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Utopia Talk / Politics / Malcolm Young Dead
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Nov 18 12:28:07


Sat Nov 18 16:07:46
I have never really been a huge fan of AC/DC. But they have some good tunes. R.I.P.
Sun Nov 19 08:16:31
AC/DC is the ultimate example to me of how musical tastes and opinions across a culture can change drastically.

When I was a kid they were basically considered devil worshipers in the region I lived. And their music sounded utterly hard and grating on unfamiliar ears.

Now - they play it on them on the oldies station it's borderline lame music almost tame enough for grandmas wanting to get a bit of fun and energy while they make Thanksgiving dinner.
Sun Nov 19 12:50:32
He's on the highway to hell
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