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Utopia Talk / Politics / US Partisan Divide on a Map
Thu Mar 07 20:03:55
Always Florida

Fri Mar 08 06:14:27
"Nationwide, if we disregard the smallest counties (which may be hard to pin down statistically, since they have fewer than 100,000 people), the most politically intolerant county in America appears to be Suffolk County, Massachusetts, which includes the city of Boston."

Fuck yeah!

"Americans now routinely guess one another’s partisan leanings based on what they eat, drive, and drink (Dunkin’ Donuts? Republican; Starbucks? Democrat), according to a working paper by the University of Pennsylvania Ph.D. candidate Hye-Yon Lee."

lol wut? Dunkin is associated with Republicans? Hye-Yon Lee has no idea what the fuck he's talking about.
large member
Fri Mar 08 07:04:00
What do you think a white person eating at dunkin' donuts votes?

Correct first for ethnicity, then lifestyle choices.

You are welcome!
Fri Mar 08 07:09:18
"What do you think a white person eating at dunkin' donuts votes?"

Let me go to the location nearest me and ask the union construction workers and music school students frequenting it about that.
large member
Fri Mar 08 07:23:01
Or you could check an available segmentation analysis if you are concerned that we might not give a fuck about your personal view.
smart dude
Fri Mar 08 07:55:34
in college I went to DD frequently between classes because it was across the street from my building. i guess that makes me a Republican
Fri Mar 08 07:57:04
In this thread, people get butthurt over generalities. Weird.
smart dude
Fri Mar 08 08:04:48
Thank you PH D ”candidate" for telling me what party I follow based on where I get my coffee. Uh.... Also I dont care about what some non-published grad student thinks. Out of thousands of PhDs they managed to find some student (lol) to find a meaningful connection between coffee shops and political affiliation.

Is it a stretch to assume that this person will soon be working at one of these coffee shops in the near future? legit question
Fri Mar 08 08:18:28

Any segmentation analysis is going to have the same results as my personal observations. Differences between Starbucks and DD patrons are based more on socioeconomic status than narrow voting preferences.

DD's operations are primarily centered in the Northeast US. If political ideology and coffee chain selection really had such a strong correlation, then I fear the company has made a grievious error in strategy.

To put it another way, few people are going to see an individual walking into a DD and think "oh, he must be a Republican."

Or we can go on and pretend that a random Norwegian fisherman is more of an expert on the societal nuances of American coffee chain customers than people who actually live in this country. That's about as believable as your insisting on being an expert on judicial interpretations of German constitutional law.

Perhaps a poster with such a known credibility problem as yourself should refrain from rejecting other people's claims out of hand.
Wrath of Orion
Fri Mar 08 08:40:08
Without seeing the paper I can't say for sure, but the news article is not saying this...

"find a meaningful connection between coffee shops and political affiliation."

There is a difference between that and what the news article actually says...

"Americans now routinely guess one another’s partisan leanings..."

And Rugian actually left off the last sentence of that paragraph.

"And based on these unreliable cues, they say they’d be more or less likely to want to live, work, or hang out with one another."
Fri Mar 08 08:44:53

I am accurately addressing the claims of the article. Dunkin Donuts is not intrinsically associated with Republicans in the minds of average Americans.
Wrath of Orion
Fri Mar 08 08:49:08
Ok, great? Notice how I didn't quote you or address a post to you?
Fri Mar 08 08:52:42
Was it addressed to SD then? Otherwise I'm not sure why it needed to be said.
Wrath of Orion
Fri Mar 08 08:54:29
He's the one I quoted...
Fri Mar 08 09:07:56
Meh, didnt make the connection. I need more Dunks'.
Wrath of Orion
Fri Mar 08 09:13:32
I'm sure could have been clearer.

Regardless, I'm curious what method she used to get the data for her conclusion, but there's no way to know without actually seeing the paper. Also, the problem I have found with scientific reporting (of any kind) is the journalists often fundamentally misunderstand the paper's conclusions and inferences.

I don't personally know anything about Dunkin' Donuts or Starbucks, so I can't comment on any of that.
Wrath of Orion
Fri Mar 08 09:13:42
I'm sure *I...
Fri Mar 08 09:22:12
The conclusions about DD and Starbucks seem pretty minimally important in the overall scope (which seems to be identifying the degree of division).
large member
Fri Mar 08 18:13:04
What credibility issues? Cretins can "think" what they like.

I am suggesting to you that if you want to make a academic point, then back it up in an academic way.

In this case, you wanted to trash someone's research. Be my guest, but back it up with more than your casual observations.

This aint rocket science.
Fri Mar 08 19:03:43
I thought Democrats were supposed to be boycotting Starbucks?
Sat Mar 09 10:43:53

Blow me. You are infamous for making outlandish claims and refusing to provide any support whatsoever to back them up.

At least with Seb, whenever he makes a factual claim I generally don't have a hard time figuring out his basis for it. With you, your credibility is at near-zero.

I'll also note that you've so far refused to even source your study that supposedly makes you an expert on a New England coffee chain. Can't fault you for consistency at least.
large member
Sat Mar 09 11:29:44
Cretins can "think" what they like.

I incidentally encouraged you to find a study to support your rabid opinion because your opinions are always just shit.

But nice straw man. Straw men being one of the reasons you are a cretin that "thinks".
Sat Mar 09 11:38:15
Any poster here: "X is true, based on Y."

jergul: "Actually, Z is true."

Any poster here: "Um, source for Z being true?"

jergul: "Z is true."

Any poster here: "..."

jergul: "Yep, Z is true."

Every single fucking conversation in a nutshell.
large member
Sat Mar 09 13:59:10

X = this researcher sucks
Y = Because that is my opinion
Z = Find some research to support your opinion
... = adhom
Jergul: cool story, bro.

Sounds about right.
Sat Mar 09 15:42:31
I watched a guy on CNN state something then used the book he wrote as proof of what he said being true.
the wanderer
Sat Mar 09 15:48:40
like this?

"Virtually everything failed lawyer Michael Cohen said in his sworn testimony last week is totally contradicted in his just released manuscript for a book about me"

...only the book doesn't exist
Sat Mar 09 16:24:17
Bias test referenced in the article

Sat Mar 09 16:32:04
Sun Mar 10 08:10:27

Is that really your problem? Are you two penpal fuck-buddies or something?

I'm sorry for daring to question the opinion of a high priestess of academia. Sadly, since I couldn't find this poli-sci major's paper, I have no idea what the crux of her argument is, or even if it was a main point of her thesis. Fortunately though, the purpose of this board - as happy circumstance has it - is to debate and question the conclusions of others.

My evidence is spending three decades in various localities across the northeast US and casually observing the demographics of Dunkin customers, as well as peoples' general attitudes towards that particular company. You are welcome to present any counter-evidence or studies. So far you have failed to do so.

Cite your shit, jergul.
Sun Mar 10 08:22:04
Also, if you really want to go down this road, then I demand you provide support for your claim on German judicial interpretations of just compensation rights under the constitution.
large member
Sun Mar 10 10:38:40
Your opinion is dismissed until such a point in time when you find other than your personal anecdotal opinion to support it.

Your opinions are generally just silly, you see.

I suggest you look for market segmentation analysis that you might find on the net. It may or may not support your opinion.

German judicial review falls under general knowledge easily available through open sources.

The only thing you find insulting here is my assumption that you are capable of googling.

What is with your millenial wannabes (yes, we both know your are technically too old to be a millenial) and your gnatish attention spans?
Sun Mar 10 10:40:20
"I suggest you look for market segmentation analysis that you might find on the net."

I suggest you fucking post it.

The rest of your post is dismissed.
Sun Mar 10 11:35:25
jergul, ever the fucking hypocrite.

"German judicial review falls under general knowledge easily available through open sources."

For his comments, you should just know it and if you don't why are you stupid? Who needs sources?

"Your opinion is dismissed until such a point in time when you find other than your personal anecdotal opinion to support it."

But for YOUR comments? Well clearly nobody could ever have a fucking clue what you say because everything you ever say is positively outlandish and so YOU must go through the effort of finding a source to cite. See, jergul never needs to cite a source. Why would he bother? You've got the google skills, you can do his work for him.

Typical lazy danish slob.
large member
Sun Mar 10 12:06:42
Cretins can "think" what they like.

I do not actually care if you are unable or unwilling to follow up using google.

In the case of ruggy's claim, I did check and found the market segmentation to be weighed heavily towards 25+ professionals in addition to the normal student crowd.

I regularly check things you post if I am at all interested. Preferably going to the primary source behind whatever regurgitated media source you chose to serve up in the forum.

Call it the Lutheran work ethic. We prefer to do things ourselves and expect the same of others.

You would not understand.
Sun Mar 10 12:50:47
One might as well use this thread and the article as an indicator of partisan prejudice.

Coffee doesn't seem to be a reliable indicator.

Tue Mar 12 02:46:15
Jerguls talk about Lutheran work ethic is cheap. He has in the past admitted to taking part in heathen witch craft ceremonies and the usage of black magic drums. Denounce your alliagance to the tribe Jergul, ask the lord for forgiveness, repent before it is to late!
large member
Tue Mar 12 02:54:33
I have never taken part in, nor admitted to taking part in, heathen witch craft ceremonies with or without the usage of black or any other coloured magic or non-magic drums or any other musical instrument.

Imagined reconstructions of forgotten pagan rituals is waaaay to new-age bullshit for my tastes.

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