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Utopia Talk / Politics / race war in Charlottesville
the wanderer
Sat Aug 12 10:40:10
there's some protest against a Robert E. Lee statue coming down or other issues... lots of people with white shields w/ black X's

not sure if they officially are a white nationalist group or CNN just calling them that :p

there's been some scuffling w/ counter protesters already

Sat Aug 12 10:42:38
White Nationalists had planned their event in advance and this was the reaction.

I am sure Rugian will claim disenfranchisement.
Sam Adams
Sat Aug 12 11:25:40
Nazis and antifa. What could go wrong?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Aug 12 11:27:38

I hope Aeros is on his way there so he can settle the differing issues peaceably.

Sat Aug 12 11:39:31
Nah I dont give a shit about the Nazis or the Antifa
Sat Aug 12 12:00:09
Somehow I think even after this statue is removed, antifa will find something else that makes them feel oppressed.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Aug 12 12:14:03

But, Aeros. You are needed there.

Sat Aug 12 13:20:24
Shit just got real. Someone plowed their car through a counter protestor crowd.
Sat Aug 12 13:28:56
Maybe it was ISIS.
Sat Aug 12 13:32:50
Sat Aug 12 11:39:31
Nah I dont give a shit about the Nazis or the Antifa

The Nazis are fighting to keep the statue of Robert E Lee though. You want to keep the statue of Robert E Lee. You have common cause with them. Why would you abandon your natural allies in this cause?
Sat Aug 12 13:33:28
The Nazi's don't give a shit about the lee statue. Its a convenient platform.
Sat Aug 12 13:36:46
"Some protesters who came for the "Unite the Right" rally were armed and dressed in military-like clothing, while others wore shirts with Nazi symbols and quotes from Adolf Hitler. Another read "diversity is just a genocidal scam."


Souds like some of these protesters are critical of the liberal gender- and race theory?
Sat Aug 12 13:39:27
The car in question driving into the crowd:

Sat Aug 12 13:40:42
Hit and run, classic Nazi tactic. I'm being sarcastic. It's funny that a white Nazi is gonna adapt the tactics of Muslims from Ethiopia.
the wanderer
Sat Aug 12 13:45:15
or unrelated asian woman driver
Sat Aug 12 13:46:43
What happened with the driver? Has he been caught?

Have they arrested his family?

I'm guessing there will be a huge investigation now on how the terrorist was radicalized and if he got friends who are radicalized too.
Sat Aug 12 13:48:19
Mountme once again lifts his ass up as offering to the SJ cause.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Aug 12 14:22:52

Aeros - The Nazi's don't give a shit about the Lee statue. It's a convenient platform.

It's more than that. It is a symbol of a period of United States History. It needs to be preserved for that reason alone.

I doubt the Nazis's are thinking of history though.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

~George Santayana

That is the goal of the Antifa.

large member
Sat Aug 12 14:25:02
Emperor of Japan, November 1941: All options are on the table.

Yah, we prolly should not forget history.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Aug 12 14:33:57

An ineffectual Emperor is not the same as enslaving a race of people.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Aug 12 14:35:00

But, as a symbol of history, he'll do.

Sat Aug 12 14:46:34
I don't support these guys at all. However it's worth noting if it was a march of thousands of black people demanding superiority to white people, the freak out would be much less, if any.
Sat Aug 12 14:47:52
Rofl, fake news pontificater, "do you feel like you condemned the white supremacists strong enough?"

Pretty sure there is nothing Trump could say that would derail the narrative they want to create.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Aug 12 14:49:43

Good point.

Such is the necessity of being mindful of hurt feelings.

Thanks to Political Correctness.

The Children
Sat Aug 12 14:59:12
who rammed into who?
Sat Aug 12 15:00:54
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Aug 12 14:22:52


This is such a weirdly befuddled argument. What are you even trying to say? "We'll forget our history without statues and then antifa wins"....what?

Member Sat Aug 12 14:46:34
I don't support these guys at all. However, [justification supporting these guys by virtue of the hypocrisy of that boogeyman reverse racism]

Any time you find yourself saying "I don't support Nazis in any way shape or form but they do kind of have a point on this one teensy thing" you should spend some time pondering what you actually do support and why you have common cause with such a group.

To all the UPers who find themselves with a curious overlap, I say go to a meeting. Maybe it's just an organization that gets a bad rap in the liberal media. Follow your convictions bravely wherever they may lead.
Sat Aug 12 15:12:30
Chuck apparently thinks the world is black and white, how quaint.
Sat Aug 12 15:14:31
One dead, 19 wounded.

Is the driver still at large? Are the police even searching for the driver and his accomplices?
Sat Aug 12 15:16:44
You could have ended that sentence at "Chuck apparently thinks" and you'd have made all the distinction that needed to be made.

From rebelling against liberal cultural relativism to lecturing me on shades of gray as they pertain to Nazis. My, my.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Aug 12 15:20:18

My last three posts were for Hrothgar.

chuck, the statue represents a period of history. That is its inherent purpose.

But, the whites care nothing about the history they just want to subjugate the blacks. Both sides are being manipulated.

You should really pay more attention to what is going on in our schools. Those in power have been deleting or rewriting history for decades.

I bought a book yesterday.

'Lies My Teacher Told Me', by Janes W. Lowen. The subtitle, 'Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong'.

If you get a chance you might want to pick up a copy, you might find it interesting. I know I'm looking forward to reading it.

Is that clearer?

Sat Aug 12 15:20:36
Chuck thinks a sentence is a lecture.
Sat Aug 12 15:23:07
Nazis oppose black on white racism, automatically means black. On white racism is A-OK according to Chuck.

Can't side with the Nazis!
Sat Aug 12 15:26:57
I'm also gonna put down a 25 percent chance the driver was black looking to get a gang rival, knowing everyone would assume it was a whitey. Similar to during the Ferguson riots(?) When that black teen got shot and everyone assumed it was a cop, but turned out to be a black rival gangster.
Sat Aug 12 15:27:06
"Lies My Teacher Told Me"

Read it 10 or 12 years ago. It might not be what you're expecting but it's a short read. Enjoy.
Sat Aug 12 15:29:23
Is the statue going to be destroyed or are they just moving it to someplace else?
Sat Aug 12 15:33:04
Sat Aug 12 15:26:57
I'm also gonna put down a 25 percent chance the driver was black looking to get a gang rival [blathering]

That is too insane to be an actual viewpoint. Way to shift into "haha I trolled u" mode when you couldn't make your point stand on its own though. Shades of gray.
Sat Aug 12 15:38:01
"Those in power have been deleting or rewriting history for decades."

Who has been in power for decades?
Sat Aug 12 15:38:16
One witness already said the driver was white.
Sat Aug 12 15:38:38
Chuck, you think Nazis are bad and therefore all things about them are bad. That's a frankly childish view on them and I don't see a reason I should argue with you about it. It's be like arguing with my 8 year old niece who doesn't understand that things are more complex than the star wars movies she loves so much.
Sat Aug 12 15:39:57
That witness is lying, the windows were tinted out. They also lied when that black gangster was shot, they initially claimed it was a cop because that's what they do. They twist the system to their advantage because they come from an amoral segment of society.
large member
Sat Aug 12 15:40:17
I was just pointing to the irony of "a day that will live on in infamy" attitude to pearl harbour when it is policy for the US today to leave all options on the table and refusing to discuss plans to attack a country before actually attacking the country.
Sat Aug 12 15:42:22
Honestly, been taken on too many rides by the type of people who show up at these sort of protests. They tend to be violent criminals looking for a reason to fight. These whites, however, don't have a history of public violence and tend to have jobs, families and mortgages, which means they don't want to be fighting on broad daylight.
Sat Aug 12 15:42:23
"... white Nazi is gonna adapt the tactics of Muslims from Ethiopia. "

Yeah I know, its like that the IRA or the likes of Timothy McVeigh types never thought of this before. It's purely a cultural thing.... but I am retarded.
Sat Aug 12 15:43:27
Much less running people down in an easily identifiable car with dozens of cameras around. I'm not saying it's likely it is a black, but I'm saying it isn't insane and I wouldn't be shocked if it turned out to be more black on black crime.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sat Aug 12 15:43:32

This book is 6" X 9 1/4" and 434 pages. Might be a different book or before it was updated in 2005.

Hardly a short read.

Some of the chapters are titled:

the truth about the first Thanksgiving.

John Brown and Abraham Lincoln: The Invisibility of Racism.

The Land of Opportunity.

Watching Big Brother: What Textbooks Teach About The Federal Government.

The 13th and final chapter is, What is the Result of Teaching History Like This?

Maybe I will Read it first.

Sat Aug 12 15:43:35
"That witness is lying, the windows were tinted out."

Tinted windows does not mean you cannot see. My god.

Sat Aug 12 15:44:25
I am so retarded I think if I have tinted windows, I can't see out. Maybe that is why the driver drove into the crowd, he couldn't see them.
Sat Aug 12 15:44:40
Sat Aug 12 15:45:53
The Windows are blacked out.. did you not watch the video?

Anyways, they have him arrested so we will see of its a white or black soon enough.
Sat Aug 12 15:48:48
Windows are tinted and you can see inside of it, if you are close enough. The witness interviewed stated he was close enough to get a look and make a determination. The witness can be wrong. But do not be stupid enough to think that you are unable to see inside of a vehicle that has windows tinted.

Sat Aug 12 15:49:45
Sat Aug 12 15:42:22
"Nazis have mortgages too"

That's, uhh, that's a good look for you bud.
Sat Aug 12 15:50:28
Well, you have your name for a reason. You are technically correct. If you are close enough to a blacked out window, cup your hands around your eyes and the window you will be able to see inside. But if a car is coming 40 mph at you, you probably would get close enough to see through. Giving you the benefit of common sense was my biggest mistake.
Sat Aug 12 15:51:24
Chuck doesn't like that neo nazis are tax paying citizens. He wants everything about them to be bad. This hurts his world view and safe space mentality.
Sat Aug 12 15:53:05
Also, remember, I'm the 2nd most racist member of this forum. I got to stick to my color.
Sat Aug 12 15:56:13
No, you're just being stupid to believe you can't see inside a tinted window. Unless it was limo tint, which could be, but we are seeing it from a TV so we are not getting the view as those who were FUCKING THERE, may have gotten a better look.

I am going to tend to trust more the people who were there more so than a retarded on the forums who has a history or being stupid and notoriously wrong on various topics of discussions for years.
Sat Aug 12 15:57:00
"More so than a retard on the forums..."
Sat Aug 12 16:00:55
You don't seem to live in an area where people black out their windows.
Sat Aug 12 16:03:39
Or maybe you don't know what blacked out means, considering you think only limos do it.
Sat Aug 12 16:06:09
Dude, my windows are tinted on my explorer. Depending on how tinted you have them, how close proximity you are to a vehicle that that has them and of legal tint, unless limo tent. You can still see inside a vehicle. Especially on the front window, typically it is only the strip as it would be illegal to have the entire front window tinted.

My god, you are fucking stupid.
Sat Aug 12 16:07:48
And btw, the front window was not tinted.
Sat Aug 12 16:24:04

so tinted, no way I saw that dashboard or that hand on the steering wheel. But remember, I am retarded.
Sat Aug 12 16:33:17
So much gold in this thread. My God, it's full of stars.

"Nazis have mortgages too"
"Limo tint? Mother fucker that wasn't a limo"
"The world is not black and white. Now what will it be, Nazis or safe spaces?"
"It was probably gang land violence"

A virtuouso display of weapons-grade stupidity was on display here this day. I fear we may never^H^H^H^H^H see it's kind again.
Sat Aug 12 16:39:40
Do neo nazis not have mortgages and jobs? Are they not tax payers? Why are you pretending like it is stupid to state that neo nazis are lawful citizens.

Never said it was a limo, i didn't see the front of the car. Every other window is blacked out, which is what I was stating but trolly didn't realize it. 25% chance = probably.
Sat Aug 12 16:39:51
"He wants everything about them to be bad. "

I'm so retarded that I think neo-nazies are good.
Sat Aug 12 16:41:23
Trolly seemed to want to believe the cars windows weren't blacked out. Which is what I repeatedly stated. Again, I didn't see the front windshield, but every other window was blacked out which was my point from the get go.
Sat Aug 12 16:41:34
"Never said it was a limo, i didn't see the front of the car. Every other window is blacked out, which is what I was stating but trolly didn't realize it. "

You unbelievable fucking cunt. I stated a witness had stated he saw the driver, you responded with;

"That witness is lying, the windows were tinted out."

Sat Aug 12 16:43:16
Rofl. I just realized how much of a meltdown Chuck and this troll account have gone into. Literally everything I've said is common sense, yes, neo nazis aren't pure evil. Yet you guys can't dispute that so instead you want to frame it as me saying Nazis are good people. I'm simply stating they aren't pure evil, they have stupid world views but contribute to society in a way antifa doesn't.
Sat Aug 12 16:43:28
"Trolly seemed to want to believe the cars windows weren't blacked out. "


"Which is what I repeatedly stated. Again, I didn't see the front windshield, but every other window was blacked out which was my point from the get go."

Refer to my previous post. God, you are so fucking stupid. Also refer "Has a history of being notoriously wrong on various topics of discussion for years."

And here you are trying to twist this. Pretty fucking sad, dude.

Sat Aug 12 16:44:04
What do you think tinted out means? Honest question. Are you simply feigning ignorance or did you really believe "tinted out" meant "mildly tinted"?
Sat Aug 12 16:45:14
" just realized how much of a meltdown Chuck and this troll account have gone into"

I am realizing how fucking sad you are by stating an outright lie and twist what was said about the tinted windows where you were wrong. Again. As usual. Weren't you the one that stated Trump wasn't under Federal Investigation? Yeah, that was you.
Sat Aug 12 16:46:41
Have you literally been pretending I said something I didn't because you wanted to troll? Or did you actually conclude that "tinted out" meant "slightly tinted" all while arguing your point without once looking at pictures of the car and ignoring the numerous times I told you "the windows are blacked out"?
Sat Aug 12 16:47:28
Trolly, I wasn't referring to you. You clearly don't know what blacked out or tinted out means. Your ignorance or stupidity is forgiven.
Sat Aug 12 16:49:54
Mtard, I already addressed the varying degrees of tint.

But let's review;

Mtard: "That witness is lying, the windows were tinted out. "

Me: "You can still see through tinted windows, unless limo tint."

Mtard: "I'm talking about being blacked out!!!"

Me: "limo tent, yadda, yadda yadda."


Me: "You can still see through tint, unless yadda yadda yadda, front window tint, illegal, yadda yadda yadda."


Me: "Tint at vary, still can see through it, unless."

Sat Aug 12 16:50:17
State police helicopter crashed.
Sat Aug 12 16:51:30
And then, let us not forget that mtardnado posted a pic of the car, which shows not only the windows 'tinted' but that the front window can be specifically seen through, which pretty much destroys your claim; "WITNESS CANT SEE TINTED WINDOWS!"

Eat a dick.
Sat Aug 12 16:52:37
@Aero probably had tinted out windows and couldn't see.

I hope there were no fatalities however.
Sat Aug 12 16:52:39
Yes, trolly, you ignorant slut. You kept talking about various degrees of tint. I wasn't discussing various degrees of tint. I stated the cars windows were tinted out, blacked out. You, like the moron you are, seem to believe that by framing it as "haha we were discussing tint in general not a specific car" is somehow making you look like less of a fool. The cars windows, save the windshield, were B/O.
Sat Aug 12 16:57:15
Here we ago again. Mtard trying to save face since he was caught being wrong again because he is a retard.

And I stated that you can still see through tint, which you claimed is practically too difficult to do, unless you get up to the car and place the hands on it to see. Which I am disagreeing with you as it depends on the degree of tint it has.

Yet, you still stick with "tinted out, black out" over and over like a broken record where you also wrongly claimed the witness was lying.

Regardless if the front window was not tinted or not or other windows were tinted out, which is a fucking vague terminology as it is. It is still POSSIBLE that a person could still see through a tinted window.

This is epic levels of fucking stupidity right now as was said.
Sat Aug 12 16:57:53
So yes, I question the validity of a single witness, out of dozens, claiming it was whitey from a car which had several windows tinted out. Again, I am not saying it is probable. But it isn't "insane" to say there is a chance it isnt a white KKK member.
Sat Aug 12 16:58:23
Tinted out is vague. Rofl.
Sat Aug 12 16:59:12
And you literally are doing exactly what I predicted you would do.

"We were obviously talking about tint in general, not about the tint job on a specific car".

God you are so predictable.
Sat Aug 12 16:59:18
I even also said, that we weren't there in person so that us saying we couldn't see as it was being portrayed on TV because it may not be as clear to us as a viewer, versus a person who was physically there, again entirely possible for them to get a good look versus your "the witness was lying...derp!"
Sat Aug 12 17:00:13
You are stupid. Difficult to take you seriously at this point.
Sat Aug 12 17:02:04
I mean, you clearly didn't even watch the videos. His windows are blacked out, save the windshield which I didn't see.

Also, I'll hedge. Not blacking out the front windshield is in keeping with the law, therefore that 25 percent figure I predicted has dropped to 10 percent.
Sat Aug 12 17:02:05
"But it isn't "insane" to say there is a chance it isnt a white KKK member."

Never disputed that. Regardless if the driver was white, black, Asian, Hispanic, Arabic. My declarative for your small mind.

"Witness said the driver was white."

You couldn't handle this concept for whateverthefuck reason.

"Tinted out is vague. Rofl. "

Any car that has any degree of tint would be classified as 'tinted out' you retard. Learn to deduce.

"God you are so predictable. "

God you're so retarded.

Sat Aug 12 17:02:53
"Limo tint"
Sat Aug 12 17:05:17
"You are stupid. Difficult to take you seriously at this point. "

You are retarded and stupid and cannot grasp the concept that windows that are 'tinted out' can still be seen through, again, as I said before based upon the degree.

"I mean, you clearly didn't even watch the videos. His windows are blacked out, save the windshield which I didn't see. "

How did I not see the video, when I referred at the beginning that you have the front window as a possibly unless I was tinted all the way to which it would be illegal to do so. Holy fucking shit dude, quit while you are NOT ahead.

"Also, I'll hedge. Not blacking out the front windshield is in keeping with the law, therefore that 25 percent figure I predicted has dropped to 10 percent. "

You're just wrong. On the premise of you calling the witness a liar.

gtfo clownshoe
Sat Aug 12 17:05:25
"Its retarded to repeatedly state a fact because I didn't understand that fact because I purposely chose to not look into the issue I was arguing" - mctrollister.
Sat Aug 12 17:06:31
lmao limo tint


Because Mtard never heard of this before.
Sat Aug 12 17:06:33
You actually think I was arguing about tint jobs in general and not talking about the fucking car that plowed into the crowd. How the hell do you operate in real life?
Sat Aug 12 17:07:33
"Tinted out is very vague" trolly.
Sat Aug 12 17:07:52
"I am retarded and always stupid and retarded and then get hit with facts like hot rod and now I am trying to turn and twist it when I said the witness was lying and then got shown a picture or cannot believe that people can see through tinted windows, I mean how can you see out if the car has tinted windows to drive, this is inconceivable." -Mtard
Sat Aug 12 17:09:01
"Sat Aug 12 17:06:33
You actually think I was arguing about tint jobs in general and not talking about the fucking car that plowed into the crowd. How the hell do you operate in real life? "

You brought up tint....

"Witness is lying windows tinted out derp derp derp"

You may want to ask the latter about yourself, mtard.
Sat Aug 12 17:09:33
'I don't know what tinted out means' -mtard
Sat Aug 12 17:09:34
Rofl, I literally stated I didn't see the front windshield before and as such lowered my percentage of it not being whitey.
Sat Aug 12 17:10:05
You literally made a claim without getting any facts because you're retarded.
Sat Aug 12 17:10:16
Lol. Trolly.
Sat Aug 12 17:10:49
Sat Aug 12 17:12:47
I don't even know what to say. You are in full meltdown mode now claiming the term I used means something else without any proof or evidence. Have a drink or take a pill before you give yourself a stroke.
Sat Aug 12 17:13:29
You're stupid.
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