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Utopia Talk / Politics / USA, USA, USA!
Average Ameriacn
Sun Jul 06 07:26:35
I laughed so hard, best video ever:



Conservatives Are Purposely Making Their Cars Spew Black Smoke To Protest Obama And Environmentalists

Jul. 5, 2014

Pickup trucks customized to spew black smoke into the air are quickly becoming the newest weapon in the culture wars.

"Coal Rollers" are diesel trucks modified with chimneys and equipment that can force extra fuel into the engine causing dark black smoke to pour out of the chimney stacks. These modifications are not new, but as Slate's Dave Weigel pointed out on Thursday, "rolling coal" has begun to take on a political dimension with pickup drivers increasingly viewing their smokestacks as a form of protest against environmentalists and Obama administration emissions regulations.

Last month, Vocativ noted many coal rollers focus their fumes on "nature nuffies," or people who drive hybrids, and "rice burners," or Japanese-made cars.

"The feeling around here is that everyone who drives a small car is a liberal," a roller named Ryan told Vocativ. "I rolled coal on a Prius once just because they were tailing me."

Weigel spoke to a seller of coal rolling customization equipment who described why some drivers see spewing smoke as a political protest.

"I run into a lot of people that really don’t like Obama at all," the salesperson said. "If he’s into the environment, if he’s into this or that, we’re not. I hear a lot of that. To get a single stack on my truck—that’s my way of giving them the finger. You want clean air and a tiny carbon footprint? Well, screw you."

As coal rollers have become a form of conservative protest, their popularity seems to be exploding. Vocativ found Facebook pages dedicated to the phenomenon have about 16,000 followers and over 100,000 rolling coal posts have appeared on Instagram and Tumblr. According to Google Trends, there were virtually no internet searches for "rolling coal" prior to February 2011. Since then, search volume for the term has increased over 700%.

With this explosion in online attention, the battles between coal rollers and their environmentalist enemies are playing out in social media pages, Youtube videos and internet comment sections. Many of the rolling coal Facebook pages feature memes (like the one pictured on the right) that mock hybrid drivers and liberals. Coal rollers have also posted videos showing their trucks blasting more environmentally efficient cars with smoke.

Opponents of the practice have also taken to the internet. Weigel noted "a mid-June surge of comments" from progressives attacking coal rolling social media pages in the wake of the Vocativ article. In 2012, one outraged YouTube user posted a video entitled "Victim Of Coal Rolling" that showed a pickup shooting fumes at his car.

"Blow your smoke at me you son of a bitch," the driver says in the video.

Though the clip seemed designed as a criticism of coal rollers, it attracted a slew of comments from people who were clearly on the side of the pickup driver.

"What a loser you are, ain't nothing wrong with rolling some confederate coal," one person replied.

"Stupid ricers. what were you gonna do you bitch?" another said.
Sun Jul 06 08:13:49
"The feeling around here is that everyone who drives a small car is a liberal," a roller named Ryan told Vocativ. "I rolled coal on a Prius once just because they were tailing me."

Sun Jul 06 08:25:57
And they say the youth aren't active in politics anymore.
the wanderer
Sun Jul 06 09:48:06
"If he’s into the environment, if he’s into this or that, we’re not. I hear a lot of that."

i don't want to live on this planet anymore
Sun Jul 06 10:01:20
Hard to fathom such cretinism
Sun Jul 06 10:02:57
It really is. They are basically saying they don't like clean air and water. A rather odd stance for people out in the rural areas to take, but then I realize they take both for granted.
Sun Jul 06 10:05:16
Which now that I think about it, might explain things. People respond to lack more then abundance. Environmental concerns are huge in a city because its so easy for air and water to become unlivable, and for the concrete jungle to wear on the soul of our animal brain that wants to hang out in a tree and chase deer across the savannah.

In rural areas, there is no such lack, and indeed abundance. Like breathing, a clean environment is simply taken for granted. Until of course, you can't breathe.
Sun Jul 06 10:07:44
"We may run out of oil, but we have an unlimited supply of stupid "
Sun Jul 06 10:15:01
"and for the concrete jungle to wear on the soul of our animal brain that wants to hang out in a tree and chase deer across the savannah."

And yet, the vast majority of Americans seem to flock to those concrete jungles. Apparently that animal part of the brain is outweighed by the part of the brain that wants to go to an EDM club, do designer drugs and hang out with unbearable hipster scum.
Sun Jul 06 10:15:28
Anyway, let me give some moral support to the people in the OP and spray some CFCs into the air. Fucking ozone
Sun Jul 06 10:21:27
""Coal Rollers" are diesel trucks modified with chimneys and equipment that can force extra fuel into the engine causing dark black smoke to pour out of the chimney stacks."

Isn't it illegal to pollute the air like that?

Someone should shoot them.
Sun Jul 06 10:25:07
"Isn't it illegal to pollute the air like that?"

Depends on the State. I know its illegal in Virginia. But probably not illegal in places where Pick Up trucks are standard commuter fare.
the wanderer
Sun Jul 06 10:25:58
shooting them certainly wouldn't hurt the gene pool
Sun Jul 06 10:28:01
Never mind, its actually illegal everywhere because of the federal clean air act.

Wisconsin's relevant compliance law.

Not very severe punishments though. You get an equipment citation the first time. If you get caught again though you could lose your drivers license.
Sun Jul 06 10:28:11
large member
Sun Jul 06 10:46:11
I favour increasing diesel taxes. Its too cheap when people are happy to waste it.
Sun Jul 06 10:53:00
"Not very severe punishments though. You get an equipment citation the first time. If you get caught again though you could lose your drivers license."

And after the third time, it is life in jail?

Don't you have a law like that? The third time you break the law - whatever it is, you get life time in jail.
the wanderer
Sun Jul 06 12:10:20
only for serious crimes & only in certain areas

sending them to a chinese pollution city might give them some perspective... and some just torture
Sun Jul 06 12:13:31
"And after the third time, it is life in jail?"

Well, once you are caught a third time following your drivers license getting suspended, its driving on a suspended license, which is much more severe then an equipment violation. You could go to Jail for a couple weeks, though usually its just probation and a fine. Your license is also revoked for 6 months to a year, which in a rural area where shit like this goes on, is a pretty big deal.
Sun Jul 06 12:14:46
Don't you have a law like that? The third time you break the law - whatever it is, you get life time in jail."

Three strike laws only apply to felonies. All the stuff here are misdemeanors.
Sun Jul 06 12:29:55
Of course, with respect to the video, that smoke is deliberately occluding another driver and could impair his vehicles ability to navigate. If an accident occurs, it would cause all kinds of civil and legal problems for the douche nozzles in the truck depending on the severity of the accident. Up to vehicular homicide if a death happens.

It really does take a special kind of stupid to actually pay money to make this kind of modification to a truck.
Sam Adams
Sun Jul 06 13:39:06
aeros is so butthurt that people don't like having their lives controlled by his precious nanny state.
Sun Jul 06 23:10:03
Certain levels of control are necessary to restrain our societies inherent self destructive tendencies. Environmental laws are such restraints, that exist for a very good reason. Personally, I like going outside every day and breathing the clean air, seeing the insects roam about the grass, and then sipping ice tea made with water from my well.

None of that would be possible without the "nanny state". These sorts of shenanigans are not the actions of political protest against the government. They are a proclamation of ignorance.
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