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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trade war is now on
Fri Jun 15 14:42:27
China: 'The US has launched a trade war'

China accused the United States of firing the first shot on Friday when the White House said that it would impose tariffs of 25% on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods.

The announcement confirms a threat first made by President Donald Trump in March and follows months of trade talks between the two sides. A truce was announced in May, but it proved short-lived.

"The United States has kept changing its mind and now launched a trade war," China's Commerce Ministry said in a statement.

The Chinese government said it would respond in kind to the US tariffs, which will apply to roughly 1,100 exports and will target China's aerospace, robotics, manufacturing and auto industries.

"China does not want a trade war," it said, adding that it would "fight back vigorously" in defense of its national interests, globalization and the world trade system.

"We will immediately launch tariff measures that will match the scale and intensity of those launched by the United States."
Beijing also said "all economic and trade agreements reached by previous negotiations will be nullified at the same time." That includes a tentative deal to increase Chinese purchases of US energy and agricultural goods.

Like the US tariffs, China's retaliatory tariffs will be rolled out in two waves, the Finance Ministry said. And they will start on the same day.

Beijing will impose tariffs on 545 US items worth $34 billion — including agricultural products, automobiles and seafood — starting on July 6.

Tariffs on the remaining 114 items, including chemicals, medical equipment and energy products, will start later.
The United States is targeting 800 Chinese exports, worth about $34 billion, starting July 6, and another 280 or so after a public comment period.

Trump has long complained about China's huge trade surplus with the United States. In a statement Friday, he said trade with China "has been very unfair, for a very long time."

The US president said the new tariffs were designed to punish China for the theft of American intellectual property and technology.

And he warned that any retaliation by Beijing would trigger another round of tariffs on Chinese goods.

That raises the specter of an intensifying trade war, which would hurt consumers, companies and the global economy. The Dow fell nearly 200 points on Friday after the tariffs were announced.

Growth forecasts for major economies are already being slashed due to the rise of protectionism. Germany's central bank cut its forecast for Europe's biggest economy on Friday.
"An escalating global trade dispute or widespread rises in import tariffs would have a marked negative impact on Germany's export oriented economy," it said.

The United States has already imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum from Canada, Mexico and the European Union. All have promised to hit back.

The 28 members of the EU agreed Thursday that retaliatory tariffs would go into effect in the coming days.

"In this day and age, launching a trade war is not in the interest of the world," China's Commerce Ministry said. "We call on all countries to act together to firmly stop such an outdated and backward move, and to firmly safeguard the common interest of all mankind."


It’s a world war now. The World vs USA.
Fri Jun 15 14:50:36
”"In this day and age, launching a trade war is not in the interest of the world," China's Commerce Ministry said. "We call on all countries to act together to firmly stop such an outdated and backward move, and to firmly safeguard the common interest of all mankind."”

When there is more common sense in China than in USA, and when Iran is more honest than USA – you know that the world has changed.
Fri Jun 15 18:30:11
All I can say is that GOP free traders are amazingly quiet. Proving yet again that the only principle that principled republicans believe in is whatever the hell helps the party at the moment.

the wanderer
Fri Jun 15 19:05:31
"There is no trade war, they've taken so much."


Steve Doocy really rips into that stupid comment... maybe... or probably not... who knows, Fox chose just to tweet the stupid comment
Tentacle Rapist
Fri Jun 15 19:54:03
Well maybe they should just launch some nukes and cripple Beijing then
Fri Jun 15 20:15:42
Translating what China is saying:

We have been fucking the world unchecked for a while now. We want to keep on fucking the world and the US is throwing a wrench in the works.
the wanderer
Fri Jun 15 21:33:32
Donald was the one making his ties in China... & Ivanka makes all her shit in the sweatshops of China and other places

as long as Chinese are living in factories eating rats cooked in waste water, they are going to have the edge in manufacturing
Sat Jun 16 09:32:26

You know the Chinese are scared because they haven't shut down all Trump related businesses in response.
The Children
Sat Jun 16 09:38:09
we will win and demolish u.
u know u dunt stand a chance.
Sat Jun 16 10:44:19
Like I said, the Chinese are already showing their weakness. This won't last 6 months before the Chinese cave altogether.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Jun 16 12:30:22

No trade war yet.

This doesn't start until July.

Sat Jun 16 13:13:29

I think the targeted response to trump holdings will be kept in reserve.

What you might be missing here is China probably views a slow escalation as: a. Not very painful and b. A huge strategic opportunity to praise the EU and US position on trade far apart, with the EU position closer to China's, and that's the springboard for rearchirecting the global trade and economic architecture to China's benefit.

At that point they've achieved most of their global aims. America can go on being the global military hegemon as long as it can afford it, but if China's writing the global economic rules, that's the end game for them.

Trump is this huge gift for them. They're not going to interrupt the enemy while in the process of making a mistake.

Expect for for tat with genuine escalation left to the US.
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