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Utopia Talk / Politics / These SJWs have gone too far
Tue Aug 15 07:25:10
BOSTON (AP) — The New England Holocaust Memorial in Boston has been vandalized for the second time this summer.


It could be just the liqour talking, but these sjw's neo nazis are just like isis tryinf to erase history. Its like they dont want to believe the holocaust happened! I am the rage!
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Aug 15 07:26:48

Hear! Hear!

Tue Aug 15 07:37:57
99% of conservatives would condemn this if you asked them about it. Although personally, I've always thought that this particular memorial is rather tacky in design. Plus it's in the middle of a major street, so its kind of hard to engage in solemn contemplation when the noise of automobile traffic is right next to you. So I'm not shedding any tears over this.
Tue Aug 15 07:40:04
A 17 year old from Malden eh. Pretty edgy dude.
Tue Aug 15 07:50:45
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