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Utopia Talk / Politics / Game of Thrones:The Door
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sat May 21 17:02:44
Tyrion seeks a strange ally(Red Priest). Bran learns a great deal(About the Knight King). Brienne goes on a mission (Seduce Tormend). Arya is given a chance to prove herself (Kill someone).

Emo Theron will help sister to win the Kingsmoot.

For the first time there isn't going to be much about Kings Landing but the best theory about last episode I heard was that Bernie after going on and on about the importance of a mother's love told Tom that Marg was prego(Lie) and may do the walk of shame (sorta true) under the condition that he not tell anyone. Of course knowing that Tom will tell Cersai.

How did emo Theon get back so fast? So which ship is making runs from Pyke to the mainland in the middle of a fucking war?

Ok Ramsay's Letter. Something is off about it, obviously Ramsay sent it unless the Red Priestess and Emo Theon bought back Mance Raider back to life and dressed him up in Bolton armor to deliver this fake letter. Possible but not likely.


ok the questions are

so "Old Nan" a woman famous for stories about humans being chopped up and served in pies also baked pies?

Did the men at Castle Black do Sansa nails and make up? Cause that'd be impressive

Things that worry Jon
one of which was resolved last episode

Returning from the dead
White Walkers
Killing a child
Morale of the Watch
Poltical status of the North
Status of BenJen,Bran, Rickon, Arya
Who the fuck shaved my pubes?!?!
Living up to expecations of Dad
Getting over dead girlfriend
My non pubic hair
Tomrrorw's menu
the weather
Ghosts's poo consistency
Tormund's opinon of his dick
Contacting Grenn and Pyp's parents
Craster's wives
Safety of Sam and Gilly
That mole
Am I getting enough Vitimain B?
Watering Ser Alliser's plants
Is it raining in Highgarden?
Should I stop sharpening Longclaw?
Status of Easwatch by the Sea
Status of the Shadow Tower

Is this Dark Sansa?

I'm calling it now in the battle for the North. Jon Stark his small army of wildlings and few houses is about to be defeated Ramsey's larger army. When suddenly the Knights of the vale show up and kill Ramsey and his army.

When the holy fuck is Lord FreindZone gonna wash is shirt?
No wonder you can't hug the dragon much less ride it, have greyscale, and dotharakis don't believe your traders. Your fucking nasty.

Did Lord FZ throw sand at him or did he just ejaculate sand?

Anyway here is a cut scene of Danny explain her plan

Lord FZ:Lets go
Danny:I have a better plan
Lord FZ: Ok lets here it
Danny:First I'm gonna talk to all of the Kals in the tent and viciously insult them and challenge their manhood.
Shady D:What if one of them just runs over and snaps your neck
Danny:Then I'll tip over one of the braziers spilling the oil and the fire will go up stairs and spread everywhere.
Lord FZ:Braziers don't hold that much oil and how do you know that they arn't bolted to the floor or are really really heavy? I mean this thing has been here thousands of years you wouldn't think it'd collapse after knocking down one brazier..

Danny:So when they are panicking I'll slowly tip over the other Braziers

Lord FZ:Why would they panic? These are battle, hardened killers. Plus I've seen this place before it has many windows I'm pretty sure they could break one of the wooden panels and get out.

Danny:The Fire will spread like wildfire trapping them inside.

Lord FZ:You know I've been building fires my whole life never seen wood catch fire that quickly. Even if true Arn't you worried about being burned?

Danny:No, I'm fire proof remeber the House of the undying.. well there was a magie and a comet and some other special circumstances but yeah I'm pretty sure that didn't help. All I need you to do is lock the door.

Lord FZ:ok you sure? we can do more

Danny:Nope after everything burns down I'm going come out naked and people will bow and worship me. Even my hair will be awesome cause it's nonburnable and the smoke and gases won't affect it.

Lord FZ:The Dotharki hate magic and it'll only take one of them to run up and slit your throat.

Danny:No I'm sure all 50,000 will be cool with me killing all there leaders and will think I'm a god not an unburnable witch.

Shaddy D:What should we do this woman?

Danny:Well my relationship goes back 5 mins with with me joking about her dead husband so I'm pretty sure she doesn't think I'm batshit crazy and is ok with me burning people alive. so yeah just let her go.

Lord FZ: I guess this is better than just running away.

*End scene

ok in a recent Game of two truths and one lie the following actors claimed the following

Sophie Turner
1)Ramsay dies
2)Lady Stoneheart returns
3)Arya checks 3 people off her list

Maisie Williams (She encouraged the other actors to lie about Jon Snow and say he was dead)
1)Arya goes to Westeros back over the sea
2)Arya is in the trailer more times than people realized, because they don't realize it's her."
3)Arya doesn't cross any more names off her list.

Renzo Marquez
Sat May 21 18:34:33
Where the fuck is Bronn?
Cherub Cow
Sun May 22 00:37:18
Hopefully still helping Jaime Lannister with his left-hand skills...
Sun May 22 20:15:24
This is fascinating and somewhat repulsive to me, for some reason. I mean, watching GoT that hasn't happened in the books
Sun May 22 20:22:18
Wtf? The Children creates White Walkers
Sun May 22 20:26:17
And why does Euron have two eyes
Sun May 22 20:58:13
Hold that damn door
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun May 22 20:58:59
He trying damn it.
the wanderer
Sun May 22 20:59:24
Bran you bastard... kids fuck up everything
Sun May 22 21:15:30
Sun May 22 21:17:33
Bran just became the scariest motherfucker in GoT.
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun May 22 21:25:28
Yeah if your on his team.
the wanderer
Sun May 22 21:33:16
what happened, happened and couldn't have happened any other way
Sun May 22 22:10:50
"Bran just became the scariest motherfucker in GoT."

1. Night King
2. Bran

Amend as necessary.
Mon May 23 01:26:47
It depends on how broadly Bran can change the past.

If he has arbitrary powers (Ned did seem to hear him at ToJ...) then the Night King basically just exists at his pleasure. Bran would just need to greensight his way back to right before the Children of the Forest sacrificed that dude and have a heart to heart chat with them about unforeseen consequences.

That would make him vastly overpowered and break the story though, so there will be limits to what he can do. Certain points in time are fixed, unchangeable, etc. He's basically Doctor Who...which would make Meera his companion and Hodor his.. TARDIS?
the wanderer
Mon May 23 09:58:37
he didn't change the past, Bran's future is set... John Connor was wrong
Mon May 23 10:26:11
Yeah, I don't think he can actually change the past. At least so far, the scene with hodor indicates that any past meddling has already played out as we see it today.
Mon May 23 10:28:37
He may not have had a choice in whether to do it but he definitely changed the past. Whether he always and unavoidably would have is a different question altogether.
Mon May 23 10:41:18
But he didn't change the past. That implies finding a new outcome in the present, which he most definitely did not do. He acts as a bridge between the past and the present, but all evidence points to a closed time loop. Anything Bran will do has already happened. He won't change the future, because those changes have been incorporated into history already.

However: odds on Bran trying to save his dead aunt and prevent the war that resulted in King Baratheon being what caused the mad king to go mad? We just saw how much he fucked up hodor. Maybe in an effort to sway the mad king from wanting to kidnap a stark for his wife, Bran makes another crazy fuck and starts all of the shenanigans.
Mon May 23 10:52:17
Yeah so I won't be pedantic since it sounds like we are agreeing violently.

He is clearly able to interact with the past. The question in my mind is whether everything in this world is predetermined. It seems like it is (see: various prophecies like the witch to Cersei about her children) but even if that's the case there's absolutely nothing to say that Bran isn't predestined to BAMF the shit out of everybody.
Cherub Cow
Mon May 23 10:54:05
"This is fascinating and somewhat repulsive to me, for some reason. I mean, watching GoT that hasn't happened in the books"

lulz .. good to hear a GoT-book reader suffering ;p

"he didn't change the past, Bran's future is set... John Connor was wrong"

This sounds accurate, actually :D
Given the Hodor consequence (Bran was stuck in the past so he had to will the *past* Hodor to hold the door, which melted Hodor's brain into a single imperative that could last all of those years and finally realize itself in that moment), it looks very much like Bran *can* change the past, but it's only to effect the present as it is currently known. So probably he can't change any of the events that have occurred in the "present" time of the show's history; like, he probably can't go back and save his father, but he can go back and stop his father *and* Sansa from being killed that day (only because we know that Sansa didn't die).. sort of like that Quantum Leap episode where Sam can't save JFK but can "save" Jackie Kennedy. I think that's where it's headed, anyways.. though just like Quantum Leap, Bran could freely meddle with any unknown continuities, like things that have happened North of the wall that we don't know about or things in a present-enough timeline that nothing important gets undone — which would prevent changes that would annoy the audience too much.. not that they wouldn't give the audience a fresh tragedy and then quickly undo it an episode later, probably at the cost of Bran sacrificing himself to make it happen..
Cherub Cow
Mon May 23 11:00:41
oops. I delayed submitting that post for a bit so you guise already talked about most of that
Mon May 23 11:47:57

Fair enough. And I agree with you, Bran could definitely be the most bamf. But as it stands now, it seems like the night king is tops.

We don't know when in the NKs timeline Bran looked into. However, we know that within hours, the NK had his army ready to attack. So either the NK was able to extract time information from Bran when the scene happened and showed up as soon as he could for the assault, or the NK recalled giving Bran the mark and was able to feel the mark's presence across miles and miles. Either way, he's got some badass senses there, either in feeling his mark appear or in discovering when in Brans timeline the vision originated. The one thing we do know is that it wasn't in real time, because Bran saw him surrounding the tree. Which couldn't have happened yet.
Cherub Cow
Mon May 23 11:56:11
"because Bran saw him surrounding the tree. Which couldn't have happened yet."

It may have even been an event in the future that he was visiting. The tree in present time was healthy and blooming (and the further back they go, the healthier the tree becomes), but the tree in the time that he visits was dead and covered in snow. So the Night King may even have the same time control powers or can reverse causality in time paradox fashion.. like maybe he discovers the tree in the future and tells his past self to visit it at that present moment.
Mon May 23 12:09:20
Not so sure about that one... it seemed as if Bran needed to touch the tree in order to look into the past. One could think that the time-vision stuff is enabled by the power of the tree. Which would mean that the night king just gained that power in his invasion (if he has any warging style abilities).

But I could just be full of shit. Also what does Bran do now that he's without a hodor to possess? Does he just decide that the Mountain is his play toy?
Cherub Cow
Mon May 23 12:38:58
"it seemed as if Bran needed to touch the tree in order to look into the past"

While they were carting him away he was still in Hodor's mind in the past, so for time travel he may 'no longer need the weirding module'... It's to be seen whether or not he can get to the past again once he breaks his link with that moment (like maybe the tree remains necessary to *initiate* a time travel experience, in which case Bran was only experiencing a residual connection while being carted away), but I'm guessing he'll still be able to time travel without the tree simply because it will be necessary for him to do so — does not seem like they've finished exploring the past.

I think you're right about the Night King getting his power from finding this tree, though. The extension would be that the NK finally finds the tree in the future (snow-covered, dead tree scene that Bran visits), which gives him the time power. He uses it to tell his past self to attack the tree, and in future episodes of the present timeline Bran and the Night King will have to compete for control of the past while everyone else fights in present circumstances.

Then again, that dead tree scene may not have been the future; could have just been a vision. All four of the main horsemen were in that scene even though one of them dies in the present assault (or can they reincarnate?).
Cherub Cow
Tue May 24 01:14:25
btw.. in Hodor's scene did anyone else think it was a little bit like a reversal of that Dick Tracy scene where Mumbles' audio tape is slowed down from unintelligible to "Big Boy did it"?
Tue May 24 04:39:49
Yea, it is a bit forced.

Hold the door
Hold the door
Hold the door
Hold the door
Hold the door

Not a smooth transition.

Also, now I get a Star Trek reboot sense... like the entire storyline is just a side effect of meddling with the past, and there's a TRUE timeline which the book/show doesn't handle, and all we're invested in is just a side effect timeline.

I am so pissed off. This season feels weak, and now it just annoying.
Tue May 24 04:41:31
Also, holding the door is nothing but a smoke screen for a really bad deus ex machina escape for Bran.

Tue May 24 04:44:53
just an aside
the new Red Lady which scared the beejesus out of Varys, is an Israeli actress.
Renzo Marquez
Tue May 24 04:48:29
Member Tue May 24 04:39:49
"I am so pissed off. This season feels weak, and now it just annoying."

I concur.
Tue May 24 05:00:23
This season definitely feels a bit too fast - bit less developed, less lead up so things feel more contrived (e.g. the whole Euron thing)
Tue May 24 05:17:22
euron = utterly butchered

This whole season has been trash.
the wanderer
Tue May 24 10:51:58
i don't recall Dick Tracy well enough... but Bran & the root was a lot like Pippin & the palantir

so is Arya faking or trying to be genuine? it seems her reaction to the play suggests she's failing if being genuine
Tue May 24 11:01:52
Arya will soon be the Master of the many faced god.
Average European
Tue May 24 11:44:40
A girl will suck the many wart cock.
Tue May 24 11:54:12
Lot of things seem forced and stiff this season. I don't know how they should fix it. If they start spending more time on certain events, go into more details then people are going to complain that they are dragging things out, like with Jon Snow's resurrection. But when they don't spend enough time on events, like with Euron situation, then it feels forced and undeveloped.
Tue May 24 12:15:20
Personally, I don't like "lets change the past to change the future" tropes. And ever since the disaster that was Star Trek "Enterprise", I have REALLY not liked it. 9/10 the writers just end up confusing themselves and the whole story falls apart.
Tue May 24 12:26:41
The Hodor character is decades old (25 years).
the wanderer
Tue May 24 13:11:01
they haven't really changed the past... assuming everything Bran will ever do has already happened as we've seen it
(i don't really trust writers not to mess with that :p... but that's how it should be)

every episode has ended w/ me wanting more so i think it's going ok myself :p
Tue May 24 13:21:22
"Personally, I don't like "lets change the past to change the future" tropes."

Not a single part of history was changed by Bran looking into the past.
Tue May 24 13:32:00
Clearly, Wylis the stableboy, an avid observer of the combat manuevers practiced by royal boys, was to become an accomplished knight, eventually saving Robb Stark at the Red Wedding and personally killing Walder Frey, and later Tywin Lannister in battle.

However, this eventually would see Jon backed by Robb and betrayed before Melisandre arrived. The army of the dead would be several thousand stronger, Bran would be marked leading to the crashing of the wall, and Mannis would arrive just in time to get rolled by the Night's King. WWs win.
Tue May 24 14:34:17
stupid Bran. I hate him. Useless asshole. They should write a storyline where Ramsay chops off Bran's cock too. For no reason, really. Just end the storyline with cock chop off, and never mention it again.
Tue May 24 15:38:50
I don't think bran muffins are good for anyone.
Tue May 24 16:52:52
Just realised - with the magic tree gone - are they are never going to show us confirmation of R+L=J... they trolled everyone?
Tue May 24 17:05:46
There is no indication that the tree they were in was anything more than a standard Weirwood. He might need to be at another one - perhaps at Winterfell?
Cherub Cow
Wed May 25 16:14:21
I think the old man gave Bran his powers, so Bran should still be able to look into the past; that really doesn't even seem like a question to me. It would make some sense if Weirwoods were necessary to boost the power, though.. and definitely "Not a single part of history was changed by Bran looking into the past" — I doubt that George R.R. Martin or the show writers have any intention of dramatically undoing story history.

"every episode has ended w/ me wanting more so i think it's going ok myself :p"

+1 Deer!
Down with the haters! I'm liking this season. There were three strong scenes in the last episode alone (Daenerys/Jorah, Theon/Yara, Hodor). And I don't think Hodor's scene was too deus ex machina; it took every person in that scene to get Bran out of there, not just Hodor. Plus we have Cersei's plan to look forward to. That's bound to go poorly for everyone.
Cherub Cow
Wed May 25 16:23:21
Oh, the Dick Tracy scene was at 1:17:41 in this video:
"bigbidi! bigbigdoh! bigbuhdidit! bigbuhdidit. Big Boy did it. Big Boy did it."
Cherub Cow
Wed May 25 17:07:13
Also relevant:
the wanderer
Wed May 25 21:54:22
"We're sorry for all the idiots who from now on will be shouting ‘Hodor’ every time you go through a door.”
~ creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss
smart dude
Wed May 25 22:27:41
^lol, had to look this up to see if it was real.
Cherub Cow
Thu May 26 00:52:56
They should also apologize that Imgur exists and ruins the show constantly with its meme-age ;)
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Thu May 26 04:29:49
Cherub Cow
Thu May 26 23:46:05
glad they apologized for the "close up wiener shot" too :p .. that seemed thrown in just to remind people that HBO can do nudity or something.
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