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Utopia Talk / Politics / thats where the cheese flavour comes fro
The Children
Thu Apr 20 08:23:24
in india they dunt have 2 use cheese.


they invented cheese flavor!
The Children
Thu Apr 20 08:24:55
and those flies and cochroaches r just extra protein!
The Children
Fri Apr 21 00:20:05
remember shit is all over the place in that country where ppl shit and defecate in open air and all the place...

its stuck in there toes, feet, hands, even there moniez has shit on it. they touch it, dunt wash there hands, it spreads like wildfire.
Sat Apr 22 14:06:36
LOL bitch, how else are you gonna move all that dough?
smart dude
Sat Apr 22 14:12:00
This is why the best Indian food is found outside of India.
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