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Utopia Talk / Politics / Game of thrones:Spoils of war
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ | Sun Aug 06 00:49:22 In 50 mins Danny fights back. Queen Cersai's evil twin faces an expected situation in the old American Soutwest. Arya comes home. Bran vs Peyter in crepo match. *ok I'll now watch the illegal copy on reddit. HOLY SHIT!!! the last scence was the best sequence ever better than any movie even. FUCKING AWESOME!!! |
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ | Sun Aug 06 00:51:42 Our new theme song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xUrzzRWmNY |
Member | Sun Aug 06 06:32:41 I started to look for the stolen episode online, but it just seems like too much effort. I can wait one day |
Member | Sun Aug 06 12:11:10 I really like the beginning of the episode where Bronn asks Jaime, "Queen of thorns give ya one last prick in the balls before saying good bye"? Lol soo savage. Bravos bank gets all the cash from High Garden. I guess Mycroft Holmes runs Bravos as well as the British Empire. Dude is waay smarter than Sherlock. Bran seriously needs a medical doctor "Im not reall Bran anymore I'm the three eyed raven". What nonsense. I really dont understand why Bran gets a huge welcome to Winterfell and then Arya gets treated like shite when she tries to stroll in. Her and Sanza meeting up again is nice. Bran gave Littlefingers sweet Valyrian steel dagger to Arya. Now all the Starks know about Aryas list. Shes gonna run outta names soon. Cersei gonna get it. Lolol finaaally Brienne say's "Thank you Podrick" she gonna get that Podridick soon dont forget he left all them high class hoes allll tired. Dude knows how to D down for sure. And what is up with Jon and Daenarys looking at the Native American petroglyphs? Sooo romantic. But the petroglyphs are lit af and they depict the Children of the Forest fighting alongside Humans against the ice zombies. I guess humans killed them all off after that. Typical. Children of the Forest = Native Americans. Also im pretty sure in the petroglyphs I spotted a vagina a swastika and a dick. John gonna bend dat knee. I was really hoping he would kill reek when he shows up to dragon island but nooo, fricken goody two shoes. Reek needs to die already. Seeing him offends me and he is turning into reek again. The way that Arya schools Brienne of Tarth at sword fighting is really something to see. And who'd have thought that Samwell Tarley was way more experienced at war than his brother who gets to be lord? And seeing the Lannisters get ambushed and completely wrecked by Dothraki and Daenarys and her dragon is something I been waiting to see for years. Geez the Dothraki about to lay the smack down on all of Westeros like the Mongols rolled everyone. Jaime Lannister is a pos but he is just braver than Grey worm. Seriously? charging a dragon on a horse? Crazy af. Hopefully he cuts his armor off before the next episode. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Aug 06 19:25:24 This is a shame. I'm guessing Billah just spammed more spoilers in his immature fashion (wouldn't this be a person in his 30s by now?), and I stopped reading "Im better then you"'s first post when it was clear he had watched the leaked episode... so it looks like parts of UP can't help themselves with this sort of information? From the news links it sounds like just *this* week's episode was leaked, though? So Billah probably won't have anything to say next week unless he wants to copy and paste more prediction theories from Reddit, as he's done before. With the episode airing in 30min, guess it's just an hour and a half before he's irrelevant again ;p |
Member | Sun Aug 06 19:40:10 Ibty avoided spoilers. Billah wrote up the entire episode. |
Member | Sun Aug 06 20:58:24 Fight scene was pretty great. |
Member | Sun Aug 06 20:58:36 Billah's been pulling this horseshit for years (as CC pointed out, isn't he in his 30s by now?). It's why I categorically ignore his posts whenever I see them. I suggest that everyone else here do the same. |
Member | Sun Aug 06 21:00:54 Was a great episode though. "Billah's been pulling this horseshit for years" I think what you meant to say is: Reek gonna Reek. |
Member | Sun Aug 06 21:04:33 Was a good episode I agree, it was too short though. If you're going to truncate your seasons to 7 episodes per, I demand 70 minutes minimum. This ~46 minute shit is pure faggotry. It was enjoyable though. Also Reek has much sack to be Billah Muhammad, that worthless Albuquerque cuckold. |
Hot Rod
Revved Up | Sun Aug 06 21:13:22 Two more weeks and 'The last Ship' starts its fourth season. |
Member | Sun Aug 06 22:06:53 Damn, the tension and suspense built up with the impending dothraki horde was fucking amazing. |
Member | Sun Aug 06 22:19:08 It's good to be the dragon queen. |
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ | Sun Aug 06 23:09:35 IRL Jamie would have drowned. |
Member | Sun Aug 06 23:18:53 Nah, Jaime makes a good PoW. At the very least, Dany's people fish him out for leverage. |
Member | Sun Aug 06 23:32:38 He will live minus one gold hand which will be fished out by a midget in the coming age! |
smart dude
Member | Sun Aug 06 23:46:11 "Two more weeks and 'The last Ship' starts its fourth season." fuck off, this thread isn't about that |
Member | Mon Aug 07 01:36:21 20 minutes of the tensest GoT ever. Aegon lost a dragon and a wife to a Dornish scorpion. The precedent is there. And goddamn I thought we were about to lose Bronn when Drogon landed. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Aug 07 01:50:48 Wow!! Very cool episode! Super tense battle. +1 obaminated's comment about the Dothraki build-up beforehand. I was most worried when Bronn was on the launcher.. half-expected some random Dothraki to stab him before he could fire. And getting to watch the gears turn in Jaime's head... very cool. Sort of like the soldier's duty kicked in.. he had to try.. and before that, his reactions to the dragon, to seeing his soldiers turned to ash, and to seeing a live Targaryen were great (wouldn't Danny be the first Targaryen Jaime has seen since killing her father?) And was that Bronn or the Tarly boy who pushed Jaime? Looked like Bronn was ready for a quick escape on that white horse, so it could go either way (or maybe my copy wasn't clear enough and a better copy showed who it was?). Based on the timing of the fire I have to agree with McKobb (think this was McKobb's meaning anyway): probably they'll think Jaime is dead (will find his gold hand), but Jaime will have stripped his armor and swum down stream. I don't think he'll be captured (do the Dothraki bother with prisoners?). Either way, he'll be okay for now .. I hope :p The cave scene was a nice touch. I expected Jon to bend the knee right on the spot. And a game-on for the incest? ;D Was also nice that they pointed out that the gold had already been secured, so Cersei's plans get to continue. All the food burned, though? That's not good for *anyone*, lol... And Bran seems to be strategically withholding the dagger's history.. so maybe he'll let Littlefinger make another move as part of a bigger plan.. (because Littlefinger arranged the assassin, right?) So good!! :D ..but yeah, they really need to watch the pacing. I think they managed the important stuff well, but longer episodes would do the show justice. At least they didn't flash forward a month between the last episode, as they seemed to have done between E2 and E3.. .. [Rugian]: "It's why I categorically ignore his posts whenever I see them. I suggest that everyone else here do the same." Yeah I'm there now :/ Had to do the same with Seb.. kind of sucks to basically block someone, but it was well-earned. I see now that ibty didn't spoil, so that's good. The Internet in general is awful when GoT is in season. Even searching for a character's name is dangerous because the top result might say something like "[character you searched for] is dead???" Google should have a clickbait filter ;) |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Aug 07 03:26:09 Oh, after watching again, looks like the white horse that Bronn spotted is the same one that the Jaime-help rider was riding. Also looks like Bronn's leather gear as opposed to the young Tarly's big armor. |
large member | Mon Aug 07 03:35:48 Or it may be a mystery hero....tune in next week to see. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 07:17:49 "do the Dothraki bother with prisoners?" I think the bigger question is does Dany take prisoners and does she take a Lannister prisoner, the one who killed her father, or put him down? I could imagine Tyrion really trying to get his brother spared. He actually still likes Jaime. Of course, that's assuming he gets found and doesn't get away. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 10:00:29 You got to give props to the Lannister Army. All through the series people have always commented about how Tywin turned his houses troops into the best military force on the Continent, but it was always just implied until now. I mean yeah, they got their shit pushed in, but they stood toe to toe with a dothraki horde and a fucking dragon without breaking ranks. Even trying to fight back to the point where they "nearly" nailed Drogon and Danaerys. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 11:35:04 I didn't think of that at the time, but you're right. Lannister Disc stats must be OP as fuck if they're still standing their ground even against Dany's 100 Shock rolls. If only she didn't also have those blasted +50 Maneuver and +200 Fire permabuffs. I swear, the v.8.01 White Walker expansion patch had better bring some serious balancing fixes, currently the Game is completely broken on that front. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 11:37:21 Good thing Dany is a 0/0/2 monarch, otherwise the Targyreans would be blobbing like crazy by now. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 12:53:31 Keep in mind this was the rear guard of the Lannisters army. So they not only stood their ground but they were dramatically outnumbered. At full force I could see them standing toe to toe with the dothraki. That dragon is way too powerful, however. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 12:56:22 Dany's plot armor is off the charts, because you don't need a scorpion to dispatch a girl in cloth robes. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 13:36:20 Did you miss the bits where she was in the sky on a dragon? |
Member | Mon Aug 07 13:55:25 In the sky, on a dragon that turned to protect her when archers fired up at her. And by the time she was on the ground, the battle was absolute chaos and the only Lannister who was ever going to mess with that dragon was Jaime. And he tried... So I wouldn't say that she really had any plot armor for this episode. Jaime took his shot. Dragon noticed him. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 14:03:12 Drowned God saves Jaime? Bronn is taken captive and reunites with Tyrion? When does Arya tell Sansa about the Freys? Arya kills Littlefinger with his own knife? Also Jaime will kill Cersei. She's gonna blow the city ala the mad king to keep it from Danny. Can the Iron Bank help Cersei wage war on Essos while Danny is occupied in Westros? |
Member | Mon Aug 07 14:22:51 The iron bank is gonna give Cersie a new loan and she will buy the golden company. Which is like 10k super well trained soldiers with war elephants. We will see how the dothraki do against charging war elephants. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 14:26:27 It's much cheaper to destroy the wall and distract everyone with the threat from the army of dead to the North. Also, dragons > war elephants. It'd be hard to protect charging war elephants with relatively immovable scorpions. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 14:32:29 How big are GOT elephants though.. Cause I am picturing elephant mounted scorpions. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 14:34:24 I really want to see the underwriting analysis that made the Iron Bank think Cersei was at all worth additional investment in. The Iron Throne just had to plunder the wealthiest of the Seven Kingdoms just to pay off its original debt obligation, and with the majority of the Kingdoms either in open rebellion or in anarchy, Cersei ain't meeting any DSCR requirements any time soon. Plus any available collateral is going up in smoke once the ice zombies breach the Wall in like three episodes. Venezuela would be a safer place to invest in than Westeros right now. (Also just remembered that the Iron Bank never got back its loan to Stannis. For someone who claims to be a teetotaler, Mycroft has all the fiscal restraint of a drunken Japanese businessman at a strip club.) |
Member | Mon Aug 07 14:37:03 The iron bank and Cersie don't know about the White Walkers or don't care? And i guess they assume Cersie will pay her debts. Dorne and the vale still have coffers after all. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 14:50:35 Good episode. I agree it was a short. I wanted to see more. They really need to start to mine that dragon glass now and make those weapons. I bet it is all done by the next episode though :P The battle was nice. But my experience with dragons and D&D games are that people panicks when they see a dragon, and they freeze when a dragon roars. I didn't see any of that. Jamie was like he was looking at bumblebee or something. Totally unaffected by the dragon. The soldiers was like, okay we gonna stay put and have a bbq. No one trembled out of fear, no one fled the battlefield. People should fear dragons. Even the mightiest hero takes precausion when encountering a dragon. Anyhow, when the war with the white walkers come, I hope it lasts for at least a full episode, and not like 3-5 minutes. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 15:01:18 For one second I thought that Daenarys was going to die this episode, the next second I totally expected Jamie to be fried or cut in half by a bite and his body thrown far up in the sky by that dragon. Didn't expect someone to save him like that. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 15:02:41 Just saying, it's pretty reckless to charge into an enemy with archers wearing robes. Luckily, Lanni archers only took one real shot at her, and the only guy taking a shot at her on the ground had one hand. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 15:09:47 Maybe the Lannisters had magic armor that gave them +4 on their saving throws vs dragons. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 15:11:59 Nicely done - given the bloodbath to date I fully expected either Jamie or Danarys to die. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 15:24:01 The one hand never became an issue. Dragon was ready to defend her once he got close. As for the archers, they could have repeated those shots for hours. The dragon would have just shown them his belly and prevented them from striking Dany. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 15:35:06 The one hand was already an issue, or he wouldn't be stuck making a mad spear charge. She was totally open to a shot when she was yanking the scorpion bolt, and an arrow is just a tiny bit faster than a horse. As for the archers, all it takes is one high shot. He might be a great goalie, but all it takes is one. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 15:37:03 From Billah's thread: "And what does "Death is a Ladder" mean?" He said "Chaos is a ladder". And Littlefinger froze and looked like he knew that Bran knows. Arya also exposed her skillz with her sword and dagger in front of Littlefinger. So Littlefinger will be more careful now and not dismiss her like she is a little girl only. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 16:24:56 "He said "Chaos is a ladder"." Chaos as a ladder is pretty much what Littlefinger has been playing this entire time. With enough chaos, with enough turnover, he who can avoid the conflict and navigate the chaos well enough will naturally ascend simply due to those higher than he having been killed off. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 16:26:17 So is Arya aware of Littlefinger's role in the red wedding? |
Member | Mon Aug 07 16:50:07 Maybe Bran gave the dagger to Arya because she is supposed to kill Littlefinger with it? |
Member | Mon Aug 07 17:07:50 Little Finger is a bit tol much like icarus. Hes rising too far too fast. Hes gonna get burned. |
Renzo Marquez
Member | Mon Aug 07 17:17:03 Cherub Cow Member Mon Aug 07 01:50:48 "And was that Bronn or the Tarly boy who pushed Jaime?" Definitely Bronn. Yung Tarls is a massive human being. He's a huge dude compared to Bronn and you would definitely be able to distinguish. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 17:22:08 Littlefinger had nothing to do with the red wedding. He did however betray Ned and Bran knows it but isn't revealing that yet. Maybe he needs littlefinger to stay a live for some purpose. Also, Jaime only had like 30 or 40 archers with him. Give him 300 or 400 archers who will fire in separate volleys and hitting Dany becomes very plausible. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Aug 07 17:56:53 [Paramount]: "He said "Chaos is a ladder". And Littlefinger froze and looked like he knew that Bran knows." Wait, I can't quite tell — do you guys not remember that speech? Billah obviously doesn't, but that's no surprise. I thought it was a super memorable speech (Hopefully this is it and not some weird edit; I can't check the sound at the moment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxlIraEV8n4 ). In case you don't remember: Bran was quoting Littlefinger *to* Littlefinger — a speech that Littlefinger delivered exclusively to Varys in private in front of the Iron Throne. This was after a failed attempt by Varys to use Ros as an informant against Littlefinger. Littlefinger discovered her deception and had her killed by Joffrey. This was also delivered after he had successfully trapped Sansa in King's Landing (thus making her reliant on Littlefinger for escape) by stopping her chances with Loras Tyrell (her last chance at a story-book wedding — Loras' being gay was entirely irrelevant to her perception of that). Littlefinger delivered this speech to revel in his control/success of/in the situation and his knowledge of the "Game of Thrones" metaphor. This was almost like Arya's time in Bravos — a key show moment that very quietly shows everything that this show is about. Back on track if you did remember: But yeah, Littlefinger, despite probably being super skeptical about magic, now has to consider that Bran somehow knows far more than he lets on and that Bran isn't just crazy. Bran did make a point to tell Littlefinger that he (Bran) would not attempt to become Lord of Winterfell, so that might get Bran off Littlefinger's kill list (since Sansa needs to be the only person with a claim to Winterfell, and Littlefinger needs to be her only suitor), but Littlefinger has said in the past that he also doesn't take chances with wild cards (especially not after Ramsay). Giving up the dagger will keep Bran safe enough until he can deliver his lineage message to Jon, but after that I'm guessing Bran will head somewhere else (into the roots of the family tree?). Littlefinger also got caught sizing up Arya's fighting abilities, so he's already making new plans... not sure if he considers Arya a threat or a wild dog that he can point in the right direction. Sansa looked pretty jealous (her siblings have all become cooler than her — a warg/psychic, a king/warrior, and now a younger sister who became stronger (or as strong as) Sansa's personal bodyguard), so Littlefinger could probably get Sansa to send Arya away.. .. [Paramount]: "people panicks when they see a dragon, and they freeze when a dragon roars. I didn't see any of that. Jamie was like he was looking at bumblebee or something. Totally unaffected by the dragon. The soldiers was like, okay we gonna stay put and have a bbq. No one trembled out of fear, no one fled the battlefield. People should fear dragons. Even the mightiest hero takes precausion when encountering a dragon." I have to disagree — I think they showed a *lot* of panic. Before the dragon showed up they showed Lannister soldiers shaking in fear just at the Dothraki. When the dragon showed up people started raising their spears like, "they're gonna give us the retreat order, right?", some of the lines folded and had to be commanded back into position. Jaime was in shock. They kept showing his view of soldiers in panic and on fire, he freaking out at the horror of this, the soldiers screaming in agony and jumping into the river (they showed a bald soldier dunking in the river — I couldn't tell if that was the older Tarly..). Other soldiers running in all directions. It seemed like the soldiers not near commanders were doing the worst. All this fear/panic happened while still showcasing how highly disciplined Lannister troops behave. Like those archers were terrified (when Jaime called them they were looking back and forth like, "we're gonna, um.. shoot a dragon?"), but they still raised arrows at a charging dragon when Jaime stood with them and gave them orders. Intense stuff — fear and discipline. ..I think obaminated, Aeros, etc. have it right about going "toe to toe" with the Dothraki — without dragons, the Dothraki might even be totally screwed. This was tough for the Dothraki even to charge foot soldiers while they used a pure cavalry force. If battle info gets back to King's Landing, Cersei will probably order that a crap-load of scorpions be built now that she has greater funds. .. [Paramount]: "They really need to start to mine that dragon glass now and make those weapons. I bet it is all done by the next episode though :P" Totes ;D .. Jon will have new dragon glass -lined armour, a bunch of swords, spears, and arrows with dragon glass bits forged into them, and will have sailed+marched back to Winterfell. This show is starting to look like a highlight reel of a bigger show that no one gets to see ;D .. [Rugian]: "I really want to see the underwriting analysis that made the Iron Bank think Cersei was at all worth additional investment in." Didn't she make her case? :D .. she did whatever it took to pay back her debt, and she did it within 2 weeks of the bank asking. A conqueror like Cersei is always good for the banks :D .. plus she's not charitable to the commoners like Danny. Cersei would just keep funneling the bank money until she can take over the bank itself (it's funny watching her suck up pride while biding her time with that banker — she's queen but still has to answer to a worm). .. [pillz]: "Can the Iron Bank help Cersei wage war on Essos while Danny is occupied in Westros?" That's a clever thought! Danny would probably freak out if she learned that Cersei was undermining all the good work that she left behind. .. [Pillz]: "How big are GOT elephants though.. Cause I am picturing elephant mounted scorpions." They'd have to be between realistic-size and LOTR-sized, right? Mobile (elephant) scorpions would make sense.. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Aug 07 18:07:44 [obaminated]: "Bran knows it but isn't revealing that yet. Maybe he needs littlefinger to stay a live for some purpose." That sounds right. Bran can probably just watch Littlefinger's future and make little changes that affect Littlefinger's decisions. Bran probably knew that keeping the dagger would cause his own death, so he gave it away, which forced Littlefinger to alter his plan. Why kill a master strategist when you can put his mind to use for your own manipulations? .. [Renzo]: "Definitely Bronn. Yung Tarls is a massive human being. He's a huge dude compared to Bronn and you would definitely be able to distinguish." True. Tarly would probably have been too slow to make it into the water too :p |
Member | Mon Aug 07 21:05:51 "..I think obaminated, Aeros, etc. have it right about going "toe to toe" with the Dothraki — without dragons, the Dothraki might even be totally screwed." Not with the army they mustered for that fight. They only had 3-4 men deep for a horde of charging horses. There were plenty of holes being punched into their line even without the dragon causing chaos. However, the full Lannister army? I don't think the Dothraki win that fight. If the Lannisters could properly mobilize, had several lines of spears and shields, proper archer support, they'd wipe a dragonless Dothraki army away. With the dragons, it would probably be more of a fair fight. |
Member | Mon Aug 07 21:44:55 So exciting, more leaks coming up: http://huffp.st/8rhCViL |
Member | Tue Aug 08 00:19:56 As has been stated, the fight was with the Lannister rear guard. The main body (and the gold to pay off the Iron Bank) had already made it to Kings Landing. Had it been the main army, Dany's impulsive attack may have turned into a fiasco. Especially if that Scorpion had hit Drogon in the head as opposed to the shoulder. Cercei is certainly going to be told at this point her new weapon is effective, so there will definitely be more then one the second go around. Dothraki also suck at siege warfare. Which means Dany is not going to be taking Kings Landing anytime soon. And winter is waiting for noone. |
Member | Tue Aug 08 09:59:05 Watch this video if you like GoT. It has got some nice lyrics. http://youtu.be/b6JIGyEEUT0 It feels weird to see Jamie, Reek, Ramsay etc outside of their roles in GoT. Like, do they really exist in the real world? Yeah I guess they do. |
smart dude
Member | Tue Aug 08 10:05:59 well that shatters my suspension of disbelief permanently. thanks. |
Member | Tue Aug 08 18:02:57 I wish Dany would die already. She's unfit to lead and is going loco like her daddy. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Aug 08 18:32:15 I was pretty excited by the possibility that Jaime would kill her in that scene. Because it would be like, "deal with *that*, fuckers" ;D |
Member | Tue Aug 08 18:42:34 So why didn't she bring all three dragons with her, to slaughter Lannisters? Risk management? |
Member | Tue Aug 08 20:36:18 Within the universe, she can't expect the 2 dragons not being ridden to follow her/not attack her army by mistake. Out of universe, another 2 dragons during that assault would make it impossible for Bronn and Jaime to ever escape from that battle. |
Member | Tue Aug 08 20:57:06 Because when you scorch an army with a dragon, it sends a clear message that you aren't to be trifled with - and they know you've got two more. When you do it with three dragons, it sends the message that your dragons and Dothraki horde are going to scorch everything in their path. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Aug 08 21:19:57 [obaminated]: "Within the universe, she can't expect the 2 dragons not being ridden to follow her/not attack her army by mistake" That was my take. I'm guessing the dragons can intuit which things she wants burned, but maybe it's easier to coordinate precision attacks with just the one dragon. That is, she was being pretty careful to avoid hitting Dothraki, but maybe with three dragons flying around the dragons would just burn anything? It would be nice if they went into her connection with the dragons a little bit more. .. [pillz]: "and they know you've got two more." Always good to keep spares at home! :D |
Anarchist Prime | Tue Aug 08 21:28:45 "Always good to keep spares at home! :D" buts ya gadda use them at some point before you lose them. |
Member | Wed Aug 09 01:25:43 I bet Tyrion gets a dragon, no one else is as close to them as Daenaryus, and he has balls of steel, and is probably a Targareyan Bastard Imp. Here is Tyrion getting drunk and hugging the dragons under the pyramid lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SIbICzNrBo But according to the sweet leaks, Bran will just end up warging all the dragons at the same time through time and space. |
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