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Utopia Talk / Politics / Jordan Peterson Cathy Newman
Anarchist Prime
Sun Jan 21 21:32:48
Jordan Peterson Debate with Cathy Newman on Channel 4 News: My Thoughts

Sun Jan 21 22:25:33
Jordan Peterson is probably going to emerge as the great philosopher of this generation. At the very least he has a message that can save Western Liberalism.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Jan 21 22:26:42

Shoot the bastard before it is too late. :)

Sun Jan 21 22:46:43
"Shoot the bastard before it is too late"

Oof, if someone actually shoots Peterson there would probably be riots. The man is a modern day Socrates, in the respect that he had developed a massive intellectual following of people who absolutely revere him as his message.

What is funny is that the man is a liberal, but you would never guess that from the shrill shrieking he causes on the far left. His message of western thought being a paramount good seems to be incredibly triggering.
Average Ameriacn
Sun Jan 21 23:07:17
It's natural to hate Mexicans:
Sun Jan 21 23:28:22
Actually he said it is natural to be disgusted by alien cultures outside the rules of your own.
Sun Jan 21 23:57:16
And full disclosure, I discovered Jordan Peterson about 3 weeks ago, and I am so glad I did. Because I was going down a really dark road, driven largely by my inability to accept racial identity politics on the left. it started when I saw how the US Democrats handled the Bernie Sanders campaign. How they cheered the defeat of a white male at the hands of "People of Color" and "Women" to give Hillary Clinton the nomination, and to then have Clinton lead the political left to defeat at the hands of a reality TV Star who did not want to win in the first place.

There was no opposition to this nonsense. Nobody was willing to stand up and say that to organize America into systems of oppression and racial privilege, and to then accuse the Whites of the rust belt and Appalachia of being a uniquely privileged people in need of reeducation, and to then say you can win without these people? No way.

I am an Appalachian white man after all. I don't feel particularly privileged. What privilege I have gotten has come at extreme expense by my ancestors and my own efforts. The racial arguments of the American left were intensely insulting and INFURTIATING. Enough to make me look for anyone who opposed them. Which up until recently were fucking Nazis.

So thank god for Jordan Peterson.
Mon Jan 22 00:18:45
Was it your butthole that got broken in the military, or your spine? Holy shit, are you fragile.
Mon Jan 22 00:36:03
Meh, I am intellectually fragile. I will admit. Much of my life is casting about for some sort of doctrine I can agree with. Which is why I like UP. I can vomit my intellectual nonsense and see what happens. And it is, usually, intellectual nonsense. Vomited while I am drunk, right before I vomit IRL.

I was after all raised in the Christian tradition, by parents who had jobs that I will never have. Because time has moved on. Their jobs gave them financial security but it was not something I would ever had. This was never a source of resentment early on btw. It was just a fact of life. What turned it into resentment was the emergence of racial identity. My family were loyal democrats. I mean LOYAL. My father is a registered Democrat, my Grand Father was a registered Democrat, my Great Grandfather was a registered Republican and fought in the Missouri Militia against the Confederacy.

My family went to war against slavery and the idea that one race was superior to the others. And lucky for me, unlike many others, my ancestor did not die in that war. So understand why I find the doctrine of racial guilt so insulting. My family offered blood in exchange for the sins of this counties "racial problem". And apparently that offering was insufficient. A familiar story that was once something of pride got perverted in the last few years into a story of resentment. How we put so much on the line for these ungrateful authoritarians who are willing to disregard us solely because of the color of our skin.

And if that is the case, what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Fragility is a good term for it, but then pride is fragile. And for people who don't have much pride is all they have. Like my families shitty economic situation clinging to the stories of our forebears who did great things. Like fight against the rebel scum for the United States, and Freedom for the black man. To have that sacrifice turned around on us...you cannot imagine the insult. How deeply it cut.
Mon Jan 22 00:53:37
I also want to offer apologies to Rugian. The fucker was right all along.
Mon Jan 22 01:41:34
Lile I explained in the other thread, she reminded me of the way seb ”argues”.
Mon Jan 22 17:46:33
Aeros. You know I have been suspecting for roughly 2-3 weeks that you have been listening to JP :) Appreciate the openness and honesty. I think he is an important voice against the SJW movement, but he crosses the boundary of the scientific horizon very often to reach conclusion that may have a certain appeal, but only be partially true at best. Rarely do idea so closely linked to one person end up being entirely true. Keep that in mind.

Now I firmly believe that evolutionary thinking is a great tool to learn and have. It can be utilized in many spaces, specially working with other people, in politics and elsewhere. You should read more, it will enrich and nuance what JP is saying. Keep in mind however that evolution is a nasty process by which we ended up here, don't confuse that and the inherited traits and behaviors from our ancestral environment with how things ought to be in the modern world and the future.

Understanding evolved behavior is fundamental to changing it. Four questions. How does it work? What is it for? How does it develop? How did it evolve?

Mon Jan 22 19:30:30
Well Peterson does point out he does cross the barrier of science, and he does it deliberately. His argument is Science has proven to be a poor substitute for God. He is not saying by this that we should all get religion because of this, rather, its an empirical observation that the death of god at the hands of the enlightenment blew up the necessary levels of moral certainty that buttressed western society, which resulted in the formation of grand narrative ideologies like Marxism and Fascism. All of which have proven to be disastrous.
Anarchist Prime
Mon Jan 22 19:55:29
"the death of god at the hands of the enlightenment blew up the necessary levels of moral certainty that buttressed western society, which resulted in the formation of grand narrative ideologies like Marxism and Fascism."

Mon Jan 22 20:04:06
Its actually an astute observation when you think about it. And Peterson did not make it, Fredrik Nietzsche did. For some, the intellectual few, the death of God is liberating, removing the structures of control that hinder the mind and spirit to explore new frontiers.

But for most the death of god is a disaster. Removing meaning, purpose, and condemning them to a life of nihilism and beliefs that have no foundation or design. Resulting in creating "a will to nothingness". Peterson just takes it a step further in arguing that the emergence of the catastrophic ideologies of the 20th century (Communism and Fascism) were an inevitable result of this.
Wrath of Orion
Mon Jan 22 20:07:55
So Aeros is only a step or two away from joining a cult.
Mon Jan 22 23:24:45
brb, buying his book
large member
Tue Jan 23 01:55:36
"A will to nothingness" is caused by income inequality.

Religion merely covered the symptom and was far more disasterous than communism, fascism, and even capitalism (as an ideology, not a market mechanism) are.

The solution? Your solution? Enough income to imagine a future.
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 23 02:11:21
*"But for [stupid people] the death of god is a disaster."

"Jordan Peterson is probably going to emerge as the great philosopher of this generation ... The man is a modern day Socrates"

That's a definite overstatement. I haven't heard him say anything novel, it's just that he's risen as a public figure by saying things that less famous people have been saying for years — i.e., he's in a position academically and professionally to voice their arguments to the public. You're right though to point out that he's "liberal" because it's nice that he's someone who can't be dismissed so easily as being an "alt-right" arm (this kind of dismissive BS is why I stopped reading Jergul posts — Jergul has apparently gotten so stupidly dismissive that *I* was accused of being alt-right. Fucking retarded.). And he is an exceptional orator; that Cathy Newman interview showed how cool he can be when confronted with a Seb. He just calmly dissected how much Newman-Seb misrepresented his argument and then explained that his argument was nuanced rather than something meant to be exploded by Twitter-bite — all done live and in the moment.

But I think that he's part of a rising tide rather than he being some pivotal central figure. He's like another Bret Weinstein or Gad Saad who is pointing out the failures of this latest "Social Justice" movement. People know these failures intuitively, but it's like hearing comedians talk about common issues: it's nice to hear someone with an audience voicing familiar complaints.
large member
Tue Jan 23 02:35:21
The irony of discussing these things from an evolutionary perspective is profound.

A scary number of posters here are bolstering their ill-founded aspirations to middle-class belonging by saving the expense of procreation.

The problem really is income inequality. Anywhere. But it probably feels more nihilistic in a capitalistic ideology.

What do you have if you don't have a decent income in that framework?

The hunt for the next gig and a bit of trendy detached cynicism?

Good luck with that.
Tue Jan 23 04:29:46
Jordan Peterson actually speaks about the problems of income inequality. You should really shut your pie hole lulzgul.

More or less +1 to what CC said. The Interview was in a nutshell why Peterson is needed.

I don't know if you have, but Peterson has been on 2 ep of Sam Harris podcast. The first one is a disaster, but not the Cathy Newman kind. There is going to be a third one, they both disagree on some key stuff, but seem to enjoy each other. I found them enjoyable, maybe you will too.

This one they get stuck on the definition of "truth" for a long time.

This one they explore Petersons idea with Harris trying to pick them apart and is better.

Recently while saying their will be a third talk Harris said that having listened to other interviews with Peterson than his own (lol) he finds that 90% of what Peterson says are useful and worth thinking about "but there is 10% that exposes an intellectual carelessness". I think I agree with that.
large member
Tue Jan 23 05:04:57
Lulz, Jordan parroting me is hardly grounds for my shutting up now, is it?

Aeros should just keep his eye on the ball. His life is meaningless without a decent income. By design dictated by the caprices of capitalistic ideology.

Its nothing a few lamposts and piano wire won't solve. As is historically the way income is redistributed.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Jan 23 05:47:13

Some guy awhile ago was saying the Bible should be taught as a history book sounds logical because most of the characters were real and some of the events actually occurred,

Tue Jan 23 06:18:41
Most of the things you say or have said are grounds for shutting your hole lulzgul. I have noticed that people who throw ”nihilism” around themselves are often the most nihilistic once you scratch the surface. It is nonsense in the end. But between you and me only one has professed his faith in an ideology.

Think about this for how confused you are, when your brother and sisters are out marching first of may holding signs that read ”krossa kapitalismen”. You think they should be deported? lol you never did get #krossasocialismen, did you?
Tue Jan 23 06:25:48
This waffeling about capitalism as an ideology is much like wtbs waffeling about science as an ideology. It is irrelevant to the extent that it even exists as a real thing. The world ends up being far more complicated for 1st order logic to explain. You know for someone that takes pride in spending an extra year in school diving deeper, it is fascinating how hard it is to not skim the surface for you.
Tue Jan 23 06:30:58
What you never really understood passed the surface is that on actual policy decisions you and I would most likely cross 8-9 out of 10 boxes. Hence why I _know_ that the problem is not me or my understanding of of you or the subject matter. It has always been you brö. You were always at a disatvantage :-/
large member
Tue Jan 23 06:30:59
You should at some point figure out how long different degrees take.

Capitalistic ideology is hugely harmful. Capitalism as a market mechanism is fine and dandy.

Its just like in Iran. A goat is useful, but not if you let it run your household and marry one of your wives.
Tue Jan 23 06:35:14
I know how long they take lulzgul, but I have 2 Bsc. I spend half a semester preparing for a master in Biotech, I got an offer and decided to do something else. No regrets.
Tue Jan 23 06:40:58
So in the end you actually spent half a semester extra in school. Not that it matters, Seb has a PhD and I find him about as unimpressive as you. But as long as you smert people want to bring it up. An above average person will sooner or later run past the below average idiot.
Tue Jan 23 06:48:33
But you didn't answer, should the people holding the krossa kapitalismen signs be deported? They are biting the market mechanism that makes sure they have food and can live comfortable lives. I mean I know I do not want to get rid off the social safety system of Sweden, that is why I have been making the economic argument against the type of immigration policy your social democratic peeps have been running.

You know why? Because having a bsc in industrial economy I learn some very basic things about budgets and taxes. Something our educated welder PM does not have. Pays off to have a laymen understanding of most things. You may not get a noble prize, but at least you won't collapse society. And that is really what most people should aspire to.
Tue Jan 23 12:46:40

Cathy Newman’s feminist fans aimed 30 times more violent sexist abuse at Peterson & his supporters than vice-versa.
Tue Jan 23 18:34:14
It's weird how the reactionary mindset has reached beyond just the far-right. I think it's because you people simply spend too much time on the internet.

People act like people like Newman have a lot of power. How so? When was the last time anybody listened to these women about policy? The reactionary backlash against what they've said seems much huger than the movement they've created. When Breitbart is posting shitty articles about two intellectuals debating; you know there's probably some bullshit there in terms of exaggerating the effect of Social Justice Warriors.

When was the last time any SJW reached any position of prominence or created any policy that matters? Certainly not in the US where we spend most of the time debating planned parenthood funding and bathroom bills and the long secular march of automation and income inequality continues: with one political party proposing nothing but lies and propaganda and the other political party doing what they can to take substantive steps towards addressing it.

And why do you attribute any of these identity politics things to the dems or Hillary? Hillary won the primary by millions of votes and she did so by running to the left of Bernie on some issues, not really with identity politics. She used some identity politics against Trump because they focus-grouped and Hillary was so weak, it was all they had.

Looking at her policies which she tried to make a center of her campaign (and which the media then ignored), they were typical center-left policies where the rich are taxed in order to fund retraining programs for lower classes.

All this identity politics bullshit is just meant to inflame men. It's already proven to be a political loser throughout the world with reactionary politics and figures taking control while the SJW are nothing more than a bogeyman living only on social media.


I suggest not taking things you read online too seriously especially when they are badly sourced blog posts and stick perhaps to issues concerning STEM where there is an objective consensus on most issues and not large pluralities pushing some kind of nihilist, helpless and SUBJECTIVE philosophy meant to stir the pot and do little else.

Tue Jan 23 18:43:11
Also Nimatzo is a fucking idiot as always.

Looked through some of his sources and they are basically nobodies pushing an Agenda. Swedish socialism must have given him an education level far above his native intelligence for him to form such bizarre and idiotic opinions based on literally nothing.

He has some form and cadence of education but it is all stylistic. The very foundation is rotten as his arguments are premised on the bad information that inform the alt-right.

Breaking down his intellectual gobbledygook bullshit, it's all anecdotal evidence meant to exaggerate the SJW bogeyman. I find SJW's annoying but they have had no purchase on our politics and in centers of power.

This versus the reactionaries who claim victimhood and yet hold the presidency of the United States and are pushing Britain towards a disastrous and ill-conceived Brexit.

Pray-tell what have the evil SJW done to you? Men still make more than women. Power becomes more concentrated in the hands of super-rich white men.

And most of all, your assumptions are all those heavily pushed forth by the Mercers and Kochs and Russian bots of the world. Why are you so nihilist and helpless when you supposedly have 2 degrees?

You sound like a Snowflake, justifying your own helplessness by ascribing your own demons to Social Justice Warriors and real-world non-entitites.
Tue Jan 23 19:12:17
"People act like people like *journalists with a platform* have a lot of power."

^an education level far above his native intelligence
Tue Jan 23 21:35:54
The reactionary backlash has not even begun and that is the problem. We should be thankful for people like Peterson who has recognized what is happening and is willing to stand up and warn people where they are going deeply astray. His message is at once a denunciation of morern lefitism but also a call to defend the high virtues of the West that same Left claims to be defending. A rejection of pathological narratives, the elevation of the Individual and so on.

In listening to his lectures he briefly comments on the possibility of a reactionist backlash. He does not explain what it would be or even tries to provide a prediction. He does say however that the left is pushing way to far and that it will lead us to "a bad place".

People in modern academia and in the "enlightened" portions of society have vastly underestimated how much rage has been building over their actions. The censure of speech, of denying people their basic right to voice beliefs only makes that rage fester and grow all the more malevolent. The reason Peterson opposed the Canadian C16 bill was not because of transphobia, but because it represented a foundational assault on speech and thought. The very logos that supports the entire western philosophical tradition. Where the State itself would compel people to say what they did not believe on threat of punishment. To literally proclaim out loud that we have always been at war with Eastasia.

And he is right you know.

The moment we do that we have destroyed the thing we believe is the foundation of our society. And the only thing waiting for us at the end of that road is the Dragon. Fire and Fury. Chaos unleashed. The reactionary backlash
Wed Jan 24 02:17:23
I don't know shit about Canada or the dumb shit Europeans pass but nothing like that has passed in the US. Instead, we have idiotic bathroom bills that are literally impossible to enforce and a bunch of far-right bullshit that is far more intrusive and harmful than anything the left has suggested.

And for all the victimization cards the right plays, Breitbart and Fox News are still free to spew their nonsense and bullshit all over the place exaggerating narrow corner cases like James Damore who is a fucking idiot troll.

America literally has too much free speech when people are free to spread science illiteracy such as climate-change denial as a "legitimate view."

Germany clamped down because of the context of history: where their fact-denial helped pave the way for the murder of millions.

I've seen nothing advocated by most US politicians or businesses that are little more than sensitivity training where white men are taught to try to put themselves in other shows which is exactly a skillset that ALL non-white non-males have to learn in order to excel in business. Because white men hold all the leadership positions that matter.

This far-right projection sure has a lot of purchase on some people's minds and hearts for how little it actually affects anyone.

I tend to look at every issue through the lens of economics: are people empowered economically? Is there economic justice being done?

Because at the end of the day, feelings is all bullshit. The one thing that makes you free is the ability to earn your way to inedepedence. I've yet to see any case of any supposedly oppressed Breitbart male failing to get a good job because of a SJW. Meanwhile, powerful white men control most of the levers of society especially in places like America. I actually don't even care about the white part. But in america, the white part matters a lot as Donald Trump showed.
Wed Jan 24 02:35:49

So this is a discussion of the bill with which Peterson was associated with.

"There is no factual basis for the claim that incorrect pronoun use will lead to negative consequences.

The bill does two things:

It adds gender identity or expression as protected classes under the Canadian Human Rights Act
It adds gender identity or expression as protected classes to the criminal code, specifically to a section about hate propaganda and to provisions about sentencing hate crimes.
Regarding 1., there has to be an actual discriminatory act (such as refusing housing or services), it is not enough to express an opinion or use wrong pronouns.

Regarding 2., to be convicted of hate propaganda, one has to actually, intentionally, incite hatred or promote genocide, so it doesn't apply.

The Canadian Bar Association agrees with this assessment:"

... among other things are stated.


So again, this will be interpreted by the courts and will largely be innocuous to most of the population. People who deliberately troll and incite will probably get legally sanctioned for "incorrect" pronoun usage. I'm sure there is a Canadian James Damore who will jump into some transgender person's face and constantly harass them with the pronoun that they don't identify.

Then that person will call Breitbart and a bunch of conservatards and get his story blown up. Nimatzo will cum buckets of jizz at the affirmation of his male victimhood.


All I know is, whoever wins the identity politics bullshit still loses because both sides are retarded for caring so much.
Wed Jan 24 03:39:08
Dikhat. US higher education system is not regulated from a central national authority. At best political stupidity will effect publicly funded schools, which allows for more diversity. If you want to run a uni on SJW values, fine. Schools get to decide. Not in Sweden.


Useless gender study courses are being forced into virtually every education ranging from engineering to medicine.
large member
Wed Jan 24 07:24:06
The federal government can and has linked funding to compliance. Which indeed is how federal legislation detail manages public schools.
Wed Jan 24 07:32:53
If that is true (I have doubts of the valdity and /or implications for my central point given the source), Dikhat should take notice and watch Sweden closely.
Wed Jan 24 10:46:18
Dukhat, toolate!

Wed Jan 24 11:08:49
That elective engineering course sounds absolutely horrifying.

Will they talk about how the toxic masculinity behind the design of HMS Nemesis absolutely BTFO the Chinese in the Opium wars and how from an engineering standpoint this is bad? Never mind how Nemesis was a triump of modern (for the time) naval engineering. It was bad because some brown people got BTFO. Dont engineer colonialism and discrimination guys!
Wed Jan 24 11:10:31
I am sure the turkish cannons that took out constantinople would be good though and an examination of how if used properly engineering can deconstruct the western patriarchy. Literally!
Wed Jan 24 11:14:08
Annoying, but not particularly damning, especially when the sources are prejudiced to begin with. Would be annoying to have to take a gender studies class or a class that mandates 40% of authors studied be women. But that is an annoyance that really doesn't impact my economic opportunity at all. I have lived through shitty professors and shitty classes of all subject-matter.

This versus real racism and real sexism where people get killed or have an asshole deny them jobs because you won't suck his cock.

The white victimhood is as tired as the social justice warrior bullshit. Both are annoying, but only the white victimhood cult has harmed the world substantially by giving helpless guys on the internet an outlet for their frustration duping them into voting for the preferred candidate of billionaire oligarchs.

I'm glad I don't read any of this stupid shit. There's no methodology and no economic literacy among readers. Numbers don't lie; I'll stick to Jstor instead of worry myself about this white lives matter bullshit.
Wed Jan 24 12:29:58
"But that is an annoyance that really doesn't impact my economic opportunity at all."

That is a very dangerous position to have. It does not effect me, now, so *shrug*. You have kids? Probably not, if and when you do you will start seeing things in a longer time frame. Does not effect me either, I went to uni in Sweden just in the nick of time and dodge this shit. Educations are a finite budget of time, credits (time) spent on nonsense for a nurse is credits they can not spend on things that matter for saving lives. There are alternative costs that will actually cost lives.
Wed Jan 24 12:37:05
And while the source is "biased", the wonderful thing with that article is that it is 95% just quoting the people in question.
Wed Jan 24 13:04:34
I believe you are over-reacting. These are cherry-picked examples driven by conservatives with an agenda of driving reactionary politics to distract voters from really pressing economic issues.

Irrespective of whether Trump builds his dumb fucking wall or Europe erects strong barriers to immigration; we are moving towards a more multi-ethnic, multi-cultural world.

It is the agenda of universities to prepare people for the future and prepare students from an intellectual perspective to deal with this. This means nurturing their empathy so that we don't figuratively or literally ghetto-ize ourselves, as is human nature, into tribes based on the most crass and basic criteria such as skin color.

I don't see any suppression of free speech. I see universities maybe overstepping their boundaries a bit in trying to make people develop empathy by using mandates and quotas which is always controversial since who's to say what that number should be. I think we're better off if we incorporate more female authors into our studies of the classics so that we can get a more broad perspective. I also agree that if the work sucks, we shouldn't study it and prop up crappy female auhtors. It's more of a balancing act issue with the far left sometimes overstepping their bounds.

And I don't feel any outrage about stem students having to taking one or two classes. It's called a liberal arts education. You're not supposed to only study one thing or else you'd be like every other retard that graduates from Calcutta or Singapore or Beijing who literally only study one thing.

Western college graduates are suppose to be more well-rounded and cross-disciplinary.

At the end of the day, all I see are a bunch of guys afraid of ideas and over-reacting. To me it's all reactionary politics aimed at dumb guys on the internet. In a word of too much information, you have to prioritize and ask yourself, who gives a shit? This is as dumb as the black lights movement; probably even dumber because blacks have historical grievances while white guys have nothing more than an annoying liberal women getting into someone's face.

Again, who gives a shit?
Wed Jan 24 13:05:57
black lives* matter
Wed Jan 24 13:19:43
"This means nurturing their empathy"

Literally one step away from safe spaces. lol University are not suppose to do what your parents failed to do, no. I have been following this for a decade here, it has gotten worse. It used to be exclusive to social sciences, but as I said, just recently a couple of years ago is entered engineering and med school. The link I posted was from last year now demanind quotas in courses dealing with subjects (19th century facism) that just do not have female authors.

You can be dismissive, but it is all rooted in ignorance and the in your own words, that it does not effect you personally. Then go on and garble some incoherent nonsense about all the alt right/white bla bla bla people who lack empathy (lol). I assure that the irony oozing in your nuance of retardation has not gone unnoticed.
large member
Wed Jan 24 13:43:10
Engineers more than others need to set their work in context. Never forget that the gas-chamber door mechanisms were quite ingenious.

The road to hell is paved with no intentions.
Wed Jan 24 13:51:58
Your arguments have already fallen apart Nimatzo.

You've literally spent way too much time in the alt-right blogosphere. As retarded as it is to teach some of the social justice warrior bullshit, it's even more retarded to repeat the alt-right bullshit.

The concept of safe space is often ridiculed but is related to secured attachment theory which has a long history of peer-reviewed academic study. Basically, children who feel more secure are more capable of embracing change and adopting newer and better habits. The lynchpin of all success is developing new and better habits to replace old ones over the course of one's life.

Of course this is hard for you to understand as someone who is helpless and has already accepted the far-right gospel (based on nothing more than KGB money and Koch money as spread through bad far-right websites) of "lul muh safe spaces." It is much easier for retards like you to ascribe to an unaccredited narrative created by scheming oligarchs where you have to do nothing and it is actually the liberal barbarians at the gates that are stopping you from being successful.

That is but one branch of your wallowing ignorance and stupidity that is rotten to the core.

You are a helpless idiot for believing in any of the stupid alt-right victimization bullshit. It is so sad and pathetic.
Wed Jan 24 13:59:54
We are speaking back to each other because the foundation of your knowledge is in willful ignorance. I ignore everything that does not have at least some scientific merit to it as in it meets typical classical journalistic standards of sourcing and accreditation or scientific standards of peer-reviewed research.

Of course you can go post-modern and accept the retarded right narrative that all academia has been infected with free-speech-denying social justice warriors.

But that is neither here or there. The retarded right has no purchase on me. Virtue-signalling, safe spaces, all the stupid catch-words of the far-right have no purchase with me or anyone of high intellect or achievement that I've ever met.

It is simply a mental construct crafted by oligarchs inside the far-right to keep helpless men like you under heel. It is the buttress of your entire world view where you don't have to change with the world but rather it is the changing world that is itself the enemy and you are but an innocent, helpless victim. If you were to develop something like basic cognitive empathy, you might be able to reach beyond the impasse you've created for yourself. That people have some reason to feel the way they do and are not enemies but colleagues to be worked to toward a common go.

But keep thinking that everyone is an enemy and that retards like Cathy Newman somehow represent all academia instead of being just one case of a SJW overstepping. It is easier to believe because you have to do nothing; just sit and be helpless and accuse others of being a bogeyman.

So shush little snowflake. Go into the arms of these idiots and see where it gets you 5, 10, 15 years from now.

I'll give you a spoiler: it's nowhere.

Wed Jan 24 14:00:31
common goal*
Wed Jan 24 15:38:57
"Engineers more than others need to set their work in context. Never forget that the gas-chamber door mechanisms were quite ingenious."

So was the nuclear bomb. I am not saying engineering or physics cannot be abused. They clearly can be. My objection is on who gets to define what abuse is, and what definition they come up with.
Thu Jan 25 09:25:56
"the foundation of your knowledge is in willful ignorance"

"Again, who gives a shit?"

"doesn't impact my economic opportunity at all"

"nurturing their empathy"

"all I see are a bunch of guys _afraid_ of ideas and over-reacting"

"Again, who gives a shit?"

"the foundation of your knowledge is in willful ignorance"

You should go back to school for more smert and empathy.
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