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Utopia Talk / Politics / Cohen tapes
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Fri Jul 20 16:36:04
So Trump's top goon Micheal Cohen was taping Trump during the campaign and proves Team Trump blatantly and purposefully lied to public and one of the easiest blackmailble billionaire on the planet..... Seriously how the fuck is

Fri Jul 20 16:58:43
Trump banged a model and paid her. In other news the sun will rise in the east manana.
Fri Jul 20 17:01:19
In other news the sun will rise in the east manana.

Not any more. That was fake news. It's a twitterman world now. North is South, East is West.
The GRU is to be trusted over any US Intel agency.
the wanderer
Fri Jul 20 17:03:00
Republicans only care about being lied to continuously & about infidelity when it's any other person besides Trump
Fri Jul 20 17:05:04
duuuur I love duuur trump duuuuuur
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Fri Jul 20 17:07:23
This is the tip of the iceberg.
Fri Jul 20 17:09:12
I mean... do you not realize that sex sells and men pay women for sex and woman want to be paid for sex?

This is why this isnt a scandal with legs. No one is surprised.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Fri Jul 20 17:11:56
Is that why Republicans didn't make a big deal out of Bill Clinton's affairs?
Fri Jul 20 17:18:21
If President Clinton had said yeah I got a blowjob in the oval office and I might do it again that whole thing would have been gone in a week.

he got in trouble for lying under oath.

If President Trump gets called to testify under oath and lies he should also be held to account.

Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Fri Jul 20 17:23:35
You do remember that Clinton was originally accused of a shady real estate deal in 1978 and covering it up by murdering his own lawyer.
the wanderer
Fri Jul 20 17:27:06
he HAS been called to testify under oath & he will fight to all our deaths not to comply

also do any of our Trump defenders buy his 'would'/'wouldnt' bullshit?

i have a feeling they decided on that lie because that was the snippet most news would've ran to demonstrate his failure at the summit (they didn't all show his rant about servers & Hillary emails... all of which was designed to undermine the intel conclusions)... so they assume if people saw the 'n't' change that it makes it seem like it was all fixed
Fri Jul 20 17:41:33
Until he does testify it really isn't the same so why did you bring it up?

And I assume these women were willing to let President Trump do whatever it is he did to them? President Clinton was accused of forcing himself on women and that is why he was called to testify.
Fri Jul 20 18:07:06
Yeah it is time to be adults here. Clinton fucked interns. Trump paid hookers. They are not the same thing.
smart dude
Fri Jul 20 18:11:27
You're right, they aren't. Paying prostitutes for sex is illegal. Fucking interns isn't.
Fri Jul 20 18:19:56
Pretend to be an adult for a moment and realize people can do with their bodies what they want.
smart dude
Fri Jul 20 18:32:36
Not according to the law, dumbass.
Fri Jul 20 18:38:55
"GOP tend to encourage following laws"

- mt
Fri Jul 20 19:15:41

Fri Jul 20 19:41:45
"Pretend to be an adult for a moment and realize people can do with their bodies what they want."

Mr. "Anti-bortion" said this.
Fri Jul 20 19:57:27
I don't seem to recall MT ever arguing that adults shouldn't be able to choose to have consensual sex.
Fri Jul 20 20:01:48
No, he's arguing that adults should be able to break the law (pay a hooker for consensual sex), despite suggesting that he follows the law, and finds it immoral when adults do follow the law in doing with their bodies what they want (abortion).

It's just a huge mess of hypocrisy.
Fri Jul 20 20:04:15
Fri Jul 20 20:21:18
To add to that:

If mt was arguing that prostitution should be legal, few people would object. That is not his argument.
the wanderer
Fri Jul 20 21:38:04
Trump has like 17 accusers of sexual assault and harassment... some of you have some real short memories

But I guess we should take his word that none of them are telling the truth since he's been so honest about Stormy and Karen, right?

the wanderer
Fri Jul 20 21:56:53
and we have Trump on tape admitting to doing it... saying he uses tic-tacs in case he starts kissing the woman as they let you do that or anything else you want to do... (w/ sound of him using the tic-tacs)

well maybe some weren't so on board as he thought
Sat Jul 21 00:12:06
This is a complex issue. Generally speaking the GOP wants people to follow rules and social norms. But after being called racists and sexists for following said social norms they dont give a shit anymore hence trump winning states the gop doesnt have a history of winning. So a suck and get used to the GoP fucking aroubd with rules the lefthas historically used against repubs
Sat Jul 21 00:58:18
"It's just a huge mess of hypocrisy."

Yes, if your morality is dictated by law.
Sat Jul 21 01:08:26
”the GOP wants people to follow rules and social norms. But after being called racists and sexists for following said social norms they dont give a shit anymore.”

”This is a complex issue”

Yup, I bet it is.
Sat Jul 21 01:20:57
" as they let you do that.."

Do you not know the difference between let you do that and don't want you to do that?

President Clinton was called to testify on the latter.

Get President Trump to court and have him lie under oath then your argument means something.
the wanderer
Sat Jul 21 01:33:30
why do you require him to lie under oath to care that he's provably lying? i don't know how you can trust a word he says... he could not have lower credibility, not ideal in a president

and just because he thinks women are ok with it, doesn't mean they actually are ok with it

see the #metoo movement, women put up with it for various reasons, plus who says none were clearly offended at the time? (& i find Trump's word meaningless, if that's not crystal clear)
Sat Jul 21 02:26:34
Yeah, why require him to break a law before you get upset? Great point tW.
Sat Jul 21 02:43:44
"Yes, if your morality is dictated by law."

This is a matter of logic and contradiction. You cannot say "we're the ones who follow laws!!!!!!!" and then scoff at the notion that there's anything wrong with someone brazenly breaking them.

"This is a complex issue."

Sure thing, Trump.
smart dude
Sat Jul 21 02:55:27
That's some shit-tier evasion there, mtard.
Sat Jul 21 02:56:03
There's only a contradiction if we're going with the apparent statement of mt as "GOP is the party of law and order". Otherwise, the assertions in this thread are consistent; he opposes both laws based on personal morality.
Sat Jul 21 03:05:30
He's said it in a few threads today. Yes, I'm basing my argument on the words he said and the image he tries to portray.

Let us not forget that paying hush money isn't paying for sex a la hookers, that's just how mt wants to frame this. It's all based on his addled perception of reality.
Sat Jul 21 03:09:39
I'm not commenting on morality only on legality. So far President Trump has broken no laws that we know of.
President Clinton did.
If President Trump has committed a crime he should be held accountable.
If not then the voters will decide if his digressions warrant his removal from office with their votes. I didn't vote for him this time and probably will not vote for him next election. He is to big government for me.
Jack Cafferty
Sat Jul 21 04:53:34
Ah yes, the old forwyn to the rescue. "Allow me to interpret what is meant to be said or is said." Where clearly his skills in that department can be seen in another thread that he isn't the best at it.
the wanderer
Sat Jul 21 11:02:49
"Yeah, why require him to break a law before you get upset?"

you are saying this sarcastically?

what the fuck is wrong with Trump supporters...

@kargen, i didn't say impeach here anywhere did I? not that Republicans would impeach him for lying under oath...

he should be tossed because he's grossly incompetent, he doesn't learn facts on any issue, he has proven he puts his own interests ahead of the country, and he can't be trusted at all on anything related to Russia (or anything else really)...

if there's no method of removal on those grounds, there should be, and AT LEAST his voters should start recognizing it instead of 'oh.. he meant 'wouldn't'... even though that doesn't change the rest of what he said & obviously isn't what he meant based on past behavior' & ignoring all his other constant lies as mt does & thinks is fine apparently

hey look, his latest tweet is more bullshit:

"Inconceivable that the government would break into a lawyer’s office (early in the morning)"

again SMEARING his OWN Justice Dept suggesting they did something wrong
American Democrat
Sat Jul 21 11:08:12
When you're a desperate person, you say desperate things. Trump is the epitome of a person who is in desperation. May his reign fall due to the exposure of his complete incompetence and treachery.
the wanderer
Sat Jul 21 11:22:41
here's more Trump excrement for obaminated to swallow:

"I got severely criticized by the Fake News Media for being too nice to President Putin. In the Old Days they would call it Diplomacy. If I was loud & vicious, I would have been criticized for being too tough. Remember when they said I was too tough with Chairman Kim? Hypocrites!"

i guess his performance was fantastic, as it was not illegal
Sat Jul 21 18:32:18
Nobody in this thread said impeach until you announced that you had not said impeach tumbleweed. I did say President Trump should be held accountable if he does break the law. If you go back and read what I wrote you will see I also mentioned voters deciding if he should stay or go.

"i guess his performance was fantastic, as it was not illegal"

yeah because that is the only two choices.
the wanderer
Sat Jul 21 18:40:25
that was at mt (obaminated)... who thinks unless Trump does something illegal there's no reason to be upset with him

we need better ways to get rid of a completely unfit president than criminal activity

nobody knows what he talked w/ Putin about

he claims they discussed "stopping terrorism, security for Israel, nuclear proliferation, cyber attacks, trade, Ukraine, Middle East peace, North Korea and more"

does anyone think he was informed well enough on any of those topics to be productive? (...or care what Russia's view on Israel is)

he insisted on 1-on-1 because everyone in his administration disagrees w/ his Putin-love... or he really is compromised... either way he shouldn't be allowed to do it again
Sat Jul 21 19:05:45
Doesn't really matter what they talked about. Doesn't really matter if the meeting was productive though it would be nice if it were productive. President Trump could have promised to sell Alaska back to Russia, lift sanctions or whatever. Doesn't matter though because his power to do anything really meaningful is limited.
large member
Sat Jul 21 19:24:49
You realize that you are arguing a democratic house and senate after the midterms right?

This being a premise for Trump being held accountable if he breaks laws.
the wanderer
Sat Jul 21 21:12:53
you are arguing the President has no power? he's turning a significant portion of the country into complete idiots who will soon accept Russia is a great friend, while finding our own Justice dept and media to be the real enemies (he even stated the media is the real enemy twice since the fake summit)

btw, Trump has two new witch hunt tweets a week after it exposed the activities of a dozen more Russian criminals, if anyone unclear if he puts himself above the country
Sat Jul 21 22:09:16
I wouldn't bet money on Democrats taking either. They gotta smarten up a whole lot if they are going to have a good midterm result.

I'm with him on the press thing. Journalism has been a joke for a very long time. Started going downhill when shows like 60 Minutes came on the air and the advent of CNN accelerated the downward spiral because ratings began to matter more than real news mattered.

Wrath of Orion
Sat Jul 21 22:15:24
"he's turning a significant portion of the country into complete idiots"

All those people were fucking stupid and gullible long before Trump. Retard Rod is a prime example.
the wanderer
Sun Jul 22 01:37:11
Trump is making it much worse

presumably kargen thinks Trump means biased or something, but that's again having to change Trump's words to make it acceptable (i guarantee not all Trump fans are smart enough to know Trump doesn't speak English)

example i've noted before, when that candidate (Greg Gianforte) attacked a reporter, one Trumper asked to respond said 'fake news'... that shit didn't happen before
large member
Sun Jul 22 02:29:06
Then you are not betting money on the president being held accountable.

Which is fair enough, but be honest enough to recognize your position on accountability depends on the opposition taking control of the legislative branches of government.
Sun Jul 22 06:01:50
"Journalism has been a joke for a very long time. Started going downhill when shows like 60 Minutes came on the air and the advent of CNN accelerated the downward spiral because ratings began to matter more than real news mattered."

And we all know that Fox News is a beacon of "fair and balanced" reporting.
Mon Jul 23 08:04:26

"I'm with him on the press thing. Journalism has been a joke for a very long time."

And where do you get your information from?

For that matter, where did you acquire the information that journalists and news media were biased/unreliable/a joke?

Mon Jul 23 10:45:54
Bias through lenses of bias. Normalcy...
the wanderer
Mon Jul 23 11:58:38
the notion out there that news should be 50% positive for Trump to not be biased is stupid... that 90% negative thing is deserved

he is awful, everyone should find him awful, many of his voters found him awful just less awful than Hillary

just this morning he's wanting antitrust filings against a perceived enemy, cheering Russia more, pretending Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch has a worthwhile opinion, & more lies about the dossier & 'witch hunt'
Mon Jul 23 12:00:33
jergul accountable for what? He is doing what he said he would do when running for office. The people that voted for him will probably show up in droves to support the GOP in state races. And it is more than a bit morbid but many are hoping he gets to pick another Supreme Court Justice fairly soon.
That aside I'm not sure the Democrats are going to be able to mount much of an attack at the voting booths because their party is divided. Going to be hard for them to inspire the numbers they need to change things. They might do it but I'm thinking probably not.
I like when we have a Democrat for president and a Republican controlled congress usually. A Republican president and Democrat controlled congress is usually a complete shit storm.

delude nope FOX News is just as driven for ratings as any of the other news agencies. They do a better job of separating their news programs from the talking head shows than the other 24 hour news outlets but ratings/money is what matters.

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