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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trump is back on Gen Pershing
the wanderer
Thu Aug 17 14:04:32
"Study what General Pershing of the United States did to terrorists when caught. There was no more Radical Islamic Terror for 35 years!"

presumably referring to either pigs blood bullets or burial w/ pigs... i'm certain he has not studied Pershing (or anyone or anything ever) just heard someone bring him up again
John Adams
Thu Aug 17 14:06:13
I am afraid that President Trump doesn't understand the context or circumstances of anything.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 17 14:07:37
Thu Aug 17 14:36:42
So why don't Trump give the order to take 50 men and shoot 49 of them? I mean, he is the president, right?
the wanderer
Thu Aug 17 15:31:59
not sure he knows he has more responsibility and more sources of information now that he's president
Thu Aug 17 15:41:40
You need to look past what he's saying though. Understand what he's saying. When you do, please let me know.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 17 15:41:48
here's how he told the story back on the campaign trail (read in an idiot voice):

...and you won't find in history books as its just a myth
the wanderer
Thu Aug 17 15:44:32
yeah... he's just exaggeralying™ for some brilliant effect... 253 dimensional chess
the wanderer
Thu Aug 17 16:45:12
guy on CNN noted "even if it were true, it would be a war crime"

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Aug 17 17:42:16

"Yes it is a phony legend that has been around for decades. I heard the story many years ago anf=d believed and repeated it many times over the years.

I never found out it was phony until a few years ago. If you expect Trump to be aware that it was a phony then you are further gone than even I thought.

Trump is not a historian, never has been. He was until he went into politics, a businessman who spent the lions share of his time building a fortune."

And I bet half of the folks on this did not know the story was bogus if they even knew about the story in the first place.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Aug 17 17:50:36

tumbleweed - guy on CNN noted "even if it were true, it would be a war crime"

I believe that ***if*** it were a true story it would have occurred before The Geneva Convention so there was no such thing as a war crime per se. That I am aware of anyway, you are welcome to prove me wrong if you can.

Perhaps your CNN guy is lacking in history too, not to mention you for believing him.

UP Factcheck
Thu Aug 17 17:52:24
War Crimes:


UP Factcheck
Thu Aug 17 17:52:57
Concept of warcrimes:

Cold Rod
Thu Aug 17 17:53:21
Oh hot rod....
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Aug 17 18:06:54

OK, war crimes did indeed exist by virtue of the Hague Conventions.

I have been scanning your link since right after you posted it. I saw nothing regarding burying Muslims in pigs blood or body parts as being a war crime.

If that was covered by the Hague Conventions I would appreciate it if you would point me to where it is stated.

Cold Rod
Thu Aug 17 18:51:31
Regarding no quarter you fucking moron. God damn you are a real stupid fuck.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 17 19:13:18
Trump is obviously suggesting we use the tactic now... so would be a war crime

as was his 'kill their families' idea

and his 'i ♡ torture' commentary
the wanderer
Thu Aug 17 19:17:36
"If you expect Trump to be aware that it was a phony then you are further gone than even I thought. "

he repeated this false story numerous times on the campaign trail

like the countless times he repeated his false 'people saw bombs all over the floor & didn't tell anyone' San Bernardino story (as he can't comprehend news articles)

and his repeated false 'very expensive' chemicals/bleaching nonsense that Hillary supposedly did to her emails (which he clearly invented himself, w/ no effort at fact at all as no news organization would've been so off in reporting)
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Aug 17 19:20:11

I have seen nothing where he said those things that you claim. What I mean is him saying them *IN* context.

I'm sure he said something along those lines, but I doubt seriously you are quoting him accurately.

the wanderer
Thu Aug 17 19:25:34
he said all of them... repeatedly... although he changed the # of years Pershing's tactic worked each telling apparently

the President of the United States should make some effort to find out what he's talking about especially when telling the public to study it as though he spent a second doing so himself

and preferably not recommend war crimes... he says so much stupid shit so constantly it's barely a story... total disgrace to the office
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Aug 17 19:39:21

tw, why am I wasting my time reading your posts when you do not read mine?

Do you know?

the wanderer
Thu Aug 17 20:45:02
giving you exact quotes never helps... but here's another quote and also a video of him speaking the words for whatever good it does

"Government access and favors will no longer be for sale, and important email records will no longer be deleted and digitally altered, which is something they just found out two days ago. Bleached. Bleached. Expensive process. Why? Why? 33,000 emails bleached through a very expensive process. You ask yourself, what’s going on?"

a different time... again sayin 'very expensive' and he thinks actual chemicals being used
video here

a few seconds of googling showed me BleachBit is free software... good luck finding reporting it was chemicals or very expensive (other than people quoting Trump). He makes shit up (numerous examples), states it as fact, and you're fine with it as though it's remotely acceptable.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Aug 17 21:08:09

"and he thinks actual chemicals being used"

Aren't they?

I have no idea what the process is, how it is done or how much it cost, but I believe Clinton had it done to hide her *indiscretions*.

She also had her cell phones destroyed by a hammer.

I believe those are the facts.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Aug 17 21:19:04

I looked it up and now I understand how it's done.

I honestly thought they did use chemicals. Not bleach, but some kind of chemicals,

Maybe he didn't take the time to look it up.

the wanderer
Thu Aug 17 21:40:05
there's no 'maybe' about it... having a guy remember bits and pieces of news he's heard and assembling them and adding extra bits to spice it up is NOT ACCEPTABLE in a President, he is still the lying salesman/entertainer

maybe bullshitting about her emails isn't that important... but lying about fraud voters is... calling Obama a felon who defrauded the country is... smearing countless people and institutions is... including our intelligence agencies while speaking on the world stage! how is he ever supposed to use their conclusions to get help from allies or to accuse enemies now... he is unfit to the core
the wanderer
Thu Aug 17 21:49:28
and his smearing of the media perhaps worst of all... with people like you now presuming stories are actually just fake without any reason to do so... like the entire New York Times, as if the reporters are typing up stories with no actual sources as the idiot lying child claims

changing the idea of bias to total falsehood is dangerous... and a total lie... go find stories he's actually proven to be false (there will be none)

there will only be a tiny handful that organizations have retracted and not because the reporter just invented the story, just the sourcing wasn't solid enough
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Aug 17 21:52:37

If you say so.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Aug 17 21:54:34

"Are you taking into consideration that the Democrats have done and said everything in their power to block him every single step of the way, that he was deluged with White Huse leaks of his conversations with some world leaders, plus almost daily leaks that were likely coming from The White House and/or the intelligence community, plus the fiasco coming from the Republican Senators about the health care vote, not to mention the liberal media making up outright lies against the man.

I know he is making some mistakes, but if I could read his mind I might not think they were mistakes.

I honestly believe he is doing the best he can under the circumstances, and perhaps if there wasn't so much working against him he could show his true leadership and abilities.


He certainly did not amass his fortune without ability and leadership.

the wanderer
Thu Aug 17 22:03:03
yeah, he's probably doing the best he can... as an ignorant bullshitting child... he is unfit to the core as i said, i'm not faulting him on his policies, i'm not faulting him on his effort, i'm faulting him on his character & being

as i have noted before, when that congressional candidate attacked a reporter right before that special election not long ago, at least one voter interviewed called it 'fake news'... that's 100% from Trump, he's the one who is spreading that anti-media lie... surely there are countless more like that voter, and on all sorts of issues

100% proof he has damaged the country
Thu Aug 17 22:13:09
"I honestly believe he is doing the best he can"

I'm sure he is. But his best is absolutely atrocious and very dangerous.
the wanderer
Thu Aug 17 23:51:42
some hope: the author of The Art of the Deal thinks Trump will resign by the end of the year... if only Trump was the author as he pretends
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Aug 18 03:53:46

Frankly, I'm tired of this discussion about what a terrible person he is.

He is getting some good things accomplished.

For one thing, he has made it possible to fire doctors and/or administrators that have caused the deaths of so many veterans because they didn't take care of them properly at the VA Hospitals. And if they live more than 40 miles from a VA Hospital they can go to the doctor and hospital of their choice.

I know this means little to some of you ass holes that never served, but it sure means a lot to the Vets and me though it doesn't affect me directly.

Another thing, he has made us almost energy independent and we soon will be energy independent.

We are exporting energy and I heard but did not confirm, that we are setting the oil prices for the world now.

No, he has not wasted American treasure on 'free' renewable energy, but it's a helluva lot better than buying energy from Muslim countries that despise us. And I believe it will help greatly to bring down our balance of payments.

He has America standing up to the bad guys for a change, refreshing isn't it?

He has done a lot of things that are good for America and he will do much more before it is over and done with.

It would be nice though if he did not have so many 10 ton weights tied to his coat tails.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Aug 18 03:54:10


Fri Aug 18 05:12:26
It would be nice if Trump wouldn't constantly let his alligator mouth overload his hummingbird ass.
Fri Aug 18 08:31:03
Are we seriously suggesting that smearing bullets with pigs' blood is a war crime now?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Aug 18 08:46:06

So say the left.

the wanderer
Fri Aug 18 09:42:08
"After 40-year ban, U.S. starts exporting crude oil"
- January 29, 2016 (a year before the lying idiot child)

"It would be nice though if he did not have so many 10 ton weights tied to his coat tails."

how many created by his own stupid childish tweets that NO other mature adult would ever be making?

and the story he tells is Gen Pershing rounded up 50 terrorists and had 49 of them shot w/ the pigs blood bullets then released the 50th to go tell his people what happened... and it supposedly ended terrorism for 25, 35, or 42 years depending on when you are listening to the idiot tell the myth (which would be a war crime)
the wanderer
Fri Aug 18 09:48:03
you don't need Trump to do any of the good things you think are happening

i'm sure he knows as little about the VA & energy as he did about the health bills
the wanderer
Fri Aug 18 09:50:25
or the Iran Deal... he brought it up again recently, again stating the only bit of (mis)information that he ever says about it (the $150 billion that he thinks is money we paid them... & he also tends to add the $1 billion in cash that wasn't even part of the deal)

he hasn't learned a single new thing about the deal since becoming president
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Aug 18 11:56:53

Jesus, no help for you.



Cold Rod
Fri Aug 18 12:04:03
"Are we seriously suggesting that smearing bullets with pigs' blood is a war crime now?"

Are you seriously looking over the fact that part of war crimes, which Hot Rod said never existed until Geneva Convention, is what is referenced. Not specifically bullets in pigs blood.

Are you seriously this fucking densed?
Cold Rod
Fri Aug 18 12:04:59
Looking over the fact of 'no quarter'.
the wanderer
Fri Aug 18 12:05:17
i would estimate 90+% of the things you think Trump has done haven't actually happened

he repeatedly overstates his accomplishments or takes credit for things that were already in the works... which shouldn't even be doubted given his always hyperbolic statements & penchant for false boasting
werewolf dictator
Sun Aug 20 17:41:23
so usa buried muslim bodies with pigs and it reduced muslim attacks for some unspecified period of time.. [presumably as long as they remembered threat and remained in thrall to their muslim superstitions].. this according to pershing's autobiography

trump got the basic idea right.. so i don't understand why every one is acting like he is so utterly wrong..
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Aug 20 18:07:10

The incident was proved false.

It never happened.

werewolf dictator
Sun Aug 20 18:15:24
in finer details trump's original story was wrong.. arguably wrong on number of years more recently

but basic idea of using pigs on the corpses of muslim rebels was used by burying them with pigs.. and this reduced attacks.. according to great general pershing


so study what he did and use that idea refined some
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Aug 20 18:48:09


However, I think it is a great idea and should be tried to see if it will work.

werewolf dictator
Sun Aug 20 19:07:34
pershing says burying suicide muslim attackers with pigs materially reduced attacks

meanwhile "snopes" says pershing did not effectively discourage attacks

well i think i would believe great general of the armies who was probably a genius to attain such exalted rank
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