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Utopia Talk / Politics / China military past present and future
The Children
Sat Nov 11 12:10:07
aint nobody wanna mess with us.


Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Nov 11 21:41:10

Looks more like American equipment that has been photoshopped.

Sat Nov 11 21:47:46
Eh, most US Logistics equipment and Aircraft designs date back to the 1950's so they aren't hard to copy. You just need some cash really. America's edge is not in the Chassis, its what is under the hood.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Nov 11 21:57:28

Did you ever hear about the Superfortress
(IIRC) that had to make an emergency landing in China way back when and the Chinese kept it just long enough to reverse engineer it?

1st chance they had they showed off the new bomber they had invented.


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