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Utopia Talk / Politics / lulzsec busted
Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 09:37:57

and of course the leader was a permanent welfare member.

It boggles the mind how society steals the money from the working just to give it to lazy assholes.
Tue Mar 06 09:40:13
yeah, just like the last leader of a border illegal internet site was on welfare...oh no, wait, he was a multi millionaire. tard,
Tue Mar 06 09:41:33
* yeah, just like the last leader of a border illegal internet site to get busted was on welfare...oh no, wait, he was a multi millionaire. tard
Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 09:47:00
hey dumbass, I didnt say that all criminals were on welfare, I said that welfare sucks. Its simply unfair.

learn to read and think, dumbass.

also, why did you run away from the other 3 threads?
Tue Mar 06 09:52:23
so how the fuck did you manage to connect this criminal to welfare, tard? also, why did you run away from the questions?
Tue Mar 06 09:53:20
you'll notice that noone tried to blame millionaires when he got nabbed. A nice demonstration of how much more hackish you are.
Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 09:56:41
wait, tardfish, are you trying to claim there is no correlation between income and crime?


my god you are a fucking retard. everything you say is the opposite of how the world actually works. and they gave you a fuzzy studies graduate degree? even more hilarious! My justification for making fun of fuzzy studies got even higher than it was!
Tue Mar 06 10:03:42
heres a few.

* entitlement: You believe you are entitled through genetics to a better life, and that this cannot be contested or changed, because of genetical fixing in stone.

* IQ. You believe environment has a much lesser effect on IQ than genetical fixing in stone. Fact: since the welfare state came into being, IQ tests have shown an increase of roughly 3 points per decade. If your argument is correct why does the human species show nobody with the accumulated effect of 3 points increase per decade for thousands of years?

* Successful men have been marrying, not wives with high IQ, but for politics and consolidation of wealth. In modern times, this has changed to wealthy men very often marrying women with great tits rather than great minds, negating your argument of hereditary IQ set in stone, once again.

It goes on and on and on...
Tue Mar 06 10:09:24
* why do millions of dumb people in your opinion have far much more wealth than you?

* Why do people that in your opinion are dumb rule the USA and the people you think are smart have failed at taking control?

Tue Mar 06 10:42:38
"Although his skills and intellect could command a lucrative salary in the private sector, those who know him say he is lazy, an underachiever complacent with his lifestyle."

Tue Mar 06 10:49:19
woah - high IQ, you say? lulz

Hot Rod
Tue Mar 06 11:06:23

He should be skinned alive.

Tue Mar 06 11:15:41
ahhh, refreshing to see such social liberalism - Uganda style.
Tue Mar 06 11:54:57
Sam? Sam??? SAM??? ran away again, huh lol...

Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 12:43:23
I never run, unlike pussyfish.

also, I never said that genetics is the only factor in intelligence. Nor the dominant fact. It is a main player, along with education. I don't know which is more important, education or genetics, but they are both important.

How many times do you have to be slapped your little face with this fact before you understand it? How does a PHD student not know basic IQ? Oh, its because you are fuzzy studies! lmfao!
Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 12:44:14
I notice you are running from the statement you just made that there is no correlation between income and crime.


tardfish why are you running? Why don't you tell me what the correlation between income and crime is?
Tue Mar 06 12:47:16
"It is a main player, along with education. "

and yet, the the accumulated effect on IQ from changing the environment are huge compared to the accumulated effect from your fantasies. And since you now know how to make the general populace much smarter in a very short period of time, htf would you not understand the benefit of doing so? Is it because you have an IQ of 145 at cupid.com?

Tue Mar 06 13:04:39
Since you ran away again, Ill tell you why: because you believe you are entitled through birth for them to be kept in servitude to you
Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 13:34:17
"education is not environment, and is a fantasy"

"education and genetics are fantasies"

wow. you are trully stupid. Like really retarded. Not just us trolling you on UP, but you are ACTUALLY IRL STUPID.

RIP tardfish. I feel sorry for you.
Tue Mar 06 13:39:46
Of course he is a welfare leech that instantly turns on his fellow hackers.
Tue Mar 06 13:41:41
Rofl, sams buddies, tornadoofretard, grrrduh and pedorod are piling in here. The IQ in this thread is gonna get to like several million points
Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 13:45:01
And yes tardfish, because you were born into a family with inferior genetics and they did not teach you much as you were raised, you are now meant to serve me.
Tue Mar 06 13:46:41
sam, why did you run away from this question, like all the other questions?

and yet, the the accumulated effect on IQ from changing the environment are huge compared to the accumulated effect from your fantasies. And since you now know how to make the general populace much smarter in a very short period of time, htf would you not understand the benefit of doing so? Is it because you have an IQ of 145 at cupid.com?

Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 13:48:03
^answered your question in the post right before that! lmfao! how fucking owned are you! And you call genetics and education fantasies again! lmfao!
Tue Mar 06 13:50:43
* "your fantasies" refers, of course, to stupidity like your disproven claim that the accumulative effects of genetical hereditary of IQ accelerate at anything like the same rate as the massive explosion since the welfare state changed the conditions; and also your retarded nonsense that high IQ will only reproduce linearly with other high IQ mates, when, in fact, marriage among the ruling class has been all about politics for thousands of years and these days about showing off a hot chick with silicon tits.

Tue Mar 06 13:51:12

So, sam, why did you run away from this question, like all the other questions?

and yet, the the accumulated effect on IQ from changing the environment are huge compared to the accumulated effect from your fantasies. And since you now know how to make the general populace much smarter in a very short period of time, htf would you not understand the benefit of doing so? Is it because you have an IQ of 145 at cupid.com?
Tue Mar 06 13:58:12
youre so fucked here lol

Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 14:04:25
I told you that yes, based on your inferior genetics and education, that you are meant to serve me.

could you not read that the first time even though I pointed it out twice?

you really are an actual idiot.
Tue Mar 06 14:06:51
Everyone reading this is reading you not being able to answer the question 145. You do realize that, dont you?
Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 14:07:32
I like how tardfish can't even read these days.
Tue Mar 06 14:09:50
Come on sam, everyones watching you get murdered here:

"and yet, the the accumulated effect on IQ from changing the environment are huge compared to the accumulated effect from your fantasies*. And since you now know how to make the general populace much smarter in a very short period of time, htf would you not understand the benefit of doing so? Is it because you have an IQ of 145 at cupid.com?"

* "your fantasies" refers, of course, to stupidity like your disproven claim that the accumulative effects of genetical hereditary of IQ accelerate at anything like the same rate as the massive explosion since the welfare state changed the conditions; and also your retarded nonsense that high IQ will only reproduce linearly with other high IQ mates, when, in fact, marriage among the ruling class has been all about politics for thousands of years and these days about showing off a hot chick with silicon tits.
Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 14:10:14
Wait, are you actually saying that I dont value education?

wow. You know I am a science grad student, yet you think I don't value education?
Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 14:10:51
Yes, tardfish, education is good. Why did you possibly think otherwise?
Tue Mar 06 14:13:03
I like how sam cant even read anymore rofl...the question sam, stop running away from the question lol

Tue Mar 06 14:15:57
Since you now know how to make the general populace much smarter in a very short period of time, and since you now know that non-hereditary, improved social conditions caused an unprecedented acceleration in IQ in the general populace, htf would you not understand the benefit of doing so, especially since you whine all the time about humanity is fucked because of stupid people?
Tue Mar 06 14:19:12
is it because as a weather forecaster, you were trained to always be wrong?

Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 14:21:17
rofl here goes tardfish the sociology PHD. Exactly how do we make the population educated in a short amount of time?
Tue Mar 06 14:22:21
"Exactly how do we make the population educated in a short amount of time?"

amazing...I like how sam cant even read anymore rofl...the question sam, stop running away from the question lol

Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 14:25:01
^tardfish is so confused he forgot the question was answered 30 20 posts ago. Now I am asking you a question. How would you improve social conditions to educate the masses?
Tue Mar 06 14:28:12
"^tardfish is so confused he forgot the question was answered 30 20 posts ago."

and now sam is just back to pure lying again...everyone is watching you run away from the question you cant answer - dont you have any honor or self respect at all??? the question sam, stop running away from the question.
Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 14:42:58
Tardfish, I answered your questions. Yes, education is good. Yes, the mob should be educated.

Now answer my question. how do you educate 7 billion people, when we currently have an educated group of about 5 million. perhaps as high as 10 million, but likely somewhere in that range. keep in mind most of these educated professionals hate lower level teaching.
Tue Mar 06 14:49:26
"Yes, education is good. Yes, the mob should be educated."

An incredible concession. Lets just get this straight, before we move on. 'the mob' should have welfare state conditions because improving social conditions (omfg fuzzy studies!!!) raises the IQ at a hugely faster rate, much faster than genetic hereditary, is that correct?

Tue Mar 06 14:51:01
And no, my question was nothing like just about education. Quality nutrition etc. god , your boring with this ducking and diving...
Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 14:59:31
Kids and people who work/go to school should have access to proper nutrition. And be school i mean real school. STEM. Welfare in the form of food handouts to the non-working/lazy/stupid should stop, and those people should starve to death.

And then, for the portion of the world that has good nutrition and remains stupid, such as fuzzy studies majors in western countries, how do you suggest we educate them? You do realize you are an idiot right? Or what is that old saying? "an idiot is the one that can't figure out that he is an idiot?"
Tue Mar 06 15:03:02
umm stem folks can't even manage themselves. much less run society. they have their uses, mind you.
Tue Mar 06 15:07:16
the shit the engineering major (mit bound) on our student govt says makes SA look like plato and adam smith combined. granted, student govts are notoriously stupid and should be banned, but i go sometimes to watch the train wreck.
Tue Mar 06 15:08:25
"derp derp if perfume aggrivates asthma in me, we should ban all fragrences on campus."
Tue Mar 06 15:29:56
Only stem folks sam? you mean like the lazy criminal in the OP of this very thread that you yourself created? rofl

Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 15:43:49
Not all stem folks are bad, but all fuzzy studies are stupid.
Tue Mar 06 15:49:46
obama and reagan both manages to fuzzy study their way into the white house, newts also fuzzy, while herman stem cain by contrast....

(what's romney?)
Tue Mar 06 15:50:10
cell phone posting sucks.
Tue Mar 06 15:50:56
I fucking murdered you in this thread with one hand tied behind my back, while eating spaghetti with the other, playing risk and studying at the same time 145 lol
Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 16:11:08
herman cain is not real stem. maybe some fuzzy affirmative action version of stem.

tardfish, you claimed that genetics and education were fantasies in this thread. this thread will live forever as testement to your stupidity.

only someone as stupid as tardfish could be so wrong yet still think he is right. Its good you don't have any balls, otherwise you would certainly have killed yourself by now.
Tue Mar 06 16:16:29
I like how sam cant even read anymore rofl. But he can continue to lie as disgracefully and stupidly as hotord

Tue Mar 06 13:50:43
* "your fantasies" refers, of course, to stupidity like your disproven claim that the accumulative effects of genetical hereditary of IQ accelerate at anything like the same rate as the massive explosion since the welfare state changed the conditions; and also your retarded nonsense that high IQ will only reproduce linearly with other high IQ mates, when, in fact, marriage among the ruling class has been all about politics for thousands of years and these days about showing off a hot chick with silicon tits.

Member Tue Mar 06 14:09:50
* "your fantasies" refers, of course, to stupidity like your disproven claim that the accumulative effects of genetical hereditary of IQ accelerate at anything like the same rate as the massive explosion since the welfare state changed the conditions; and also your retarded nonsense that high IQ will only reproduce linearly with other high IQ mates, when, in fact, marriage among the ruling class has been all about politics for thousands of years and these days about showing off a hot chick with silicon tits.

you, grrrudh, hotrod, youre the worst shit in the western world. Stupid, hateful, shameless, destructively greedy, without any honor. If anyone doesnt deserve to live, its you lot.
Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 16:22:28
Look face it tardfish, you were born and raised to be inferior. While us rich white westerners, we were simply born and raised to be better than you. And since you bitch about it so much, now we have to flaunt it right in your little face.


right in your face.
Sam Adams
Tue Mar 06 16:23:46
also, I see you admit you were mistaken and you are now trying to change your story to genetics and education do have some value after all. rofl.
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