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Utopia Talk / Politics / OT - People are psychopaths
Tue Nov 21 22:13:27
- 30 -

I'm drinking tonight, and I won't be remembering things.
Memory Lane
Tue Nov 21 22:15:59
I drink and remember things.
Tue Nov 21 22:16:16
Tue Nov 21 22:19:30
Believe me, given what I've been through lately, a guy who relentlessly tags my posts with a "RugianLovesTheCock" handle for months on end isn't even remotely near the levels of psychopathy I've been dealing with. You keep doing what you do, you can't even start to compete with my real life.
Tue Nov 21 22:26:46
Let it all out, man.
Tue Nov 21 22:39:23
What, and let some multi use my words against me down the line when they suddenly quote my ramblings in 2032? I'm wasted, not dumb.

You can't ever trust anyone to do the right thing though, I know that now. Some people are absolute fucking snakes, and have no qualms about fucking you over when they're the ones to blame.
Tue Nov 21 22:41:38
Wasted, dumb, it's all the same in a large enough quantity.

Yeah, that feeling of realizing nobody is trustworthy sucks. Just don't be stupid like me and keep trusting 'em anyways.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Nov 21 22:46:19

Rugian, I went through something similar not long ago.

Some are even worse than snakes.

Some are just plain evil.

Tue Nov 21 23:01:48

I used to not trust anyone a very long time ago, and it was a really bad and depressing place to be at. I can't go back to that, but in the end that's what you need to do, you can't trust anyone around you. I really don't know how you can operate without assuming that the people you interact with have a basic level of decency though, it just makes you completely isolated in the end.


Sorry to hear that, hope you managed to figure out a way to cut yourself off from them. This person that I'm dealing with is just plain evil. I've been dealing with constant and unwarranted abuse from this person for months now, maybe the better part of a year. This person has made my life absolutely completely miserable day in and day out, and as a reward for not ratting them out they just completely fucked me over today. Evil.
Tue Nov 21 23:12:06
See that's my problem, I do trust people, at least on some level. And I trust them far too quickly. Yet at the same time, there are things I straight up tell nobody because the moment you tell someone, the chance of that information spreading went from impossible to somewhat likely. The problem with people isn't basic decency, it's selfishness. People just don't ever put others ahead of themselves. How can you expect general decency from someone when it is in their best interest to fuck you over?

I'd prefer to not trust people at all. I already do a plenty good job of isolating myself anyway. That's just the nature of having to hide your real personality from the world. People would interpret my cold detachment as a slight on them, as something negative.
Tue Nov 21 23:15:37
Sorry to hear you are going through this, amigo. You are one of a handful of posters who i view as rational and normal in the real world and so when shit hits you i figure its genuine. Per your usual deflective personality i am confident that its importsnt to you. But look, everything is distorted when you are drunk. Assuming your physician didnt lie about your health, you aint dying.
Tue Nov 21 23:17:11
Which is to say, it will get better because you have opportunity.

So keep your chin up, be a man and dont devolve into a pussy who thinks it is funny to create troll accounts when you are an adult.
Tue Nov 21 23:20:53
And also, dont devolve into a nihilistic shitheel who assumes everyone is a snake. Look. We all been fucked over by a dream stealer. We all have had a friend who wasnt honest to us. That shouldnt cause you to lose faith in humanity. Some people are shitheads, but most aren't because all of us like to go to sleep knowing we are decent. And constantly betraying to people wouldn't allow that.
Tue Nov 21 23:41:17
Surrounded by 333 billion lies the dark mistress sings. You can hear her best in the dead of space, in the gathering storm where she is the center of all things.
large member
Tue Nov 21 23:47:24
Uffda. That sounds expensive.
Tue Nov 21 23:53:21

It sounds like you and I are a lot alike in that regard. I naturally want to trust those around me, and my past experiences have taught me to suppress that urge. There was a period when I was aloof of everyone around me, when I kept my distance and never dared to trust anyone around. But that was a fucking lonely period, and you just can't be complete strangers with the people in your life. But then this shit happens, and it's like what the fuck I can't trust anyone again. I don't want to be here, and yet here I am.


Despite the fact that I'm craving Mex Flesh right now, I'll suppress that urge and thank you for the advice. Yeah, it's not my life at stake, but I on the other hand I didn't need those last eleven years of my life to go to complete waste either. And I didn't need to deal the with the betrayal, lies and absolute assholery that I experienced today. Do I have a future? Yeah, maybe. But if any such future has the possibility of just having to go through all of this all over again, that's not the future I want. I don't want ot keep doing this over and over again and getting fucked and fucked repeatedly until I'm old and useless.

And yeah, a lot of people, you can tell pretty quickly that they're good people. But there are also a lot of people, that you need to spend some time with them before you can trust them, but afterwards are as trustworthy as anyone you've met. Who really knows a person's true qualities. I've known this person for more than a decade now, and I never saw this coming. What does that say about my fucking judgement.
Wed Nov 22 00:19:32
"What does that say about my fucking judgement."

It might be more about expectation than judgement. Maybe the question should have been:

What does that say about their judgement?

I don't drink so I remember things.
Wed Nov 22 00:28:29
"I've known this person for more than a decade now, and I never saw this coming. What does that say about my fucking judgement."

Nothing. I know you'll keep on doing it (and I'm no better), but it's unfair to hold yourself accountable for knowledge you weren't privy to.
Wed Nov 22 01:45:32
You have a future. Dont question that. You put trust in the wrong person and as the jew from chicago said, dont hold yourself accountable for that. Have pride in yourself. I have spent more than a decade reading between the lines of you and other posters here. You have a good head on your shoulders. We all make mistakes and we all get betrayed.
Wed Nov 22 01:49:30
I hate to be presumptuous but it seems sorta clear that it is a she here. Ive gone through that as well. Dude, it happens man, it sucks and youll be an embarrassing alcoholic for the holidays but youll meet someone else who will completely change your perspective. Im not a fan of your "end of me" attitude so ill break my tradition, if you want to talk pm me and ill chat with you.
Wed Nov 22 03:47:35
So this "person" is a woman. You know how we all know this? Because you didn't say it was a guy and you have no gotten into a physical altercation. Had a man made your life this sour, you would either be checking a court date for assault or this "person" would no longer be in your life. There would be no thread about it on UP.

The only time a man keeps a sociopath (non relative) in his life is when it is a women he is fucking or has fucked.

How am I doing so far?
Wed Nov 22 04:14:08
Music is my life saver. I go to music shows 2-3 times per month, often I go alone there, no problem. It's good for my mental health. That's all I have to offer as advice.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Nov 22 05:00:12

Rugian, I'm not sure of your situation, but what I did was give this guy some money to hold for me and he was supposed to take care of my one little fish.

The fish's water was dirty when I got out of the hospital and it died while I was changing the water. I got a little over half of the money back and he went through my apartment looking at all of my stuff. But I was willing to forgive that even.

Te final straw was he was supposed to give some gifts to his daughter and grandson and his inlaw sisters and their husbands. When I found he had not given the stuff to them and he refused to return it to me that was the last straw.

I cannot stomach a man that steals from the poor and/or his relatives. To steal from his daughter and grandson is despicable.

I wrote him a letter and told him I wanted nothing more to do with him. He tried to call a few times but I just didn't answer the phone.

If you can write the person off like that it might work for you or if the person is threatening you in some way perhaps you can get a restraining order.

Good luck.

Wed Nov 22 05:54:30
If Nim is correct, i would have to change the name to "RugianLovesTheCockAndPussy"

TC some assistsnce please.

Rugian, trust can only go so far that you allow. And that is something hard to manage especially when it comes to a person you are or were close with. What you must do, as pointed out, define yourself, get your mental health back on track and keep on keeping on.

That's my advice. Also go back to the Russian video I sent you a while back.
Wed Nov 22 07:33:29
having read the rest of the thread now I have the following advice. Things will be more complicated if you have children.

RUN. Because things can only end in disaster for you from here on. Either she will kill/maim you or your life will be destroyed as a future "rapist/wife beater" in jail, regardless of the truth in the allegations.

Many of us have found ourselves in the relationship cul de sac, perhaps because it turns out the person you are with is insane, have daddy issues or whatever else is wrong with women these days. It is one of the big disappointments in life for a man, when he realizes that "women", are fucking crazy! It is not like men are so much better, but at least our crazy is right there in the open, the crazy guy ranting about tinfoil hats, RoB level crazy is in your face. RoB does not go for years hiding his crazy, suddenly fighting about it at the family thanks giving dinner, right? You know RoB is crazy from the instant you meet him, that is indicative of male crazy, they can't wait to tell you about it!

Women score higher in agreeableness and that has consequences. It says something about how well you can conform and adapt to social settings (indeed I score quite high here myself) and rules many times _despite_ how crazy you are.
Wed Nov 22 09:16:50
"You put trust in the wrong person and as the jew from chicago said, dont hold yourself accountable for that."

I will fucking eat you!
Anarchist Prime
Wed Nov 22 09:18:32
Wed Nov 22 11:12:38
"This person that I'm dealing with is just plain evil. I've been dealing with constant and unwarranted abuse from this person for months now, maybe the better part of a year. This person has made my life absolutely completely miserable day in and day out, and as a reward for not ratting them out they just completely fucked me over today. Evil. "

Life's a bitch, and then you marry one?
Wed Nov 22 11:16:55
Hot Rod,

"The final straw was he was supposed to give some gifts to his daughter and grandson and his inlaw sisters and their husbands. When I found he had not given the stuff to them and he refused to return it to me that was the last straw."

So this is the relative that you are going to kill on Thanksgiving Day?
Wed Nov 22 11:19:30
Yeah alt-right retards are always deeply immmature and project their failures as false bravado. No surprise that Rugian is actually a deeply co-dependent beta in a bad relationship.

Grow up snowflake. Maybe use some of that Obamacare benefits and see a therapist. That way you can gain the strength to actually improve for the better instead of being a fucking regressive retard.


Also, I will eat you if you don't because I love white meat as a coastal elite. It's just healthier.
Wed Nov 22 13:26:41
If she's not on the lease, change locks and ignore her.

If she is, disappear one day and ignore her. No warning.

If you're married, file for divorce then seek out sluts to fuck in her bed. Tell her about those after she's out.
Wed Nov 22 13:52:39
Go to sleep. Get up and get drunk again if you wish. Go back to sleep. Repeat until you no longer need to get drunk to sleep. Life will go on and you will get better.

To see all others though your experience with one person is to blind you to all the good you could miss. Please don't let one person sour you on the human race.

If you give of yourself to others expecting to get or receive in equal portions from them you are setting yourself up for disappointment Give of your self for your own self gratification and be satisfied that you did the best you could at that particular time and place. That is all any of us can do.
Wed Nov 22 14:35:41
Tattoo the back of her head on your ass.
Wed Nov 22 15:50:01
Lets not ignore that Cuckhat is telling someone else to see a therapist...
Wed Nov 22 15:56:33
I thought it would be easier to just ignore?
Renzo Marquez
Wed Nov 22 16:03:08
First 3 lines sums it up...

Average Ameriacn
Wed Nov 22 16:54:27
Go to a shooting range and fire on the picture of your boss or whoever is guilty in this case.
Wed Nov 22 17:12:43
Do not do that unless you want to be a fall guy for when your money laundering boss is clipped by his mob ties. Because he refuses to stop asking Jimmy for his cut.
Milton Bradley Games
Wed Nov 22 17:15:56
I remember when Real Fred had a mental breakdown UP before. This falls into that category. Glorious. Happy Thanksgiving! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Wed Nov 22 17:23:52
What you should do is watch The confession tapes on netflix, rugian, it will give you a new respect for our boys in blue.
Wed Nov 22 17:24:51
Real Fred had many meltdowns and would claim to quit the forum only to slink back a week later.

I drink and occasionally remember things.
Milton Bradley Games
Wed Nov 22 17:29:05
^that is right!
Wed Nov 22 23:57:23
What a bunch of shitty neckbeard advice. Go see a therapist dumbass and treat it quickly.

Or tough it out and wallow in your misery for years just like you wallowed in your helplessness for years until your relationship imploded. And most likely, it was mostly your fault anyways since nothing I've seen shows that you are a considerate human being sensitive to both the needs of others and yourself.

Most likely, you were a self-indulgent ass and she finally gave up on you and now you blame her over some exaggerated single incident. Now you seek enabling behavior from people who don't really know you or care about you because you don't have any real friends.

The real manly thing to do is admit your mistakes, get it treated, and move forward fast.
Renzo Marquez
Thu Nov 23 06:04:44
Member Wed Nov 22 23:57:23
"nothing I've seen shows that you are a considerate human being sensitive to both the needs of others and yourself."

Cuckhat is very sensitive to the needs of his wife's son and his wife's son's father.
Senor Marquez
Thu Nov 23 06:52:52
(((Weakling))) thats me!
Thu Nov 23 07:27:50
"since nothing I've seen shows that you are a considerate human being sensitive to both the needs of others and yourself."

Based on the COUNTLESS/handful of interactions in _text_ on a handful of political and contentious topics, you can "know" others. I mean seriously, how much of Rugian have you "seen"? This thread is probably the largest trove of personal information he has divulged. You just assume based on a few political disagreement on UP that fellow X is an asshole of some kind. Seems rude and presumptuous.
Chinese Democracy
Thu Nov 23 08:43:32
Considering the remarks he has made about Hot Rod over the years. This shouldn't be anything. Fuck off, Nim.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Nov 23 09:39:21

You guys are assuming it is a girlfriend.

I think it is someone he works with that could be either sex. Office politics are a bitch.

Thu Nov 23 09:45:02
Please, Rugian has never shown empathy for anyone or anything ever except for white males.

You're right that we don't know much about Rugian but that swings the other way too. What makes you think he is deserving of empathy in anyway? It's more likely he's a deeply immature person like all the other red-piller retards. He even often makes reference to their crappy memes and phrases.

And at any rate, the solution is the same. Go see a therapist if you're unhappy. Especially when you're as profoundly ignorant of human psychology like most conservatives are. It's like a gaping hole of understanding in their lives that feeds into their unhappiness.

Everything Rugian has ever said on this board has showed me he's codependent and helpless.
Renzo Marquez
Thu Nov 23 10:37:25
LOL. Of course Cuckhat sees a (((therapist))). It makes him more comfortable in dealing with his wife's son's father.
Thu Nov 23 10:55:44
I'm not unhappy so your argument falls flat like it always does. Trumpians always project.
Renzo Marquez
Thu Nov 23 11:10:41
We know you're happy with your wife's son. And taking Kareem Hunt way earlier than you had to.
Thu Nov 23 11:16:09
I don't have a step-son or wife. But then again, facts aren't your strong suit.

I did take Kareem Hunt 2nd because of the way the picks were working or I would've gambled and taken him 3rd. I got him around 3rd in my toher leagues but that was my money league which I'm winning because he's been an RB1. You think an RB1 in the 2nd isn't a steal?

And what does this have to do with going to see a therapist? If you are unhappy with your live, use your obamacare and go see a therapist you cupcake. It'll get you back on track quicker than being a macho dumbass.

Funny how all these neckbeard white guys accuse others of being weak when they refuse to change and work dead-end lower-middle-class jobs. Which one of us is really the snowflake?
Renzo Marquez
Thu Nov 23 11:21:41
Member Thu Nov 23 11:16:09
"Funny how all these neckbeard white guys accuse others of being weak when they refuse to change and work dead-end lower-middle-class jobs."

Lulz. I can pretty much guarantee that I make more money than you do and live in an area with a substantially lower cost of living. Based on the limited info I know about Rugian, I'd be willing to wager that he also makes more than you do.
Thu Nov 23 11:24:58
The projection in cuckhat is strong.
Thu Nov 23 12:24:25
You can believe what you want, I could care less. Anyone with a brain can compare the quality of our ideas and arguments and figure out which one of us is actually white collar and makes 6-figures.
Thu Nov 23 12:38:17
”You guys are assuming it is a girlfriend.

I think it is someone he works with that could be either sex. Office politics are a bitch.”

Whoever it is, his boss, girlfriend, wife, friend. I think Nimatzo has given the best advice.

— Nimatzo

Psychopaths tends to be bosses, so I’m gonna say it probably is Rugian’s boss. The best way to handle a psychopath is probably to walk away from them. So draw a dick on his door or on his desk, quit, and look for a new job. I heard Trump got the Chinese to invest in West Virginia so maybe they have a job for you there :)
Thu Nov 23 12:41:33
What makes you think he is deserving of empathy in anyway?

It is not something I think anyone "deserves", it is a subjective experience, either you can empathize with someone or you can not.

Can you empathize with getting "betrayed" or not?
Thu Nov 23 12:55:20
"You can believe what you want, I could care less. Anyone with a brain can compare the quality of our ideas and arguments and figure out which one of us is actually white collar and makes 6-figures."


I guess all those old rich white guys you hate are secretly poor rednecks that get dressed up fancy by the nazis on the moon for the cameras?
Thu Nov 23 12:56:29
Cuckhat is evolving into a real life version of tc.
Thu Nov 23 16:14:42
@Nimzato - he talked about his issue in such a generic way as to not evoke anything. People are just guessing. Sounds like a long-standing relationship is messing with him internally. Now I don't care about Rugian personally since he's a typical selfish alt-right dick, but if I were to treat him as a general random person on the street; I would suggest he should go seek help in a more valid place like a therapist if that's the case.

Going here is a shitty half-step and just him more likely than not seeking validation to keep doing whatever makes him unhappy or doing nothing.

Look at all the neckbeards giving him a pat on the back and false sympathy. It's all bullshit. Nobody here cares about each other in any real way period no matter what the far-right neckbeards heretell each other about being brothers in racist arms.
Thu Nov 23 17:25:52
Cuckhat, its not your fault.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Nov 23 18:21:24

Yes, it is.

Fri Nov 24 00:16:19
Well dukhat it is your right to be judgmental about people you do now know. I am sure you have given several of us material to judge you. Resentful, bitter and would gladly kick people while they are down because muh alt right and so on. lol you are pretty much everything wrong with the ”debate”. Based on the same evidence, you sound like a very angry Trump hater. Which is a very wierd thing to attach your identity (I am taking some creative freedom) to. At the other side of this bitter hateful dukhat, is allegedly a succesful person. Unfortunatly as someone already mentioned you are sounding more and more like TC and less and less like the fantasy TC wants to live.
Fri Nov 24 00:54:11
I'm not resentful at anyone. I do like to kick the alt-right down the same way their champion Trump kicks people for no reason. It is funny and lets me do soemthing to piss off Trumpkins in down time.

Why do you think I am resentful or bitter? My life is awesome and I am respectful of anyone with a valid opinion. I love to say horribly mean things to assholes, but that is why this place exists. If I wanted a serious conversation, I'd talk to a friend or use my more serious social media.

I am not TC because what I say has scientific back and consensus. I am also the only person here being honest. Nobody here gives a shit about helping Rugian. The only way he can help himself is to take positive steps which includes going to a therapist.

I know he won't do this because he's some macho alt-right idiot who thinks therapy is for snowflakes. So I mock him at the same time I give advice a supportive, informed person that actually cared about him would give.

I also don't buy the, "I'm a victim" bullshit. Rugian has never ever expressed any empathy at all. He probably bares a huge part of the blame for his problems. Trumpkins are the king of projection just like their hero. The dems must be god-awful so it justfies us being awful. I'll be the villain they want for kicks because even if I did engage constructively it wouldn't matter anyways. So just be mean and watch them burn and writhe in their own ignorance as the world moves beyond them.

Too bad so sad.

Fri Nov 24 01:31:47
"I am also the only person here being honest."

This is false.

"Nobody here gives a shit about helping Rugian."

Nobody has actually claimed they give a shit about rugian.

"The only way he can help himself is to take positive steps which includes going to a therapist."

Not every problem requires a therapist.

"Why do you think I am resentful or bitter?"

... "how could you interpret resentful and bitter actions as the resentful and bitter sentiment from he who took those actions?!?!?!?!"

"Rugian has never ever expressed any empathy at all. He probably bares a huge part of the blame for his problems."

While I'm no expert at empathy, I do believe being blameless is not a requirement for receiving said empathy.

"So just be mean and watch them burn and writhe in their own ignorance as the world moves beyond them."

"Why do you think I am resentful or bitter?"
Fri Nov 24 02:04:33
Nim, you swine. If you are going to reference my spot on comparison, the least you can do is give credit where it is due.

Also, cuckhat is a basket case and genuinely needs therapy. He reads like a guy one bad morning away from going on a murderous rampage. Cuckhat, seek help.
Fri Nov 24 02:46:57
"Why do you think I am resentful or bitter?"

I just told you why! I mean, the information I have is as sound as the one you have on Rugian.

"I am not TC because what I say has scientific back and consensus."

I have no idea what this even means. TC is a rabid loser who will shit on everyone completely oblivious to what a shithead loser he is in his bubble of awesome.

"Nobody here gives a shit about helping Rugian."

This is actually irrelevant, since Rugian did not ask for help. The topic was about the disappointment of betrayal when people show their true faces, think about this last part, for a couple of minutes. Most of us adults can feel this pain, because we have been through it. The following doubt in yourself and in humanity. We vent these feelings, that is often the help needed, to know that you are not alone and that things get better. Something men generally do not do in front of other men. I wonder why?

"he's some macho alt-right" "I also don't buy the, "I'm a victim" bullshit."

He is a macho alt-right who will never go to therapy, but apparently is willing to cry "weak victim bullshit" in front of a bunch of men, knowing the type of people that post here (even saying so in his second post). Did this make sense to you as you were typing it?

>> Rugian has never ever expressed any empathy at all.<<

I, rugian and several others have touched this topic. I have been trying to explain this "empathy" thing for you, but you seem to not understand.

"Empathy" as expressed by me or you on UP or social media, has >no< material value. It is what many of us disdainfully call "virtue signaling". To the degree that it has value, it is a subjective experience that furthers my personal understanding, not something I need to share with random douchebags on the Internet. You are essentially shitting on Rugian, because he does not virtue signal. I know he touched on this very subject years ago, many of us have.

You should look a little in the mirror and see how much of the neck bearding alt right boogie monster that are the creation of your own lack of empathy.
large member
Fri Nov 24 03:29:39
^Virtue signaling by denial of virtue signaling.

Fri Nov 24 04:16:06
It is when your virtue signaling becomes an impediment to having (using the term broadly) conversations, that they become an issue worth talking about.

In this case the lack of such signals is an impediment to empathizing and showing common human decency. "Waa you do not signal the things I have find virtues, thus you are some buzzword of people I hate ATM". It just frees me of any responsibility to try to understand anything about anyone, AKA empathize.

It is not like I do not have negative feelings about posters here. I do. I just draw the line at pissing in their face when they are down and out. That would require spite and hate and those are very exhausting activities.
large member
Fri Nov 24 05:38:09
^Blathering on virtuosly on how virtue signaling is only an issue when it becomes a impediment to converstations.

Fri Nov 24 12:29:39
Didn't realize you accepted fake internet terms like "virtue signalling" as real things. Kind of sad for you.

"We vent these feelings, that is often the help needed, to know that you are not alone and that things get better. Something men generally do not do in front of other men. I wonder why? "

Venting is not a completely healthy coping mechanism especially on an online forum.

"He is a macho alt-right who will never go to therapy, but apparently is willing to cry "weak victim bullshit" in front of a bunch of men, knowing the type of people that post here (even saying so in his second post). Did this make sense to you as you were typing it? "

Are you a fool? Rugian is completely annomymous on here despite posting for years and years. His venting on here is completely free of any kind of personal responsiblity. He is not sharing weakness. I feel he is using the placebo of online interaction and fishing for fake sympathy.

"The topic was about the disappointment of betrayal when people show their true faces, think about this last part, for a couple of minutes. Most of us adults can feel this pain, because we have been through it."

Who knows from the generic thing he posted.

At any rate, the level of betrayal that Rugian talked about indicates a sense of helplessness and a lack of responsibility. He creates this false binary choice of either not trusting anyone or accepting them fully. There are more granular steps and way to create a more segmented circle by learning how to set different boundaries for different relationships. Basically he seems to think his choices are to entirely trust or not trust at all.

If he wasn't in general so quick to judge situations, he might be able to see that there are grey areas for him to work on and improve.

I can tell Rugian is no saint and I also know his mind is completely full of fake news and fake science (like the alt-right or internet meme "virtue signalling). He probably bears at least some if not all the responsibility for his troubles and does nothing productive to deal with it. Accredited, professional therapy is the long-term answer to deep psychological and emotional problems.

He probably needs help boundary-setting in different social situations which is the strategic goal. His more immediate need is to be able to forgive himself for his mistake and move on.

""Empathy" as expressed by me or you on UP or social media, has >no< material value. It is what many of us disdainfully call "virtue signaling"."

Empathy is not virtue-signalling. It is much more complex and nuanced than that. The fact that you accept the alt-right's meme of "virtue-signalling" being a real thing shows you to be a retard. Go read a book and see a psychology seminar or something. It is a laughable pseudo-scientific term.

Empathy is multi-dimensional and it's most important role in problem solving is not emotional but cognitive where the other side understands the person's thinking and then modifies their plans to take it into account. That is just one aspect and the main one I was addressing when I said Rugian has no empathy.

Yeah he has no emotional empathy which is what you tend to mean by virtue signalling. He also has no cognitive empathy. Whenever an issue comes up, he only attacks it from one angle. If you bring up an alternative view, he seems completely incapable of absorbing it, bringing the "us-vs-them" mentality to another extreme. It makes me think that his ability to manage relationships is poor and he bears some responsibility for what happened.

"You are essentially shitting on Rugian, because he does not virtue signal. "

Virtue signalling is such a shit-tard fucking word. I let my empathy change things that actually matters like the positions I support politically and the politicians I contribute to. I like guns too but I'm not a fucking retard and think that some gun control means the government is trying to steal all of my guns. I feel for the hundreds of victims of gun violence recently I fully support any politician willing to take sensible steps to reduce it and advocate for those positions. My empathy informs almost all of my decisions. I don't fucking cry and whine and virtue-signal like you want to show empathy.

My main point with Rugian is that he has never showed any empathy before (whether emotional or cognitive or otherwise) and is now fishing for it.

Rugian came here for virtue signalling. He wants his tribe to give him some fake sympathy while drowning his sorrows. But instead of only insulting him as he deserves, I gave him an actionable step that is almost certainly going to improve his life. As I already said in my first post, I dislike him as a person, but I still give him the same consideration I would a random person on the street in trouble. I'd help them by giving them the best plan to get better which in his case is almost certainly some therapy.

This is real sympathy because it is something he might not embrace, but a truth would almost certainly improve his life. That he is ensconced in online macho bullshit in-group thinking is only to his own detriment.

This is real and not the fake virtue-signalling sympathy every other poster makes by saying, "they understand" his vague post about being betrayed while offering no real way out of his troubles or his horrible coping mechanism of drinking.

"You should look a little in the mirror and see how much of the neck bearding alt right boogie monster that are the creation of your own lack of empathy."

Maybe you should learn to read subtext. I want people to be more considerate of each other and apply that to their lives. Republicans only have sympathy and empathy for people that look and think exactly like them. I don't care much about certain things like LGBT community or black lives matter but if they want to protest or bring things up, I respect that.

Maybe you should remember that when Rugian gets on here to shit on other people like transgenders and blacks and illegals and takes breitbart policy positions ... and then comes crawling back the next day fishing for the sympathy he never shows towards others.

Failure is ultimately good for us as it is an opportunity to reevaluate our lives and make changes for the better. My money is he simply uses the bad coping mechanism of drinking and whining online before returning to his old ways. Alt-right red-piller macho I-am-blameless-it's-liberals/women's-fault bullshit is a helluva drug.
Fri Nov 24 12:35:14
There is seriously something wrong with you. Like, you genuinely have developed a mental disorder and require medication.
Fri Nov 24 12:40:13
Go home boy. Adults are talking.
Fri Nov 24 13:24:08
Duuur ive contributed to the forum as much as hot rod duuuuur.
Fri Nov 24 13:29:25
No, adults are talking, but you are ranting. Every post youve made in the past 6 months has been an unhinged rant. Seriously. Not trolling or trying to get a rise out of you, go through your post history, it is all rants. That aint healthy, friendo.
Fri Nov 24 13:35:25
6 months? More like 15.
Fri Nov 24 13:45:54
lol, you're so fucking stupid. By that definition any argument more than a meme is a rant.
Fri Nov 24 13:50:13
Obaminated goes back down to 2nd on this board in terms of stupid again. It's a tie between 1st b/w werewolf dictator and Hot rod though. each are brazenly stupid but in different ways. Also werewolf dictator is most likely a bot given his copy-pasta level of stupidity.
Fri Nov 24 14:05:32
Dude. No one, except you, will argue that you are not deranged. We dont have a universal concensus about seb or forwyn or hr who often get into long drawn out arguments. But we have that universal concensus about you. Think on that. How often does the former mexican from Hollywood find agreement with the chicago Jew?
Fri Nov 24 14:14:33
For one, I don't care what hood thinks or what you think. This is not about liberal or conservative since hood is a fucked up person inside his head too.

Two, you clearly have a high school education or worse. When you try to read from subtext, it is the saddest fucking thing ever.

I broke up your sad pathetic commiserating because it was so fucking stupid and horrible. You guys need to see a real therapist and not pretend that your circle jerk is anything more than stupid helpelss guys enabling one another.

I am only trying to help you bub. Try and go see a real psychologist and see what they say about what you need to do. It's cheap with obamacare.

So keep making ad hominem attacks, I really don't care because it's so uninformed.
Fri Nov 24 14:18:25
1) everyone is sad and pathetic except you.

2) you didnt break anything up, we all started to mock you

3) ive been doing a bit of research on budding serial killers for a project, and you obviously arent one, but you clearly share their delusion of being superior.
Fri Nov 24 14:20:37
The long conversations on this board are really sad too nowadays. I don't even know why seb bothers as he's one of the few intelligent people left. People with above dog-level intelligence like CrownRoyal have disappeared. Now it's just the dumbest of the dumb left like you and trolls like me.

You have to get outside of your narcissistic, online-only bubble. The only reason you guys don't talk about these issues in real life 90% of the time is because you know you bear some responsiblity. Online, you're the fucking victim and got backstabbed. In real life, the therapist will dig deeper and try to get you to focus on your own mistakes and on actionable steps for you to improve because you can't control how other people feel and what they do.

Is that too real for you? Do you need this safe space where you are the same fucking person after 10 years?

It's fucking sad as fuck that you are just as dumb and conservative and ignorant as you were 10 years ago. Ask yourself how you yourself are better as a person from 10 years ago.

I bet you can't list a single real thing. And that is sad.

(And I know you will turn this on me and try to say the same but I wont respond because I have no need to "virtue signal" to you. My real life is awesome).
Fri Nov 24 14:22:56
The only way I feel superior is that I deal with my problems instead of blaming things on the government or liberals taking away my guns or other reactionary bullshit. I use to not do so when I was young and immature and a part of the dumb racist conservative clique on this board.

It's sad to me to return after years and see so many people exactly the same. Spending all this time online and then spewing even more venomous bullshit from Breitbart. It's so fucking sad.
Fri Nov 24 14:25:07
You dont realize how much you project. You are the only person on this forum who feels the need to consistently state how good their life is. Do you not question why that is? Rugian, hood, forwyn and myself all generally hint at what we do but we dont flat out state anything. But you brag about the money you make and the yachts you own. Buddy, when you got a big dick you dont need to talk about.
Fri Nov 24 14:26:01
You literally are bragging about shit on an anonymous forum, no one buys it buddy.
Fri Nov 24 14:29:56
And the bragging is part of your fantasy and thats fine, we all understand why you are doing it. The scary bit is your unhinged rant about trump supporters. Your posts read like a manifesto. I dont think any of us would be surprised if we read about an asian from san fran going on a killing spree. You are in need of help. No one else writes like you.
Fri Nov 24 14:30:36
Your rants honestly read like zodiac, sans all th misspellings.
Fri Nov 24 14:54:14
You're so fucking stupid. You try to make everything into your own narrow, uneducated view of the world. I only mention in a general way how my life is great when you try to project onto me that I must be bitter.

How? Because I insult you and other retards on this board all the time? What a joke.

Psychoanalysis by a high-school dropout. Almost as good as your analysis of the virginia election as "Durr .. it's blue state (*$#($"." And how I'm "insane" because I hate Trump supporters. You're the one repeating ad nauseum his bad talking points about CNN and NYT being fake news and all this dumbshit I get from browsing Breitbart and seeing you recant like a parrot.

Fucking sad bro. We're done. Have fun with your fake pseudo group therapy session where none of you change and are still the same another 10 years from now.
Fri Nov 24 14:59:54
"And I know you will turn this on me and try to say the same but I wont respond because I have no need to "virtue signal" to you. My real life is awesome)."

I like how you phrase it as "real" life. As if there is a separate life that isnt real. Almost seems like you are unintentionally revealing that you have fantasy lives.
The Children
Sun Dec 17 05:17:34
My nigga rugian sounds like u have encountered asshole coworker #1 same way i did back then.

i still remember all the idiots on UP laughin at me thinkin it culd neva happen 2 them.

there r always some assholes whose sole existance is there 2 bully u around.

i will tell u da secret in how i defeated him. first show no fear, nigga. niggaz and bullies prey on the weak. they picked u coz they thought u weak, boy.

that dude picked the wrong fight. as soon as he realized he was over in his head and i was not 2 be bullied, he avoided me like the plague.

second, retaliate tit for tat, bitch! everytime he told me 2 do shit. like know the rules, know his limits!!! if he aint qualified 2 tell u do 2 that shit, tell it 2 him straight!!! or go 2 HIS BOSS and tell him u gotta do this from asshole so u cant finish ur other work in time. if nigga stepped over the line, his boss will get pissed.

finally, just cause as much trouble as possible. he tells u 2 hurry it up. take another 10 min extra. take ur sweet little time, undaunted. ofc dunt let him know ur doing it on purpose. the moment he realizes u cant clean his shit up 4 him, he will start 2 look 4 some other weakass snowflakes.

just take ur sweet little time. if he has a deadline, well fuck deadline. thats his problem not urs. he shulda told someone else 2 do it then.

and ofc dunt be afraid for real physical confrontation, bitch his ass up. this shuld be last resort but if his ass wants 2 get physical with u, just let him know u wunt back down. start preparin at home and shit. is what i did. my fists were ready 2 swing if he ever tried shit at me.

finally, plan 4 the exit. its time to get the fuck outta that shithole. i mean honestly u need da moniez, thats why we r there. its not longterm and neva was longterm. but since theres assholes there, the exit may be sooner than planned. u know.

start lookin 4 other jobs and shit or get enough excuses 2 apply for dole again. fuck that shit u know. u think this is what life is about. gettin bullied by some asshole coz u need da moniez. fuck no nigga.

The Obituary
Sun Dec 17 05:18:14
He's dead TC.
The Children
Sun Dec 17 05:20:34
remember 2 come back several months after u quit with a few stones and bricks. smash those windows up.
The Children
Sun Dec 17 05:24:39
scratchin some cars. or smears dogshit over the cardoor and handles.

just dunt get caught bitches.
The Children
Sun Dec 17 05:27:42
who is dead. the fuck u talkin about.
The Obituary
Sun Dec 17 07:20:06
Rugian was weak and killed himself.
Sun Dec 17 12:31:05
People are the worst.
I am lucky in that my girlfriend and I hate people on pretty much the same level. Occasionally we're like "hey, we need to get out more. We need new friends". But when the opportunity presents itself, we're much more inclined to stay home and binge, or do something alone together outside.
Yeah we socialize with people from work, but in the confines of work. We also have some very few friends, but that few is more than enough.

Rugian, whoever or whatever may cloud you, just remember that they will die and be forgotten eventually. Everybody dies, and is forgotten. Do you think anything matters when they're 80, decaying of old age at their death bed? them and everyone else who stood by and watched that they did? no, they die alone. unhappy.
Keep that in mind, and you'll be far better off.
Wed Feb 14 10:38:58
Wed Feb 14 10:49:55
That really something you wanna TTT, Cuckhat? Someone was going through a bad time and quite a few people here talked to him about it.

If you posted the same thing we would laugh at you and encourage you to kill yourself.

Not because of your politics; because you're this much of a depressingly petty fuck.
Wed Feb 14 10:51:13
You should spend your time thinking of ways to make yourself more attractive to your wife so she'll stop cuckolding you, instead of TTT'ing shrines to your squalor.
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