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Utopia Talk / Politics / Game of thrines:Blood of my blood
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ | Sun May 29 03:41:30 An old foe returns;Gilly meets Sam's family; Arya faces a difficult choice in 51 mins of violence and nudity. Whose gonna be nude? My prediction:Maester Parcell's asshole Which powerful noble female character will Littlefinger meet in a brothel next? Is Bran the Bloodraven? If true that'd make him an even bigger asshole Is Bran the "Red God" that's been sending messages? Will BJ save Bran? or will Peytr Baleish use his jetpack? Will Red Preist bring back Willis/Osha/Roose Bolton? How many Tony awards will Foxnews/Adam Sandler's "Winds of winter" win? Is it just me or is there some werid lesbian tension between Arya/whaif? |
Hot Rod
Revved Up | Sun May 29 04:30:58 What's a 'thrine'? |
Member | Sun May 29 18:58:52 http://youtu.be/Js-JMFmWxJM |
Hot Rod
Revved Up | Sun May 29 19:05:27 She shoots guns. She can be what she wants. |
the wanderer | Sun May 29 19:06:00 Game of Molds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stq0WrmXlDs "Arya faces a difficult choice" she clearly has to abandon the path or it would be boring... but somehow still learns the face-shifting stuff |
Member | Sun May 29 19:34:42 High Sparrow is the next to go, I think it is clear. |
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ | Sun May 29 19:36:29 No need to give her so much screen time if all she is gonna do is wash dead bodies, get beaten, and occaisonally kill random people for money. |
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ | Sun May 29 20:03:22 Yup the Freys are back. |
Member | Sun May 29 20:10:21 Coldhands rides an elk, not a horse |
Member | Sun May 29 20:24:38 this Tarly dinner is like Trump supporter raging at Syrian refugees. |
Member | Sun May 29 21:04:18 RIP Tommen and Frey. There's, like, zero chance either of those people make it to season 7. We hardly knew ye, Joffrey's bro |
the wanderer | Sun May 29 21:04:53 hopefully Bran goes back & makes it so Margaery does that walk of shame 8] |
Member | Sun May 29 21:28:45 "RIP Tommen" If Tommen goes, who is next in line to the throne? Baratheons are all dead |
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ | Sun May 29 22:14:06 OMG Jaime's face when Tommen walks out. When you play the Game of Thrones you either Win, or die!! or brainwash the boy king to your side. THERE IS NO MIDDLE GROUND |
Member | Sun May 29 22:39:37 " If Tommen goes, who is next in line to the throne? Baratheons are all dead " I hear there's a chick with some flying lizards who has a halfway decent claim. |
Member | Sun May 29 22:44:25 I meant w/o Targaryens. She is still across the sea. So let's say Tommen dies, the nobles gather to decide who's next. Who are the candidates? |
the wanderer | Sun May 29 23:14:29 why is Tommen's life in peril? Bernie's happy & Jaime/Cersei aren't going to kill their son |
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ | Sun May 29 23:33:00 Not on purpose but kids of shitty parents (he was literally seduced by a creepy old dude that they didn't trust) usually end up dead. Plus the King's guard is so unbelievably incompetent they might accidentally kill him with a wet-stone. |
Member | Sun May 29 23:34:30 The government of Westeros is going to collapse. Tommen is Bashar al Assad. A manchild running on inertia bequeathed by those who proceeded him. The Peasents, the Sparrow, and the Great Houses of Westeros will now know the nightmare of Anarchy. Their weak king will fail to maintain order as the the very foundations of society collapse. From within as even the Sparrow fails to control to the forces of class warfare he has unleashed. As even the Lannister family fails to hold the great houses together as they begin to tear each other apart. And from without. As the fire of Targaryen vengeance descends on the land, even as the ice of the vengeans of the First Men is brought to bear. In the form of the Starks, and the White Walkers. The Andals and their false gods will be destroyed in a storm of ice and fire. |
Member | Mon May 30 00:37:53 Arya is gonna take care of those two by killing her, taking her face, killing her master then sail across the sea and kill Tommen, take his face and be King. |
honest politician
Member | Mon May 30 13:53:08 Arya will hop on the Iron-born ships with Danaerys when they refuel at Bravos. Then she will kill Cersei because the many-faced god wills it so. J'aqen & Whaif cannot deny the many-faced god. Danaerys' army is going to be like Stannis' the Mannis' army when they get to Westeros: Fucking cold and eating horses. I don't think the desert dwellers are going to do so well in Winter. Don't think she got the memo 'Winter is coming', and Summer just got mauled by zombies. Who will fight the mountain in the trial by combat? |
Member | Mon May 30 14:33:06 Prince Ober... wait. |
the wanderer | Mon May 30 14:36:45 Bernie will kick his ass himself |
Renzo Marquez
Member | Mon May 30 14:44:31 honest politician Member Mon May 30 13:53:08 "Who will fight the mountain in the trial by combat?" Sandor. |
smart dude
Member | Mon May 30 14:59:59 How many more seasons are they going to make of this show? The magic number seems like 8. But if he keeps aging at the current rate, Bran will be an old man by then. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116669/ |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon May 30 23:26:53 So everyone just going to ignore that Aeros wrote a comment in Middle Age knight romance style? Okay XD .. [honest politician]: "Who will fight the mountain in the trial by combat?" [Renzo Marquez]: "Sandor." Seems pretty paw-sible if he really was being healed at some kind of religious sect. Pieces falling into place! Cleganebowl 2016 looking good!! :D .. Guess I underestimated Margaery's decision options! I thought she'd kill her brother and just hold out longer, but she decided on simply deceiving the High Sparrow and throwing Tommen's kingdom under the bus. I liked her surprised smile/sigh when the army marched out.. sort of like, "oh wow, they were going to rescue me.. I didn't have to pretend to be religious after all. Shit.." And Pope Francis's look at Jaime at the end of that scene was a bit telling. He was *excited* that his plan had worked.. he *really* likes playing the game and making others lose. And Tommen had his guards put the religious seal on their armour and announced the alliance, so it's not like they can just kill the Sparrows and drop Margaery's deception. So if Cersei loses the trial by combat (Mountain killed), would she be executed immediately? Or is she simply "guilty" and the Sparrows decide her punishment? |
smart dude
Member | Mon May 30 23:31:16 Here is some interesting insight from our very own Sam Adams. I didn't even know he was a fan of the show. http://www...y_mean_on_game_of_thrones.html |
Member | Tue May 31 00:09:19 Hm. Sam, I wouldn't give up my weather forecasting day job if I was you. Random note, but Brann's flashbacks made me realize that it's been a LONG fucking time since we've actually seen the Iron Throne. Welcome back, you ergonomically-horrific chair. http://i.imgur.com/iUPr616.png |
Anarchist Prime | Thu Jun 02 14:15:08 http://www...nes-next-year.html?intcmp=hpff |
Renzo Marquez
Member | Thu Jun 02 16:13:00 Hopefully they all have Bronn. |
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