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Utopia Talk / Politics / Game of Thrones: 8:1
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun Apr 14 11:58:55
The Great War has come, the Wall has fallen and the Night King's army of the dead marches towards Westeros. The end is here, but who will take the Iron Throne?

Basically 54 mins of set up

Lets discuss how the final season will disapoint.
Sun Apr 14 12:07:24
54-minute runtime in a six-episode season? Dear God. The show is getting the full Boardwalk treatment.
Sun Apr 14 13:31:21
Episode 801: 54 minutes
Episode 802: 58 minutes
Episode 803: 60 minutes
Episode 804: 78 minutes
Episode 805: 80 minutes
Episode 806: 80 minutes
Sun Apr 14 14:19:56
"Lets discuss how the final season will disapoint."

Please. All they have to is tie up all the loose ends and conclude multiple complex storylines. And do it in a way that pleases everyone. Sounds doable
Sun Apr 14 14:23:17
I can still recall the first time we discussed SoIF in old UP, with
licker and another poster named john stark
Sun Apr 14 14:56:32
"All they have to is tie up all the loose ends and conclude multiple complex storylines."

Everyone travels North and dies, attempts to backstab others fail quickly and spectacularly, zombies are the answer to every storyline. Easily done when your endgame is an undead freight train that will overtake everyone
The Children
Sun Apr 14 14:59:21
tc dunt wanna watch this unless it a marathon.

tc must resist

Cherub Cow
Sun Apr 14 17:50:26
“And do it in a way that pleases everyone.”

Luckily no. They’ve built it into the plot that this story does not have to please *anyone* (e.g., [S5E10, Ramsay]: “If you think this has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention.”). Martin’s format has always given them room to intentionally disappoint expectations so that people realize that there are *always* loose ends because in real life not everyone gets closure. This means that big moves can be made right away, like Winterfell falling and Sansa being killed in this first episode, Danny’s child never being born, or the Night King ending up on the Iron Throne. If you don’t like who “wins”, then the writers may have been targeting the story towards you ;D
Sun Apr 14 17:54:10
Sansa wins
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun Apr 14 19:54:45
"Start the bloody show already before I piss meself!!" King Rob the Great.
Sun Apr 14 22:07:47
pretty enjoyable episode, looks like Jon and Dany are gonna have a falling out.
the wanderer
Sun Apr 14 22:30:37
they didn't address the food concern
Sun Apr 14 23:22:47
because they can't. they don't have enough food to feed everyone, theyll have to ration. assuming they are around long enough to worry about food stores.
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 15 00:29:48
"assuming they are around long enough to worry about food stores."

Wars have a way of working those details out, yeah, lol ;D
..the survivors will have larger rations

The fun thing about Jon and Danny is that the timing of the Night King's arrival at Winterfell gets to manipulate their decisions. If they had plenty of time, then Jon could claim the throne and later marry Danny despite the weirdness factor, but the Night King will be there much sooner, so what can they even do (positively/tactically) with the information before the battle starts? It seems like at most they could get the Glovers to show up and get the stragglers to commit, but removing Danny's title(s) could destabilize *her* armies... so to be continued until after the first battle?

And I was thinking that Jon would be too honorable not to tell everyone that he has claim to the throne, but Sam just pointed out that Jon will put saving the people above any titles (i.e., Jon is above the "Game of Thrones").. so maybe he won't care about his title and will just marry Danny without telling any of the people about his lineage. It's like one more test for Jon (and for all the people that he represents): Iron Throne or a public good? Stay divided (make another play for the Throne) — becoming vulnerable to the Night King — or resist the temptation and do the right thing? And they even complicated the "right thing" for him:
- Arya reminded him that he needs to do right by his family even if that means being wrong by others
- Sam wants him to lord the throne over Danny, so even if Jon doesn't want to tell anyone Sam will
- Jon's hormones want him to be with his aunt
- But Jon also wants to make whatever choice will defeat the NK

No time for thinking; fortify that wall! ;)
Mon Apr 15 00:55:23
eh, the glovers arent a big enough house to really change the tide. the northern houses are pretty weak after robbs war and then the war to defeat the boltons. Jon's army was strongest when it had the Vale knights and the 2nd largest faction was the wildlings. He hasn't lost either yet. But I wouldn't be surprised if in the next episode we find out deepwood motte gets wiped out by the NK and as such every northern house flees to winterfell for protection.

Mon Apr 15 14:02:51
I thought it was a spectacular episode. Very low expectations + not taking it seriously = totally enjoyable tv hour
Cherub Cow
Mon Apr 15 14:20:17
"and as such every northern house flees to winterfell for protection."

I'd enjoy this if it includes Glover showing up like, "Sorry I broke my oath again after swearing never to break my oath again. But I swear I won't break this *next* oath!" ;D
Anarchist Prime
Mon Apr 15 14:22:55
But I swear I won't break this *next* oath!" again!
Mon Apr 15 18:07:50
I enjoyed the episode as a standalone, but I still can't get over the fact that there are only five episodes to go. When factoring that in, a filler and fan-service episode at this stage is unforgivable.

Also the Yara rescue was incredibly rushed.

And I don't agree that "wrapping up loose ends" is all the writers have to do at this point. The climax of this series has been built up to since literally Episode 1 Scene 1. Even for those of us who haven't read the books, this has been an eight-year-long investment, and there needs to be a worthy pay off. The problem is that with such limited time left and with no source material to work off of, I can't see the show pulling off a climax that simultaneously delivers us the quality writing that drew us in in the first place and which provides a grand spectacle with amazing effects

The NYT called this dichotomy "Less Blabbing, More Stabbing" which I think is apt. The writers have been unable to find a good balance between the two, and it's going to end up being a major disappointment.
Mon Apr 15 18:08:11
But at least the runtimes are going to get longer, thanks Forwyn for that.
Mon Apr 15 18:56:03
Might be time for me to start the books. I want to read them before I watch the series.
Mon Apr 15 19:18:24
“And I don't agree that "wrapping up loose ends" is all the writers have to do at this point.”

That was sarcasm, saying that ALL they have to do is wrap up multiple complex storylines, in six episodes, and to everyone’s liking, is like me saying that all I have to do to become Pats starting QB, is learn how to throw football like Brady. Of course it ain’t happening. And once you come to peace with this notion, watching this last season becomes way more enjoyable. At least for me it did, if only for one episode.
Cherub Cow
Tue Apr 16 01:32:40
“and with no source material to work off of”

There’s not a finished book anymore, but Martin told the show runners the remaining story, so there’s still a source. I’d guess that that’s why they know that they can conclude things: there are just a few big events left.
large member
Tue Apr 16 05:31:24
"I thought it was a spectacular episode. Very low expectations + not taking it seriously = totally enjoyable tv hour"

Tue Apr 16 06:02:02
We got to see some tits and the pubic hair of some women. I didn't really exepct that.
Tue Apr 16 06:15:01

"We got to see some tits and the pubic hair of some women."

not all of us got to see tits

smart dude
Tue Apr 16 10:06:15
lol as if anyone in China is actually going to watch it on HBO.
The Children
Tue Apr 16 12:12:04
TC resistin hard. must not read. must not watch.

everything in 1 go, or not at all. period.

best way 2 enjoy is in a marathon settin. just like in the movies. at the comfy of ur chair, chips, cookies, popcorn, soda....life is gooooodddd that way.

Tue Apr 16 12:54:04
A real marathon would be to watch season 1-8 in one go. A comfy couch, water, food. No cheatin. All 8 in one go.
The Children
Tue Apr 16 13:15:39
thats what i sayin man.

wait till the last week of final episode, than watch that shit in 1 go. 5 bags of chips, snacks, pizzas, soda. its gonna be goooooodddddddd shitttttt.

Tue Apr 16 18:21:31
Who has anywhere near enough time to binge-watch a seventy-hour series?!!

I hope those chips and pizzas give you a heart attack at s08e05.
Tue Apr 16 18:24:53
We know he wont be able to afford both chips and pizza.
The Children
Wed Apr 17 12:09:28
70 hours. i hope u fuckin realize how stupid u r kid.

its 60 to 80 min per episodes and it only 6-7 episodes this season.

ill watch 3 episodes 1 day, then take a break in between and watrch the rest again. it will be like watchin 2 movies on a day.

get rekted, kid
The Children
Thu Apr 18 13:22:00
tc still resistin hard.

fuck yea, i cant wait.

Sun Apr 21 11:13:50

Fair enough. And FWIW, I'm not trying to ruin anyone's enjoyment of the show. God knows it's going to be the entertainment highlight of my week until it concludes.

GOT should however really serve as a major warning for any TV company wanting to green-light a future show based off an unfinished series though. CC can justify it all he wants - the writing has suffered a noticeable drop in quality over the last few seasons.
Sun Apr 21 11:26:35
it isnt a drop in quality. it is simply the show coming to its conclusion. in the past it could spend seasons on the political machinations of humans against each other. but at this point it is boiled down to good vs evil, life vs death. so it wont be clever anymore. itll be about survival.
Sun Apr 21 11:35:37

Come on. It's still an enjoyable show, but there's definitely been a drop. What about having the King of the North personally go north of the Wall with his freshly-assembled Super Team to capture a wight? Or the timeline fuckery it required to have Gendry run all the way back to the Wall, send a message to Dragonstone, and bring Daenerys north in time to save everyone?

In the absence of book dialogue, the show writers have apparently resorted to browsing r/GameOfThrones and drafting the most popular fan service ideas. Re-watching Tyrion scenes from Season 2 and comparing them to the present really brings it all into perspective.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Mon May 20 21:55:04
Barry is better
Mon May 20 23:16:43
@rugian - have man, ill be the first to admit that the super squad heading north is totally fun and makes zero sense but i also feel like that is exactly what has been talked about in the books. the books talk about "the last hero" who ventured forth into the north with 7 soldiers and his loyal dog. so the show was basically just showing that event.

I don't think the dialogue really got bad dude. like, honestly, tyrion finding his siblings dead is probably the hardest hitting moment in the series. He finds out that his brother and pregnant sister (whom he hated) died trying to flee from Dany. they didn't die fighting, they died trying to run away from her.

also, barry is a pretty good show but this second season has definitely seen some drop in quality.
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