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Utopia Talk / Politics / 6 months in, no wall yet
The Children
Sat Aug 12 15:42:01
meanwhile we have bridges, brides, roads, roads, trains, trains, superior modern buildings, superior buildings, even artificial islands, bitches.


YEAAAA!!! look at how gigantic and how industrial. amazing. look at the size of that, the people look like antsa, so small in comparison.

yeaaaa superpower, bitches!

industrial revolution, makes u look like an ant.
The Children
Sat Aug 12 15:44:16
The Children
Sat Aug 12 15:45:23
look at the size of that thing lololol

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Aug 12 15:59:48

Meanwhile, the Akashi Kaikyō Bridge has been the longest suspension bridge in the world since 1998.

What took you so long to catch up?

The Children
Sat Aug 12 16:06:53
we have constant development. its called industrial revolution. meanwhile i see nottin in ur country. u must be jokin me with that shit.

old tales. thats what u gonna show me. lol
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