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Utopia Talk / Politics / The Left Are Worse Than The Nazis:
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Aug 15 23:27:03

Here's Why.

I thought this subject needed a thread of its own so I borrowed a part of Aeros' post from another thread.


Aeros - He basically read the 4chan talking points verbatim. Saying the Leftists who were rioting were just as bad as the Nazi's. Yadda yadda.

Actually, they are much worse because they have made deeper inroads towards the destruction of America as we know and love it. When I say we I mean those who love the principles she was founded upon.

Those who control the present controls the past.

While the Democratic Party is in total disarray at present the Progressive movement has done its work by turning half of our society into a group of Bolsheviks. I cannot think of a better word to describe the American left.

Through false empathy, Political Correctness, and largess the Bolsheviks have accepted that it is right and proper for the mob to destroy our society and our history as we know it in order for their leaders to give them birth to death security.

If you want to really know where America will end up unless the brakes are somehow applied read up on The Maoist Cultural Revolution. That is what the Progressive movement is all about for America.

Get used to what you saw on TV this last Saturday, it's just the beginning.

President Trump is the only one that can stem the rush towards destruction. But, unless The American People wake up and elect more good people that want to MAGA then his efforts will eventually fade and we will once again be saddled with the Clintons, the Bushs, and the Obamas that will finish the work the progressives started over a hundred years ago.

Then The Great Experiment will have failed because the good people stood by and let it happen.

And the Bolsheviks will never know what they let slip through their fingers.

the wanderer
Tue Aug 15 23:30:38
also they didn't have a permit
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Aug 15 23:35:29

This thread is not about the minute, but it is about the bigger picture.

What is needed to save America?

the wanderer
Tue Aug 15 23:37:43
rewinding time and killing Fred Trump
Tue Aug 15 23:58:24
In reality America is as stable and better than it has been in it's history. Turn off the 24/7 news and just live life.

Oh hey look, most of us CAN live life with less fear of violence than any time in the past. Literally next to 0 are at risk of death by starvation. The government is proving to be able to keep functioning even with overwhelmed and incompetent executive leadership.

Our biggest REAL day to day problems are health related due to TOO MUCH FOOD.

Our biggest REAL long term problem is ruining our biosphere with pollution from burning stuff for energy.

The only thing risking ruining America near term are the 24/7 news stations lust for view ship ratings.

700 hicks echo chambering themselves into Nazis is not a big national problem with a population of 350 million. Only when viewed through the magnifying glass of the unrelenting infotainment bombardment of stations desperate for viewers.
Wed Aug 16 00:01:12
Rod, don't write opinion pieces please.

Actually, don't write. Or breathe.
Wed Aug 16 00:59:23
"President Trump is the only one that can stem the rush towards destruction."

Heil Trump?

"What is needed to save America?"

A schutzstaffel?
Trolly McSerious
Wed Aug 16 01:02:29
Clearly the left are the radicals....

"heil trump!"

Trolly McSerious
Wed Aug 16 01:03:15
Anyone else care that Hot Rod spat on the generation that fought against Nazism?
Wed Aug 16 01:47:41
They didn't just fight against Nazism. They also fought against Communism.

Don't see any Hitler statues in Seattle
Trolly McSerious
Wed Aug 16 04:55:52
Surely do see a lot more white nationalist pin heads holding more rallies and carrying Nazi flags than I do communism rallies.

But whom I kidding. This is Forseb the revisionist we're talking here.
Wed Aug 16 05:23:40
Because America was so much better off before the first progressive leaders enacted their policies. Coal miners would die in their 40s/50s. Workers in general barely earned enough income to live in incredibly unsafe working conditions. Food safety was nonexistent. We were using up natural resources at a high, unregulated rate to he point that it was completely unsustainable.

If it wasn't for progressives like the Roosevelts (especially Teddy), our country would be complete shit now. The fact that people have spun these major improvements as "destroying America" just shows how much our education has failed. Modern SJWs are annoying as fuck, but to pretend that they embody the progressive movement historically is just pure ignorance.
Wed Aug 16 05:39:51
What Hrothgar and Chen said.

Hot Rod is in this incident just trying to blow smoke. He has lived through a lot of history if he isn't lying about his age. But obviously can't remember accurately what he lived through.
Wed Aug 16 09:00:30

"If you want to really know where America will end up unless the brakes are somehow applied read up on The Maoist Cultural Revolution. That is what the Progressive movement is all about for America."

Yeah, because it's the left always sneering at "elitists".

Wed Aug 16 09:11:15
confederate monuments are the low hanging fruit. After that they will come for reetitution for the horrible crimes perpetrated on the natives. Maybe the land we "stole" from Mexico.

The problem with a victim narrative is that it requires victims. Its why the whiplash from being obssessed over gay rights to being obssessed over Transgendered rights happened within a week of the supreme court ruling.

These people will never be happy or appeased. Their entire ideology RELIES on never being happy or appeased.
Wed Aug 16 09:14:16
and if by some miracle we force society to provide restitution and equality of outcome for every disadvantaged group, make no mistake, a new group of disadvantaged victims will be invented.
Wed Aug 16 09:33:45

There's something amusing about people parading around with Confederate flags ... warning about the division and destruction of the US.

You can't get any more revisionist than that.

Wed Aug 16 09:42:05

btw that victim narrative exists because of victimization. Again, the screwball right expects the oppressed to accept their oppression and stop making noise about it.

lol @ these groups being invented! They're not invented, they are manufactured ... by YOU.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Aug 16 09:47:14

Once again, Aeros is on the right track.

"What Hrothgar and Chen said."

Yes, what they say is true as far as the good Democrats have accomplished, but the good Democrats are gone. Hrothgar and Chenhey ignore the subject and how the progressives are taking away our heritage and how they want to rewrite our history.

They are out to destroy America and they were doing quite well at it, but as evidenced by the recent election many Americans don't want that to happen.

Wed Aug 16 11:28:34
"They are out to destroy America and they were doing quite well at it"

This is all happening on Trump's watch and he is doing nothing to stop it.

Owned. Nazi Rod.

Ha ha
Wed Aug 16 15:54:34
"lol @ these groups being invented! They're not invented, they are manufactured ... by YOU."

I haven't invented shit. Last I checked I've also not oppressed anybody, or supported any major policies/initiatives aimed at oppressing people. What exactly are you trying to say that I have invented or created victims?
Trolly McSerious
Wed Aug 16 17:33:34
Here is why Hot Rod is retarded with this OP. It's retarded.

Rod not thinks Nazis are good. Rod wants the holocaust to return.
Thu Aug 17 02:18:50
Why all the hate against us?
Shocking 20 minutes.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Thu Aug 17 07:25:46

Both the Neo-Nazi's/white supremacists, et. al. and the Extreme left are despicable beyond belief.

It is just the extreme left are more so because they have done more damage to America.

Trolly McSerious
Thu Aug 17 07:42:22
Counter protesting against white supremacy ideology is not the same as being the extreme left stop equating two.

As for your second statement false. You keep saying America's damage what has been damaged by the extreme left that has crippled America?
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