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Utopia Talk / Politics / More tolerance for Nazis
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Tue Aug 15 11:18:53
thousands of nazis in the streets and you guys want to blame both sides.

The Third Reich
Tue Aug 15 11:22:36
The oppression of the white man has got to end. Am I right Rugian?
Tue Aug 15 11:35:17
The left spends years engaging in identity politics, accusing white people of having privilege, castigating them for the color of their skin, telling them that they are evil, celebrating their projected demographic decline into a minority group, and throwing their support behind radical anti-white groups.

Then wonders why white supremacy is making a (very minor, btw) comeback.

Fucking idiots. Most of us grew up having been taught that you should treat all people equally and not judge them by the color of their skin. That was a great concept. But then you had to shit all over that with identity politics, with returning to the days where people are judged by skin color. And then you wonder why a tiny amount of white people are starting to push back. You brought this on yourselves. And the saddest part is you'll never even acknowledge your role in it.
Tue Aug 15 11:38:23
Nothing sadder than seeing a #whitelivesmatter social justice warrior. Go back to your safe space rugian. The real world is clearly so biased against whites that you can not succeed.

You stupid Cuck.
The Third Reich
Tue Aug 15 11:41:36
Jews will not replace us!

You will not replace us!
Tue Aug 15 11:44:06
Dukhat proves my point. It's fascinating how you can't even comprehend how your constant racism is finally casusing counter-racism to erupt.
Tue Aug 15 11:48:24
For the record, the KKK had a whopping 3000 members a year ago.


That's almost a whopping 0.001% of the American population. Holy shit, America is such a racist shithole.
Tue Aug 15 11:53:34
"Nazi" is such a misleading term. Not everyone in that march would describe themselves as A neo Nazi. And their politics would prove them not as neo Nazi. Terming them all as Nazis is like saying everyone in the BLM marches are part of the black panther org. Or antifa. A
Cold Rod
Tue Aug 15 12:03:49
Hilarious that the KKK is declining, yet the rise in other nationalist or culling themselves with different identities is not considered. Truly the minds of that. If it isn't absolute, it doesn't exist.
Tue Aug 15 12:06:43
Caught us. We're all actually racists, we're just playing a reeeeeeaaaaallllllllllyyyyy long game in pretending we're not.
Cold Rod
Tue Aug 15 12:12:58
At least you admit it. Or not take it so personally when called out on your bullshit with using a source to say. "See, there aren't racists, the KKK is in decline." Yet neglecting the realist scenario that yes, the KKK may be in decline, but there are other ways for them to identify or assimilate to get their point across. Which if you done any research or paid attention is something that has been happening for decades now.

This is not saying that there is a overwhelming statistic, but is does reveal and underlying truth that actually does exist. But I am sure because of your sensitivity of feeling that the 'white race is in decline' and I know, I know, you possibly may not have said it. On these forums. But perhaps maybe that is how you feel in regards of the text that you seemingly express on the forums from time to time.

You are quick to blame the media, the left, the liberals, the democrats, but not condemn the rhetoric that gets played by other members of the 'game'. Which is actually a problem too.
Tue Aug 15 12:26:07
I would imagine people leaving the KKK to join or form groups that are nationalist but more inclusive, to be a step in the right direction.
Cold Rod
Tue Aug 15 12:32:58
Of course, because it would be more easier for them to be accepted and assimilate. Going somewhere and going, "oh btw, I am in the KKK" may not get you far in society. Because being closeted, or hiding in other groups makes it a little easier.

Much like how the muslim brotherhood assimilated in society for decades. It is not different.

But, this is impossible.
Hot Pot
Tue Aug 15 12:35:43
We could at least talk with them. We should talk with the KKK and the Nazis and take the debate with them. Maybe they have some good points?
Tue Aug 15 12:36:08
You are going off the presumption that people like forwyn, rugian and myself are all deep down closeted racists. This is why the left has given so much ground to antifa and BLM, because they are convinced the other side is a seething bastion of hate. But in so doing you are the ones who are racist, you are the ones who are divisive.
Tue Aug 15 12:37:50
You are convinced the other side is racist because that is what has been spoon fed to you by the fake news media for years. Perfect example is how the media portrayed the tea party movement. You were shown pictures of old white people. That is what you assumed were the opposition to Barack Obama. You were told in not so subtle wats that old white people opposed Obama cause he was black.
Cold Rod
Tue Aug 15 12:38:16
You're taking this personally. I didn't identify you as such.
Tue Aug 15 12:39:28
You weren't shown pictures of people like me, who are young and not fair skinned. There were just as many of us at those rallies but the media didn't want to talk to us. CNN got busted when the narrative didn't fit reality. When that black dude brought his rifle to a rally, they wanted to show that rifle but not the owner. Why? Because he didn't fit the narrative they wanted to sell you.
Cold Rod
Tue Aug 15 12:39:58
"You are convinced the other side is racist "

newsflash, if you are part of hate groups i.e. kkk, neo Nazis, Aryan nation, white nationalists, youre racists.

It's like feelings get hurt when this is pointed out.
Cold Rod
Tue Aug 15 12:40:38
So its the media's fault. Here is the stance again.
Tue Aug 15 12:41:50
In sum, you have been fed fake news ever since Obama came into power. You were indoctrinated by the media and (I'm assuming you went to college during those years) by your professors that America is racist. Thus you genuinely believe a lot of the right is deep rooted racist. That nationalist groups are only inclusive because they have to be currently, not because grandsons aren't their grandfather
Cold Rod
Tue Aug 15 12:47:21
Your comprehension skills are astounding and have completely missed the point.

Your average KKK member are not actively trying to recruit in such a way. Recruiting techniques have changed. IN fact you have different types of these groups that have different ways to approach things. Your KKK in the last 20, 40, 50, 60, to 100 years is not the same as it is presently.

The decline, as Rugian wanted to point out in his "see look at what I can do." Doesn't capture the whole truth as to why a group like the KKK declined. Where is other groups are on the rise based upon different techniques on how they can still spread their message and recruit. A transformation took place to even make it more mainstream. THis also was supported as the internet advanced as well to reach groups. Perhaps you should take a class or research more on this works. Because apparently you are still living in a fantasy world yet accuse me of being indoctrinated by the media because Obama was president?

Do you not honestly hear yourself right now on how much of a moron you are?
Tue Aug 15 12:50:40
I think I addressed your point pretty fairly. You think people are still part of the Klan, they just don't call themselves the Klan but have the same beliefs. I explained why that isn't true and why you believe it to be true.
Cold Rod
Tue Aug 15 12:59:52
No you moron. Agains your comprehension skills are astounding.

Decline of the KKK is associated with other people becoming members of other white nationalist movements based upon other ideologies or approaches to get their message out.

You've explained somehow what you said is true, but it isn't. There have been many documentaries and cases that counter your point exactly. This is the problem. You are ignorant.
Tue Aug 15 13:06:26
Not every nationalist group is based on white power. Most of them aren't. Painting them all as "nazis" is ignorance based out of fake media information.
Cold Rod
Tue Aug 15 13:08:40
"Most of them aren't"

Yep, there is the intelligence level being dealt with.
Cold Rod
Tue Aug 15 13:09:57
11th Hour Remnant Messenger was a group founded by two wealthy retired entrepreneurs who believed that whites were the true biblical Israelites.
American Renaissance, is a "race realist and white advocacy website", formerly a monthly magazine, published by the New Century Foundation.[47]
American Freedom Party, formerly known as the American Third Position Party, is an American political party which promotes white supremacy.[48][49][50][51] It was founded in 2010, and it defines its principal mission as representing the political interests of white Americans.[52]
American Nazi Party, is an antisemitic, neo-Nazi organization based largely upon the ideals and policies of Adolf Hitler's NSDAP in Germany during the era of the Third Reich but it claims that it is in conformance with the Constitutional principles of the U.S.'s Founding Fathers. It also supports Holocaust denial.
Aryan Brotherhood of Texas is, according to the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of the largest and most violent white supremacist prison gangs in the United States, responsible for murders and other violent crimes.[53][54]
Aryan Nations, is a white supremacist neo-Nazi organization founded in the 1970s by Richard Girnt Butler as an arm of the Christian Identity group known as the Church of Jesus Christ-Christian. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has called Aryan Nations a "terrorist threat",[55] and the RAND Corporation has called it the "first truly nationwide terrorist network" in the US.[56]
Asatru Folk Assembly, part of the racist ("folkish") branch of the Heathenry movement.[57]
Council of Conservative Citizens, is an American political organization that supports a large variety of conservative and paleoconservative causes in addition to white separatism.[58]
Creativity Alliance, (formerly known as the World Church of the Creator) is a white supremacist political organization that advocates the racialist religion, Creativity. Mainly religious rather than political, the radical Creativity Alliance or Church of Creativity, founded by Ben Klassen in 1973, worships the white race itself rather than any deity, and advocates a radical form of white supremacism known as RAHOWA.
EURO, is a white separatist organization in the United States. Led by former Louisiana state representative and presidential primary candidate David Duke, it was founded in 2000.[59][60]
Hammerskins, also known as Hammerskin Nation, are a white supremacist group formed in 1988 in Dallas, Texas. Their primary focus is the production and promotion of white power rock music, and many white power bands have been affiliated with the group.
Ku Klux Klan, often abbreviated KKK and informally known as The Klan, is the name of three distinct past and present right-wing[61] organizations in the United States, which have advocated extremist reactionary currents such as white supremacy and nationalism. The Klan is classified as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.[62] It is estimated to have between 5,000 and 8,000 members, split among dozens of different organizations that use the Klan name as of 2012.[63]
National Alliance, is a white supremacist political organization. It was founded by William Luther Pierce, and is based in the Pierce family's compound in Hillsboro, West Virginia.
National Association for the Advancement of White People, is a white supremacist organization in the United States incorporated on December 14, 1953 in Delaware by Bryant Bowles which presents itself as a civil rights organization such as the NAACP.
National Policy Institute, is a think tank based in Augusta, Georgia in the United States. It describes itself as the right's answer to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
National Socialist Movement (United States), a party founded in 1974. Since 2005 the party has become very active, staging many marches and demonstrations.
National Vanguard, was an American National Socialist organization based in Charlottesville, Virginia, founded by Kevin Alfred Strom and former members of the National Alliance.
Nationalist Movement, is a Mississippi-based, white supremacist organization that advocates what it calls a "pro-majority" position. It has been called white supremacist by the Associated Press and Anti-Defamation League, among others.[64][65]
Occidental Quarterly, is a printed far-right quarterly journal with a web segment, TOQ Online, including interviews, essays and reviews on the website.[66]
The Order, or Brüder Schweigen ("Silent Brotherhood") was a white supremacist Revolutionary organization founded by Robert Jay Mathews, active 1983-1984, probably best known for the 1984 murder of talk show host Alan Berg. Berg's killing was to be the first in a planned series of assassinations, followed by attacks on the United States government, all meant to bring about a race war which would result in fulfillment of White Separatist ideals (see Northwest Territorial Imperative).
Pacifica Forum, is a controversial discussion group in Eugene, Oregon, United States. It has been listed as a white nationalist[67] hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
Phineas Priesthood, is a Christian Identity movement that opposes interracial intercourse, the mixing of races, homosexuality, and abortion. It is also marked by its anti-Semitism, anti-multiculturalism, and opposition to taxation.
Volksfront, describes itself as an international fraternal organization for persons of European descent.[68] It has been called "neo-Nazi" and a "racist-skinhead group" in press reports.[69][70][71] The Anti-Defamation League has called the group "one of the most active skinhead groups in the United States."[72] The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has added Volksfront to its list of hate groups.[73]
White Aryan Resistance, is a neo-Nazi white supremacist organization founded and led by former Ku Klux Klan leader Tom Metzger.[74]


Mtard in all his glory.
Tue Aug 15 13:11:07
""Nazi" is such a misleading term. Not everyone in that march would describe themselves as A neo Nazi. And their politics would prove them not as neo Nazi. Terming them all as Nazis is like saying everyone in the BLM marches are part of the black panther org. Or antifa. A"

Goose stepping, Nazi flags and salutes, Nazi arm bands... seems pretty Nazi to me.

And even if people in that crowd don't specifically consider themselves neo Nazis, the fact that they readily will go demonstrate with Nazis tells you that the distinction isn't really that important.
Tue Aug 15 16:21:27
Why are nazis even allowed to parade with nazi flags and arm bands? Didn't they disqualify themselves from ever again participating in politics and such like 70 years ago?

What if ISIS decide to parade with flags on the streets? and if they ran over people with a car, would Trump then accuse the other side for the violence?
Tue Aug 15 17:02:50
Us nazis are really really nice people when you get to know us well, you just have to get past the idea that we hate you all, and want to kill you.

the best idea is that you stay over there and live your life however you want, and us nazis will stay over here, and not give a crap about anyone else.

that seems more than fair to me.
Wed Aug 16 05:54:08
IMO those that join and participate in any of these groups that cry foul about how they are oppressed are useless oxygen thieves.

If they got off their asses and worked toward improving their lives in what ever way they could. The rest would take care of itself.

They all are made up of one common denominator. They want to blame their situation in life on someone else. It is much easier to take that path rather than face the fact that they are too fucking lazy to fix themselves.

That should cover them all from the NAACP to the Nazis and everyone in between.
Wed Aug 16 08:33:54
The "alt right" or far right is a violent war ideology that cannot be reconciled with peaceful civil society, just like terrorism. It's core is enraged activism against a perceived enemy, having an enemy is it's essence.

Wed Aug 16 08:34:08
Wed Aug 16 08:35:09
* its
Anarchist Prime
Wed Aug 16 11:06:38
"More tolerance for Nazis"

Anarchist Prime
Wed Aug 16 12:52:56
Anarchist Prime
Wed Aug 16 14:34:01
Yair Netanyahu says leftists more dangerous than neo-Nazis

Echoing Trump, PM’s son claims ‘thugs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter are getting stronger’ while Nazis are a thing of the past

Wed Aug 16 14:47:17
Nazism is alive and well in Israel.

Wed Aug 16 14:59:48
Probably why Trump can't denounce Nazis. He would make Netanyahu and the Zionists angry and would be forced to resign as potus.
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