, congratulations to @OANN on the great job you are doing and the big ratings jump (“thank you President Trump”)!"
werewolf dictator
Tue May 14 02:00:50
tumbleweed should reconsider the appropriateness of picking on mentally ill person.. those people have it rough already

besides.. between democrats in congress and deep state and far right resistance that writes nyt to say they run things inside white house.. trump has no significant power.. he's just an actor and former reality tv star with high profile twitter troll account

"leave britney alone" kind of thing is what i'm saying here
the wanderer
Fri May 17 20:24:00
I've acknow,edged he's a mentally ill child so I think I've been fair

there's a pretty good investigative report special on the Trump standard business practice of deceiving investors on CNN at the moment... for people to ignore

Ivanka is just as garbage as the rest
the wanderer
Sun May 19 18:20:29
Hard to believe that @FoxNews is wasting airtime on Mayor Pete, as Chris Wallace likes to call him. Fox is moving more and more to the losing (wrong) side in covering the Dems. They got dumped from the Democrats boring debates, and they just want in. They forgot the people.....
....who got them there. Chris Wallace said, “I actually think, whether you like his opinions or not, that Mayor Pete has a lot of substance...fascinating biography.” Gee, he never speaks well of me - I like Mike Wallace better...and Alfred E. Newman will never be President!

how dare you cover Dems, Fox News, you are HIS!

(Alfred E. Newman is the Mad magazine character whom our totally mature President thinks Mayor Pete resembles)
the wanderer
Wed May 22 11:45:09
retarded criminal fraud child Trump walked out of his infrastructure meeting w/ 'Chuck & Nancy' saying he can't work on it until they stop their investigations

definitely the actions of an innocent man who is putting America above his own interests...
the wanderer
Wed May 22 12:41:19
...there seems to be speculation he also had nothing to bring to the table (which is likely)

last meeting, the 'master negotiator', in his typical style, agreed to everything 'chuck & nancy' said & tossed out a $2 trillion figure as it was nice & big

but of course the adults in his admin are not on board w/ that, so presumably he had no plans to bring to the meeting today anyway
the wanderer
Thu May 23 11:35:47
Rex Tillerson, a man who is “dumb as a rock” and totally ill prepared and ill equipped to be Secretary of State, made up a story (he got fired) that I was out-prepared by Vladimir Putin at a meeting in Hamburg, Germany. I don’t think Putin would agree. Look how the U.S. is doing!
~clearly mentally ill idiot child

yeah... a ridiculous story... we all know Trump studies heavily for things...
the wanderer
Thu May 23 11:44:50
also, someone should make a book of Trump's 'i know you are but what am i' defenses

shoving in Rex was "ill prepared"... surely Trump has to have a mental age under 14
the wanderer
Thu May 23 16:02:56
“I'm an extremely stable genius. OK?”
~habitual liar

(said after asking beacons of credibility such as Kellyanne Conway & Sarah Sanders to confirm he was calm)
the wanderer
Fri May 24 15:29:35
Rudy Giuliani... a once respected person i guess (& lawyer for the President of the United States)... posted a doctored video of Pelosi w/ her speech slowed, here's his 'ivesssapology':

ivesssapology for a video which is allegedly is a caricature of an otherwise halting speech pattern, she should first stop, and apologize for, saying the President needs an “intervention.” Are
[+ a .gif that also makes no sense]

and that's been there 7+ hours at the moment
the wanderer
Sat May 25 15:50:52
presumed Fox News addict Jon Voight looking for a spot at the RNC convention:

part 1

part 2

a 1.5 min video split in half because he's an old person

too dumb didn't watch: Voight claiming Trump is respected by all R's, has done everything right, greatest prez since Lincoln
the wanderer
Sat May 25 17:29:50
national embarrassment Trump is being easily buttered up by Japan...

"“Prime Minister Abe said to me, very specifically, ‘You are the guest of honor.’ There’s only one guest of honor... I’m the guest of honor at the biggest event that they’ve had in over 200 years. So it’s a great thing."
~easily manipulated retarded fraud child
the wanderer
Sun May 26 01:01:46
Great fun and meeting with Prime Minister @AbeShinzo. Numerous Japanese officials told me that the Democrats would rather see the United States fail than see me or the Republican Party succeed - Death Wish!
~ delusional lying moron

what a weird thing for numerous Japanese officials who totally exist to say... as is 'death wish!'
the wanderer
Thu May 30 12:53:11
so someone in the White House w/ enough influence to make it happen got the USS John McCain to hang a tarp over the ship name in effort to hide it from Trump while he was in the area... plus other things

so the people who work around Trump know he's deranged... comforting
Thu May 30 14:23:01
Said that it even occurred to someone to name a naval vessel after a traitor
the wanderer
Fri May 31 13:22:42
"I think one of the ironies today is that people are saying that it's President Trump that's shredding our institutions. I really see no evidence of that."
~ AG Barr

what a disgrace

public view of Justice Dept, intel agencies, judges across the board... all smeared by Trump w/ false accusations to help himself
the wanderer
Sat Jun 01 22:20:14
be sure to pray for Trump tomorrow... he has retweeted about it ~8 times so far
Mon Jun 03 07:50:58
Easy solution to balance the situation would be for the Navy to rename any Navy non-combat ship that was sunk. Call it the USS Trump.
Both the ship and Trump would have a common trait. One lies on the bottom the other lies with every breath.
the wanderer
Mon Jun 03 11:38:53
"The fact that some 23- or 24-year-old person on the advance team went to that site and said, 'Oh my goodness. There's the John McCain. We all know how the president feels about the former senator. Maybe that's not the best backdrop. Can somebody look into moving it?' That's not an unreasonable thing to ask" Mick Mulvaney said.

that's the acting White House Chief of Staff... and insane...

(also probably wasn't a 23 or 24 yr old giving the Navy orders)

some referred to this as places needing child-proofed, which seems apt

we have a double-plus extreme narcissist idiot child wannabe dictator who is giddy about the masses praying for him (which he probably thinks of as praying to him)
the wanderer
Mon Jun 03 11:51:37
"Just arrived in the United Kingdom. The only problem is that @CNN is the primary source of news available from the U.S. After watching it for a short while, I turned it off. All negative & so much Fake News, very bad for U.S. Big ratings drop. Why doesn’t owner @ATT do something?"
~ dictator trying to shut down free press

'give positive coverage for me or else'
the wanderer
Mon Jun 03 11:53:45
oops, it went further to even suggesting action by his hordes of gullible idiots...

"I believe that if people stoped using or subscribing to @ATT, they would be forced to make big changes at @CNN, which is dying in the ratings anyway. It is so unfair with such bad, Fake News! Why wouldn’t they act. When the World watches @CNN, it gets a false picture of USA. Sad!"
~ unfit dangerous fraud

(also all his frequent spelling errors aren't typos, it's just an idiot who doesn't know how to spell)
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