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Utopia Talk / Politics / demon spawn Kavanaugh hearing
the wanderer
Thu Sep 27 12:41:18
Ford is crushing it... I'm not fully caught up but guessing it's trouble

a couple important points

she initially reached out while Kavanaugh still on the short list, so solid evidence not just trying to sink any nominee

she notes running into Mar Judge several weeks later working at a grocery store... thus potentially narrowing down the time of incident depending how long he worked there, and an odd detail for some liar to toss in
Anarchist Prime
Thu Sep 27 12:44:57
if she throw's in babies and incubators it's a slam dunk!
Thu Sep 27 12:45:13
I was wondering how you were gonna top the last thread title.
Thu Sep 27 12:46:49
Yeah, Kavanaugh's nomination is dead. She is 100% credible not that any cuckservative will admit it. The closest they ever come to an intelligent women is when they have to visit a judge to renew their parole.
Thu Sep 27 12:47:02
large member
Thu Sep 27 12:50:11
The CNN pundits agree that Ford crushed it.
Thu Sep 27 13:19:47
Cuckhat keeps repeating this word "credible" like it makes it true.

lol Cuckhat. Don't you have a gang rape party CNN seg to watch?
the wanderer
Thu Sep 27 13:32:22
the Republican strategy (via prosecutor) was to try to attack democrats and call it all political... problem is by her trying to come forward BEFORE he was selected disproves this chaff they are tossing out

Lindsey Graham apparently never had any intention of caring about her testimony as demonstrated in his angry rant afterward
Sam Adams
Thu Sep 27 13:35:02
Graham and Feinstein... talk about the holy trinity of demon spawn.
the wanderer
Thu Sep 27 13:39:11
and I'm not suggesting Dems didn't play politics, but the Rs are trying to just anger their constituency about Dems while completely ignoring her allegations

so the politicians are playing politics is my shocking conclusion

but Ford was credible... and it's not weird for her to not remember details outside of the traumatic event... and not weird people at the gathering not in the room wouldn't remember

now get Mark Judge out of his spiderhole for some scrutiny
the wanderer
Thu Sep 27 13:56:47
another interesting bit was some R dick (Ed? Whelan) had concocted a theory implicating a doppelgänger

well, she said she actually knew and dated that guy, and that he in fact was who introduced her to Kavanaugh

so it connects her to knowing Kavanaugh... and another action a liar likely wouldn't do in creating a witness who could deny it

(although her just being a liar makes little sense in general given, again, that her initial reach-outs were a few days before he was even picked from the list)
Anarchist Prime
Thu Sep 27 14:09:57
the wanderer
Thu Sep 27 14:13:55
Kavanaugh is starting out with indignant anger... none of which was displayed on his trial run with Fox News
Cherub Cow
Thu Sep 27 14:21:13
Just appoint him and it won't be a problem:

"Kavanaugh Claims He Never Committed Sexual Assault As It Will Be Defined After Future Supreme Court Case"
[Onion: News in Brief]
"“The allegations that I assaulted these women are categorically untrue based on the 2019 case of Sandberg v. Jones, which will establish that only penetrative sex can be classified as assault, and then only in cases with up to four eye-witnesses,” said Kavanaugh, arguing that the upcoming 5-4 decision in which he will write the majority opinion would completely exonerate him."
the wanderer
Thu Sep 27 14:37:26
he's now crying more than she did... apparently he got an emotion chip installed after the Fox News interview

but probably is doing what he needs to do to get sympathy... despite being a monster

he's still on opening statement, no questions yet
Thu Sep 27 14:41:29
How could I have raped anyone? All I did was get blackout drunk all the time and surround myself with rapey wingmen like Mark Judge? Is the world no longer safe for a privileged, rich, white male?
Thu Sep 27 15:00:06
I don't appreciate the implication that heavy drinkers are rapists.
Sam Adams
Thu Sep 27 15:04:34
Cuckhat is racist and sexist against white men.
Thu Sep 27 15:05:21
Pretty sure it was a combination of:
- black out drunk (not same as heavy)
- hanging out with borderline rapists

If you meet both criteria, your lack of appreciation is unimportant.
Thu Sep 27 15:10:41
Like that he's getting all emotional in a very fake way. Probably good enough for an emmy not an oscar.

And this was one of Kenneth Starr's top lieutenants too and he's trying to play the whole investigation as unfair with a straight face.

Good one.
Thu Sep 27 15:10:41
Like that he's getting all emotional in a very fake way. Probably good enough for an emmy not an oscar.

And this was one of Kenneth Starr's top lieutenants too and he's trying to play the whole investigation as unfair with a straight face.

Good one.
Thu Sep 27 15:10:41
Like that he's getting all emotional in a very fake way. Probably good enough for an emmy but not an oscar.

And this was one of Kenneth Starr's top lieutenants too and he's trying to play the whole investigation as unfair with a straight face.

Good one.
the wanderer
Thu Sep 27 15:23:35
they haven't gotten into it in questioning yet (hopefully will) but he claimed the yearbook entries were influenced by raunchy movies at the time

I think he completely lied in claiming the "Renate Alumnius" seemingly trophy/conquest markers were just a sign they considered her one of them... afaik she never saw it til recently and was offended, if he's being honest seems they would've proudly showed it to her at the time

plus doesn't fit his claim that the entries were overly raunchy due to movies
Thu Sep 27 15:32:26
And now he admits to having beer and won't be specific as to how much. "I've gone to sleep, but I've never blacked out." ... There's no fucking difference retard.

And this after claiming initially he was basically perfect in behavior as a young man.
Thu Sep 27 15:45:37
Not demanding an FBI investigation to clear his name ... really fucking damning. Like what the fuck ... do you not want your name cleared?
the wanderer
Thu Sep 27 15:50:40
so far he's been evasive about his high school life and kind of odd about not wanting the FBI involved, but I assume Rs are pretty happy with the performance
the wanderer
Thu Sep 27 15:59:58
he claims "[Mark]Judge, have you boofed yet?" referred to farting... I'm going to guess Mark has indeed done so in his life

he claims his ralphing honor was related to a weak stomach, bringing up food... kinda reluctantly admitting to beer

he's definitely coming off weak about his behavior back then
Thu Sep 27 16:11:17
They will try to shove this nomination through and Kavanaugh's testimony is meant to rally Republican women back on their side so they can get Murkowski and Collins back on board.

I think it will work to that effect.


But also Alyssa Milano still looks really hot. Her responses to Kavanaugh's lies will be memes.
Thu Sep 27 16:14:28
facial* responses
the wanderer
Thu Sep 27 16:17:38
ah, I saw her and thought it looked like Alyssa didn't know it really was her

Kavanaugh has had open hatred for each Dem speaking (just because they ruined his life) so he no longer has any semblance of being an impartial judge

he probably should just be put down
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Sep 27 18:06:09

I believe the good Judge more than established his innocence.

Thu Sep 27 18:20:16
"And now he admits to having beer and won't be specific as to how much. "I've gone to sleep, but I've never blacked out." ... There's no fucking difference retard."

Actually there is a big difference. A black out you are awake and most probably doing stupid shit you won't remember the next day. Maybe you are confusing passing out with blacking out?
the wanderer
Thu Sep 27 18:25:15
they brought up the woman who claimed to drink heavily with him and who found it not credible he didn't have memory lapses (she's now a doctor)... he just dodged and noted someone else in the article had said nice things, he didn't deny knowing her or attack her opinion

I think he's unwilling to cop to his behavior, he was evasive at all drinking questions
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Sep 27 18:51:49

kargen - Actually there is a big difference. A black out you are awake and most probably doing stupid shit you won't remember the next day.

I was stumbling around the neighborhood one night drunk as a skunk. At one point the last thing I remember was sitting down by a tree in front of a girls house.

The very next thing I remember, a cop was waking me up and I was in a strangers car the driver's side door was open and my feet were hanging down towards the street. Fortunately, the girl came out and talked the cop into letting me go and she walked me home.

One other time we were at Della's and Bob's over in Kansas. I remember walking towards my car, the next thing I remember I pulled into Rolly Drive-In on the Missouri side. It was about a 15-mile trip and to this day how I got there or what route I took is a complete blank.

Those are blackouts.

Thu Sep 27 19:44:09
'"I've gone to sleep, but I've never blacked out." ... There's no fucking difference retard.'

rofl Cuckhat
Thu Sep 27 19:59:20
Cuckhat confirmed as cucked beta asian whose never had a life
the wanderer
Thu Sep 27 20:23:34
I think just confusion over black out vs pass out
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Sep 27 20:44:37

I just told you what a blackout is.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Sep 27 20:49:00

Someone made the mistake of telling Schumer about Ford's letter. 10 to 1, I bet he is the one that leaked it to the press.

the wanderer
Thu Sep 27 21:43:54
someone could've hacked emails, i suspect lots of antiquated security in the offices of all these old politicians
Thu Sep 27 22:35:17
Tw, you don't need to defend Dukhats foolishness in order to keep attacking Kavanaugh.

Although why ARE you attacking him? I thought you just had animosity toward Trump as an individual, not toward everyone on that side of the aisle.
the wanderer
Thu Sep 27 22:44:21
my hatred of Trump definitely far exceeds Kavanaugh :p

although i genuinely feel Kavanaugh is lying about his high school behavior, i don't know if he assaulted Ford... & not convinced he knows for sure either
(also his extreme hatred of Dems is now on the table... he even blamed the Clintons in his early angry tirade)

aside from that... not sure i care if he gets on the court as i'm sure the next pick would be right from the same pro-life conservative lists (even though idiot Trump thinks the lists are universally appealing candidates)... and petty child Trump would probably want one that would be more annoying for spite
Fri Sep 28 03:05:05
This shit is like 9/11. I don't know how many times I've seen Christine Blasey Ford on TV giving her testimony now. Only this morning I think I've must seen it like ... four times. It is like the Swedish news has it on repeat, like they did with the 9/11 attacks. I had to turn off the TV the fourth time they reported on Ford's testimony.

I have nothing against Ford of course. It is probably good if someone else than Kavanaugh is nominated. But I can't stand this anymore. Swedish news does not have to be obsessed with this tragedy.
smart dude
Fri Sep 28 03:14:42
You're obsessed with Trump and everything in American politics. Not sure why the rest of Sweden shouldn't be?
smart dude
Fri Sep 28 03:14:42
You're obsessed with Trump and everything in American politics. Not sure why the rest of Sweden shouldn't be?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Sep 28 05:57:46

Paramount, check out this clip. I doubt they are showing it anywhere on European television.


Republican Rod
Fri Sep 28 06:19:38
Guys, did you know I've always been a fan of his?
Fri Sep 28 12:41:41
And people are saying we are becoming Islamic. I say we have never been as americanized as we are now. We've got American news 24/7, we've got more capitalists than ever, we've got gangs, shootings, drugs, rap music, starbucks and levi jeans, and nearly everyone is speaking english.
Fri Sep 28 12:43:43
we = sweden
Fri Sep 28 12:44:41
Anyhow... not gonna hijack this thread.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 28 12:48:13
you should deport non-blondes, don't lose your national identity
the wanderer
Fri Sep 28 13:05:58
the committee has approved Kavanaugh for the full Senate vote

but Sen Flake (R) said he only approved in hopes for a delay in that Senate vote for an FBI investigation... and all R's are critical

Mitch 'shameless' McConnell wanted a floor vote tomorrow, we'll see what happens
Fri Sep 28 13:12:02

Flake is such a bum. He voted to approve the nomination ... in order to get a delay?

He could have delayed it right where it was! He actually had some power there.

Sam Adams
Fri Sep 28 13:12:44
Fri Sep 28 13:23:46
The whole goat rodeo has been a waste of time and a drain on the country. We all knew from the start that the only evidence any of these women had that these events occurred was there own say so and nothing else. Fords allegation was at least believable and concerning, Riveras accusation was stupid as she didn't even know it was Kavenaugh who took his pants off at the party, or even if Kavenaugh WENT to that party, and the creepy porn lawyers allegation of years of drugged punch bowls and rape trains at georgetown prep is so exceptionally salacious that it would require some pretty exceptional proof to prove.

I suppose the assumption was Kavenaugh would tuck his tail and run the moment he was accused. After all, that has been the modus operandi in the #metoo era. He stuck to his guns though, and lo, the accusers had nothing beyond blatant appeals to emotion. Sorry, that is not enough.

I wish the Democrats could have tried to oppose him on his highly questionable opinions of executive power. Hell, they may have won if they could prove he had a drinking problem. That at the very least seems likely and would be disqualifying. They were so focused on rape trains that they missed a real opportunity there.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Sep 28 13:30:38

Paramount - we've got more capitalists than ever, we've got gangs, shootings, drugs, rap music, starbucks and levi jeans, and nearly everyone is speaking english.


Would consider being out 51st State?

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Sep 28 13:32:19
*-Would you consider
the wanderer
Fri Sep 28 13:39:41
if there IS an FBI investigation, i hope they question the classmates saying he was a frequently incoherent belligerent sloppy drunk & not just the people Ford noted as being at the gathering

i'm not sure why the Rs are so resistant as if he's innocent then FBI won't find anything (& even if guilty a chance they won't find anything)... so they cut down on the obvious cloud surrounding him plus look like they did everything possible
Fri Sep 28 13:40:26


lol :o)

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Sep 28 13:45:07

The Republicans are not afraid, they are just against the delay. They just want to get to the floor vote ASAP.

the wanderer
Fri Sep 28 13:45:39
too bad the D's didn't hire Sam Jackson's character to do their questioning
Fri Sep 28 13:49:46

He would have gotten the motherfucking truth out of him. :o)

Fri Sep 28 13:51:26

"The Republicans are not afraid, they are just against the delay. They just want to get to the floor vote ASAP."

OK, here's a deal ... launch an FBI probe and take your vote. Nothing says an Supreme Court Justice can't be dragged away in chains.

Fri Sep 28 13:52:37
the wanderer
Fri Sep 28 14:07:10
Trump says Ford's testimony was "very compelling" and she "looks like a very fine woman".

& that Kavanaugh's testimony was "incredible... an incredible moment in the history of our country"


1. impossible to believe.
Fri Sep 28 14:22:41
@Aeros - Noone focused on rape trains at all. The Dems stiff-armed Avenatti. Ramirez's lawyer also contacted the Republicans to testify and they stonewalled her. She was willing to undergo the same thing Ford did so under risk of felony perjury, tell her story.

So maybe not get your news from biased sources or whatever.

The focus was on getting an FBI investigation to confirm or deny these allegations. It's pretty clear Kavanaugh lied about his drinking habits and about a ton of other stuff. And his extremely partisan behavior is unbefitting the supreme court.

The main case against Kavanaugh has always been that he's a liar. He lied about his relationship to the Bush administrtion's policies on terror and with reference to their partisan handling of judges.

And the Ford allegation should've had an FBI investigation before she testified so details of her story could be confirmed or denied.

All in all ... stop whining about #metoo. Nobody except super sickos have lost their livelihood because of it. Even Kavanaugh will be super fine and be given some job at a conservative law firm if somehow his nomination falls through.

He doesn't belong on the supreme court because of his temperament and his record of lying for the Bush White house.

But sometimes the right things happen for the wrong reasons or some murky in-between.

I'll take it if it happens.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 28 14:43:31
chart of who answered questions
(light blue is non-question commenting)

the wanderer
Fri Sep 28 14:44:04
full colored transcript here if you want specifics

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Sep 28 14:49:26

Dukhat - Ramirez's lawyer also contacted the Republicans to testify and they stonewalled her.

Her case was so flimsy that the New York Times refused to carry her story.

Stenwick was even worse because she had Avenati as her lawyer.
Fri Sep 28 14:52:53
"And his extremely partisan behavior is unbefitting the supreme court. "

Repeating the same leftist whining to the T.

"hurrrrr durrrr you can't be a judge and get pissed at people for accusing you of being a demon spawn rape monster"
the wanderer
Fri Sep 28 15:03:31
maybe he has a rage problem... stemming from being a demon spawn rape monster
the wanderer
Fri Sep 28 15:19:43
the one week FBI investigation going forward limited to 'current credible' allegations so presumably just Ford

hopefully will include his yearbook answers and in-depth look at his drinking behavior
the wanderer
Fri Sep 28 15:24:52
Kavanaugh's rage sniffing correlates to Impulse Control Disorder... science!


SUMMARY: Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh projected numerous disgust displays throughout today's hearing - cloaked in sniffing. In the example shown here, it's clear that he holds a particularly high level of disgust toward Julie Swetnick. Judge Kavanaugh's need for such a strong and frequent emotional display was one of his several behaviors highly correlative with Impulse Control Disorder.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Sep 28 15:45:43

tw - maybe he has a rage problem... stemming from being a demon spawn rape monster

Or maybe he is super pissed off because the liberals are destroying his reputation and his life and marriage, et al.

Fri Sep 28 15:47:03
@the piece of shit brought up right wing conspiracy theories and blamed the democrats and Clintons. Fucktard should be a poster on here and not the Supreme Court.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Sep 28 15:53:51

He would very likely blow his brains out before he could finish reading just one of your posts.


American Democrat
Fri Sep 28 15:56:56
"Or maybe he is super pissed off because the liberals are destroying his reputation and his life and marriage, et al. "

While it is understandable to be frustrated of what is occurring. But the contention of espousing conspiracies without evidence, similar to Ford's without evidence. Shows more that he may not be able to remain impartial as a Supreme Justice if he is prone to giving in to such thoughts.
Fri Sep 28 16:26:11
"i'm not sure why the Rs are so resistant as if he's innocent"

for no other reason than a crunch for time. The FBI can't do a criminal investigation because a crime was never reported. They can only do another background check. When the FBI does a background check they do not reach any conclusions. All they do is investigate then give the information they found in this case to the president. President Trump then would decide if the new information is something that changes his mind. I'm not even sure the new findings would be known to we the people unless the FBI or someone on Trump's team leaked it. Everybody on capitol hill knows a new investigation will amount to nothing but taking more time. The three undecided are the only ones that get anything at all out of the investigation as they can spin it to their being overly diligent in their decision.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 28 16:31:58
why is there a crunch for time?

the Senate is not likely to change in the midterms, most of the seats up are D ones... plus would be an extremely obnoxious rationale if that actually is the sole reason
American Democrat
Fri Sep 28 16:34:39
"They can only do another background check. When the FBI does a background check they do not reach any conclusions. All they do is investigate then give the information they found in this case to the president. "

Quite a far change in views. If I recall weren't you the one arguing before that couldn't do an investigation. I'm glad the information provided assisted you.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 28 16:40:41
Fox News fired network contributor Kevin Jackson on Thursday after he called the women who have accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct “lying skanks" in a Twitter rant that day.
Fri Sep 28 17:10:23
Many who pay attention to these things think if the Senate fails to get this nomination through it will generate enthusiasm among liberal voters and cause lethargy among conservatives voters leading to the Republicans losing the house and maybe the Senate.

American Democrat I said the FBI can't do a criminal investigation and only President Trump can compel them to do another background check. President Trump has made that request.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 28 17:19:14
"Many who pay attention..."

yeah, Rush Limbaugh said it & Trump tweeted it

one of many scare tactics team Trump employing like 'if Dems win you'll lose all your money'
the wanderer
Fri Sep 28 17:26:20
you could make the case having the supreme court spot locked would depress turnout of conservatives... surely plenty still find Trump disgusting, so once they had the SC under control they could stop caring

getting SC picks was one of the common reasons given for why disgusted R's & religious types debased themselves by voting Trump
Fri Sep 28 17:59:52
Haven't listened to Rush in over ten years when the studio manager at a studio I freelanced for insisted on playing it. Never cared for him or any talk radio really. Also missed President Trump's tweet. Doesn't matter who is saying it though I suppose. I tend to think there is some merit to that statement.

Chances are President Trump is going to get to make another pick if he can get reelected in 2020. That is the enthusiasm the Republicans will try to bring to the game if this pick goes through. If this pick doesn't go through then some will get the mindset of they can't even get this done when they have full majority in both houses why bother to vote. Getting voters out in midterm elections is tough anyway. Democrats can rally behind the fuck Trump movement and are registering a lot of new voters that if they do vote will tend towards Democrats. Not sure Republicans even if this nomination succeeds have the drive to offset the Democrats efforts.

On an aside here in Colorado most the political adds for state office are don't let Democrats turn us into another California or don't let the Trump yes man destroy our state. Gotta do some digging to find an actual issue any of them support or are against.
Fri Sep 28 18:22:19
Plenty of other candidates that didn't like about being a drunk. Kavanaugh doesn't even have a good resume for a SC justice. He was just a deeply partisan piece of the Bush white house and never practiced law.
Fri Sep 28 18:25:20
If anything, having this seat still open would increase conservative turnout. It's literally 2/3's of the reason anyone votes for the GOP and probably the biggest reason Trump won: a shit ton of old people only vote on Abortion and/or guns.

Of the people that considered it their most important issue in 2016; about 2/3's voted for Trump.

So the whole conservative depressed turnout is kind of bullshit. Even if they had to change nominees even 2, 3 weeks for now; they'd likely be able to get someone through in the lame duck. With that short a time frame; you'd have to pick a less controversial candidate like Kethelidge or Hardiman; both of whom are still hard-right.

This is mainly about Trump getting some partisan douchebag to protect him from impeachment when all the facts come out.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 28 18:33:42
yeah, i would see an open seat only helping

in addition to his wall & healthcare Trump would be demanding more R's be elected to get his SC picks

whereas the respected conservatives (like George Will) who are calling for people to vote Democrat to neuter this infected R party have more appeal if 2 SC picks are completed
American Democrat
Fri Sep 28 20:06:45
"American Democrat I said the FBI can't do a criminal investigation and only President Trump can compel them to do another background check. President Trump has made that request."

No, that isn't at all what you said. Attribute this to your poor memory. You've stated that FBI had jurisdiction because Anita Hill and Federal building. Which has nothing to do with it as it was not a criminal probe to begin with. I then countered that the FBI can still investigate regardless. You argued the point about criminality, that wasn't the point for Anita Hill's case or this case for that matter.

So I am glad to see that you understand that the FBI can investigate.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Sep 28 20:27:36

ad - But the contention of espousing conspiracies without evidence...

If you were not blinded it would be obvious to you too.

If you are around 40 or 50 years from now, look around you. You will have the government you asked for and it will be exactly what you deserve.

Fri Sep 28 20:38:57
Hot Rod says, speaking from experience, being on the longest trip of his life with Donald in the oval office.
Fri Sep 28 21:39:58
American Democrat you are confused. Yes I told you the difference in the two cases and why the FBI was able to investigate the Anita Hill accusations. I then pointed out that only President Trump could call on the FBI to investigate because they didn't have jurisdiction for a criminal case. Spin it how you want but everything I told you is correct. The FBI is looking into this now because President Trump asked them to. Exactly what I said needed to happen.

American Democrat
Fri Sep 28 22:52:57
"Yes I told you the difference in the two cases and why the FBI was able to investigate the Anita Hill accusations. I then pointed out that only President Trump could call on the FBI to investigate because they didn't have jurisdiction for a criminal case. Spin it how you want but everything I told you is correct. The FBI is looking into this now because President Trump asked them to. Exactly what I said needed to happen"

You care to review that thread. Because it is quite clear that you haven't told me anything that I already know, considering my profession and all.

Let's try this again since you want to say that you were the one that presented this to or to the forum:

Hot Rod: Claims FBI doesn't does investigations.

Me: Actually they do and did 72 hours, see Anita Hill

Kargen: "Anita Hill claimed it happened while they were working for the federal government in a federal government building. That gives the FBI jurisdiction. Ford is claiming it happened in a house at a party and that means jurisdiction is the local department."

You mistaking this as a criminal probe which was not. Which was not my claim, which my point was that FBI can and does investigations attaching the presumption that people understood this can be ordered. You appeared confused and incorrectly applied the wrong standard.

Let's continue:

Me: "The FBI can still investigate genius."

This is a true statement made by me, however you decided to challenge it, thus displaying more of your confusion.

Kargen: "The FBI in a local crime can be asked by the local department to assist if the local department feels they lack the resources to complete an investigation. Nothing about this is something the FBI would be involved in unless asked to do so by local authorities. "

Again your application of this is entirely incorrect because the FBI can investigation this matter based upon that is what they do. Under the presumption the President orders it. It appears that Trump has ordered this, kargen.

Let's continue more with your confusion:

Kargen: "That being said what is there to investigate? There is no crime scene. There is no timeline. There is no evidence to be examined. [...] "There is nothing for the FBI to do here."

Ah yes, more confusion on your end, not so much confusion, but clearly wrong with your declarations.

I've maintained, posted articles, examples, and the process of what takes place in matters such as these. You've incorrectly applied the criminal aspect to this and that wasn't the point of anyone. The FBI investigation was clearly inferring the continuation of his background and to piece together to ascertain more clearly of what transpired if anything had transpired.

Please tell me how you told me the difference, when I clearly have already explained the differences in at least three different threads? Which some were correcting not only you but a few other posters? You're welcome by the way.

Nail in the coffin and this wasn't even posted by me;

Delude to kargen: "Lack of resources are not a prerequisite. FBI can investigate at the request of the White House. This involves a current Federal Judge, which by default would be an FBI investigation. The background can still be conducted, despite it being finished, it can be reopened."

"Very little, that is no doubt. But still have witnesses to piece together, involves other classmates of hers, and his. Which coincidentally be more focused as a background check more so than a crime. But I understand if you don't fully understand how investigations work because it's painfully clear that you are ignorant on this topic judging by your previous statements."

Again where did you correct me, Kargen?

American Democrat
Fri Sep 28 23:03:07
"If you were not blinded it would be obvious to you too. "

Blinded by what? Do you have evidence of what Kavanaugh declared?

"If you are around 40 or 50 years from now, look around you. You will have the government you asked for and it will be exactly what you deserve. "

Spare me the hyperbolic rhetoric.

Next you're going to tell me that Ford was a CIA operative that was trained enough to present her story to make it so believable and have everyone fooled. Latest conspiracy theory I heard.

Sat Sep 29 02:57:39
In this situation the only way the FBI would investigate is if asked to do so by President Trump just as I said. And that is what happened. I stated they couldn't investigate in a criminal investigation and wouldn't investigate otherwise without being asked by President Trump. I covered both situations. You have decided to concentrate on only one.

Again things happened just like I said they would have to happen.
American Democrat
Sat Sep 29 06:32:13
"In this situation the only way the FBI would investigate is if asked to do so by President Trump just as I said."

Yes. A concept introduced by me as I corrected Hot Rod when he claimed the FBI would not investigate such things. I cited Anita Hill as the example as to why the FBI would investigate. You didn't add anything to the conversation other than wanting be Stuart from Mad TV, 'look what I can do.'


"And that is what happened."

Yes, pretty much inferred by me and few other posters already on this topic.

"I covered both situations. You have decided to concentrate on only one. "

An aspect but that wasn't the point was it? You're using that as an excuse as you were being pedantic. The real issue was that the mentioning of FBI and investigation prompted you to challenge it. In fact your main argument was primarily that the only way they would investigate if the "local authorities requested it."

You didn't predict anything and the only thing you are doing is being incorrigible.

American Democrat
Sat Sep 29 06:34:55
Kargen: "Nothing about this is something the FBI would be involved in unless asked to do so by local authorities. "

Sat Sep 29 06:41:15
Why even bother with the sham of separation of powers?
American Democrat
Sat Sep 29 06:43:38
Why? Because partisanship.
Sat Sep 29 11:58:15
I'm saying if the primary virtue in picking a nominee is adherence to party policies, and the approval process is also nakedly a 3 line whip issue, then why bother even pretending the judiciary is independent of the legislature and executive. It's clearly not.

Should do this instead:


Sat Sep 29 12:13:09

That's not really an option in a country where judges wield extremely powerful influence via judicial review.

The federal judiciary is independent in the sense that judges, once appointed, are free to make rulings as they wish without fear of removal, and their rulings are respected and enforced.

Any selection process is inevitably going to feature a measure of bias among the selectors.
Sat Sep 29 12:19:13
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