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Utopia Talk / Politics / Amazon tells NYC to fuck off
Thu Feb 14 15:26:58
HQ2 CANCELLED (Virgina move still on)

Honestly it was a pretty bad fit - between the secretive process, the ridiculous tax incentives, and the refusal to go union locally, Amazon was pretty much guaranteed to make enemies in NYC. I can't help but feel like canceling is a good thing in balance.

Still, over 70% of New Yorkers had supported the deal, and now the city's down 25,000 jobs. And RIP to anyone who invested in LIC real estate. Cuomo must be fucking livid right now, ROFL.
Thu Feb 14 15:32:22

Bahahahahaha. Oh wow, heads are so going to roll over this.
Thu Feb 14 15:36:54
Ongoing meltdown:

Yancey Roy
And the political fallout from @amazon reversal spreads: Cuomo adm blames not only Gianaris, but also LI Senate delegation dean @toddkaminsky. Spox: "Senator Kaminsky cowered when he should have shown courage. Now all of Long Island suffers."
3:42 PM · Feb 14, 2019

Yancey Roy
(more) "The Dean of the Long Island delegation, Senator Todd Kaminsky, should have fought for Long Island’s economic interest when the State Senate aborted the Amazon plan by placing a stalwart Amazon opponent on the government approval board to pander to the local socialists."

Yancey Roy
And more piling on: "Todd Kaminsky says Amazon should come to Nassau. How disingenuous. People aren't stupid, he and his colleagues just kicked them out of the state."


As a Masshole, this is Grade A porn.
Thu Feb 14 15:51:33
About time the practice of states and cities competing against each other in a race to the bottom, offering don't-call-them-bribes to corporations for the deep honor of playing host to them, hit a speedbump.
Sam Adams
Thu Feb 14 16:04:54
Lol. No one wanted to live in that shithole anyway.
Sam Adams
Thu Feb 14 16:05:20
Boston should get amazon just to fuck with nyc.
Cherub Cow
Thu Feb 14 16:07:18
it'd be wickit smaht of Bahstin to get Amazawn
Thu Feb 14 16:07:58
Well GE also announced today that they're cancelling their HQ tower, so that frees up some space for Amazon.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Thu Feb 14 17:05:50
Going to Boston for lower taxes would fuck with a lot of people's head.
Thu Feb 14 17:33:31
This was just on the news behind me. They also said Amazon paid zero in income taxes the past two years by taking advantage of all the loopholes.
large member
Thu Feb 14 17:58:20
What do you think of "Harmjoy" and an anglicized variant of schadenfreude?

It is pretty much your dominant emotion, so you should have a solid English word for it.
large member
Thu Feb 14 17:58:47
as an anglicized*
large member
Thu Feb 14 18:00:10
Ruggy: "I lost my job after my double amputation. Hahahah - no more flipped burgers for you!"
Thu Feb 14 21:00:38
"And RIP to anyone who invested in LIC real estate."

I don't think there is any love lost for LIC developers.
Fri Feb 15 07:17:49
" They also said Amazon paid zero in income taxes the past two years by taking advantage of all the loopholes."

Still, don't get why politicians don't act on this. That essentially trumps wall money if you are for that.
Fri Feb 15 07:53:42
What do you think of "Harmjoy" and an anglicized variant of schadenfreude?"

Or we could just use schadenfreude instead of trying to make up a fucking terrible term like harmjoy. Don't try wordsmithing, jergul. At least not in English.
large member
Fri Feb 15 07:58:32
Fri Feb 15 07:59:20
I really hope you're just trolling and not being a killjoy.
large member
Fri Feb 15 09:22:02
Hope does spring eternal. But you really should get finger on the pulse of America. A word 80% of the population bases their political sentiments on, yet cannot spell, is completely unacceptable.

Harmjoy it is!
large member
Fri Feb 15 09:22:19
a finger*
Fri Feb 15 09:26:23
So sayeth the Danish fisherman, amirite?

America kindly asks you to fuck right off. We'll handle English with the dignity and eloquence we've established over the past 3 centuries.
large member
Fri Feb 15 09:42:53
Did you giggle when you typed that? It was certainly snort worthy.

The problem is not so much that American English needs to be made great again as it is so very few you are able to use it properly.

I blame bullet point education and methamphetamine. But there are likely more culprits than you can shake a stick at.
Fri Feb 15 09:45:45
"Did you giggle when you typed that? It was certainly snort worthy."

I did indeed.

"so very few you are able to use it properly."

Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Willis?
large member
Fri Feb 15 09:49:40
Anarchist Prime
Fri Feb 15 09:51:00
no amazon cuomo then?
Fri Feb 15 10:00:26
"Harmjoy " Hurtglee would be a better word.
large member
Fri Feb 15 10:07:09
Sounds a bit gay, don't you think? I get that you are aiming for a literal translation btw (skadefryd is the norwegian word for it).
Fri Feb 15 11:33:13

Have you lost your fucking mind?

Or to put it another way, has your sudden fervent love of ruthless late-stage capitalism advanced to the point where you think HQ2 was a GOOD thing?
Fri Feb 15 13:22:15

Temporary tax breaks, REEEEEEE
Fri Feb 15 13:26:51
^ supports the government illegally picking favorites as long as it's fine via tax breaks.
Fri Feb 15 13:27:13
Done via*

Saw it right as I hit enter. :(
Fri Feb 15 13:31:57
Yeah, I would have zero issue with my municipality wining and dining a massive fucking entry of 25,000 jobs averaging $150,000 with some temporary tax breaks.

We're not talking about the Fed here.
Fri Feb 15 13:45:03
"Sounds a bit gay, don't you think?"

Harmjoy sound like something totally different.
Some sadistic bondage thing.
Fri Feb 15 13:59:26
And this is why nobody takes you seriously. So hard on law and order... except when it suits you.
Fri Feb 15 14:00:50
I'm hard on law and order? lulz
Fri Feb 15 14:05:05
Was more a general you than a specific you.
Fri Feb 15 14:06:40
Fair enough.

I think most people that push this draw a line between tax breaks and subsidies.
Fri Feb 15 14:14:51
Same outcome.
large member
Fri Feb 15 16:57:24
Where exactly was love expressed?

My position on Capitalism has always been the same. A great mechanism to help balance markets. A horrible, horrible, horrible ideology.
large member
Fri Feb 15 16:59:02
Wages Amazon pays is entirely up to State legislatures.

Its one of the dangers of a minimum wage business model. The company does not actually control hourly wage rates.
Fri Feb 15 18:11:57

How about when you implied that it required an act of schadenfraude (which is already part of the English lexicon, genius) to be satisfied when Amazon's Hunger Games-style competition of seeing which cities could offer the best package of secretive corporate welfare kickbacks in exchange for the honor of having Jeff Bezos & Co. taking a hot and steamy shit on local worker rights finally blew up in their faces.

I dont give my local politicians a lot of credit, but kudos to then for not playing ball with that bald slavemaster and philanderer.
large member
Fri Feb 15 19:00:08
Amazon cannot take a shit on worker's rights without the complicity of State legislature.

Their whole business model is based on being at the mercy of any and all workplace standard improvements passed into law.

The rofls and Bahahahahahas are sort of a harmjoy giveaway.
Cherub Cow
Fri Feb 15 22:00:37
Gretchen-Jergul, stop trying to make harmjoy happen. It’s *not* going to happen.
Fri Feb 15 23:35:12
large member
Sat Feb 16 01:12:23
Harmjoy has happened. Used in several posts in fact at a frequency far higher than 99% of all other words in the English language.

Sorry if that hurts. Bahahahahaha.
large member
Sat Feb 16 01:17:28
Sort of inept. Degermanizing is not typically a good time to employ german names.

It would have been better if ran with Nancy-Jergul or something.
large member
Sat Feb 16 01:20:16
It would have been better if it ran with Nancy-Jergul or something.*
Sat Feb 16 01:37:43
"Harmjoy has happened"

You do not understand english.

"Used in several posts in fact at a frequency far higher than 99% of all other words in the English language."

You do not understand logic (or perhaps english).

"Sort of inept"

You do not understand the reference?

"Degermanizing is not typically a good time to employ german names."

You do not understand the reference?

"It would have been better if ran with Nancy-Jergul or something."

No. It wouldn't. Nobody has ever been named nancy. And certainly the nobodys that have never been named nancy have ever accomplished something worth referencing.

What HAS happened is jergulfail. Not only as a word, but the action it describes.
large member
Sat Feb 16 03:27:42
The only failures I see here are you asking CC to read your flailing attempt a novel and her failing to read it.

But feel free to keep on sucking on her clit. She will read it one day, I am sure.

If only you suck hard and long enough.

Sorry if that hurts. Bahahahahaha.
large member
Sat Feb 16 03:29:59
Harmjoy is great fun. I get why Ruggy likes it.
large member
Sat Feb 16 03:37:06
large member
Sat Feb 16 03:40:59
An ept attempt: Take a very WASP name and link it to jergul because he is trying to Anglify a German word.

An inept attempt: Take a very German name and link it to jergul because he is trying to Anglify a German word.

Its not rocket science.
Cherub Cow
Sat Feb 16 06:15:18
Wow, Jergul really has no clue what’s going on here... and being super weird about it too... kind of spectacular. Recently someone misses the Skyrim “arrow to the knee” reference, and now this. UP might need to take a class on pop culture references ;p
Sat Feb 16 06:30:46
Good. Amazon was always going to move to NY or a place like it anyway. The whole HQ2 municipal beauty pageant was just a way to try to get a little extra in tax breaks, they were never going to put HQ2 in fucking Kentucky.

Also, and I say this in the kindest way possible so no offense to any of you Boston ppl, but has there ever been one likable or reasonable person from Boston or are you all just loud assholes with bad opinions?
large member
Sat Feb 16 08:41:17
Au contraire!

Hood is going down on you in the hopes you will read his story. How is that going btw? Should he suck harder and maybe you will get around to it?

That was unfair. He probably likes going down on you for many reasons. Some of them cultural.

Your Gretchen reference was inept for the reasons given.

Sorry if that hurts. Bahahahahaha.
large member
Sat Feb 16 08:45:25
Also, your are wrong on your arrow to knee recollection. It must be that time of the month.
Sat Feb 16 08:56:32

What the hell does "complicity of state legislators" have to do with anything?

Quisling was complicit in the crimes of the Nazis. The Nazis were still scum.

The fact that you got so triggered from me going "bahahahaha" at HQ2 blowing up is downright weird.

Also, I'm officially nominating "harmjoy" as the 2019 successor to "Trumpicantard" for being the dumbest and most contrived made-up word that a sub member has come up with.

In short jergul, ROFL at Amazon and ROFL at you.
large member
Sat Feb 16 09:10:29
A minimum wage business strategy leaves a company's wage expenses in the hands of legislators.

It simply means that low minimum wages is the systemic problem you are looking at if you think a company underpays.

So don't be mad at amazon, bro. Be mad at legislators.

I called you on being a harmjoy (when do you ever post if not to gloat over the imagined tears of others?)

It filled your vagina with sand.

Sorry if that hurts. Bahahahahaha.
Sat Feb 16 09:39:16

Only you could look at a company with a market capitalization of $790 billion and think "well it's the state legislatures' fault that their workers are underpaid!"

Since you're clearly not familiar with what is only one of the largest companies on the planet, complaints about how Amazon treats its workers aren't limited to wage issues. Feel free to read an articvle on what a career in either the warehouse or corporate sides entails without coming away with a firm understanding that Jeff Bezos is a distinct piece of human garbage.

A company can do the right thing even if it not legally required to do so. Amazon does not do the right thing.

By the way, minimum wage in New York City is $15.00/hour. Not that that fact matters, since I see you've already come up with your little narrative that you'll spend 200 posts repeating verbatim if I let you. Sadly for you, I'm no masochist (sorry, "selfharmjoyist"), so I have no intention on going down that route.

Sorry for mocking a company you clearly have a bit of a lovefest for, but it's quite warranted.
Sat Feb 16 10:10:20
"The only failures I see here are you asking CC to read your flailing attempt a novel and her failing to read it."

Is this supposed to sting? Are you perhaps deluded into thinking I'm expecting success with my writing? This certainly isn't the first time you've attempted to poke that particular bear, but it remains just as unsuccessful. It takes only a tiny bit of logic to come to the conclusion that if I were sensitive about it, I would never make UP aware of it for reasons exactly like this.

"Wow, Jergul really has no clue what’s going on here... and being super weird about it too"

This is all pretty normal for jergul. Well, except for the oral sex stuff.

"An ept attempt"

About as "ept" as your attempt at using actual words. (pro tip: "ept" is not a word)

"Also, I'm officially nominating "harmjoy" as the 2019 successor to "Trumpicantard""

large member
Sat Feb 16 11:27:20
You harmjoy yourself every time you ooze over some Trump tweet. Staring into the Abyss is a dangerous thing.

Its not a company's job to "do right" by its employees. What kind of 19th century paternalism is your cool-aid flavour of the week?

It is governments' job to regulate in a way that allows market mechanisms (including collective bargaining) to function.

I don't give a rat's ass about Amazon (which is considerably more than you can say).

You simply have the government you deserve. And corporate behaviour that follows from the government you deserve.

Poor you. Bahahahahaha

I think you are deluded to think CC will ever give novelette more than a cursory glance.

At least not without you putting in some serious tongue work.

Protip 1: Nominating a word is not a good way of ignoring its existence.

Protip 2: Read some PG Wodehouse.

Protip 3: Take that stick out of your ass. I find it unbecoming.
Sat Feb 16 11:31:20
"I think you are deluded to think CC will ever give novelette more than a cursory glance."

The weird thing is that you're putting more attention to it than I have. Do you have some vested interest in CC and/or my writing? I made 2 whole posts about it. You've made more of a fuss in this thread.

"Nominating a word is not a good way of ignoring its existence."

This is the first time anyone has mentioned ignoring its existence. It must be really easy to argue when you can just make up the stance of the opposition, eh?
large member
Sat Feb 16 11:38:03
Have you suffered from the delusion that CC would give your typing more than a cursory glance?

But my point of course is that you want something from her. Which sort of renders your "you go, girl" attitude towards her a bit nauseating.

Feel free to do so in the ho. But if you lick someone's sexual organs here, then expect to get called on it in graphic terms.

"stop trying to make harmjoy happen. It’s *not* going to happen."

I don't think I misrepresented CC. But if you are happy with the word being around, then so am I.

Sat Feb 16 12:15:19

I find your comments to be very telling. Perhaps it is best that your government pretty much runs your life for you - left to your own devices, you'd likely be murdering your employees for the insurance money.

You strike me as someone who probably would fit in very well at church. "Belief in God - sorry, I mean government, is the only thing keeping human beings from ripping each other to shreds," etc.

And thanks for inspiring me to post more tweets from the big guy himself. Knowing that Bad Orange Man makes you so upset gives me such a sense of schadenfreude.
Sat Feb 16 12:29:09
"But my point of course is that you want something from her. Which sort of renders your "you go, girl" attitude towards her a bit nauseating."

Being briefly annoyed that someone beat me to a "it's never going to happen" mean girls reference == wanting something from them? Is this more jergulmath?

"Have you suffered from the delusion that CC would give your typing more than a cursory glance?"

I have in the past received plenty of good feedback. This, of course, does not mean anything for the future and as such, you'll be hard pressed to find me having posted any such request in at least a month. A more carefree (and probably more accurate) estimate would be in 2019. Only you are fixated on this.

"But if you lick someone's sexual organs here, then expect to get called on it in graphic terms."

I'm starting to think that you're just upset because you lost some masturbation fodder.
Cherub Cow
Sat Feb 16 18:25:13
[Jergul]: "It must be that time of the month."

We're getting a really good theory of mind for Jergul here.

[Rugian]: ""Also, I'm officially nominating "harmjoy" as the 2019 successor to "Trumpicantard""
[hood]: "Seconded."

Really poor grasp of language.

[Jergul]: "[Reading Hood's] story. How is that going btw?"

Not that you've actually asked in order to gain information (the question was clearly mocking), but I've been working about 70 hours per week lately, so there hasn't been much time for fun projects. To evidence — and since you're clearly in stalker mode, seeing as you're lurking in UGT presumably for nothing better than to gain ammunition for ad hominem attacks in UP — you might have also noticed that I haven't written a movie review since September. Lately, I've been pretty much just watching easy TV before sleep.

[Jergul]: "Hood
I think you are deluded to think CC will ever give novelette more than a cursory glance."

False. I have free time coming up (so "ever" doesn't fit), and I would never speed read someone's work (so "cursory glance" doesn't fit either). And I guess your weirdo stalking isn't getting you far, because you might have found out that this isn't the first time that I've read for editing and feedback by request, meaning that it's not unusual to expect that I'd do it again.

[Jergul]: "Also, your are wrong on your arrow to knee recollection."

"Your are"? Ugh..
Anyways, how was I "wrong" about that? That did, in fact, happen: someone missed that reference, and despite people dropping hints in the rest of the thread, that person remained ignorant. Disagree? If you disagree, please quote from that thread.

And let's be explicit. Please answer these questions, and we can find out for sure whether or not you have slipped further into retardation:
- In this thread, what was referenced?
- Within the referenced work, who said what to whom?
- What was the meaning of the reference's exchange within the context of the work?

Simply pretending that you understood it will not work, Jergul. Let's hear you actually explain your understanding.
large member
Sat Feb 16 20:07:49
Capitalism is a great tool that requires robust regulation to function effectively.

I place my faith in collective bargaining in Norway where capitalism is functional due to robust regulation.

It does not upset me. I am just sad so see how utterly screwed you are.


Show me a post where you take a position contrary to CC's and I will reconsider.

Someone certainly did miss the arrow reference. That someone was of course not me.

But your blatant dishonesty noted (you could have just said: yah, that was someone else).

Your causes you pain? ROFL.

"70 hrs" ROFL. yah, kitten memes don't post themselves after all. It takes time to find good ones no doubt.

Please don't cut yourself too much over this.

I am sure that at some point work may even equate remuneration. That should help with your procrastination and improve your productivity.

I get it. You like fawning attention and people going down on you.

Fair enough. I will tell hood he needs to suck harder and faster to make time for you to review his typing.

I will get with your questions shortly. Please wait with baited breatch.
large member
Sat Feb 16 20:13:49
I'll bite. Where did I say the gretchen reference was familiar to me? It is not, and I am not even close to caring enough to google it.

I merely pointed out you were inept for reasons given.

You really are an unimaginative little sow, aren't you?
Cherub Cow
Sat Feb 16 21:15:08
[Jergul]: "Where did I say the gretchen reference was familiar to me? It is not"

Ah, so there we have it. You really were (and are, presently) completely lost. Because you did not know the reference, you buried yourself with poor extrapolations, such as in saying, "It would have been better if ran with Nancy-Jergul or something" — an attempt at a comparison that you were not able to make correctly because you did not know the source material. (How can one make good comparisons against a certain unknown? One cannot.)

[jergul]: "That someone was of course not me. [/] But your blatant dishonesty noted (you could have just said: yah, that was someone else)."

Nice (read: bad) reading comprehension. I did not say that *you* missed that arrow reference. Read again my words:
"Recently someone misses the Skyrim “arrow to the knee” reference, and now this. UP might need to take a class on pop culture references ;p"

Notice the change from "someone" (general) to "this" (specific) and the general item of "UP" as opposed to saying that you in particular need a class. Reading comprehension could have helped you here.

[jergul]: ""70 hrs" ROFL. yah, kitten memes don't post themselves after all. It takes time to find good ones no doubt."

I get that either this [ http://kno...only-pretending-to-be-retarded ] is your troll technique or that you really are retarded, but, if the latter, can you be *so* retarded as to think that I include looking at cat pictures to be within my 70-hour work week? (And good job revealing more of your stalking of UGT, combining it again with another ad hominem.) And as for more theory of mind, does this mean that the possibility that someone *actually* works 70 hours per week is beyond your sense of reality? Since you have a child's intellect, I'll spell it out: I never browse the Internet for fun while at work ("productivity"), so all of your ad hominem arguments will only ever be about my leisure time.

Anyways, you admitted to your impotence and ignorance, so that's a good stopping point for me. You and Seb continue to prove that although you receive many words in reply, you are not worth a single one of them.
large member
Sat Feb 16 22:58:36
What we have is you employing a German name to my Anglifying a German expression.

Incredibly inept of you.

I do not give a fuck about your pop-culture references. I would have googled if I cared.

My point remains your inexplicably poor choice of a word.

Point taken on the arrow. Sorry. I am also sorry to destroy any illusion you may have that I care enough about what you write to pay it the courtesy of more than a cursory glace.

I am sure you include kittens in your "70" hour work week. Talking about them with your short order co-worker perhaps, and absolutely if you are sitting at a computer.

You have that kind of personality. So, no, I don't believe you. You have tons of "you" time in that 70 hours.

I also laugh at you thinking 70 hours is an incomprehensibly large number of hours. I occasionally doubled that when your age and habitually broke 120.

Those fish don't catch, kill, gut and crate themselves after all. No matter how you think food gets to your table.

Stalking at UGT? What kind of insane paranoia is that? The correct term is lurk. Which many people do on occasion.

I frankly think you are crazy to engage with me at all. It is always unpleasant and I simply have no respect for you at all.

Which must hurt. Poor you.
Sat Feb 16 23:02:36
"Show me a post where you take a position contrary to CC's and I will reconsider."

Beyond me not being your lackey, it's rather amusing to see you chase your own tail in embarrassingly inept fashion.

Point of note, however:
Remind me to never offer to read any of your creative writing. I would rather not imagine the horribly janky "romance novel" porn you've forced me into.
large member
Sat Feb 16 23:15:23
lol, what kind of weak-assed comebacks were those?

Sometimes not typing is the best writing of all.

You should have done that until you were in better form.
Sat Feb 16 23:58:37
Comebacks? Your statement did not require a comeback. How is it that you fail so spectacularly with communication basics?
Sun Feb 17 00:19:17
What the fuck even happened in this thread
large member
Sun Feb 17 00:58:13
And yet, you provided three of them. Though I forgive you for not recognizing them. They were very weak.

Let me help you be listing them.

1. You are not the boss of me.
2. You chase tail
3. I don't wanna read what I imagine you wrote.

Point of not however:

Boy, are you uncomfortable with female sexuality. I only said take her dick out of your mouth and modified it for gender.

Its a common enough insult in these parts.
large member
Sun Feb 17 01:02:19
Let me clarify:

Jergul: "Hood, take CCs dick out of your mouth"
Hood: "I would rather not imagine that janky porn you've forced me into".

Geeze. Take stick out of ass, now.
large member
Sun Feb 17 01:11:05
We are talking about to what degree it is appropriate supplementing a German loan word with something more inherently English.

See opening post ROFL for details.
Sun Feb 17 01:42:23

I think you are mistaking comeback for insult (for which "you're not my boss" does not belong). A comeback is a response to an insult. There was no insult that I was responding to. I was just making fun of you.

"Point of not however:

Boy, are you uncomfortable with female sexuality. I only said take her dick out of your mouth and modified it for gender."

What you were/are doing is pretty obvious. I don't think anybody missed it. However, the insistence with which you are using it, the emphasis you put on it, the effort you are expending to make it a thing is well beyond normal. You might notice most people using the "pull that dick out of your mouth" generally only say it once (per conversation). They don't fetishize and obsess over it. Unless they're some weird fucking swede who lacks a grasp of basic communication.
large member
Sun Feb 17 03:04:10
Still very weak come-backs. Lay down, have a rest, and come back in the morning with better form.

I think I will go with uncomfortable with women's sexuality.

"I would rather not imagine that janky porn you've forced me into"

Could that stick be further up your ass?
large member
Sun Feb 17 03:14:14
Though out of interest and since sanctity in communication is obviously important to you.

What do you feel I am trying to communicate to you?

I would be happy to elaborate if you need greater clarity.
Sun Feb 17 08:44:04
You're almost to the level of loser that evokes pity rather than scorn.
large member
Sun Feb 17 09:52:30
Great. Now you are sharing your feelings. As if they are at all worthy of note.

Go back to bed. You are giving pathetic a bad name.
Sun Feb 17 10:13:59

There you go again, thinking that concentrating maximum power in one single entity is a good thing. I can see where you get your fascination of the Soviet Union from.

Norway is a country of 5.3 million people with a TFR of 1.8, an economy which is strongly dependent on demand for fossil fuels, and a relationship with the EU that could easily be characterized as vassaldom. I would hold off on claiming that other countries are the ones that are screwed if I were you.
large member
Sun Feb 17 10:58:09
What single entity were you thinking I wanted power concentrated in?

On the 2nd paragraph. Surely you jest.

I meant you were screwed btw. Not your country. I am sure the oligarchs (elected or not) will be fine and will ensure that public spending is done in a manner best in keeping with stockholder interests.

Which is swell. Given that our Sovereign fund currently owns 1.5% of all publicly listed stocks.
large member
Sun Feb 17 11:11:01

Now far be it for me to take personal pride in a national wealth accumulation project (beyond supporting the savings regime with my ballots)

But shall we just say categorically that Norway is not screwed and if it ever became screwed, it could unscrew itself by lubricating the fixtures with gobs of cash?

I have no idea what it works out to per capita. But the maths are simple enough if you are curious.
large member
Mon Feb 18 06:10:57
I changed my mind. Let us use that last link for illustrative purposes to indicate the difference between harmjoy and gloating.
Mon Feb 18 06:31:27
You still don't recognize that nobody gives a shit?
Mon Feb 18 07:35:53

Not sure how exactly I'm screwed TBH. HQ2 turning into a glorious PR nightmare for Amazon doesn't do me any harm.

Your unrestrained glee at having a sovereign wealth fund that is built on the back of climate-destroying fossil fuels is noted. Congrats on being the Saudi Arabia of the Arctic. Too bad the rest of Europe is insisting on that pesky "carbon-neutral" fad though.

Anyway, 8.8 trillion NOK comes out to $188,000 per person. Which seems nice. Your Arabic-speaking great-grandchildren will appreciate the safety net.

large member
Mon Feb 18 10:33:18
You are screwed:

"You simply have the government you deserve. And corporate behaviour that follows from the government you deserve.

Poor you. Bahahahahaha"

Do try to keep up.

The Sovereign Wealth fund is built on the back of a protestant work ethic and sense of restraint.

You should try it sometime. Oh wait, you can't. See first paragraph for details.

Green energy is great. Our third hydro electric export trunk will be finished next year (We traditionally export electricity by way of aluminum and other smelt-work. It did not really pay that well).

Whats another language? It will be nice to give English a run for its money.

Or were you alluding to support of Norwegian language and culture as a problem that cannot be solved with gobs of cash (mentioned earlier)?

I worry a lot more about Sami. Integration and assimilation. Been there, done that.
large member
Mon Feb 18 10:44:06
It would be better to just look at the 6000 a year going into the State budget. About twice the per capita amount as your budget deficit.
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