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Utopia Talk / Politics / Indian's natural Republicans
Sun Apr 23 02:56:38

"The abuse was allegedly inflicted over a decade of marriage by Abhishek Gattani, former CEO of Cuberon, a customer behavior analytics company, on his wife, Neha Rastogi, also a successful Silicon Valley professional who previously worked at Apple."

"Three gut-wrenching videos, secretly recorded by Rastogi, were obtained and published by the Daily Beast. They depict an atmosphere where horrifying violence and domestic abuse, even in front of the couple’s then 2-year-old daughter, appears to be perfectly normal. "

I actually don't know where I'm going with this. On one hand it shows minorities can be as stupid and backwards as the average Trump voter. On the other hands, it shows the truth beyond Politically-correct culture: that most asian countries breed narcissistic, domestic abusing men as well as helpless and enabling women. We really shouldn't be importing other countries problems.

I guess I'll go with let's not import shitty people angle. We don't need more losers like The Children over here. We already have our hands full with leeches like Hot Rod.
The Children
Sun Apr 23 03:59:04
" that most asian countries breed narcissistic, domestic abusing men as well as helpless and enabling women."

>> no, just brown monkey asians.
Sun Apr 23 11:48:26

"We really shouldn't be importing other countries problems."

^ we have a winner :o)

Sun Apr 23 12:00:06
Lmao, cuckhat unintentionally sides with trump on immigration.
Mon Apr 24 14:35:41
Which ones are the brown monkey Asians? What is the Asian hierarchy of dominance?
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