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Utopia Talk / Politics / No hijab? Kill the bitch!
Thu Apr 27 23:45:48
21 year old woman came to Sweden in 2015, tried to leave her cousin husband. Now she lives happily with a new man. Oh no wait, he killed her.
Fri Apr 28 00:11:05
I might enjoy this story if you would offer more details. Make my day!
Fri Apr 28 00:13:11
Yeah, it happens all the time. The men have their feelings hurt, and their honor. So they have to kill. It is part of their culture/custom.

But it happens among Swedes too. Woman wants to leave, or has been seeing someone else. Man is having his feelings hurt. So he kills.

It is part of the male culture.
Fri Apr 28 00:22:20
No dumbass it is not part of "male culture" whatever that even means. The problem is not exclusive to Islam, but any idiot can see that is a much bigger issue in honor cultures like Islam. Obfuscating the facts with your "whataboutism" deprives the women in these cultures from the attention and watchful eyes of the rest of society. Stop. Being. A. Cunt.
Fri Apr 28 00:25:05
Its terrible but we must respect the vibrant diversity that this brings our society.
Fri Apr 28 00:28:10
We do not understand how liberating death at the hands of your cousin husband can be in the context of their culture.
Fri Apr 28 00:30:36
Male culture=male behavior

Killing is not exclusive to men, but anyone can see that killing is much more common by men. Men kills. It is in our dna.
Fri Apr 28 00:34:51
oh fuck off paramount. Violence is part of the human experience but in the middle East it is given cultural and legal impramateur. You can kill your female relatives without societal condemnation.

You cannot do this in western societies
This difference is not in the actions, it is in how society as a whole treats them
Fri Apr 28 00:42:45
You are now talking about biology, which is you know not culture. Yes males have a tendency to be more violent rooted in our biology, something that is made better or worse by a wide range of other factors, like environment and culture. Which is why there are clear difference in outcomes between different cultures and the prevaling cultural norms.

Honor killings is not a staple of Swedish culture, ffs paramount you people were caught with your pants down when those first kurdish girls were killed in Sweden. Was that because Sweden knew about and understood the phenomena? lol
Fri Apr 28 00:52:36
I like to follow the Dog test. Judge a man not by the color of his skin or the circumstances of his birth.

Judge him by how he treats a Dog. A dog is loyal, but also dependent and often times helpless. You learn everything you need to know about a person by how he treats such a creature in his power.

This rule can also be extended to how a society in General treats its dogs.
Fri Apr 28 00:57:54
In India they throw boiling water at dogs.
large member
Fri Apr 28 03:05:28
Its men, stupid.

Entering an opposite sex relationship is one of the most dangerous life-choices a woman can make.


And Scandinavia is totally the wrong place to move to if you want to be outraged about people marrying cousins.


Go home to Iran if you don't like it here.
Fri Apr 28 03:15:00
I bet she didn't see that coming.
The Children
Fri Apr 28 04:00:49
who killed her. her cousin or the new man

can u swedes even tell a story.
Fri Apr 28 04:14:10
Her cousin was her man.
Fri Apr 28 07:18:51
"No dumbass it is not part of "male culture" whatever that even means. The problem is not exclusive to Islam, but any idiot can see that is a much bigger issue in honor cultures like Islam. "

It's a mediocre problem with humans in general - jealousy.

It's a big problem in Islam, that its laws subject women to being nothing more than property.

It's a gigantic problem with Arabs (I assume the victim and husband are Arabs) where hundreds of years of inbreeding and goat-fucking produced a sick, sick culture. Let's face it.
Fri Apr 28 08:21:12
I'm trying to face it. But it is probably equally or more of a problem among Kurds.
Fri Apr 28 08:28:15
It is a general problem among Islamic cultures and other honor cultures. I don't know if you have noticed but not a lot talk about honor in Sweden, it is a meaningless concept more or less for the average Sven.

Yes Asgard it is rooted in jelousy, I would call that biology, made worse by cultural norms, it normalized murderous rampage in a fit of jelousy. There similiar but eroding tendencies in latin america.

I would say tha education and socioeconomic plays a role here as well. I would assume that sousal abuse is a bigger problem in lower classes. Maybe that is not true.
Fri Apr 28 08:34:22
I would argue on biology that men are hardwired to not be violent towards women as a general rule. We wouldn't have survived as a species if that was the other way around. These tendencies are quite low compared with male vs male violence.
Fri Apr 28 08:42:00
"I would argue on biology that men are hardwired to not be violent towards women as a general rule."

Whut? How do you figure?

"We wouldn't have survived as a species if that was the other way around."

Whut? How do you figure? Violence != killing.

If anything the will to rape seems very prosperous for the continuation of both the willing indivdual's genes as for the continuation of the species as a whole.

I figure males tend to be stronger than females in most species partly for this very reason (and of course also because of the need to fight eachother over females). Lots of rape going on in nature.

That being said... this is fucked up shit that does not belong in a civilised society. I find the biology-debate interesting, so I wanted to weigh in, but I think it's a very lame attempt to veer away from the cultural problem that does exist.
Fri Apr 28 08:45:36
Caveman has base incentive, if not biological predisposition, not to be violent to cavewoman because cavewoman presumably has caveman family.

Then along comes Islam and caveman family brutally kills cavewoman before caveman ever gets the chance to be violent.
Fri Apr 28 08:54:16
Before agriculture kicked in, humans are thought to have lived in a state of pretty much constant tribal orgies anyways, so it wouldn't have mattered much to cavemen.

Willingness to rape the women of other tribes would definitely have been a plus though.
Fri Apr 28 09:03:18
Dehumanizing your enemy is pretty equal opportunity.
large member
Fri Apr 28 09:06:35
Or we could just consider xy a gene defect with know pathological traits.
large member
Fri Apr 28 09:06:53
Fri Apr 28 09:51:41
I meant kill, but also violence. I would exclude rape from, because rape can is evolutionary viable.

Yes men are nicer to women and less prone to batter them and kill them then men. But they might rape them.
Fri Apr 28 09:55:27
It would have matternto cavemen too, females are the bottleneck to having babies. Less females less babies, same can not be said about men. You need ancouple of men. Evolutionarily women are more valuable than men, it would reasonable that we would have evolved in line with these limits. As soon as you impregnate well you can fuck off and die pretty much.
Fri Apr 28 09:56:33
Fucking cell phone butchered those posts, but they are legible...
Fri Apr 28 10:21:22
I meant that rape wouldn't have mattered much to cavemen, as tribes likely had no clue who the fathers of babies were.

As for battery, you may be right. It's disgustingly common nowadays, but in cavemen days before women were seen as posessions, it may well have been exceedingly rare considering their value to the tribe, indeed.

Though I'd figure violence within tribes was likely rare in any case.

It's interesting to ponder these things, but really hard to try and leave behind your modern way of looking at things.
Fri Apr 28 10:24:53
"Or we could just consider xy a gene defect"

That's an interesting defect we could discuss, on the internet created by a group of humans with such a crippling disability.
Fri Apr 28 10:31:23
But if you look at nomadic tribes like the mongols, even before Khaaaan! Rape was common. Supposedly the Khaaaans! son was a rape baby. Look at central asia and turkic tribes, bride kidnapping is not uncommon.

In your orgie culture, for sure rape would be uneccessary, exceptions to the rule and all.

Cities are violent, too many people in a small space. Like increasing the preassure of a gas, increases the chance of collision. But compare the data for violence, deadly or not is men on men. Spousal abuse is almost 50/50 (I was actually surprised by this thanks, feminazism for your lies) in Sweden atleast, just that men are less likely to report and women due to their physical inferiority more likely to get hurt badly.
Fri Apr 28 10:32:48
Also men are less likely to be taken seriously, man up pussy!
Fri Apr 28 10:40:13
"In your orgie culture, for sure rape would be uneccessary, exceptions to the rule and all."

Theorized to have been the norm before agriculture as it is a possible explanation for the shape of our "plunger" penises.

According to this theory, the advent of agriculture pretty much fucked up the good and relaxed hunter-gatherer-orgy life for all of us.
Fri Apr 28 10:46:20
I have heard of this theory, unsure how widespread it has been, for how long. Are we talking before human ventured out of Africa?

I have also heard that the size of our genitals compared to other apes (we are the biggest) indicates we are meant to have orgies, like bonobos who have fairly large balls. Webhave big balls because our women are whores who sleep around.

We really fucked this one up boys, just had to domesticate animals and grow crops. Tsk tsk tsk...
Fri Apr 28 10:48:53
The plunger penis concept is a little disturbing I have to admit.
Fri Apr 28 11:34:47
"Are we talking before human ventured out of Africa?"

Start of agriculture is dated well after venturing out of africa, so I'd assume both before and after.

And yes... very disturbing.
large member
Fri Apr 28 11:45:39
Indeed its interesting.

Shall we continue to discuss the gene defect's role in the ongoing mass extinction event we are currently experiencing?

Or shall we wait until we are all dead?
Fri Apr 28 11:55:26
Perhaps our large population of defective individuals can address this non-existent event.

Or we can fantasize about a world of hunter-gatherer women who utilize parthenogenesis to further our permanent Stone Age civilization.
Fri Apr 28 12:26:02
I see. Well I can accept this within the family group, which seems to have been the extent of the group in those days. You would still get into conflict with other groups and clans. We can see this from other more recent hunter gatherer societies. Less conflict most likely, fewer humans and less competition.
large member
Fri Apr 28 12:37:07
The basis for civilizations is called the agricultural revolution. Not the hunting things with sticks revolution. Seeds and whatnot being the woman's domain.
Fri Apr 28 13:11:23
"hunting things with sticks" is vastly overstated. Very little of hunter-gatherer societal time was spent hunting.

In any case, there are various theories about the multiple pressures causing the agricultural shift, but animal domestication was just as important as crop cultivation.
Fri Apr 28 13:14:09
One of the elder races in the fantasy world I will probably never finish, was a hunter gatherer civilization of reptiles. Unfortunatly such a civilization was not sustainable and their empire collapsed due to too much hunting and gathering.
large member
Fri Apr 28 14:52:11
Very little time was spent doing anything besides chilling.

And uhm no. Much as we might like the hamster or cat. Its just not where calories come from.

Animal domestication falls into the same catagory as waving sticks at things and hoping they die.
Fred Felcher
Fri Apr 28 15:15:32
She obviously deserved it.
Fri Apr 28 15:44:55
Once he decides to write something, he does it in the thread about rape. Of course, of course, he smelled it a mile away.
Fri Apr 28 16:22:13
Well, rape and murder, nim. Also, care to share a link? I don't doubt the truth of the story but I'd like to read some details.
Fri Apr 28 16:28:47
"Seeds and whatnot being the woman's domain."

What do you base this statement on?

I highly doubt there was a gender split when it came to both hunting things with sticks as to early agriculture.
large member
Fri Apr 28 17:14:12
I base it on the cliche that if not for man, then...

I figured we might as well run with worn stereotypes.

Fri Apr 28 17:41:36
Fri Apr 28 18:15:50
TIL nim is bilingual.
Fri Apr 28 18:22:34
That only took you 15 years or so of knowing he's a swede that posts in fluent english...
large member
Fri Apr 28 18:53:57
Persian peasants doing persian peasant things.

Same old, same old. Women in rural areas get an education, realize their husband is a backward twat, and adopts a more educated lifestyle.

Sometimes it goes horribly wrong.

My only real question is why in the hell do religiously conservative males from Iran get to go to Sweden.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Apr 28 18:54:36

Almost fluent. I've noticed a couple of slight errors. Nothing major.

large member
Fri Apr 28 19:51:05
You are almost fluent in English too hr!
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Apr 28 19:57:50

No, but I make so many mistakes I can easily see them when others make them.

If I didn't have spell and grammar check this would be unreadable.

Sat Apr 29 08:16:58
Why Jergul? Because Swedish migration policy attracts the worst types of people. The dumber and less educated you are the higher you score in the marxist pyramid of victimhood. Sweden has seen no issue or paradox in being an Islamist in Sweden. You can come here, live off the government and be a fulltime Muslim instead, the state will even give you money to start an Islamist organization. "They" must pay for taking "our" oil (actual quote from someone I know).

Persian peasants are uneducated, but apparently far more insightful and brilliant than you.
large member
Sat Apr 29 08:43:33
Well, at least Sweden is consistent. It had no trouble letting fascists in after the revolution, so heck, why not islamists too?

For fascist details, look in the mirror, or checks your family tree.

Breivik aint got nothing on you.
large member
Sat Apr 29 08:45:21
This is incidentally the main problem with the war on terror. Fascism has become mainstreamish.
Sat Apr 29 10:30:15
You think I am worse than a mass murderer. You know I actually believe you. As much as you wish to distance yourself from your Swedish cousins, you don't get far. They all share your moral confusion.

You are probably one of the most racist people I have run in to, I don't care about the in your face open no regard racism. It is all there for me to see, no secrets no surprises. I worry about snakes like you who hide behind a facade of supposed empathy. Norwegians are lucky that Swedes like you are not in charge.

large member
Sat Apr 29 10:42:37
I think Breivik could have saved time by simply embracing your outlook on life before going on his killing spree. His manifesto, though similar in practical content, is quite redundant.

I think you mistake me for one of your countrymen, you fascist prick. Leting shah regime elements into social democracies was a horrible, horrible mistake.
large member
Sat Apr 29 10:46:15
Sat Apr 29 17:50:39
"You can come here, live off the government and be a fulltime Muslim instead, the state will even give you money to start an Islamist organization"

You can come here and be a full time Jew also. Or a Christian. Sweden is a democracy. We have religious freedom.

Anyone who wants can apply for a subsidy for their organization, association, etc. Citizens also has the right to various kind of subsidies/contriubution, such as housing allowance, child benefit, etc. Or as you state it "to live off the government".

Man, if you don't like our democracy and our Swedish values, traditions and custom, why don't you move back to Iran, where you won't get any of what we have here.
Sat Apr 29 18:18:40
It is funny you would ask me to go back to Iran, but be open to inviting more Islamist and allow them to freely associate and get government grants. Jergul this is one of your cousins I was talking about.
large member
Sat Apr 29 21:52:22
Its funny that you think your reactionary values are less dangerous to Social Democracies than other reactionary values are.

Put your money where you mouth is and join up with Kurdish forces to fight the Islamic menance in Syria.
large member
Sat Apr 29 21:55:45
Or join the FSA and fight the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in the same country.

That is what you want, right? For anyone but you to fight the Iranian Revolutionary Guard?
Sun Apr 30 02:25:55
Yup, Swedes and Norwegians basically are cousins or 'brothers' or something like that. We are the same. Our language is almost the same too.
Sun Apr 30 02:30:38
I didn't mean literally that you should go to Iran. That phrase is something the Right is using, and you have used? "If people can't adapt to Swedish traditions they should not come here/go back".

Well, "living off the government" and religious freedom is a Swedish tradition.
Sun Apr 30 03:35:50
There is a reason that Islamic people flock in hordes to Europe, but Europeans stay the F away from Islamic countries.
Sun Apr 30 03:53:30
You two are from a long line of cucks. Remember that Norwegian guy who was raped and then defended his rapists right to stay in Norway? Yes people like this exist, they invite the rapist in to their house, get raped and then asks for more. Indeed people like this DO exist. Obviously in this scenario I am the bad guy for pointing out how badly you two are getting raped. The emperors new cloths meets the ostrich brigade of castrati.

SD is now the largest party, paramount, whatever you cucks are doing, it isn't working. The nazis are winning! I meet more and more immigrants willing to vote for them. You know why? Because we immigrant have had the "fortunute" of having run in to both white nazi skin heads/racist and Islamist, many of us lived in their world. It is quite apparent to us what is the most pressing threat. Stop inviting rapists and murderers into our house, I will burn it down before I run away.
Sun Apr 30 04:11:03
And jergul, I am trying to put together your ramblings into something coherent, but you argue like a wife or girlfriend. You are all over the place, you grab and scratch anything you get a hold of, bring up up everything and anything no matter how pointless or misplaced in the argument. Stop acting like a bitch.
Sun Apr 30 04:24:58
There are plenty of educated and sane immigrants to import. A sane immigration policy like the one Jergul wants to dismantle in Norway and Denmark, but you cucks insist on bringing all the terrorist, rapists and criminals.

You have one of the most generous and extensive wellfare systems in the world in Sweden, coupled with a confused immigration/refuge policy and retardedly easy to abuse system. You idiots wave a bloody steak in the water and wonder, no sorry, welcome the sharks to feasting on your family in the water, they need to eat too!
large member
Sun Apr 30 04:26:27
Lulz, you lost your country to Islamists and whine about Social Democracies?

I would love to read your relatives' asylum applications.

*whine, whine, beg, beg*

large member
Sun Apr 30 04:28:10
A sane refugee policy would never have let in shah regime elements. Fascists have no place in Social Democracies.
Sun Apr 30 05:06:32
"Remember that Norwegian guy who was raped and then defended his rapists right to stay in Norway? Yes people like this exist, they invite the rapist in to their house, get raped and then asks for more."

Just because one guy is a rapist does not mean that every guy is. And how can you know beforehand who among all those that comes to your house is a rapist? You can't, can you?

I don't remember this particular Norwegian guy, never heard about it actually. But I do remember the so called HIV-man. An Iranian guy infected by HIV who came to Sweden and had sex with a whole lot of women. Some claimed he drugged and raped them.

So, according to you, since you also are an Iranian and you are in Sweden, does women ask for more rapings and HIV because you are here?
Sun Apr 30 05:08:41
No of course not. That's just silly. Just like you are who believes that people wants to be raped. Stop being so fking dumb.
Sun Apr 30 05:17:16
"SD is now the largest party, paramount, whatever you cucks are doing, it isn't working. The nazis are winning!"

Well, that's what you and your friends want, isn't it? You are after all voting for them.
Sun Apr 30 05:28:25
Because a communist dictarship is still a dictatorship, dum dum. Stick your authoritarianism up your ass.

I have no idea what you are rambling about paramount, get the dicks out of your ass and ears. I repeat, we need a sane immigration policy that stops the murderers, rapist and uneducated criminals you and jergul want to let in to our house. Not a very complicated concept for most people, but for morally confused cucks like you and jergul. Who seem to confuse this with, put all brown people in concentration camps. Easy mistake to make when one lacks brains, balls and spine.
Sun Apr 30 05:41:33
You guys are fucking lunatics, lol. Someone is approaching you with a truck trying to kill you. I inform you about it and you want to deport me because I am fascist. Usually when people are this stupid it is best to let them get killed, but I am a nice guy. I will keep fighting to save you cucks from yourselves ;-) it is working btw. Less and less support in Sweden for cuckoldry.
Sun Apr 30 05:44:27
SD is a last resort, it is the emergency break. I am not in the habit of pulling emergency breaks unless there is an emergency. You keep accelerating the train and you leave us no choice.
Sun Apr 30 09:35:47
"we need a sane immigration policy that stops the murderers, rapist and uneducated criminals"

Not every immigrant is a criminal. If the immigration authorities has info on that an individual is a criminal then I don't think he/she will be granted asylum or residency. If you want to stop criminals with a strict immigration policy then you are also going to stop legit immigrants and asylum seekers, which is not right, in my opinion.

And, you are not a criminal in Sweden until you have been convicted in a court of law. Think about that for a bit.

Now I can agree that Sweden should not take in more immigrants for some time. We need a pause, considering the amount of refugees and immigrants that has come the past couple of years, and considering that we are unable to integrate them into society.

We are not riding a train here. We are not on a track that can only go straight forward. We have the option to go any way. Left, right, up, down, we can turn around go back a bit and then go forward/left/right again. Etc.

And maybe you have missed that the Social Democrats has implemented much of what SD wants regarding immigration. So how can you say that we "keep accelerating the train"? It's simply not true. Stop reading all those alt-right fascist sites, unfollow them from twitter. Sweden is not about to be taken over by Islamists. Jesus Christ. Have a cigar, drink some coffee, go out for a walk. Relax. Paint a painting.

It is like you are paralyzed by the fearmongering that comes from the Right. You are in a tunnel and can only see straight ahead. You are panicked, thinking you will crash into a wall. You want to vote for the fascists because there are too many islamofascists and feminazis in Sweden? It is like: "I don't like fascists so I have to vote for the fascists! It's the only way!!". That logic doesn't make much sense.
Sun Apr 30 09:47:12
"I have no idea what you are rambling about paramount"

And I'm not sure what you don't have an idea on what I'm rambling about. Is it the HIV-man that I was talking about? Have you never heard of him?

Mehdi Tayeb

He was/is an Iranian. He came to Sweden. Since there are many Iranians in Sweden, do we ask for more rapings and more HIV?
large member
Sun Apr 30 09:56:32
SD is hardly a last resort for Iranians. Aryan racial theory is alive and well in Persian circles.

Vote for them? Hell, you should run for them.

We basically agree though. Immigration should be reviewed and reversed. With a cut-off date of those arriving after 1977.

Technically by creating and enforcing a regime that expels all other citizenship migrants sentenced for any criminal or civic transgression.

Fascists and Islamists have no place in Social Democracies.
Sun Apr 30 10:10:28
This is what happens you promote a system that attracts all the lowest creatures on the planet to you door step. Have you even understood the point I am making? Apparently not, it is a good thing you are cute because you are one dumb cookie.

When you have an extensive social security system and a retdarded unrestricted refugee policy that AUTOMATICALLY makes ANYONE from a warzone eligable for asylum and permanent residency, you are buying the pig in the bag as we say. You bring a lot of people who come from a harsh environment and cultures, a much more violent part of the world. Then you think everything will be the same? There is a gross overrepresentstion of immigrants in violent crimes and specially the most violent crimes, for a reason. If you come from a hellish environment you will act like the devil because that is how you survive.

The look at the civilized, mild manners of Swedish police and civil society as a weakness to preyed upon. When in Swedish history has there be such a disregard and hate by so many for civil society, police and the state? Complete and total disrespect for police. I read the other day that stockholm police budget for cars has gone up so much due to vandalism, which seems to be a common occurs these days. The police will next year actually buy new more heavily armored cars.

That is where the train is heading son, armored cop cars.
large member
Sun Apr 30 10:17:58
The point you are making is that Iranians should never have been let into Social Democracies.

A flaw easily corrected due to their habit of keeping multiple citizenships.

Al Capone their asses: Strip them of Nordic citizenships after any legal sentence, then send them back where they came from.

You are a huge part of the problem, bro.
Sun Apr 30 11:28:18
"When in Swedish history has there be such a disregard and hate by so many for civil society, police and the state? Complete and total disrespect for police. "

So lets analyze this a bit. In some suburbs we have a problem with drugs, guns and criminal gangs who are listening to gangsta rap and disrespecting the police? It sounds like they have adopted the American culture. No reason to be outraged over that, because America is great, yes?

Man, I saw this coming 20 years ago. The dismantling of the welfare state paved the way for this. Sweden has always been a bit behind the USA but we are catching up. The Burgess and the Liberals view the USA as a role model. Look at the USA and that is how Sweden will look like.

Politicians has abandoned our suburbs because that's where the Somalis and Middle-Easterners are living. People who are not particularly strong moneywise, or voicewise, because they lack the language. So politicians, including the Social Democrats, ignore them.

SD will also ignore them, they will not invest in our suburbs where immigrants are living. So SD is not the solution you are looking for.

Today, there is only one political party that reminds of the traditional Social Democratic party. It's the Left Party. They are the only party who wants to rebuild our welfare. All other parties are in the hands of the corporations (predatory capitalism) more or less. They don't care about people. Only the money.

So, why should kids in the suburbs be any different? They see how it all works. Its all about screwing people for money. American culture.
Sun Apr 30 13:12:02
No paramount, this is not American culture, in America the cops would have shot them dead, this is Swedish culture. Where there are no demands that you assimilate or integrate. In America you work or you eat at a soup kitchen.

We didn't dismantle the wellfare state either, it is insane that you would say this when the suburbs we are talking about are all living on wellfare! There are more ungdomsgÄrdar in the suburbs then ever.

Do you have anything besides tired and old communist lies?

The argument that poor people by default become violent towards the rest of society is moronic. You don't slash the tires of cop cars because you are poor dum dum, you do it when you lack respect for the authority they no longer have and laugh at the consequences it might entail.

Let analyze it even more, are you surprised that people from certain countries ans cultures are overrepresented in these crimes? Immigrants come from all over the world, certain countries, certain groups are problematic, not many issues with Asian in Sweden, is there? Not many Chinese on wellfare in Sweden, but like 90% of Somalis or something like that.
large member
Sun Apr 30 13:14:04
Seriously, go back to where you came from. You have no business being in a social democracy.

Hopefully legislation will change to fully reflect that truth.
large member
Sun Apr 30 13:15:06
Fully reflect and enforce that truth*

Perhaps with practice you might one day hold a passport of a country you do not betray.

But that day is not today.
Sun Apr 30 13:21:13
Paramount just look at our Nordic neighbors who are experiencing non of these things or extremely little. Take Finland, their economy has taken a big hit these last 10 years. Do they have these issues, no? Could it be because they have a fraction of the immigration? Are there no poor neighborhoods in Helsinki? Where are all the burned cop cars and honor killings??

Naw it is because we dismantled the wellfare state and abandoned (a sick joke considering the 70 billion that the refugee wave will cost) the suburbs. That is why they hate Swedish society, raise the taxes and pour more money into the suburbs, that will fix it.

This what happens when one tries to solve problems one does not understand.
Sun Apr 30 13:24:41
"And jergul, I am trying to put together your ramblings into something coherent"

Oh Nimi, dear friend.
We have all tried and failed miserably for years.
Sun Apr 30 13:26:32
lol Jergul, you sound like a racist broken record, go back nigger! Go back home nigger! Go back home nigger!

This is another notch under my belt, a feather in the hat, breaking you like this, quisling.
large member
Sun Apr 30 13:26:33

The real reason Nimi's panties are in a bunch and why he hates Swedish society.

Social Democratic dealings with Iran cannot be tolerated.

Both countries must be destroyed before he will let that happen.
large member
Sun Apr 30 13:28:11
Its easy to understand nimi. You and your family do not fit in Sweden. So want to change it to something resembling shahs Iran.

The obvious solution is for you to leave. Not because you are an Aryan, but because you are a sick puppy.
Sun Apr 30 13:29:10
I think Jergul tried to shovel too much snow in -25C*. I heard it is bad for one's senses.
large member
Sun Apr 30 13:31:12
You should move too. But you know that.
Sun Apr 30 13:32:36
Prepping my Hungarian passport, it is in the making.
I hope there will be an EU to go to by then.

The fact we have an agreement though does not make you any saner.
large member
Sun Apr 30 13:44:35
Just think of Social Democracy as our Israeli patriotism and Middle Eastern migrants since 1979 as our Palestinians.

It may seem crazy from the outside, but the migrants are destroying to nordic soul.
large member
Sun Apr 30 13:48:14
Hungary would probably be a better fit for nimi too incidentally. You could get together and talk about arab inferiority to your hearts content.
Sun Apr 30 13:51:26
Tried to warn him, but jergul insisted on going full retard. To be honest jergul is really an oddball in all the Norwegian I have had to deal with, they are good people. Imagine Swedish people, but without the taint and shadow of Hitler and the Nazis.
large member
Sun Apr 30 13:54:26
Its fulll retard wanting migration policies reviewed and sending back undesirables that threaten fundamental nordic values?

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