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Utopia Talk / Politics / Dianetics cures Communism
Anarchist Prime
Tue Nov 14 17:55:15
November 14, 2017
Recently released FBI files show L. Ron Hubbard offering to inform on his own organization

Hubbard, blaming a bad breakup on Communists, pledged his services to fight the Red Menace, including the names and fingerprints of every member of his Scientology precursor

Written by Emma Best

Edited by JPat Brown

Recently released Federal Bureau of Investigation files show that just over a year after L. Ron Hubbard created the the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, a precursor to the Church of Scientology, he offered to become an informant for the Bureau, and provide the FBI with a list of its members and copies of their fingerprints.

While previously published books have mentioned part of this, significant details are disclosed in recently released FBI files as a result of a FOIA lawsuit jointly brought by the author along with Radar Online, represented pro bono by Dan Novack. While the books describe Hubbard’s willingness to throw certain members of his Dianetics Foundation under the bus, the FBI’s files show that his paranoia left him more than willing to provide the Bureau with information on every member of his foundation, including fingerprint cards. While this was ostensibly done in the name of fighting Communism and rooting out any supposed Communist subversives that had made their way into his group, the context leaves no doubt that it was in response to his wife leaving him and accusations that he had kidnapped and drugged her.

While the initial letter from Hubbard only offered a handful of names, it promised that he would follow-up soon, mentioning that the Foundation had recently decided to fingerprint its members and require they sign an oath of loyalty to the U.S. Government, which COS would later infiltrate and attempt to undermine while stealing classified files and other government documents.

According to an FBI memo dated March 7th, 1951, Hubbard alleged that one of the Communists had been “instrumental in driving Hubbard’s wife, Sara Elizabeth Northrup, to the point of insanity.” Insanity, to Hubbard, apparently meant attempting to leave him and terminate their marriage.

According to the same memo, Hubbard told the Bureau that “Dianetics can be used to combat Communism” through unspecified means.

The FBI would later receive an anonymous note building off of Hubbard’s claim, asserting that Communism was an “illness” which Dianetics could cure. The letter signed by Hubbard doesn’t seem to explain why he was unable to “cure” the suspected Communists within his organization, or why he needed the FBI’s help.

Thu Nov 16 00:35:35
Type 1 or type 2 dianetics?
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