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Utopia Talk / Politics / Crazy Trump tells crazy evangelicals ...
Tue Aug 28 20:40:38
"It's not a question of like or dislike, it's a question that they will overturn everything that we've done and they will do it quickly and violently. And violently. There is violence. When you look at Antifa -- these are violent people," Trump said


Tue Aug 28 21:19:34
Well he isn't wrong. Antifa is one fucked up and violent group of people.
BAMN is another group that relies on terrorism to shut people up.

the wanderer
Tue Aug 28 21:19:53
typical nonsense rambling

people have been noting his stirring up fear of violence but he's also a lying piece of shit that if Ds took the House they could overturn everything
the wanderer
Tue Aug 28 21:23:32
the context of OP is Trump talking about if Dems win in November

he's trying to link Antifa to Dems running for office... he's a piece of shit... as noted before by really smart posters
Wed Aug 29 10:50:54
Who defends Antifa? Dems, and media progs.

The connection is already there.
Wed Aug 29 10:55:39
Who defends nazis, trumptards and conservatives, and media progs.

The connection is already there.
Wed Aug 29 10:58:12
Tries to draw equivalence between a licensed march with shouting and signs to driving to a licensed march, covering your face, and beating people up.

Then, when people say that free speech shouldn't be met with violence, he calls it "defending muh nazis"

lol. butthurt cuck
Wed Aug 29 11:04:29
Who worries about Antifa? Retarded cuckservatives.

Number of people hurt or killed by Antifa - 0.

Another made-up bogeyman to create a false equivalency.

Kill yourselves please.
the wanderer
Wed Aug 29 11:04:42
do you believe there's a clear logical link to Dems winning in Nov leading to Antifa ramping up violence?

i don't see it...

this is like Sam Waterston's attempt to scare old people about robots... which would be on YouTube if SNL wasn't such a dick in the past
Wed Aug 29 11:05:10
Professor bike lock would like a word with you, Cuckhat
Wed Aug 29 11:05:59
"do you believe there's a clear logical link to Dems winning in Nov leading to Antifa ramping up violence?

i don't see it..."

About as logical a leap as leftist screeching for the past year about the "very fine people" quote.
Average Ameriacn
Wed Aug 29 11:07:15
Is Antifa commanded by Russia or by Iran?
Wed Aug 29 11:36:33
"Tries to draw equivalence between a licensed march"

The same group that had weapons as well and ran over a protester and kills them. And assaulted other protesters. And still attempts to equate that antifa and the only aggressors because they lack a 'permit.'

Good job remaining a retard. And failing to understand that your comment is as ridiculous as saying neo-nazis and repubs are connected as with antifa and dems.

We should really question your mental capabilities of understanding subjects. Not like your comprehension skills have ever questioned before.
Wed Aug 29 11:44:02
"The same group that had weapons as well"

You don't lose the right to self-defense just because you hold nasty views.

"and ran over a protester and kills them"

One guy, out of hundreds. The entire point of Antifa is to confront those who have nasty views and assault them to coerce them into silence. The entire point of Unite the Right retardation was not to run over fatties.

"And failing to understand that your comment is as ridiculous as saying neo-nazis and repubs are connected as with antifa and dems."

Again, you fail at analogies and connections. Even the most retarded Republicans are not going on TV saying that Neo-Nazi marchers have noble goals and we should excuse their means because the end goal is "admirable".

lol, butthurt cuck
Wed Aug 29 11:51:13
"You don't lose the right to self-defense just because you hold nasty views."

You may want to review the instances where they assaulted some of the protesters. The same ones that were arrested and charged. But if you want to ignore those facts. You do you. But reality supersedes you.

"One guy, out of hundreds. The entire point of Antifa is to confront those who have nasty views and assault them to coerce them into silence. The entire point of Unite the Right retardation was not to run over fatties. "

Spoken like a true retard. If you feel their rally was not designed to be provocative. Completely shows your ignorance on their modus operandi and surveillance of their actives that monitors their intentions of such "rallies." Again reality supersedes you.

"Again, you fail at analogies and connections. Even the most retarded Republicans are not going on TV saying that Neo-Nazi marchers have noble goals and we should excuse their means because the end goal is "admirable". "

Pelosi and other dems condemned them. But I am sure that is just a minor detail you've overlooked.

The analogy stands. One extreme and association is just as retarded as the other.

Yet you're being Seb. Wonder why.
Wed Aug 29 12:00:10
Everyone knows the alt-right are just modern day Nazis, and that this is all a carefully orchestrated plan of resurgence.
Jack Cafferty
Wed Aug 29 12:01:09
"You don't lose the right to self-defense just because you hold nasty views."

No said that dumbass. But for you willfully ignoring they were violent themselves shows how far up their asses you are.

But this is Forwyn who has great interpretation skill.
The Third Reich
Wed Aug 29 12:07:37
Look we were only defending ourselves.

Wed Aug 29 12:15:08
"You may want to review the instances where they assaulted some of the protesters. The same ones that were arrested and charged. But if you want to ignore those facts."

Yes, idiots on both sides were arrested. Again, motives of the groups matter.

"If you feel their rally was not designed to be provocative."

Spoken like a true retard. You think that people being provocative makes them equally responsible for violence as the people who show up with weapons to dish out violence.

"Pelosi and other dems condemned them. But I am sure that is just a minor detail you've overlooked."

Weeks after Charlottesville, many only after several incidents. Up until then they were screeching about someone comparing the two groups. Berkeley mayor was in a Facebook Antifa group and finally, after months of idiots terrorizing the city, started calling them gangster"

"The analogy stands. One extreme and association is just as retarded as the other."

Only if you're an ignorant retard, which, of course, you are. Turn on CNN to see defense of Antifa. You won't find an equivalent defense of Nazis.

"Yet you're being Seb."

That's a cute comparison, since Seb has repeatedly gone on record defending Antifa tactics.

lol, butthurt cuck

"No said that dumbass."

ROFL. You think that the intent of the statement that protesters showed up with weapons wasn't to draw an equivalence with Antifa showing up with weapons?

You're even more of a dumbass than I thought.
Wed Aug 29 12:25:06
"Yes, idiots on both sides were arrested. Again, motives of the groups matter."

Aaaaand you're stupid to believe that the nazis didn't have a motive simply because they had a permit. Either willful ignorance, denial, or your complete defense because they are your people.

"Weeks after Charlottesville, many only after several incidents. Up until then they were screeching about someone comparing the two groups. Berkeley mayor was in a Facebook Antifa group and finally, after months of idiots terrorizing the city, started calling them gangster"

So it's a timing thing you take issue with. You are aware there antics before this rally were called out prior. Especially during trump's inauguration. But "muh timing." Is the issue.

"Only if you're an ignorant retard,"

So you looked in the mirror. Progress!

"That's a cute comparison, since Seb has repeatedly gone on record defending Antifa tactics. "

And you've gone on record defending nazis tactics and actions. See this thread and see unite the rally threads.

Good job, Seb
Jack Cafferty
Wed Aug 29 12:28:41
"ROFL. You think that the intent of the statement that protesters showed up with weapons wasn't to draw an equivalence with Antifa showing up with weapons?"

Anyone shocked by this that forwyn is attempting to twist words like he tried to twist laws for his on narrative?

You imbecile, no one is saying that they couldn't defend themselves if it calls for it. But to sit there and defend them because they have a permit to be there and to think they would not participate in violence themselves, which they did as it wasn't because of defending themselves. Either demonstrates how out of touch you are or it is the sheer fact, and suspected. You're a retard.
the wanderer
Wed Aug 29 13:39:15
Trump shill (Ben Ferguson) says he thinks Trump didn't mean literal violence... that they will legislatively violently overturn things or something...

what is wrong w/ Trump supporters? why can't they see the obvious... or why do they lose all self-respect...
Wed Aug 29 14:15:10
"Aaaaand you're stupid to believe that the nazis didn't have a motive simply because they had a permit."

Show up and yell and piss people off. Fight counterprotesters if given the chance, undoubtedly.

And if no one shows up? They look like even bigger retards.

They correctly predicted, however, that REEEEtards would show up in force also looking for that fight.

"So it's a timing thing you take issue with."

I'm not the only one.

"There is a disturbing silence from leaders of the Democratic Party over those gangs of black-masked leftist thugs shutting down free speech and beating people to the ground with clubs at Berkeley."


Later that day, more than two weeks after Charlottesville and after yet another Berkeley debacle:

"It took a while, but Democrats may finally have had enough of the antifa.

In a Tuesday statement, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called out by name the antifa, or “anti-fascists,” for the first time since Sunday’s leftist violence in Berkeley.

“Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts,” the California Democrat said in a statement. “The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.”

More than 100 antifa members, many wearing black clothing and masks, jumped police
barriers Sunday at a Berkeley protest, chasing down and attacking a small number of Trump supporters, resulting in six injuries and 13 arrests."


"And you've gone on record defending nazis tactics and actions."

lol, butthurt cuck. Defending the right of assembly covers pink hat idiots as well, even if I disagree with them.

"Anyone shocked by this that forwyn is attempting to twist words"

If I say group B is bad for showing up to counterprotest with weapons to shut down speech, and you respond with "group A had weapons too", you're drawing an equivalence, there's no need to twist words to point that out.

As for the rest of your intelligible rant, there's a difference between showing up to protest with weapons in case police don't do their jobs and allowing REEEEtards with weapons to start a tussle, and showing up with weapons specifically to start a tussle.

Doesn't mean I'll shed a tear when they all end up in the jail or hospital, society would be better off if they all got raptured now.

But alt-righters learned their lesson anyway, and it wasn't because of violence - it was the following year of media working with Antifa et al to identify UtR participants and torpedo their livelihoods. Certainly social ostracism is a greater motivator than playing into Neo-Nazi provocation.
Wed Aug 29 14:27:10
"They correctly predicted, however, that REEEEtards would show up in force also looking for that fight. "

'They correctly predicted that, however, REEEtards would show up in force for a REEEtarded cause to promote suppression of civil rights of others due to their color looking for a fight.'

"I'm not the only one."

You can post all the links you want being critical of it. But those are the complaints made as a defense because nazis were highlighted. It does not negate the fact that prior to the rally. Members of both parties denounced antifa's actions on the day trump was inaugurated.

Again your arguing a pretty and trivial point of timing. Hey, whatever makes you feel emboldened about your nonsense.

"Defending the right of assembly covers pink hat idiots as well, even if I disagree with them."

You are very retarded aren't you. Did I infer that they didnt have a right to assembly?

I was referring to your retardation thinking they were there to be pillars of the community themselves. But it's okay, I understand if you want to ignore or omit that it may give you more standing for your points. It doesn't. Just proves more you're retarded.

Wed Aug 29 20:07:53

"Well he isn't wrong. Antifa is one fucked up and violent group of people."

This from people who stockpile assault weapons and ammunition to shoot US soldiers.

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