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Utopia Talk / Politics / Warcraft - ot
Sun Apr 23 00:33:15
Holy fucking shit I watched this film on cinemax and I can't tell if it's the worst film I've ever watched or if it's a great fantasy flick. It is ambitious as hell. And the lead male actor is either insane or a great actor, I can't tell. I have the same problem when watching him on vikings. Is he a good actor or does he just have crazy eyes?
Sun Apr 23 04:08:26
It was pretty bad, feels like they wanted to make a 3 hour movie and weren't allowed to, so they just cut out tons of character development so they could keep the overall plot.

Also, that guy definitely has crazy eyes, but he knows how to use em. And the half-orc chick is hot.
Sun Apr 23 04:33:41
It was a great movie, but without a doubt much greater experience full of nostalgia for people like me who have payed every warcraft game. And there are a lot of us, the warcraft games span 3 decades, several generation of gamers steeped in the warcraft world and lore. Even if Blizzard failed to grab the attention of new fans with the movie they played well to the large audience that already exists.
Sun Apr 23 04:37:23
From what I heard, it was a huge movie in asia. It was alright. Definitely seemed like there was a good bit of back story that was left out (although considering, they did a half decent job of stitching that together anyway) and, more importantly, it seemed like a great movie to set up a franchise. Like, certainly on its own it was only ok. But as a setup to bring us to the more recent warcraft games? I 10000000000% want to see Arthas go bad in cinematic form. And this is a great setup to see that era of warcraft.
carbonated water
Sat Apr 29 07:28:06
I agree it was no where as in depth as it needed to be. I hope they recognize and adjust for the 2nd. Id like to see more "lord of the clans" novel kinda of detail.
Sat Apr 29 18:54:39
It was all right, but very forgettable. Decent fantasy film, nothing special.
Sat Apr 29 19:24:23
And course ys finds a half or half human attractive.
Sat Apr 29 19:24:39
Half orc**

Fucking phone.
Gamer UPer
Sat Apr 29 21:12:18
"And course ys finds a half or half human attractive"

Know you're god damn lore. She was half-orc and half-draenei.
Gamer UPer
Sat Apr 29 21:12:38
Sat Apr 29 21:27:51
I never played the game, but I did notice her size seemed to change throughout the movie.
Sat Apr 29 23:36:33
If you are a fan of the games, it made the movie far more passable. It was better than I expected frankly.

It basically was a summation of the game Warcraft 1. ... which leaves us facing a lot more Warcraft movies if this one made enough money to make them decide to run with it.

Warcraft 2 could be it's own movie. Two movies if you include expansions.

Warcraft 3 could be three movies.

I don't know if their stories once it gets to World of Warcraft would translate very well into movies. But the first 3 games for sure have some coherent story telling that can translate into movies.
Sun Apr 30 00:20:06
I was addicted to WC1 and 2.
3 felt like a cartoon, too much like Heroes Of Might and Magic.
Movie will be like WC3 I think, not gonna watch.
Sun Apr 30 01:28:36
The problem with movies made from video games is often they are too short and rely too heavily on the viewer already knowing the context of things. There is also the issue with RPGs where every player has a different experience and story.

Which is sadly why there will never be a Mass Effeft game. No studio will want to touch with a 10 foot pole the argument over whether Shepard is a Man or a Woman. And that is literally the first divergant point in the game.
Sun Apr 30 01:49:18
If you missed Warcraft III, just watch this and you get the basic jist of the story. Some of those cut scenes... amazing they still look pretty good in 2017. That shit was made in 2002!

Sun Apr 30 11:27:16
"And the half-orc chick is hot."

Paula Patton, girl from Deja Vu.
Sun Apr 30 11:37:47
I want to play wc3 now. I wonder if I still have the cds?
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