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Utopia Talk / Politics / Possible Publication games and violence
Fri Jul 20 07:24:15
We re-analyzed data gathered by Anderson et al. (2010) on the relationship between violent video games and aggressive outcomes. Contrary to the original report, we found evidence of significant publication bias among experiments with aggressive affect or aggressive behavior as an outcome. Results suggest that short-term laboratory effects may be smaller than previously reported. Research practice and theory in this area will benefit from publication of all studies and outcomes, as in a registered report.

Fri Jul 20 07:45:14
The title should read ”possible publication *bias”.
Fri Jul 20 08:49:31

This was a stupid study to begin with. The use of violent video games is up about a zillion percent over the past few decades ... and violent crimes have been dropping all the while.


If you look at this graph, Pong, Breakout, Space Invaders, Pac-Man, Pole Position, were the real culprits.

I also think you can pin some of the blame on E.T. ... the movie and the video game!

Anarchist Prime
Fri Jul 20 08:52:10
"I also think you can pin some of the blame on E.T. ... the movie and the video game!"

E.T. the illegal alien
Fri Jul 20 08:52:51

That's right, he overstayed his tourist visa. :o)

Fri Jul 20 08:54:14
There were also some unconfirmed reports that he was MS-13.
Fri Jul 20 09:55:47
Wasn't this already well known? Or at least, that there were enough errors in the positive correlation studies that one simply couldn't accept the conclusion that violent video games cause violence irl.
Fri Jul 20 10:37:43
I think our generation already understoof this, while older generations just don't understand how normal people can enjoy a game like GTA. Over thinking the topic. Similar to how "adults" have a hard time understanding Superman. While "kids" have no troubles, because they know it isnt real.
Fri Jul 20 10:46:26

You realize that adults grew up with Superman, right?

Fri Jul 20 12:14:31
It is an admittedly confusing example. Its like a general outline. People who think like adults dont understand how superman works but kids know it is a fantasy so asking questions about it is pointless. Im trying to draw a connection to GTA. Adults cant understand that killing random CPUs doesnt effeft anyone, vecause it isnt real.
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