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Utopia Talk / Politics / Society is bullshit!
Tentacle Rapist
Sun Jun 17 22:48:13
They said I could be anything, yet Im no closer to being a ninja turtle or a crystalline entity. Apparantly even Rancor or Xenomorph is beyond me. FUCKING LIARS!
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun Jun 17 22:57:06
Give me $2.7 million and I'll make you a ninja turtle.

$40 million you can be a xenomorph or a Rancor with the biggiest dick.
Sun Jun 17 23:56:33
"Rancor with the biggiest dick."

That reminds me of that one porno.
Tentacle Rapist
Mon Jun 18 00:12:59
40 mil is at least a couple years income so I will get back to you on that.

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