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Utopia Talk / Politics / Youtube bans all Syrian government accts
Sun Sep 09 12:23:08
I'm sure the timing of this is purely coincidentel.

Also...first they came for Alex Jones, and I said nothing because I didn't like Alex...

Sun Sep 09 12:26:09
Comment from that thread:

"It looks like the West (and western companies) are going to regulate what people see on the internet much the same way China does. What a horrible development, and the media are mostly cheering this sort of stuff on in the name of fighting 'fake news'."

No One
Sun Sep 09 12:47:17
I hate when terrorists get their channels shut down.
Sun Sep 09 12:56:57
I hate when the people fighting terrorists get their channels shut down.
Sun Sep 09 12:58:30
Be watching for a White Helmet false flag soon, followed by US/French saber rattling.

More censorship from mega-corps, this time perhaps in tandem with US gov. Stick to pro-regime change news.
Sun Sep 09 13:14:46
Any news that doesn't originate from either the Pentagon or the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights doesn't need to be seen by the general public. Don't worry everyone, this is just to protect you all from fake news.
Sun Sep 09 13:26:13
It's only fair, they censor the videos of the freedom fighters, too.
smart dude
Sun Sep 09 15:14:25
I hate when private companies do shit I don't fucking care about.
large member
Sun Sep 09 15:24:42
I am frankly surprised it did not happen long ago.

The Syrian regime has no right to expect companies to serve as its soapbox.

To the rest of us: Beware of manufactured consent.
Anarchist Prime
Sun Sep 09 20:24:26
US Says Assad Has Approved Gas Attack In Idlib, Setting Stage For Major Military Conflict

At this point there's not even so much as feigning surprise or suspense in the now sadly all-too-familiar Syria script out of Washington.

The Wall Street Journal has just published a bombshell on Sunday evening as Russian and Syrian warplanes continue bombing raids over al-Qaeda held Idlib, citing unnamed US officials who claim "President Bashar al-Assad of Syria has approved the use of chlorine gas in an offensive against the country’s last major rebel stronghold."

And perhaps more alarming is that the report details that Trump is undecided over whether new retaliatory strikes could entail expanding the attack to hit Assad allies Russia and Iran this time around.

Sun Sep 09 20:45:34
WWIII on Trump's watch!!!!
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Sep 09 21:32:48

It started under Obama's watch just like the current economy belongs to him.


Sun Sep 09 23:20:34
And so free speech is quietly dwindled by tech giants.
smart dude
Sun Sep 09 23:30:39
You do realize that these "free speech" platforms wouldn't even exist if they weren't created by these tech giants? Make your own company and run it however you want. No one is stopping you.
Mon Sep 10 02:50:48
For someone who claims not to care at all about this matter, you sure have a lot to say.

But fine. If you think it should be acceptable behavior for 3-4 companies to effectively control the flow of news to hundreds of millions of people and determine what they can and cannot see, that's your position.
Mon Sep 10 02:52:21
Not to mention that in arbitrarily deleting these (both pro- and anti-government) channels, Youtube is almost certainly depriving the world of a treasure trove of videos with significant historical value.

But sure. "Trump won so now we have to censor the internet" is more important.
No One
Mon Sep 10 06:04:32
But youtube is the enemy and this is only happening because of Trump;


I think your focus an anger is displaced. But sure, blame a private company...
No One
Mon Sep 10 06:06:32
Damn YT's TOS they are eeeeevil

"YouTube reserves the right to decide whether Content violates these Terms of Service for reasons other than copyright infringement, such as, but not limited to, pornography, obscenity, or excessive length. YouTube may at any time, without prior notice and in its sole discretion, remove such Content and/or terminate a user's account for submitting such material in violation of these Terms of Service", "YouTube will remove all Content if properly notified that such Content infringes on another's intellectual property rights", and "YouTube reserves the right to remove Content without prior notice."
No One
Mon Sep 10 06:13:08

But tweedled dick OP is upset because of YouTube.
No One
Mon Sep 10 06:16:49
Such a travesty to free speech

Mon Sep 10 07:09:11
OMG, are you telling me that internet censorship actually did exist before Trump got elected? Get out of town, you!

Also, nice of you to imply that social media companies should operate on the same ethical guidelines as a Third World dictatorship. Oh Wlaschiha, never change you.
Mon Sep 10 07:15:35
"Not to mention that in arbitrarily deleting these (both pro- and anti-government) channels, Youtube is almost certainly depriving the world of a treasure trove of videos with significant historical value."

Good to see you're just parroting Reddit posts back to up. Let me parrot one back:

Just because the videos aren't visible to you doesn't mean the data is forever gone. They are almost undoubtedly sitting on a Google server somewhere, hidden from public. "Deleted," pft.
No One
Mon Sep 10 07:24:24
Yes it actually did Rugian. I'm sorry it's such a surprise to you. It was to help you, remember: 'because of trump internet must be censored'

You are the OP whining at the moment
Mon Sep 10 08:24:38
Enforce anti trust laws, break up tech behemoths, Google, FB, etc, get some competition going. Or alernatively, declare them public utilities, pass new Fairness Doctrine and enjoy your syrian videos or whatever else as long as they meet public standards
Mon Sep 10 09:53:21

What exactly are you going to "break up". These companies are a bunch of servers, none of which anyone is required to use. They're not keeping the video off the internet, just off their service.

Mon Sep 10 10:06:37
force FB to sell Instagram and WhatsApp for starters, there are your competing platforms.
Mon Sep 10 10:08:01
Mon Sep 10 10:08:45
and don't limit antitrust regs to just tech industry
Mon Sep 10 11:14:15
"What exactly are you going to "break up"."

YT was purchased by Google for $1.6 billion, I hardly think it's an integral part of a search engine.
Mon Sep 10 12:28:50
It should be noted that YouTube without Google isa big money loser. That is, if it ever became profitable.
Mon Sep 10 13:09:58

"force FB to sell Instagram and WhatsApp for starters, there are your competing platforms."

WhatsApp is not a competitor for FB. They don't offer similar services. Google and Youtube wouldn't compete either.

But again, wtf are you breaking up? There's nothing to break. There's nothing keeping competitors from supplanting Google or Facebook or Youtube or Twitter from one year to the next as it is.

These companies don't own or control the infrastructure. They aren't like Ma Bell, or your cable company, or your electric company. There's literally nothing stopping everyone from simply moving to a different service if they're not happy.

Mon Sep 10 13:14:54

"YT was purchased by Google for $1.6 billion, I hardly think it's an integral part of a search engine."

It's not, but that purchase doesn't force anyone to use Youtube or Google.

And all these criticisms ignore that these are publicly traded companies. Buy up their stock, replace the board, replace the CEO, problem solved.

Tue Sep 11 03:38:00
I think this is an unfortunate side effect of the inflation of information which has lead to a huge drop in the economic value of information. Music, movies, news, communication all these things cost anything from far less to a fraction of their prices or simply for free. To make money with these business models means google and facebook (or others in this space) have to have access to and control of a scary amount of information. This ”everything should be free” and ad financed (in a world of ad blockers) may be terrible in the long term.
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