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Utopia Talk / Politics / What ever happened
Sun Apr 23 12:36:48
to the promise of a wall that the Mexicans will pay for?
Now it seems that Congress, at least the Republican/Tea Party wants the US tax payers to pony up for the wall that Trump promised the Mexicans would pay for.
Could it be that US contractors see big bucks in building the wall?
Could it be that the Congress already knows which contractors have an inside track on building the wall?
Could it be that they have already bought large chunks of stocks in these companies?

Why not just build the wall and tell the contractors that the check is in Mexico City if they want to get paid.
Sun Apr 23 12:42:06

The Children
Sun Apr 23 12:57:41
no joke, that thing will end up at least 10x more costly and will take decades 2 finish.

u better hire us 4 that shit lol.

Sun Apr 23 13:05:21
We need to hire a pack of unemployed Brits?
Sun Apr 23 14:36:40
I was thinking China but then I remembered that there wall was beaten by a bunch of nomads from Mongolia.
Then I was thinking the French but they would probably put it on the Canadian border.
the wanderer
Sun Apr 23 15:04:52
i guess Trump saw your question:

"Eventually, but at a later date so we can get started early, Mexico will be paying, in some form, for the badly needed border wall."

perhaps he is 'OsamaIsDaWorstPresid'
the wanderer
Sun Apr 23 15:06:00
and he said he would never lie to us so should happen... (don't let the constant stream of lies so far cause concern)
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Apr 23 17:12:47

We will build the wall, at least the start up, and then he will charge a fee on all funds wired to Mexico until the full cost is paid.

That seems to be the latest plan anyway.

Sun Apr 23 17:16:45
So Americans are still paying for the wall, just as it goes to Mexico?

That isn't Mexico paying for it though.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Apr 23 17:26:07

Most of the money sent to Mexico is sent by illegals and is likely earned tax-free.

Not sure if it will be sorted out where only illegals are the only one charged or not. Of course I am not privy to all of the details.

Sun Apr 23 17:54:23
"Most of the money sent to Mexico is sent by illegals and is likely earned tax-free."

Please cite a source for this. I highly doubt the amount of money illegals send to mexico is anything more than a rounding error on the sum total. A reasonable source with cited facts may convince me otherwise.
Wrath of Orion
Sun Apr 23 18:46:18
I'm sure Retard Rod "heard it on Fox News" while changing his Depends.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Apr 23 20:13:03

Hood, how about a little basic logic if nothing else.

There are millions of illegals here. Do you honestly believe that only a few are sending money home to their impoverished families?

If so, you know very little of Mexican families.

Sun Apr 23 20:33:58
Rod thinks a few millions per year from illegals matters at all.

Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun Apr 23 20:34:26
A wall would cost at least 18% of Mexico's annual budget plus only a small percentage of undocumented are from Mexico.

Sun Apr 23 20:54:34

"and then he will charge a fee on all funds wired to Mexico until the full cost is paid."

And what's he going to do when they start transferring money through alternate means?

Anarchist Prime
Sun Apr 23 21:18:05
then the cia and fbi and 17 000 000 000 other intelligence agencies will do what they do best.
Sun Apr 23 21:19:37

Shoot themselves in the foot?

Make asses of themselves?

Nap right through a foreign intervention into our presidential election?

Wrath of Orion
Sun Apr 23 21:19:42
Hood asks for reliable sources and evidence...Retard Rod responds with baseless speculation.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Apr 23 22:48:54

hood - Rod thinks a few millions per year from illegals matters at all.

More like $20 Million a month more or less. Proba bly much, much more.

Many of them are sending every penny they can spare. Not just the change they get back when they break a buck.

Let's take a for instance.

Say just 10 million wage earners send $400 a month average. That is $4 Billion a month. Say we deduct 25%, that comes to $1 Billion a month.

Plus there are other ways to collect like cutting off their foreign aid, another $2 Billion a year. plus other methods.

What the hell. I'm just talking to hear myself talk. You won't believe it even after he proves he has done it.

Sun Apr 23 23:00:55
I just hope:

1- It never gets built, because walls are always evils, or failures, or both in the long run.

2- IF it does get built, the solar farm idea wins and it's to a large degree paying for itself by generating solar power.
Sun Apr 23 23:29:28
"Say just 10 million wage earners"

It is estimated that there are a total of 11.5 million illegal immigrants. Not just mexican, but total.

Or we could go find actual numbers instead of wildly swinging our dicks around.


Oh, look. $25 billion per year. Unfortunately, no mention of how much is sent by illegal immigrants. Even at half, you're looking at about $12 bil.

You have to get pretty far down on the list of shitty or low-population states to find individual states that don't make that much per year. Going simply by the big 3 states of illegal mexicans (cali, texas, IL), you're still only looking at roughly 1.4% of the state yearly income being sent away.

Nobody is missing this "illegal" money transfer.
Mon Apr 24 04:34:05
To what end are we building this wall?

What exactly is this going to cost the US? Not only construction costs but maintenance, monitoring, tracing all money sent to Mexico, and all the associated bureaucracy that is going to come with this.

Is there a real positive for all that?

By all reports our nations bridges are rapidly deteriorating and some are on the verge of collapse. Our highways are in need of some major up grading and just plain old maintenance. Our Airports could use major upgrades. Our RR track system has been allowed to deteriorate for decades, to the point where trains can only creep over them in case they derail.

Put that 20 or so billion that the Wall is supposed to cost to work improving what needs to be done for our infrastructure. Benefiting all of us with instant good paying jobs and much needed repairs.

Trump is acting like he bought a hotel with a leaky roof but his main priority is to build a wall around it to keep the low life from renting rooms.
The Children
Mon Apr 24 05:15:58
u cant build it, ur broke. and all ur projects have ended up costin waaay waaay waaay more.

thats what they do, they lie about the costs and then the authorities bite and pick those guys and then suddenly the "hidden costs" comes out and by then it is 2 late lol taxpayers arlready committed.

isnt it great, pure market capipigs at work.


u cant build it, yet u want it coz u be overrun by beanos soon. invasion of the latinos.

u better call china lol
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Apr 24 07:09:00

patom - It is estimated that there are a total of 11.5 million illegal immigrants. Not just mexican, but total.

And some estimates of 20 million or more.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Apr 24 07:10:24

Sorry, my last was for hood.

Mon Apr 24 15:10:05
20 million? Daaayum. It is almost like americans wants their women to be raped by mexicans.
Mon Apr 24 16:29:18
"And some estimates of 20 million or more."

Cite a source, you fucking shitlicker.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Apr 24 17:14:16

I heard Obama say on TV once the number was between 11 and 22 million.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Apr 24 17:20:47

2010 Statistics

Data compilled from Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Homeland Security reports indicate:

83% of warrants for murder in Phoenix are for illegal aliens.
86% of warrants for murder in Albuquerque are for illegal aliens.
75% of those on the most wanted list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.
24.9% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals
40.1% of all inmates in Arizona detention centers are Mexican nationals
48.2% of all inmates in New Mexico detention centers are Mexican nationals
29% (630,000) convicted illegal alien felons fill our state and Federal prisons at a cost of $1.6 billion annually
53% plus of all investigated burglaries reported in California, New Mexico, Nevada, Arizona and Texas are perpetrated by illegal aliens.
50% plus of all gang members in Los Angeles are illegal aliens
71% plus of all apprehended cars stolen in 2005 in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California were stolen by Illegal aliens or "transport coyotes".
47% of cited/stopped drivers in California have no license, no insurance and no registration for the vehicle. Of that 47%, 92% are illegal aliens.
63% of cited/stopped drivers in Arizona have no license, no insurance and no registration for

the vehicle. Of that 63%, 97% are illegal aliens

66% of cited/stopped drivers in New Mexico have no license, no insurance and no registration for

the vehicle. Of that 66% 98% are illegal aliens.

380,000 plus "anchor babies" were born in the US to illegal alien parents in just one year, making 380,000 babies automatically US citizens.
97.2% of all costs incurred from those illegal births were paid by the American taxpayers.


Mon Apr 24 18:32:03
"Pew estimates about 12 million illegal immigrants lived in the U.S. in 2004"

From your link. Which is conservapedia. Not even they are willing to put out the bullshit idea that there's 20million+ illegals.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Apr 24 18:56:31

Hood - "Pew estimates about 12 million illegal immigrants lived in the U.S. in 2004"

And not one single foreigner has entered our country in the last 13 years.

Damn hood, you are brilliant to figure that one out.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Apr 24 19:09:01

"And not one single foreigner has entered our country in the last 13 years."


Mon Apr 24 19:19:30
Just fucking die already. You're effectively catatonic anyway.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Apr 24 19:23:19


You just told me the illegal population decreased by 1,000,000 since 2004.

And you call me catatonic? I guess it is better than being Braindead.

Mon Apr 24 20:11:09
As I said. Just die already. You're a waste of tax dollars and should be death paneled already.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Apr 24 20:16:07

At least I'm smart enough to know that the illegal population has only decreased the last couple of months.

Except for seasonal and economic adjustments of course.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Apr 24 20:28:12

That the **inflow** of illegals has only decreased...

Tue Apr 25 05:37:00
Both their inflow and overall numbers have been decreasing for a few years now.
Tue Apr 25 05:52:47

It seems that Trump is backing down on the 1 billion dollar down payment in the budget proposal.
the wanderer
Tue Apr 25 10:40:25
idiot Trump can't even pronounce 'Nazis' while reading entirely off teleprompter... keeps saying 'nozzies'
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