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Utopia Talk / Politics / Seb attacks finland
Sam Adams
Fri Aug 18 10:05:05

Gang of sebs chanting allah ackbar stab a bunch of people.
large member
Fri Aug 18 10:07:47
Have any gangs of sammys killed abortion doctors recently?
the wanderer
Fri Aug 18 10:14:44
they're having more luck just closing the clinics
Fri Aug 18 10:24:30
I'm pretty sure Sammys cheer abortions, especially of minorities
Fri Aug 18 10:39:01
Yeah, Sam Adams believes only religious people think abortion is bad.

Speaking of abortion, hey, Iceland claims to have eliminated down syndrome... by killing every baby who had down syndrome. Such incredible evil.
Fri Aug 18 10:41:40
There's nothing about "allah ackbar".

There's nothing about "gangs" either.

It was a single man with a knife.

lol, Sam fails.
large member
Fri Aug 18 10:43:42
I am pretty sure he believes SJWs like abortion staff deserve to die.

But does it matter? Truth and identity politics are not compatible.

Gangs of Sammys kill doctors. Nuff said.
Fri Aug 18 11:19:05
Jergul losing it.

Wife probably in bed with Muhammad now
Fri Aug 18 11:25:10
Abortion staff are SJWs? WTF?

Also, how many anti-abortion murders have there even been in the last decade? Two? Tiller and the Colorado guy, that's all I can come up with.
Sam Adams
Fri Aug 18 11:26:01
Religious people are idiots and abortion is good. Iceland did the compassionate thing. Rofl jergul is wrong again. Also mountme equals fake news. The shot terrorist is clearly not white.
Sam Adams
Fri Aug 18 11:58:13
2 dead now. 2 destroyed families, 2 sets of crushed friends. All so seb could persue his social rengineering crusade.
large member
Fri Aug 18 13:11:08
Get a grip.

What part of "truth and identity politics are not compatible"?

Lulz. Bleeding heart rightist. Kill any doctors today?
large member
Fri Aug 18 13:11:31
What part of...did you not understand?*
Sat Aug 19 09:27:03
"It was a single man with a knife. "

1 - it was a 18 year old asylum seeker from Morocco who was denied.

2 - he had encouraged terrorism before the attack and was suspected of terrorism, hence asylum denied.

Would you care to revise your statement?
Sat Aug 19 09:41:33
"Finland must stop the illegal occupation and give Muslims their own state, called Finnistan. Instead of where Finland is. "
> Parashit.
Sat Aug 19 09:53:22
Where did Paragay go?
too ashamed admitting he was wrong?


large member
Sat Aug 19 10:16:28
Either a two state solution, or a one state solution. You get to chose.
Sat Aug 19 10:50:17
"It was a single man with a knife. "

1 - it was a 18 year old asylum seeker from Morocco who was denied. "

Still a single man and not a "gang" as Sam said.

"Finland must stop the illegal occupation and give Muslims their own state, called Finnistan. Instead of where Finland is. "

What are you talking about? That's a really bad analogy. Are you drunk?
Sat Aug 19 10:55:13
I just want to know your standing on how to resolve these events.
Sat Aug 19 11:02:07
Then why didn't you say so?

I don't know yet how to resolve these events.

The best thing would have been if they remained in the region. And we could help them there. Israel is the only democracy innthe Middle East. They would be safe there, so one idea is that we ship all of them there.
large member
Sat Aug 19 11:02:23

I think we should be concerned when overall homicide rates reach 4.88.

Otherwise - business as usual seems to be working fine.
large member
Sat Aug 19 11:12:05
wow, our murder rate jumped from 0.6 to 2.26 before falling back to 0.73. I wonder what happened that year.

Still, we had half the homicides of the US in what by all accounts was a pretty bad year.
large member
Sat Aug 19 11:12:31
(in before Sir Brevik)
Sun Aug 20 03:11:56
I went reply since yout comment is just... What do you want, exactly?
Sun Aug 20 03:12:07
large member
Sun Aug 20 04:33:12
"How to resolve these events"

Those who would exchange freedom for security deserve neither.

I checked how bad homicide is in various countries.
In many places it is low.
In other places it is rather high.

Low countries are already doing everything right in the sense that any major security changes are more likely to increase overall homicides than decrease it.

I then tossed in fact that Norway had been hit by a pretty serious event that caused a measurable change in death rates for that year (trebling the homicide rate).

Demonstrating that if it aint broke, dont fix it.
The Children
Sun Aug 20 05:10:48
lol so additional info.

he was denied but somehow still in the country walkin around

2 of the dead r women

6 of the 8 targets, are injured, also women. lol sounded like finish guys were 2 chickenscared 2 do anything.

then again mgtow rules clearly says no more whiteknighting. whiteknights are cucks.

Sun Aug 20 06:56:04
"he was denied but somehow still in the country walkin around"

Most likely living in a home for refugees while waiting to be sent back. Don't think they can lock refugees up in some kind of prison. The current laws may not allow it since it is not a crime to be a refugee.

However, once a refugee has been denied, then maybe one can argue that the refugee is in the country illegally, and only then can they lock him/her up. For the safety of the people.

This particular refugee may now get permanent residency in Finland, although in a prison, but still. It's free housing, free food, free gym, free playstation, free cable tv, etc. In Morocco he ain't getting any of that.

I think that once a refugee has been denied residence, the state will have to start to lock them up until they can be sent back. It is the consequence and price that refugees will have to pay because there idiots among them.

If they are not allowed to be in the country, lock them up.

If their home countries refuses to take them back, load them onto a battleship and sail to the coast of africa, and then drop them off in rubber boats.

"6 of the 8 targets, are injured, also women. lol sounded like finish guys were 2 chickenscared 2 do anything. "

There was one guy who tried to help and defend the women. His name is Hassan. A british guy of Middle Eastern origin.

Sun Aug 20 07:45:36
So, a middle eastern kills 2 Finnish women
Then a middle eastern tries so save one of the victims
Ergo, Islam is good?

Sun Aug 20 07:57:06
Guy was from Morocco. That's Africa and not the Middle East.

I didn't say that it makes Islam good. Those are your words or conclusion. But I wanted to show that there are good people of Middle Eastern origin.
Sun Aug 20 08:20:31
Wow, I mistook an Arab from another Arab, that must makes my whole argument so won't wrong.

Wow, some people are good. Ok? So?
Sun Aug 20 09:54:16
Well, in case there is any doubt. There are still a few good people in this world.
large member
Sun Aug 20 09:54:26
I dunno. Do rightous gentiles compensate for the unrightous?
Sun Aug 20 11:07:11
How the fuck do "gentiles" enter this discussion?
Sun Aug 20 11:11:00
Actually, it turns out that Hassan is Swedish, speaks Swedish, and lives in Tensta (a neighborhood that the fascist alt-right describes as a no-go-zone). Don't know why British media says he is a brit. Maybe he lived in Britain once or is a british citizens.
Sun Aug 20 11:18:56

"How the fuck do "gentiles" enter this discussion?"

I think what Jergul means is that good people (righteous gentile) compensate for bad people (unrighteous gentile).
Sun Aug 20 11:45:20
No, he has some Yiddish obsession hidden in his post.
large member
Sun Aug 20 12:03:12
I read up on "Rightous of Nations" award criteria. Turns out rightous deeds may not even be enough for the individual.

And why, oh why did money have to be part of the criteria? Talk about living up to stereotypes.
Sun Aug 20 12:08:13
There we go. You turn a discussion about Finland to one about Judaism.

Talk to the hand
large member
Sun Aug 20 13:22:16
I am talking to the hand. Here, let me show you a finger.

Think about that next time you want to turn a knife attack into a discussion about Islam.
Sun Aug 20 14:33:56
An Islamic who kills in the name of Islam...and I get the finger for pointing to the obvious?

My my, Scandinavia is truly lost.
large member
Sun Aug 20 14:39:02
Its ok that you do it, just as its ok I include other aspects of the Abrahamic faith if I feel like it.

The British guy who intervened in the name of Islam was quite a chap, don't you think?

Sun Aug 20 23:36:15
One fallacy. He's a paramedic. He intervened in the name of medicine.
What, you want proof? He has tattoos all over, tattoos are against Islamic culture.
large member
Mon Aug 21 01:50:45
Bringing us back to if one rightous deed outways other flaws. Saving a life does outweigh tatoos by the standards given us by the Rightous of Nations award comittee.

He intervened in the name of Islam as far as we know.
Mon Aug 21 01:58:59
Since he did not yell Allah Akbar while trying to save her, he was just a medic at the scene being a medic.
While yelling Allah Akbar while killing someone is not "just stabbing someone" but an act in the name of Islam.

Truly, you are quite stupid.
I try not to believe all of your countrymen are as stupid as you, as there are some great bands and musicians there i quite love.
large member
Mon Aug 21 03:34:10
So islamic terrorism exist only if someone says the equivalent of Jesus H. Christ when excited.

Yay. Terrorism just fell by 95%.

You solved that problem.

Let me invoke part of the Abrahamic God according to one view on prophet accreditation:

Jesus H. Christ, buddy. Get a grip.

You have to get a grip because I did an act in the name of Christianity.
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