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Utopia Talk / Politics / go Ron Paul! (& Rand Paul)
the wanderer
Thu Feb 08 17:02:25
Rand is laying a smack down on irresponsible spending on the floor of congress
the wanderer
Thu Feb 08 17:17:35
and about pointless wars
Thu Feb 08 17:24:51
After voting for the fucking deficit-destroying tax cut for donors?

Fuck him.
Thu Feb 08 17:28:47
Sen. Rand Paul on the new senate spending bill: "If you were against President Obama's deficits, and now you're for the Republican deficits, isn't that the very definition of hypocrisy?"

good point, but Rand should condemn spending (that he doesn't like), not deficits. The tax cut he voted for is going to increase the deficit, by a lot
Wrath of Orion
Thu Feb 08 18:08:58
C'mon now, let's remember that being a politician pretty much means providing hand jobs with one hand and flipping people off with the other.
Thu Feb 08 19:19:47
Reckless spending should be met with a cut in spending, not by expecting a raise at your job.
Thu Feb 08 20:32:47
Your definition of reckless is largely considered invalid.
Thu Feb 08 20:33:24
Also, one should note the hilarious hypocrisy of a military schmuck making the comment forwyn did. Reckless spending indeed.
Thu Feb 08 21:21:04
Not much hypocrisy to be found unless you hear me calling for more military spending.

I'm not.

In fact, it would be akin to pointing out the irony of a Jew whining about men and women being trained to spy on their Zionist enemy Iran. Is that AIPAC I hear calling?
Thu Feb 08 22:08:49
There's no hypocrisy in expecting to get paid by that reckless spending? I know you're retarded, but surely this is simple enough for you to comprehend.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Feb 08 23:08:32

I am all for the spending for the military.

Obama screwed them over so badly I'm not even sure they could beat the gangs in New York City.

Just joking, but I doubt we could carry on two wars at the same time.

Thu Feb 08 23:33:42
"There's no hypocrisy in expecting to get paid by that reckless spending?"

1. Military works during shutdowns. No pay during that time, unlike bureaucrats who get to go home and get backpay anyway.
2. Intelligence is a vital component to the military, and even if drastic cuts were made to efficiency and contractors, there would still be linguists listening in on Israel's enemies.

No, there is nothing hypocritical about a veteran saying the DoD budget should be slashed by as much as 50%.

"I know you're retarded, but surely this is simple enough for you to comprehend."

I comprehend the point you tried to make. It's a bad one. Your zinger is bad, and you should feel bad.
Thu Feb 08 23:59:09
Forwyn thinks his time spent scrubbing toilets as an elisted man inside a submarine qualifies him to make human resource decisions for our government.

I bet he did as much research on the issue as he did when he constantly resorted to the "Muh Russia" far-right talking point before Manafort and Flynn got indicted. Even bringing it back recently, it just puts into light his hypocrisy.

Just like he is a hypocrite now for pretending that he knows anything about what is essential and what isn't.

We're actually all for cutting the military except for Hot Rod who is basically the functional equivalent of a parrot who watches Fox news all day.

Some of us prefer to have an informed discussion about what needs to be cut. And some of us are already educated on the issue and know that even with cuts to non-essential military functions you're looking at maybe a 20% cut.

Which is to say the tax cut was always insanely expensive for the stimulus it would cause and the spending that can safely be cut.

But Forwyn is a retard anyways. A millenial who buys talking points mostly believed by near-death old people watching Fox News. Sadly, the massive cuts he'll see to his benefits will affect the rest of us in the country too, and especially his children.

But that's ok, he got a tiny tax cut. All's well in the libertarian-retardo world.
Fri Feb 09 00:29:16
That's an impressive diatribe, Cuckhat.

You're really salty about that Cuckhat coining, aren't you?

As ignorant as you are salty. An Airman in a submarine. Lol
Fri Feb 09 01:01:40
"Military works during shutdowns"


"Intelligence is a vital component to the military"

Also, and? You sponge off of the reckless spending while simultaneously criticizing OTHER spending, somehow thinking that your definition of reckless is completely valid (and yet it somehow, as if by magic, couldn't possibly include your salary, because you're VITAL!!!!!!!). You're a hypocrite. Your definition of reckless is arbitrary and is not valid.

"listening in on Israel's enemies"

You say this like I care. Perhaps you haven't gotten the memo, but I give no shits about israel.
Fri Feb 09 01:11:29
"criticizing OTHER spending"

And DoD spending.

"and yet it somehow, as if by magic, couldn't possibly include your salary, because you're VITAL!!!!!!!"

1. If you curtail foreign adventurism, you need less linguists, too. That's cool.
2. Across the board attrition staff cuts affect linguists just as much as line cooks.

Your sad attempts at a hypocrisy label are continuing to fail spectacularly.

Once again, you're in a leaking canoe with Cuckhat. Congratulations.
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