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Utopia Talk / Politics / Fake news - CNN edition
Mon Jun 26 22:19:41
Tue Jun 27 12:19:01
Tue Jun 27 14:14:02
Tue Jun 27 14:15:15
Okay so yoi had people resign for publishing wrong or false information that didnt fit journalistic standards and cnn acknowledged and retracted.

Tell me something that other news agencies never done be before?
Tue Jun 27 14:17:48
muh whataboutisms
Trolly McDick
Tue Jun 27 14:20:34
That literally made no sense.
Tue Jun 27 14:21:07
It didn't make any sense.
Tue Jun 27 14:31:16
This is called accountability
werewolf dictator
Tue Jun 27 15:19:39
msm russiagate fakenews part 999

after claiming russia hacked vermont power grid.. claiming russia hacked macron.. claiming russia hacked qatar.. peegate.. claiming russia hacked ukrainian artillery thus providing the key "evidence" for claim russia hacked dnc.. etc

usa has become even dumber since msm/government irrefutable slam dunk fakenews reporting before iraq war
Trolly McDick
Tue Jun 27 16:11:09
English must not be your first language.
werewolf dictator
Tue Jun 27 16:33:03

John Bonifield, CNN Producer Says Russia Narrative "Mostly bullshit right now"

"Get back to Russia," Says CEO Jeff Zucker

President Trump is Right About Witch Hunt, "No real proof"

Comes in Wake of CNN's Russia-Gate Retraction & New Rules on Russia Coverage

(NEW YORK) -- Project Veritas has released a video of CNN Producer John Bonifield who was caught on hidden-camera admitting that there is no proof to CNN's Russia narrative.

"I mean, it's mostly bullshit right now," Bonifield says. "Like, we don't have any giant proof."

He confirms that the driving factor at CNN is ratings:

"It's a business, people are like the media has an ethical phssssss... All the nice cutesy little ethics that used to get talked about in journalism school you're just like, that's adorable. That's adorable. This is a business."
Tue Jun 27 16:34:05
And they immediately resigned.

Meanwhile Hannity, Alex Jones, Breitbart, etc. keep spewing their shit after having been proven wrong multiple times.

Proof once again the alt-right brain istiny and lacking in critical thinking skills.
werewolf dictator
Tue Jun 27 16:38:55
dukhat ignores the long pattern of witchhunt russiagate fakenews stories and cnn just today admitting it's bullshit to attract ratings from dimwitted partisan hacks [like trolly and dukhat] who don't care about journalistic standards
Tue Jun 27 16:44:22

Did the "moonlanding was fake" roro just make claims about journalistic standards?
werewolf dictator
Tue Jun 27 16:44:52
glenn greenwald..



"BUT CNN IS hardly alone when it comes to embarrassing retractions regarding Russia. Over and over, major U.S. media outlets have published claims about the Russia Threat that turned out to be completely false — always in the direction of exaggerating the threat and/or inventing incriminating links between Moscow and the Trump circle. In virtually all cases, those stories involved evidence-free assertions from anonymous sources that these media outlets uncritically treated as fact, only for it to be revealed that they were entirely false."
werewolf dictator
Tue Jun 27 16:56:38
WHAT IS MOST notable about these episodes is that they all go in the same direction: hyping and exaggerating the threat posed by the Kremlin. All media outlets will make mistakes; that is to be expected. But when all of the “mistakes” are devoted to the same rhetorical theme, and when they all end up advancing the same narrative goal, it seems clear that they are not the byproduct of mere garden-variety journalistic mistakes.

There are great benefits to be reaped by publishing alarmist claims about the Russian Threat and Trump’s connection to it. Stories that depict the Kremlin and Putin as villains and grave menaces are the ones that go most viral, produce the most traffic, generate the most professional benefits such as TV offers, along with online praise and commercial profit for those who disseminate them. That’s why blatantly inane anti-Trump conspiracists and Russia conspiracies now command such a large audience: because there is a voracious appetite among anti-Trump internet and cable news viewers for stories, no matter how false, that they want to believe are true (and, conversely, expressing any skepticism about such stories results in widespread accusations that one is a Kremlin sympathizer or outright agent).

One can, if one wishes, view the convergence of those ample benefits and this long line of reckless stories on Russia as a coincidence, but that seems awfully generous, if not willfully gullible. There are substantial professional and commercial rewards for those who do this and — at least until the resignation of these CNN journalists last night — very few consequences even when they are caught.

A related, and perhaps more significant, dynamic is that journalistic standards are often dispensed with when it comes to exaggerating the threat posed by countries deemed to be the official enemy du jour. That is a journalistic principle that has repeatedly asserted itself, with Iraq being the most memorable but by no means only example.

In sum, anything is fair game when it comes to circulating accusations about official U.S. adversaries, no matter how baseless, and Russia currently occupies that role. (More generally: The less standing and power one has in official Washington, the more acceptable it is in U.S. media circles to publish false claims about them, as this recent, shockingly falsehood-ridden New York Times article about RT host Lee Camp illustrates; it, too, now contains multiple corrections.)

And then there is the fact that the vast majority of reporting about Russia, as well as Trump’s alleged ties to the Kremlin, has been based exclusively on evidence-free assertions of anonymous officials, many, if not most, of whom have concealed agendas. That means that they are free to issue completely false claims without the slightest concern of repercussions.

That there is now a fundamental problem with reporting on Russia appears to be a fact accepted even by CNN executives. In the wake of this latest debacle, a CNN editor issued a memo, leaked to BuzzFeed, imposing new editorial safeguards on “any content involving Russia.” That is a rather remarkable indictment on media behavior when it comes to Moscow.

The importance of this journalistic malfeasance when it comes to Russia, a nuclear-armed power, cannot be overstated. This is the story that has dominated U.S. politics for more than a year. Ratcheting up tensions between these two historically hostile powers is incredibly inflammatory and dangerous. All kinds of claims, no matter how little evidence there is to support them, have flooded U.S. political discourse and have been treated as proven fact.


usa people are incredibly dumb
Tue Jun 27 17:08:24
"Forwyn: muh whataboutisms "


I swear to god you hang out in /r/The_Donald and lose shit tons of braincells from that cesspool.
Tue Jun 27 17:22:50
Hah, CNN producer admitting Russia stories are mostly bullshit, but they run em anyways. CNN is imploding.

Tue Jun 27 17:26:58
"Tell me something that other news agencies never done be before?"

Christ, NW, you're worse than Cuckhat with your mindless labels.
Tue Jun 27 18:03:12
Do you know Forwyn is only about 30. The old guys you kind of know they will be helpless conservative idiots whining about "muh liberals." But 30-year old guys still should be able to change. Would be way better for him to actually do something to improve his life rather than spending all day on alt-right sites.

It's just so sad.
Tue Jun 27 18:35:05
Cuckhat, it's not your fault.
Tue Jun 27 18:49:35
"Christ, NW, you're worse than Cuckhat with your mindless labels. "

Are you kidding me, this is a sarcasm I hope? What labels?
Tue Jun 27 18:54:19
Member Tue Jun 27 18:35:05
Cuckhat, it's not your fault.

Okay, I laughed at this.
Tue Jun 27 21:10:41
Muh alt-right! Muh /r/The_Donald! I can't even recognize deflection anymore! - NeverWoods
Average Ameriacn
Wed Jun 28 00:02:31
More FAKE news from the FAKE media!


Time magazine has asked the Trump Organization to remove copies of a fake cover of President Trump that were on display at the company’s golf clubs, The Washington Post reported Tuesday afternoon.

The request came after the newspaper reported that at least four Trump-branded golf clubs had displayed a fake Time magazine cover that depicted Trump with the headline “Donald Trump: The ‘Apprentice’ is a television smash!”

The cover, dated March 1, 2009, was never published by the magazine at any point, a spokeswoman for Time confirmed.

“I can confirm that this is not a real TIME cover,” Kerri Chyka wrote to the Post in an email.

The fake cover was reportedly hanging in at least two of Trump's golf clubs in the U.S.

Another one was reportedly displayed at Trump's resort in Ireland, but was recently moved from a restaurant area to a manager's office.

A cover that had also been displayed at the Trump’s Turnberry club in Scotland was removed a few weeks ago without explanation, the Post reported.

The fake cover was reportedly interspersed with real magazine covers in at least at one location.

Trump has previously touted his appearances on the cover of the magazine.

"I think I was on the cover of Time magazine twice in my life and like six times in the last number of months," Trump said in July 2016.

"So you tell me which is more important, real estate or politics, OK? I have six for politics and I have two for real estate or whatever they put me on for."

The Post noted that Trump had actually only been featured on the magazine's cover once before entering politics, in January 1989, when he was known as a New York business mogul.
Wed Jun 28 00:10:24
Wed Jun 28 00:49:31
Two random news stands =/= a multinational news organization admitting they are pushing a "bullshit" narrative for ratings.
Wed Jun 28 01:03:10
Member Tue Jun 27 17:08:24



Take a look at AA for another example.
Trolly McSerious
Wed Jun 28 07:09:40
The administration that lies virtually daily to the American people has no right to complain about the press. When CNN got a story wrong, three reporters lost their jobs. When the White House lies, everybody else in the Administration backs it, nobody loses their job.
Wed Jun 28 09:33:06
Trolly thinks UPers are part of the Trump admin.
Trolly McSerious
Wed Jun 28 09:38:50
Forwyn is pretty dumb.
Wed Jun 28 09:49:38
UPers laugh at CNN, and shills can't help but bring up Trump - again. You realize both are capable and guilty of lying, but this isn't a Trump thread, and it's totally off-topic?

Tiresome, idiotic shills.
Trolly McSerious
Wed Jun 28 10:44:54
Forywn is really dumb and hates accountability.
Wed Jun 28 11:14:27
Hannity and Alex Jones are not news anchors. They are hosts of an opinion driven talking head program and you know going in those opinions are biased.
Wed Jun 28 11:46:03
Trolly is upset that his shillery and hackery is getting called out. He is welcome to make another thread bitching about Trump under his FoxNews handle.
Trolly McSerious
Wed Jun 28 12:19:44
Forwyn doesn't understand the concept of accountibiltiy. Something his breitbart and fox news compatriots never experienced.

Wed Jun 28 12:20:03
Is forwyn picking on you TM?
Trolly McSerious
Wed Jun 28 12:22:04
He is,just like cnn, snl, the world is picking on trump.
Wed Jun 28 12:22:45
Poor, poor forseb.
Wed Jun 28 12:24:09
Further deflection. "B-b-but Trump's people lie and he doesn't fire them! REEEEEEE"
Trolly McSerious
Wed Jun 28 12:25:50
Forseb furthers his hypocracy
Wed Jun 28 12:29:52
Lol you have to break out the markers or crayons and a whiteboard or such and draw it out. His mind can only grasp so much. Go beyond that threshold, behold you have forseb.

Has he ever been right about anything? Remember the truther persona he had?
Wed Jun 28 12:39:14
"Muh alt-right! Muh /r/The_Donald! I can't even recognize deflection anymore! "

What ?? How is that a deflection?
I am point out that you are no different than the people that hang in that rancid place and it would not surprise anyone if you did. You use the same terminology as Alt-right, are you saying you are not a part of it?

What is your reddit username?

"Take a look at AA for another example. "



Wed Jun 28 12:40:38
Believe he is referring the the satirical and ironic postings by AA.

But forseb is forseb and truther is gonna truth.
Wed Jun 28 12:52:28

Laughing at CNN is immediately derailed because of Trump-bashing. Yeah, we get it, he sucks. I accuse derailers of deflection and whataboutisms, to which NW immediately comes in all caps and accuses me of being a MAGAfag. For what, you ask? Using the word "muh", perhaps. Or that I've previously used the word, "cuck".


Average Ameriacn
Member Wed Jun 28 00:02:31
More FAKE news from the FAKE media!

"What is your reddit username?"

Currently running under Durandan, got banned from a few defaults under my old Bloody_Anal_Leakage handle. Too bad.

Wed Jun 28 12:54:37
Sure, but what has that to do with your post and him claiming it's whataboutism?

He is saying another example... where is the first one that shows his understanding?
Wed Jun 28 12:56:40
Translation: "if it doesn't agree with me, then its muh, whataboutisms, and cucks, as I am incapable of any objective thinking or rationale."
Wed Jun 28 12:58:47
Mine is long gone and deleted.


Reddit is not a safe place to have an opinion in.
Wed Jun 28 13:00:05
Rather hysterical to state this thread cant mentioned or extend to Trump in regards to Russia stories and its connections to the Trump admin.
werewolf dictator
Wed Jun 28 13:01:22
why haven't people behind all the other fake news russiagate stories "resigned" [see greenwald article for lots of examples]
Wed Jun 28 13:01:54
"Tell me something that other news agencies never done be before?"
Wed Jun 28 13:04:22
You can deflect and derail a thread however you want, I'm not the UP police - I'll just make fun of you for Hot Rod-level hackery.
Wed Jun 28 13:11:32
"But forseb is forseb and truther is gonna truth."

I am amused that my insult of calling people Seb has gained traction.
Trolly McSerious
Wed Jun 28 13:17:35
There is no deflection or derail by stating what is factual. News agencies or journalists make mistakes or some outright write false stories.

Part of integrity and practices of news agencies is to either address it with corrections or retract and acknowledge their mistakes. This, as it been said, shows accountability.

Now I can understand, as with the russian fever, that goes around wait for the mistake or whichever and jump on it as an attempt to exploit and make a gross generlization. Which you are doing now.

Is this a story to share and acknowledge? Sure. But no different than other blunders from otjer news agencies. In fact I would argue that they acknowledge and address their mistakes than some others. Again that is debatable.

But with you of course, because you are a sensitive person takes this to a new level snd want to say this is "derailing" where in truth you are attempting to cause the derailment as you fail to acknowledge what is factual. Again, as it has been asked, have you been right about anything?
Wed Jun 28 13:22:28
@hood Trademark it.
Wed Jun 28 13:32:41
What's that about Hood?
Wed Jun 28 13:44:26
Calling it a mistake would be self-explanatory. As you'll note, no one called out CR for, "This is called accountability".

You went beyond that with a hardly legible blathering of, "B-b-but other news agencies". There are threads of threads of bashing of MSNBC, Fox, etc. We know already.

Shortly after your blathering, Cuckhat enters to babble about "Muh Breitbart, Muh Alex Jones, Muh Hannityyyyy". Predictable.

You go even further beyond "B-b-but other news agencies" with "The administration that lies virtually daily to the American people has no right to complain about the press." Yes, others saw through that pseudo-neutral bullshit before you ever got that far. Sorry. Predictable.

Delude opines that we can't make this a thread about Trump and accountability for the admin. Predictable.

You lot sound like 2009 Hot Rod, who had to make every single thread about Obama. It's pathetic.

Maybe we just want to laugh at crybabies like Acosta who whine about getting insulted, but also immediately pull the trigger on idiotic tweets like, "WH official on hospital visit: "President Trump did not meet with Scalise and did not go into the room where Scalise is being treated." then have to retract? We can get back to Trump in another thread.

Or you can derail and I can laugh at you for being a sad, pathetic Hot Rod doppelganger.

Either is fine, really.
Wed Jun 28 13:47:16
After reading all of that, it is safe to say that forseb is a sensitive bitch.
Wed Jun 28 13:48:36
Classic. "muh whataboutisms" devolved in a dragout whinefest, and I'm the sensitive one. I think the Trolly gang is upset their glorious leader got called out.
Trolly McSerious
Wed Jun 28 13:50:51
"You went beyond that with a hardly legible blathering of, "B-b-but other news agencies". There are threads of threads of bashing of MSNBC, Fox, etc. We know already."

Or the interpretation as pointed out was "accountability." But no, you went ahead with your drivel and as you accuse me and others of "derailing" where in reality, you did it yourself.

Wed Jun 28 13:52:17
Projection by truther is gonna truth is classic.
Wed Jun 28 13:57:24
Trolly McSerious
Member Wed Jun 28 07:09:40
The administration that lies virtually daily to the American people has no right to complain about the press. When CNN got a story wrong, three reporters lost their jobs. When the White House lies, everybody else in the Administration backs it, nobody loses their job.


You're right, you only entered this thread to applaud accountability. You're not actually a transparent, sad hack.

Wed Jun 28 13:59:05
Forwyn seems pretty butt hurt. And by the order of posts. It appears that trolly mcserious was the one that made the comment about journalism and accountability. But as you say 'no one called out CR, but you sure as hell called out his post. So you pretty much defeated the point you're trying to convey, derailer.
Trolly McSerious
Wed Jun 28 14:01:11
Forseb, in the real world, not your own. That is merely called an observance and general statements. They typically evolve during dicussions. Not my problem it didnt follow your picture perfect world, susan.
Wed Jun 28 14:02:10
He made it about "other news agencies", transparent as fuck, and got called out about it. Then he revealed himself.

Sorry, your friend is a fucktard, and making it about me being butthurt doesn't change that fact.
Wed Jun 28 14:03:38
Trolly, in the real world, not your own, when you make a statement that is clearly deflection, and others see through it, some will call you out on it. Best to grasp that now, because your buttbuddies won't always be there to jeer and cry, "LOLZ BUTTHURT!"
Trolly McSerious
Wed Jun 28 14:03:44
Futhermore, my initial post was that. Calling out that news media makes mistakes and took accountability. But, you went ahead and derailed the thread with your tantrums.
Wed Jun 28 14:04:14
You're not me, so stop trying to be me.
Wed Jun 28 14:05:42
Member Tue Jun 27 14:17:48
muh whataboutisms

= tantrums, when you're THAT upset about being called out
Wed Jun 28 14:07:04
It's really sad that forwyn doesnt understand top down logic.
Wed Jun 28 14:09:02
It's really sad that Delude, even more transparent than TMc, feels the need to try to further spread obvious horse shit.
Wed Jun 28 14:09:35
Member Wed Jun 28 13:00:05
Rather hysterical to state this thread cant mentioned or extend to Trump in regards to Russia stories and its connections to the Trump admin.

"We're just trying to talk about how CNN upholds accountability, guys"
Trolly McSerious
Wed Jun 28 14:09:40
It seems you're the one having the tantrum. I merely pointed out your hypocracy and projections. And here we are...you practically called everyone in this thread a derailer because it didn't fit your perspective.

Your problem, not ours, buttercup.
Wed Jun 28 14:12:02
Meanwhile Hannity, Alex Jones, Breitbart, etc. keep spewing their shit after having been proven wrong multiple times.

The administration that lies virtually daily to the American people has no right to complain about the press. When CNN got a story wrong, three reporters lost their jobs. When the White House lies, everybody else in the Administration backs it, nobody loses their job.

Rather hysterical to state this thread cant mentioned or extend to Trump in regards to Russia stories and its connections to the Trump admin.


"We're just neutrally observing the important of accountability, guys! Honest!"
Wed Jun 28 14:12:34
Totally getting confused on thr Trollies. Anywho -
Forwyn doesn't understand relatibilty. Hence why he id being fussy right now.
Wed Jun 28 14:13:15
Meanwhile Hannity, Alex Jones, Breitbart, etc. keep spewing their shit after having been proven wrong multiple times. - whataboutism

The administration that lies virtually daily to the American people has no right to complain about the press. When CNN got a story wrong, three reporters lost their jobs. When the White House lies, everybody else in the Administration backs it, nobody loses their job. - whataboutism

Rather hysterical to state this thread cant mentioned or extend to Trump in regards to Russia stories and its connections to the Trump admin. - whining that whataboutisms get called out

Are you surprised that people see through your transparent horse shit?
Wed Jun 28 14:15:26
And this folks is what happens when baby doesnt grt his bottle.
Wed Jun 28 14:16:17
Forwyn is literally nonsensical. Jesus christ dude, lay off the far-right sites.
Trolly McSerious
Wed Jun 28 14:17:47
The evolution of dicussions. Apparently all relatable and points made and understood. Except by you.
Wed Jun 28 14:19:28
"tantrum!" - tard 1
"muh far right!" - Cuckhat
"It was just the flow of conversation!" Trolly #87, still trying to pretend he isn't transparent as fuck
Wed Jun 28 14:22:13
"truthers gonna truth" - trolly #43
Trolly McSerious
Wed Jun 28 14:22:34
Just like kargen's point eas made. But you're not throwing a fit about him. He is apparently violating what your throwing a tantrum about. I know, I know, that is "whataboutisms" by your classification.
Trolly McSerious
Wed Jun 28 14:23:27
Forseb, you are really a senstive fellow.
Wed Jun 28 14:24:42
kargen came in halfway through the thread and responded to Cuckhat. Your point?

This is getting more pathetic the longer it goes on.
Wed Jun 28 14:25:08
Nap time for forseb.
Trolly McSerious
Wed Jun 28 14:28:32
Point is it falls under your standards you created. Where is your 'tantrum' about that?

Point is twinkletoes, you're senstive.
Wed Jun 28 14:29:27
Forseb is being a total sjw right now.
Wed Jun 28 14:30:18
Or i shouldve said njw. Lol
Wed Jun 28 14:31:24
Wed Jun 28 14:38:45
"you're senstive"

5 posts in a row from troll brigade, poor transparent dumbfuck, "Why didn't you call out kargen too???"

Wed Jun 28 14:43:27
Forseb, your pussy is showing.
Just Troll It
Wed Jun 28 14:47:30
Here pussy, pussy, pussy, pussy.
Wed Jun 28 14:47:44
^you say, after a thread trying to deflect from the fact that your buddy is butthurt I called him out
Wed Jun 28 14:47:58
Trolly McSerious
Wed Jun 28 14:49:01
Forseb with the tired game of "I win" and again when has he been right about anything?
Just Troll It
Wed Jun 28 14:49:28
Here pussy pussy pussy
Just Troll It
Wed Jun 28 14:50:20
Pussy pussy pussy forwyn
Just Troll It
Wed Jun 28 14:50:28
Here pussy
Wed Jun 28 14:50:28
"Trolly McSerious
Member Wed Jun 28 07:09:40
The administration that lies virtually daily to the American people has no right to complain about the press. When CNN got a story wrong, three reporters lost their jobs. When the White House lies, everybody else in the Administration backs it, nobody loses their job."

Doesn't get much more pathetic than that. Only Cuckhat compared, really. Well, and the sad fags turning out to defend their friend.
Just Troll It
Wed Jun 28 14:50:37
Pussy pussy
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