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Utopia Talk / Politics / Here we go again ...
Wed Nov 15 12:41:10
GOP senators added mandate repeal to the tax "reform" bill.

I'm sure the 60th to 99.7th percentile of the party that was the Republican base weren't too happy with the tax hikes they were getting to pay for the top third of the top 1% getting a tax break.

Seeing their insurance premiums go up another 10% will definitely destroy the GOP.

The dumb white hillbillies that hate the mandate won't make enough difference to offset this stupid plan.

Is the GOP really this stupid?
Sam Adams
Wed Nov 15 14:38:01
"Seeing their insurance premiums go up another 10%"

The middle class does not depend on obamacare for insurance, cuckhat.
Wed Nov 15 14:58:52
The middle class do depend on the ACA mandates that keep insurance companies from denying insurance to those with pre-existing conditions.

Unless you think that the middle class is free of any pre-existing conditions.
Wed Nov 15 15:13:54
"The middle class does not depend on obamacare for insurance, cuckhat."

You don't think the mandate will affect those with work insurance? Sorry, you wrong.
Wed Nov 15 15:17:35
Health insurance costs + health care costs have been a shit show in the USA since circa 2000 and have continued to grow more insane year after year.

Nothing new going on here beyond who to point the finger of blame at.
Sam Adams
Wed Nov 15 15:27:26
The individual mandate is quite clearly not connected with civilized people's insurance.
Sam Adams
Wed Nov 15 15:27:39
At work.
Wed Nov 15 15:31:01
Sure it is. If less people at your work have insurance, it will take more per person to pay in to cover costs. If suddenly 10% of your work force just drops their insurance, your company will be looking at a huge hole in their ledger they need to fill: by charging you more.
Wed Nov 15 16:18:45
I'm thinking the idiots attaching this amendment want the tax reform bill to fail but don't want to vote no on it. They know with this attached others will vote no so they do not have to.

Obamacare needs to go but it should go on it's own without being attached to something unrelated.
Wed Nov 15 16:25:58
^ retard
Wed Nov 15 16:30:35
"The middle class does not depend on obamacare for insurance"

they do, there are >15 million americans buying health insurance on individual market, they are not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid, so they are, loosely speaking, middle class. But ironically, if they just repeal the mandate, it is not these people who will likely be affected. About 85% of them qualify for federal subsidies, if rates rise, so will their subsidies (if they choose to have health insurance at all, after repeal). However, since the whole point of the unpopular mandate is to get healthy customers for insurers, therefore lowering their costs, the insurers will have to make up the losses elsewhere. Guess where?
Wed Nov 15 16:32:56
Sorry I posted between your two posts hood and spoiled your self-deprecating moment.

Give it another go.
Sam Adams
Wed Nov 15 17:03:59
"If less people at your work have insurance, it will take more per person to pay in to cover costs"

At any halfway decent job, everyone in the company has at least pretty good insurance, and no one sane opts out.

The individual mandate has utterly no meaning at any good employer.

Wed Nov 15 18:24:50
Sam is such a fucking idiot. He had a faint glimmer of intelligence shown right before the election and then he got absorbed back into the alt-right conservative bullshit fake news stream.

The same companies provide insurance to individuals on the exchange as well as companies that provide insurance for their customers.

Insurers will spread the costs around as much as they can.

You fucking inbred idiot.
Wed Nov 15 18:30:10
provide insurance for their employees*.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Nov 15 18:40:54

duk brain, Sam is doing just fine.

What I do not understand is how you liberals can follow your shit hor brains leaders. They don't care about you, all they care about is themselves and holding onto power.

And you people fall right into goosestep with them.

Wed Nov 15 18:44:35
"What I do not understand is how you liberals can follow your shit hor brains leaders. They don't care about you, all they care about is themselves and holding onto power.

And you people fall right into goosestep with them. "

Just like the Trumptards, including you, are doing?

Drink the kool-aid.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Nov 15 18:48:09

You will never get it.

Wed Nov 15 18:51:02
You will never get it.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Nov 15 18:54:40

I got it back in 1966.

Wed Nov 15 18:55:52
No you didn't, stop lying.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Nov 15 19:01:03

That's what is fucked about you people,

You think you are omniscient but there is absolutely no way you can know what life-changing event happened to me in 1966.

Wed Nov 15 19:02:54
You were the one being cryptic. I just presume you're lying, because that what you do is lie.
Wed Nov 15 19:11:37
"I got it back in 1966."

You're still there.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Nov 15 19:11:58


You are the liberal, but I digress.

What is cryptic about, "I got it back in 1966."

Don't you remember what life-changing event happened to you in1966

Wed Nov 15 19:16:04
More like 1866 he wants it to go back to, just like Trump making the country regress.
Wed Nov 15 19:18:32
"Mar 31 USSR launches Luna 10, 1st lunar orbiter. in 1966"

Just liked Rod there, praising Russian advancements just like Trump.
Sam Adams
Wed Nov 15 19:20:02
Cuckhat, you are never right
Sam Adams
Wed Nov 15 19:21:14
Cuckhat, you are never right
Sam Adams
Wed Nov 15 19:21:14
Cuckhat, you are never right
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Nov 15 19:23:59

deluded, you do realize that you are both helpless and hopeless don't you?

There is a huge difference between 'wanting something to happen' and 'something that ***DID*** happen over four decades ago'.

If you need some help with that talk to hood. He has proclaimed himself smart.

Wed Nov 15 19:25:24
"deluded, you do realize that you are both helpless and hopeless don't you? "

Says the guy blindly supports Trump.

"There is a huge difference between 'wanting something to happen' and 'something that ***DID*** happen over four decades ago'. "

Don't care liar.

"If you need some help with that talk to hood. He has proclaimed himself smart. "

No one really needs to proclaim. Majority here are smarter than you, liar.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Nov 15 19:28:17


Wed Nov 15 19:28:46
Wed Nov 15 21:07:42
Sam and Hot Rod are of the mind if you scream a lie over and over, it somehow makes it true.

Fucking idiots.
Wed Nov 15 21:21:13
Immoral and unconstitutional.

Find another avenue.
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