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Utopia Talk / Politics / Dems lose again
Tue Jun 20 23:03:47
Watch as they take fake solace in that it was close and ignore the fact they spend $50 million and still lost.


Which is okay whatever coping mechnism they need to accept reality and not not shoot-up baseball practices.
Tue Jun 20 23:20:58
This is actually really damaging for the dems. Trump won that district by 1 percent. If that isn't flipping for them then they really are out of touch and there is a segment of society that is turning out for Trump that is gonna ruin them.
Tue Jun 20 23:30:44
Ok $50million=close win. So if they spend $60 million for a single win. They need 25 seats for a one majority.

That's $1.44 billion for just the House. Obama and Soros couldn't raise that much.
Wed Jun 21 00:13:03
She won the seat by more than Trump won the district. That's honestly surprising. Trump voters stick regardless of whatever happens. Its like Roosevelt voters who just identify with him and are loyal and won't jump ship. That's crazy.
Wed Jun 21 00:17:14
16 years of Trump!!
the wanderer
Wed Jun 21 00:27:16
or you could look at it as a district that's been solid red since the 1970s, and Trumps slim win is just because he sucks
Wed Jun 21 00:34:59
tumble, never get between a conservatard and his gay sex orgy. You're ruining mt and superdude's circlejerk here. Bad form.
werewolf dictator
Wed Jun 21 01:25:59
democrats set records for spending and it wasnt even close

people clearly have had enough of mexican muslim marxist mccarthyite morons
Wed Jun 21 01:38:48
You can almost heard the collective depressed sigh of Western media culture.

If the modern Republicans weren't so retarded at governing I'd laugh.
Wed Jun 21 02:00:23
165th most Republican House District in the US according to Cook Political report PVI. And Ossof only lost by about 4%.

These seats are all very conservative. They have to be since Trump elected a cabinet of Republican extremists that vacated those seats.

If Dems are within 4% in an extremely Republican District, then the house is in play.
Wed Jun 21 04:44:36
"16 years of Trump!! "

Really is that what you want?
Are you the part of the Donnie followers?
Wed Jun 21 05:06:58
These are solid red districts that are coming up but its hard to feel any good about dems chances in 2018 if they keep losing. They lost a candidate who punched a reporter on the eve of the election a month ago and now they lost to someone who said she doesn't want livable wages for poor people and has extremist anti gay views.

To make things worse this will embolden Republicans to keep legislating from the hard right considering so far there's proven to be no penalty.

Dems need to focus more on voter turnout if they think Americans feel that trump is unfit for office. They clearly aren't going to flip his base at all.
the wanderer
Wed Jun 21 11:04:40
Dems need to get a message... or possibly a completely ignorant narcissistic child that has some weird charisma that works on some... Kanye!
Sam Adams
Wed Jun 21 11:31:25
Dems need to get off their anti white men pitch.
Wed Jun 21 11:46:46
It wouldn't matter if they did (not that they are). Sam and Rugian scour right-wing news sites who always find some anecdotal evidence of "white genocide" or some other stupid shit and then that inflames them to vote Republican.

Wed Jun 21 11:52:07
Cuckhat pretends left-wing identity politics hasn't been exploding onto the mainstream with previously insane tumblr-isms.

You're right, the MSM isn't actively trying to brainwash young generations with tripe like, "Dear White People".
Wed Jun 21 13:14:15
Never heard any of those things. You spend way too much time on these shithole sites.
Wed Jun 21 14:28:37
Here's a sampling, Cuckhat. Interchange these racial terms with another as a mental exercise.



Sam Adams
Wed Jun 21 14:54:20
Lol cuckhat is a retard.
State Department
Wed Jun 21 15:05:35
"Interchange these racial terms with another as a mental exercise."

Bb.b.b.but it's ok to "punch up" at whitey.
Wed Jun 21 16:11:03
lol, dumb red pillers. Nothing sadder than white guys who feel like victims and obsess over it.
Wed Jun 21 17:07:02
Cuckhat doesn't want to remember BLM thugs screaming and hollering whenever anyone attempt to say all lives matter.
Sam Adams
Wed Jun 21 17:17:46
Cuckhat, like most failures, hates his own civilization.
Thu Jun 22 03:35:15
They can't figure out that average americans don't care much about Putin or Russia or Trump antics. What really matters is how they are going to pay their damn health care bills every months and still pay for the rest of what they need for food/water/shelter/transportation.
Thu Jun 22 09:59:10
It seems that a very large segment of people support the underdog. Trump has always been and remains that underdog from a public perspective thanks to the Democratic Party. It is completely focused on Trump trashing rather than honorable political functions and destroying their own integrity. It is obvious that vengeance is blind and if they keep it up Trump will be a two term President and possibly one of his sons will follow depending on the condition of the Country.
Thu Jun 22 10:54:39
^ Breitbart narcissist right here. Basically what the GOP has become.
Sam Adams
Thu Jun 22 11:06:42
Cuckhat watches msnbc.
Thu Jun 22 11:07:35
Rachel Maddow reveals the real truth.
Thu Jun 22 11:12:15
You'll get it sooner or later and it has nothing to do with Breitbart narcissism. You are forgiven for obvious reasons.
Thu Jun 22 11:28:40
Don't watch NBC. Just listening to stupid shits repeat their inbred talking points that would embarass the shit out of anyone in a legitimate public forum is just sad and pathetic.
Thu Jun 22 11:30:15
There's no way to respond to such stupid. Just have to hope that people like TJ don't reproduce.
Thu Jun 22 11:32:37
Yes, it's only inbred Breitbarters talking about the corruptive nature of identity politics. Keep at it, Cuckhat.

Dem Rep: ‘Very Concerned’ Identity Politics Has Hijacked the Democratic Party


Democrats Have an Identity-Politics Problem

Thu Jun 22 11:39:32
Your statement was a lack of real knowledge. Hope won't get you anywhere standing alone. In the future your maturity level might catch up with your age. Wait..., I almost forgot where I was posting. hahaha
Thu Jun 22 11:56:41
PRetty sure TJ is just Hot Rod under a different handle. Same type of moron arguments that really don't say anything at all.
Thu Jun 22 11:58:40
Don't disagree that identity politics are a problem. Hillary's focus on the whole women thing was a big reasons she lost.

Still ... don't care for it either way. Dems do it but so do Republicans.

Gun issue is just dog-whistle to white males. Where is the NRA outrage over the cop getting away with Castile who had a permit and right to carry a gun? It's because he wasn't white so all the white guys don't care about their precious gun rights.
Thu Jun 22 12:10:10
Thu Jun 22 11:56:41
PRetty sure TJ is just Hot Rod under a different handle.

I've been the most transparent poster in UP since its conception. You should seriously thing how you can be wrong on so many levels?
Thu Jun 22 12:47:00
Whatever you say narcissist.
Thu Jun 22 13:00:42
Narcissism is a term that has become mainstream in psychological and political circles today.

Traits of a narcissist that you should know before throwing the term around as though you are knowledgeable. You are not in this instance.

1. no empathy
2. no remorse
3. entitled
4. deceptive
5. protects a persona they are not
6. emotionally dependent
7. uses battering for control

I imagine you don't identify with any of those traits protecting a persona.
Thu Jun 22 13:09:34
Who did you vote for TJ?

John Adams
Thu Jun 22 13:14:04
What the dems are facing is the sheer fact that they are no longer a democratic party. And the leadership, much like the republicans, are disconnected with their constituents.
Thu Jun 22 13:33:30
TJ, narcissists do not lack empathy or remorse. They are not inherently deceptive, nor do they batter people for control. You could make an argument for emotionally dependent, but there is no specific criterion concerning emotional dependency for narcissists.

But 2-3 out of 7 ain't too bad.
Thu Jun 22 13:35:14
Not that dukhat is using the term correctly, but you certainly didn't define it correctly either.

Sounded more like you were describing some bastardization of psychopathy and narcissism with a dash of I don't even know what (battering for control? What!?!?).
Thu Jun 22 13:54:39
I've never voted straight party politics. I'm a political atheist, which seems to fit my thinking. I have little respect for any of them in general. I voted out of the established good/bad cop. Time will eventually decide the worth of that decision.

I voted for Trump for the same reason most did I imagine. They didn't like the direction of politics in this country by either party. Time will tell if it creates an acceptable revision of the political arena. I'm far from being right all the time and readily admit that being true. It was a decision I didn't make easily. Carter was a negative influence on me that made it a rather difficult decision.

Attack at will if you choose. It seems to make this arena go around accomplishing nothing.
Thu Jun 22 14:07:33
Providing inherent traits obviously wasn't meant to fully define the term, but I believe that a complete narcissist possesses them all.

They are all signs of narcissistic abuse. Possessing some of those traits doesn't make someone a narcissist, which was my point.
Thu Jun 22 14:15:18
And several of those traits are not at all related to narcissism, which was my point. Lacking empathy is in no way related to narcissism. Lacking remorse is in no way related to narcissism. It's not that they may or may not be signs, it's that they are completely unrelated. As in, makes no difference whatsofuckingever.

And in looking back, protecting a persona isn't even accurate. Narcissism has nothing to do with whether the narcissist's beliefs are accurate or not. So you got one trait accurate: narcissists are entitled.
Thu Jun 22 14:28:06
Maybe I would disagree with you, but there can be no attacking, even if you were not my favorite TJ on this board :) I could not attack you for voting for Trump. I may attack ideas and beliefs.

I can not dismiss the sentiment "the country is going the wrong direction", I may even share some of it, but I just don't think Trump will put us on a better direction, I don't think no >one< can.

I hope something good will come of it though, though I must admit, most times, regardless of who is president, I just hope nothing bad will come of it. Because it can always get worse, much worse.
Thu Jun 22 14:57:01
According to a PH.D and Mayo Clinic that is what I gathered. I'm not an expert for certain so I suppose it is possible I haven't fully understood, but it doesn't seem as though I have. I have agreed that it was a general association.

Some of those traits are only exposed in intimate relationships as I understand from the articles that can easily be found on the Net. Narcissists limit their full potential in public for obvious reasons. I didn't simply dream up the traits for the purpose of deceiving.

It appeared to me that he applied the term as a tactic in a deluded attempt to gain advantage. Doing so is referenced as blathering. :) Now you know what was meant by the trait.

A difference of opinion does not make a narcissist. If that were true all of us would be narcissists.

Thu Jun 22 15:00:32
Nim: I can not dismiss the sentiment "the country is going the wrong direction", I may even share some of it, but I just don't think Trump will put us on a better direction, I don't think no >one< can.

I hope something good will come of it though, though I must admit, most times, regardless of who is president, I just hope nothing bad will come of it. Because it can always get worse, much worse.

I agree. Doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is as close to insanity as possible.
Thu Jun 22 15:26:08
Dukhat is a moron with a broken will. He is utterly fractured. If course he isn't using narcissist correctly (although I'd definitely agree if he called Trump a narcissist).

However, his gross misuse of the word doesn't make your assessment accurate.

Think they're better than everyone
They envy people and think people envy them
They are self absorbed and project superiority
They will take advantage of others to further their goal of being superior
They are entitled
They are obsessed with being superior
They are arrogant
They expect special treatment
Thu Jun 22 15:57:05
Different expressions that are equal to the bottom line does not make either of us incorrect. I'll except your post as excellent in defining the traits.

Anyone who wants to be a President, in my opinion, is a narcissist. Which is an admission that I believe Trump is one, but seriously, they all are and appears to be a requisite that has existed throughout history. All of them simply disguise and manipulate the so called disorder differently.
Thu Jun 22 16:03:52
Hood is of course wrong.


"Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. You may be generally unhappy and disappointed when you're not given the special favors or admiration you believe you deserve. Others may not enjoy being around you, and you may find your relationships unfulfilling.

Narcissistic personality disorder treatment is centered around talk therapy (psychotherapy)."

And TJ's point about Trump was so self-involved it was pretty narcissistic. To believe that attacks against Trump are unjustified shows he probably never interacts with people in a professional arena in any way and lacks any kind of empathy whatsoever.

Trump is in a hole entirely of his own making.

As for TJ's other dumb points; it's all pseudo-intellectual nonsense. "All sides are the same, I vote Trump."

When in reality the dems are the only ones that believe in science or getting actual economists and experts to have input on policy and Republicans are all beholden to their billionaire donors. And Trump is no populist; he's just a hard right-wing republican as proven by virtually all of his appointments.

Trump has appointed literally the same cabinet that Ted Cruz would have. So to say that he is upturning Washington is some kind of ignorant nonsense.

Trump is just a typical far-right extremist Republican. Actions speak louder than words and the only thing he's been capable of doing are out of Ted Cruz's playbook.
Thu Jun 22 16:06:15
That is also a cynical way of viewing politics, unfortunately it is probably the correct way.

We have built democracy dysfunctional for good reasons. However it seems to require a special breed of people to work in it, the system may have even created them. People who are willing to flip, flop, lie and manipulate and not have many principles at all, while we hope that they somewhere in the end have the intentions to do some good.

At least we can fire them after 4 years, there is our hope.
Thu Jun 22 16:06:30
Thu Jun 22 16:07:58
The system did not create them, it draws them to it, it was seemingly made for them.
Thu Jun 22 16:35:28


Apparently lack of empathy is accurate. Remorse, no. Violence, no. Emotionally dependent, no.

"And TJ's point about Trump was so self-involved it was pretty narcissistic"

You're really fucking stupid.
Thu Jun 22 16:43:56
Nim: Yep, nothing is forever, even though it seems to be the overwhelming approach. :)

Thu Jun 22 16:50:19
Get over yourself hood. You were proven instantly wrong by a simple google search about narcissism and empathy.

And TJ is a fucking idiot for acting like criticism of Trump will somehow get him re-elected and then make one of his idiot sons a favorite to succeed him. And it is narcissism because he identifies so strongly with Trump and Trump's narcissist view that criticism of him is illegitimate.

When you stick your hands over your ears and scream, "Everyone else is wrong," you're a fucking narcissist.

Thu Jun 22 17:03:10
Hood, don't discount a narcissist who is abusive in a personal intimate relationship. They are emotionally dependent and most often escalates toward violence.

A few posts back I clarified that some of the traits are only exposed in particular situations.
I believe it to be clearly documented from various sources. Personally, I'm satisfied with what I've posted as being authentic and realistic.
Thu Jun 22 17:23:21
"A few posts back I clarified that some of the traits are only exposed in particular situations."

Which means it is not a trait of a narcissist.

"Get over yourself hood. You were proven instantly wrong by a simple google search about narcissism and empathy."

Yeah, I was wrong on 1 aspect out of 9. Boo hoo?
Thu Jun 22 17:39:13
We'll need to agree to disagree. Again, I didn't say all narcissists display equal signature traits. They were only meant as signs to be aware of in a narcissistic personality, which would be precisely a trait in a particular subset of narcissism, but I digress, Trump is a narcissist. :)
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