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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump spoke to President of US virgin is
Fri Oct 13 18:55:56
But of course that means he must have been talking to himself.

So in a speech he expressed that....Rex Tillerson is right. What a fucking moron.
Sat Oct 14 05:19:29
I'm glad Trump finally met the President of the US Virgin islands. I am sure it was a real honor. Haha.
Sat Oct 14 05:25:17
What a dumbass. Haha
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Oct 14 05:58:06

And when FDR died Truman was not even aware of The Manhattan Project.

Of course, you "people" were totally aware that Trump was the President of the US Virgin Islands. I'm sure all of you foreigners learn that in the first grade,

I bet 90% or more of the US population doesn't know that. I didn't because the subject never came up in my experience.

I doubt Trump ever gave it a thought either.

Sat Oct 14 06:11:24
When in doubt, drink more coffee.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Oct 14 06:27:05

Here is another VP story for you.

During the first battle of Bull Run Vice-President Hannibal Hamlin was having lunch at a Washington DC hotel.


Cold Rod
Sat Oct 14 08:21:35
"And when FDR died Truman was not even aware of The Manhattan Project.

Of course, you "people" were totally aware that Trump was the President of the US Virgin Islands. I'm sure all of you foreigners learn that in the first grade,

I bet 90% or more of the US population doesn't know that. I didn't because the subject never came up in my experience.

I doubt Trump ever gave it a thought either. "

So this is hot rod agreeing that Trump is a dumbass.
Sat Oct 14 08:22:25
"I didn't because the subject never came up in my experience. "

That is because not only you're ignorant, but you are a fucking moron with only an 8th grade education. Dropout.
the wanderer
Sat Oct 14 09:15:11
"I doubt Trump ever gave it a thought either"

true on all topics... & that's barely joking
Sat Oct 14 12:56:38
HR's defense of Trump is to say he is a moron, and include that the average American wouldn't know that, so therefore the US population are morons?

This is why the world views us as idiots; 1. We have Trump as president. 2. We elected him. (with some help from Russia)
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Oct 14 18:24:00

The only morons I know is those who insist on having dozens of multis to hide behind, They are not only morons they are cowards hiding in fear.

smart dude
Sat Oct 14 19:46:13
^ aka The Guardian
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Oct 14 19:58:55

I conquered my fear and have learned that the only thing I have to fear is fear itself which is dishonest.

So I don't do it anymore.

Cold Rod
Sat Oct 14 20:29:27
Except only faking his death and continue to lie and post bogues inaccurate events and stories from partison blogs while simultaneously presenting them as facts.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Oct 14 20:57:27

Do you even know what bogues are?

Faking my own death was years ago. You do realize that some people grow as time passes, don't you?

And the last time you posted a story that helped the conservative movement was when?

Damn it, kid, you are nothing more than an ignorant little twit that is scared to death to post under your real tag,

Go away sonny, you bother me.

Cold Rod
Sat Oct 14 21:22:45
"Do you even know what bogues are?"

Bogus* Typo on my part, and I didn't expect you to have any deductive reasoning skills to figure that out.

"Faking my own death was years ago. You do realize that some people grow as time passes, don't you? "

Just a friendly reminder to show you how shady you are and such a character flaw you have and that you're a liar.

"And the last time you posted a story that helped the conservative movement was when? "

So you're not a libertarian. Which was known, but it's great that you admit to it. But, honestly, you have done jack shit to promote any conservatism. In fact, I don't even think you know what it is.

"Damn it, kid, you are nothing more than an ignorant little twit that is scared to death to post under your real tag,"

And you're an old decrepit scumbag who is a known pedophile, that lies, that uses multis, that is a bigot, prejudice, faked their deaths, lies all the time, admits they will lie about anyone but himself, especially those who are democrats because you have declared it. You also have limited knowledge about every god damn subject and you clearly won't acknowledge it enough to do any research to present a topic for a debate, except rely on false pretenses and rhetoric.

You are a despicable person and I am only anticipating your death so when the post is made. It will be a cheerful day because you area piece of shit in this world that deserves to die. :)
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Oct 14 22:38:34

"Do you even know what bogues are?"

Bogus* Typo on my part, and I didn't expect you to have any deductive reasoning skills to figure that out."

That is not what you posted earlier, You posted 'Bogues'. Why are you such a filthy fucking liar? Did you learn to tell lies while sucking your mother's tit or your daddy's dick? BTW, Bogues are
"a bayou, stream, or waterway." You ignorant piece of shit.

"Just a friendly reminder to show you how shady you are and such a character flaw you have and that you're a liar."

Nothing you ever did is friendly you little dick whore. I'm waiting to hear that you have murdered your, parents because you are so filled with hate.

"And you're an old decrepit scumbag who is a known pedophile, that lies, that uses multis, that is a bigot, prejudice, faked their deaths, lies all the time, admits they will lie about anyone but himself, especially those who are democrats because you have declared it. You also have limited knowledge about every god damn subject and you clearly won't acknowledge it enough to do any research to present a topic for a debate, except rely on false pretenses and rhetoric."

Incidentally, Democrats is capitalized.

Just as I would expect from you, dogging up old shit about me because you have nothing current.

You do know that I have admitted to all of my multis, don't you? And I haven't used one for years. Meanwhile, you have created a recent multi fashioned after my tag.

You do know that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, don't you?

I guess that you are wanting to lick the crack of my ass and that is why you love my tag so much that you want to imitate me.

Well here is a clue. If your tongue were to touch my ass I have no doubt you would give me the 30 odd different VD's that you caught from your despicable parents.

Now, fuck off you filthy little cunt.

Sun Oct 15 03:25:48
Hit rod is assuming his true hateful final form.

Just in time to die and meet satan.

Godspeed jackass.
Memory Lane
Sun Oct 15 06:30:52
I remember on many instances Hot Rod trying to portray himself as a tolerant person who isn't a racist or a bigot.

I drink and remember things.
UP Factcheck
Sun Oct 15 06:40:31
Claim: "Bogues are
"a bayou, stream, or waterway." You ignorant piece of shit. "

Fact: Bogues are not, there is not pluralization of 'Bogues' as it is not current not registered in the dictionary.

Bogue has many different meanings; one of which as it has already been demonstration -- a bayou, stream, or waterway. However in the example Hot Rod provided he is incorrect.

More instances of it being used and recognized;

Bogue (1)
noun, Gulf States.
1. a bayou, stream, or waterway.

bogue (2)
verb (used without object), bogued, boguing. Nautical.
1.(of a sailing vessel) to tend to fall off from the wind.

Slang definitions & phrases for bogue Expand

bogue (1)

1. In need of narcotics; suffering from deprivation : I'm bogue. I'm trying to kick (1960s+ Narcotics)

2. False; fake; bogus, phony (1950s+)

bogue (2)

1. Disgusting; unattractive; gross

[1950s+ Teenagers; fr bogus]

bogue (3)

A cigarette


To smoke a cigarette.

UP Factcheck
Sun Oct 15 06:41:48
edit for mistakes recognized;

"Fact: Bogues are not, there is not pluralization of 'Bogues' as it is not current not registered in the dictionary. "

*There is no pluralization -- as it is currently not registered*
UP Factcheck
Sun Oct 15 06:47:06
Claim: "Incidentally, Democrats is capitalized."

Fact: democrats or Democrats are only used in specific instances. For the initial instance it was used the capitalization for 'democrats' was unnecessary.

Verdict: Hot Rod is mistaken.
werewolf dictator
Sun Oct 15 07:14:55

noun \ " \
Definition of bogue

plural -s
chiefly South & Midland
:a passage of water :stream
werewolf dictator
Sun Oct 15 07:16:11

Political Parties: Capitalize the name of a political party and the word "party." Use lower case for a general political philosophy.

ex.: Democrat, Republican, German Social Democratic Party. Fred's parents were staunch Republicans; at their urging he joined the Party.

hot rod obviously has problem with people belonging to particular party so capitalize
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 07:46:30
HR is sooooo mad, lol

and werewolf, you just pretty much reaffirmed what UPfactcheck pointed out.

1) The pluralization doesn't exist. Even with your link there is no demonstration of it.

2) Your second post, doesn't support, again, what UPfactcheck demonstrated.

You twit.
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 07:50:11
Also even with that, if you want to argue of find something particularly unsettling because of the capitalization. I am sure on many occasions you and the pedophile are guilty of such a shame. In fact, I would dare suggest a thread dedicated to such short-comings.

werewolf dictator
Sun Oct 15 07:50:16
"plural -s "

your reading and comprehension skills are equally bad on capitalization
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 07:56:47
Point out in that link, a sentence used that "bogues" is utilized. It is to demonstrate that "bogue" plural form is "bogue."

Yet my comprehension skills are bad?

werewolf dictator
Sun Oct 15 08:01:44
it also says this at 2 [first is verb]

noun \ " \
variants: or less commonly bogue bream
Definition of bogue

plural -s


both 2 and 3 say "plural -s" to indicate you pluralize by ending word with an "s"

but i realize this is too complicated for you to understand lol
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 08:05:29

You were given a challenge and cannot present.

Point out...a sentence for your source you provided that "bogues" is utilized.

Also back to the capitalization issue, contemporary use that was used was sufficient.

I am starting to think that you are hot rod.
werewolf dictator
Sun Oct 15 08:09:25
clearly you do not know understand how dictionary works.. sad
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 08:12:31
Clearly you cannot provide a sentence with the usage of "bogues" based upon the dictionary. Sad.

Good job, HR.
werewolf dictator
Sun Oct 15 08:18:27
they don't provide sentences for "bogue" nouns either.. they give definition and how to pluralize [bogues]

again clearly.. understanding how dictionaries work is much too difficult for you
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 08:19:34
"they don't provide sentences for "bogue" nouns either.. they give definition and how to pluralize [bogues] "

Because the pluralization is "Bogue"

HR, quite while you're not ahead.

Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 08:19:51
Sun Oct 15 08:20:24
WD is HR?
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 08:20:52
I mean, come on...look at the density of the both? One in the same.
werewolf dictator
Sun Oct 15 08:28:51
lol no they say "plural -s" because to pluralize you add an "s" to the end

maybe this will help you [and someone as dopey as trolly who is so dumb you may be multis of each other]


Etymology 1[edit]
EB1911 - Volume 01 - Page 001 - 1.svg This entry lacks etymological information. If you are familiar with the origin of this term, please add it to the page per etymology instructions. You can also discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.
bogue (plural bogues)

A species of sea bream native to the eastern Atlantic, Boops boops.
show ▼±Boops boops

Etymology 2[edit]
From Cajun French, from Choctaw bok (“creek, stream”).

bogue (plural bogues)

Bayou, waterway.
bayou — see bayou
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 08:32:21
I was anticipating you using that.

One, not a valued source, because in that link that you utilized provide no sources to the dictionary that demonstrates any pluralization of 'bogue' or any sentence using for 'bogues'.

HR, lol you twit.
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 08:34:15
Also, ALSO, it is utilized as a verb in that, NOT a noun.

God damn you are such twit, HR.
werewolf dictator
Sun Oct 15 08:35:23
he's too dumb to read a merriam webster dictionary like a person one standard deviation below average intelligence in third grade.. and too fearful of internet technology to use wiktionary that dumbs it down even further

hopelessly stupid
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 08:36:22

werewolf dictator
Sun Oct 15 08:37:22
^this is the leftist brain working at its maximum capacity
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 08:37:37
Wiktionary is edit by any user. It is also supposed to provide sources. Which it does not.

Both merriam-webster, you introduced and dictionary.com that UPFC used, have both demonstrated that there is no usage for "bogues".

HR, you're a twit.
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 08:39:29
Where's that sentence, HR?
Sun Oct 15 08:50:32
I thought this was funny...

"This entry lacks etymological information."

Just saying...

This guy.
werewolf dictator
Sun Oct 15 08:51:47
^dumbest guy on planet can't figure out how merriam webster dictionary works nor wiktionary
werewolf dictator
Sun Oct 15 08:52:11
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 08:56:49
LOL@Trolly that is even fucking more brilliant, but as I said. Supposed to provide the sources to what data that is provided.

and poor HR there cannot even comprehend even from his source, including the source that UPFC used that clearly shows that "Bogue" is the correct format and there isn't a pluralization of "Bogues".

Including HR cannot present a sentence.
werewolf dictator
Sun Oct 15 09:02:21
can't read simple dictionary.. makes up how wiktionary is supposed to work [which it does].. pathetic
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 09:03:55
Where's that sentence, HR?
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 09:07:30
Oh just to let you know. That wasn't an actual correct sentence format. If you want to get technical.

werewolf dictator
Member Sun Oct 15 09:02:21
werewolf dictator
Sun Oct 15 09:09:39
lol merriam webster doesn't provide a sample sentence for either "bogue" or "bogues".. it gives you definitions of "bogue" as two kinds of nouns and tells you "plural -s" is how to pluralize it [ie by ending word with an "s"]

any idiot can understand how to use them in sentence from that.. but you are sub-idiot
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 09:11:35
Where's that sentence, HR?
werewolf dictator
Sun Oct 15 09:14:00
lol uber-moron still thinks merriam webster needs to give sentence examples for its clear and obvious definitions
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 09:15:14
Look HR, if you cannot find any sentence that utilizes "bogues" just say so. It's okay.
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 09:18:52
Here you go...I'll help you.

Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 09:21:04

What about this?

Oh wait!

So close.
werewolf dictator
Sun Oct 15 09:23:02
if you want it from anywhere then that's simple

Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 09:34:52
An that author would be incorrect in it's usage.

"He captured the bogue forts commanding the passage of the Canton River."
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 09:36:24
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 09:38:27
Have you ever studied the lexicon and languages utilizes. Have you ever seen earlier spellings of words for signs, books, marquees, and other various forms of media? Especially during the 1800s and through the 1900s with the change and evolution of the words used?

This also included where it was acknowledge that some of the words we use today were incorrectly implemented?

Just asking?
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 09:39:15
*Have you ever studies the lexicon and languages utilized, or just linguistics in general?
werewolf dictator
Sun Oct 15 09:39:25
lol learn to use simple dictionary and read plain english moron
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Oct 15 09:42:00

werewolf dictator - lol no they say "plural -s" because to pluralize you add an "s" to the end

There are many bogues in Louisiana.

My spell check did not flag that as a misspelling.

wd, you did a great job on those losers.

Unfortunately, they do not have enough class to admit it when they are wrong. But, those of us with a brain know that.

Best to ignore them.

Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 09:43:53
Are you also aware that even with the word "bogue" there are no synonyms attached to it? Ever wondered why?
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 09:44:23
lol, HR you twit.
Cold Rod
Sun Oct 15 09:47:41
"There are many bogues in Louisiana. "

We do not call them "bogues". God damn this is hilarious!
John Adams
Sun Oct 15 11:36:55
It is rather embarrassing that our current president doesn't realize he is the president of said territories.
werewolf dictator
Sun Oct 15 14:33:57
he is head of state not contestant on "jeopardy".. i would be embarrassed for him if he had wasted his life learning such useless trivia
Sun Oct 15 15:35:17
Oh, you mean like things you should know as being the US President for 500, Alex?
John Adams
Sun Oct 15 15:37:15
"he is head of state not contestant on "jeopardy".. i would be embarrassed for him if he had wasted his life learning such useless trivia"

I would venture to say knowing the job would be of importance. Regardless if you think it is 'useless' or not. These are things that Presidents should know, if not be informed of.
the wanderer
Sun Oct 15 15:48:13
Tillerson twice again on State of the Union refused to deny he called Trump a moron... he could've cleared it up quick & easy saying 'no, i didn't', with no repercussions (unless that was a lie)

therefore it clearly happened... and Trump probably fuming he didn't deny & say 'Fake News!'
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Oct 15 16:05:31

Didn't he say he wasn't going to sanctify that with a response or something?

the wanderer
Sun Oct 15 16:26:42
yes... on at least 3 occasions now... thus same as saying, 'yeah, i called the moron a moron'

if the truth was 'no' then saying 'no' on any occasion would end it w/ no problems
however if truth is 'yes' saying 'yes' causes problems... therefore a non-answer means it must be 'yes'
the wanderer
Sun Oct 15 16:28:37
Trump has had no problem dignifying it with a response (claiming Fake News, then challenging Tillerson to an IQ test...) and the 'i'm not going to dignify' answer is a stupid thing to say regardless
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Oct 15 16:37:53

Some folks have too much dignity to get involved in other peoples pissing contests.

As for Trump, his thing is fake news and that little challenge was a joke.

the wanderer
Sun Oct 15 18:47:29
or the simple & completely obvious answer is that he called Trump a moron

as is not shocking at all given the differential between Trump's knowledge and those around him
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Oct 15 19:09:34

Not so sure about that.

While Tillerson just held down a job all of his life, which he doesn't even have anymore, Trump was building a Real Estate Empire worth Billions.

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