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Utopia Talk / Politics / RIP David Nolan
Mon Nov 22 17:13:07
David Nolan was the founder of the Libertarian Party and creator of the Nolan Chart.

Hot Stick
Mon Nov 22 17:15:21
BIH he was a communist and should have been more like george.
Hot Stick
Mon Nov 22 17:15:50
I didn't have my glasses on I didn't see he was a member of the *LIBERTARIAN* party. I voted for him every year since I was of voting age. RIP
Hot Rod
Mon Nov 22 17:16:24


Fri Nov 26 01:08:55
A good man gone.
Fri Nov 26 01:23:51
"I voted for him every year since I was of voting age. RIP "

Hot Rod
Fri Nov 26 04:00:39

CR, is there anyone that you have enough respect for to just post a, R.I.P.?

Hot Rod
Fri Nov 26 07:16:11

PPS, looks like you and I are the only true libertarians posting to this forum.

And I'm not too sure about you. :)

Cloud Strife
Fri Nov 26 12:31:15
If you're a true libertarian than I've made a lot of mistakes.
Fri Nov 26 13:28:34
A libertarian who has no problem with the Patriot Act, warrant-less wiretapping, invading other countries, torture, extraordinary rendition, and supporting politicians who want to force their religious views on the rest of the country. He sure is one hell of a libertarian.
Hot Rod
Fri Nov 26 13:56:42

MadCow, are you a *perfect* liberal?

The Patriot Act has been approved by many of the liberals in Congress.

Warrant-less wire tapping was to be used when one end of the call; was overseas to a suspected terrorists.

Iraq was suspected by just about every Intel Agency in the world of have WMD.

Afghanistan was harboring our enemies.

Have no idea what 'extraordinary rendition' is.

I don't know of any politician who wants to force their religion on the people. Not even democrats.

You have been told all of this a thousand times, when are you going to get it through your thick stupid skull?

Fri Nov 26 20:44:49
"Have no idea what 'extraordinary rendition' is."

Damn!! another entry into axis of retards.
Hot Rod
Fri Nov 26 21:06:11

Damn, another one of your stupid posts about stalking me.

I keep telling you in the PM's that I do not want a relationship with you, I'm straight and you are not.

Cloud Strife
Fri Nov 26 21:10:10
So, you're a homophobe?
Hot Rod
Fri Nov 26 23:39:45

Nope, gay people don't bother me. I knew dozens of them when I lived in San Francisco, some I considered friends, but not one of them ever made a pass at me.

They are just like everyone else, they just like a different kind of sex than I do.

Of course mf is different, he is just scum in his own right.

Milton Bradley
Fri Nov 26 23:47:06
"they just like a different kind of sex than I do. "

Most people like a different kind of sex than you do. Those that do like your kind of sex should be behind bars.
Hot Rod
Fri Nov 26 23:51:09

Go away Ass Hole, it's yoour turn in the barrel you stupid dick licker.

Milton Bradley
Fri Nov 26 23:53:52
The toll of failing and losing your protege John Wayne Gacy must have taken quite a toll on you. You never taught him to evade the FBI like you have managed to do.
Sat Nov 27 04:27:49
"The Patriot Act has been approved by many of the liberals in Congress. "

Is this supposed to make you a better libertarian? Not only you agreed with rightwingers but also with liberals! How unbelievably libertarian.
milton bradley
Sat Nov 27 05:14:56
funny how all of hotrods repetitive and unoriginal attempts at flames in this thread are homophobic for someone who respects gays. And no I am not adolph.
Hot Rod
Sat Nov 27 06:04:26

CR, I know you are not very bright, but do try to follow me.

If The United States lived under a libertarian system chances are most very likely we would not be enmeshed in the war on terror because our foreign policy would have been entirely different than it was in the last 50 years.

Here is an epiphany for you, we do *not* live in a libertarian society.

Ergo, we did go to war with the terrorists because they made a heinous attack against our country. Arguably they may have felt they had good reason because of our foreign policies oif the past, personally I do not believe there is a valid reason for terrorism.

Iraq has been argued to death. Everyone has a firm opinion as to whether that war was necessary or not. Few minds will be changed. Afghanistan I think was more justified in the eyes of most because The Taliban was harboring Al Queda. But, that is just background for why I believe in the actions that Bush took were justified.

We were, in fact, at war.

During a war the government has two goals. Destroy the enemy and protect your own people.

A lot of the success of those two goals rely on Intelligence. There are two kinds of Intel. What can be collected by intelligence agencies. For example following the money. Shutting down the financing of the terrorist group. That is why I felt the nytimes employees should have been prosecuted.

The other is battlefield Intel. If you catch an enemy combatant with a gun in his hand and you think he might know something that will save your buddies lives then anything goes.

The Marquess of Queensberry rules do not cut it as far as I'm concerned. If I have to waterboard the bastard or shoot him in the leg to save my buddies lives then I have no compunction whatsoever.

To stand there over a dead buddy and proclaim, at least our prisoner is safe and warm is abhorrent to me. It should be to any sane person.

War is a dirty filthy dangerous occupation, If you want to win it, kill your enemy and save your people. Any other alternative is hateful to me.

Remember too, we are not fighting a civilized nation. We are fighting terrorists who have no intention of playing by the rules.

milton bradley
Sat Nov 27 06:13:50
the great thing about being a REAL libertarian is that you only stick to your principles when theyre not needed and abandon them as soon as theyre tested, even if theyre only tested by something that causes less deaths per year than bicycle accidents
Hot Rod
Sat Nov 27 06:17:18

Learn to read stupid.

Sat Nov 27 06:29:49
I have no idea why you wrote all that, I do not dispute much. You made clear, a long time ago, that you abandon your libertarianism at a time of war. And, it is ok, because "liberals approved ". You really didn't have to type all that, Rod.
Hot Rod
Sat Nov 27 07:33:45

Obviously you are too stupid to get it, even though you *claim* you do, otherwise you would not keep bringing it up.

If war ever gets so bad that you and I are both involved in the fighting I will feel much safer if you are on a different continent.

Did you know that centuries ago the Jews used to keep their Sabbath even during times of war? After being slaughtered a few times they decided it was more practical to fight rather than pray.

I know that practicality during war is unheard of for you liberals because you care more for the welfare of the enemy than your own soldiers in the field.

I certainly hope that I am not the only libertarian that retains their common sense and practicality once the shooting starts.

That is when it is needed most.

Sat Nov 27 07:46:09
A country at war? I have to say that if that is true, then the loathing you pour on the Commander and Chief offers comfort to the enemy and could easily be construed as treason.

Luckily you are just as much at war on terror as you are at war on crime and at war with drugs.
Hot Rod
Sat Nov 27 07:50:46

jergul - A country at war? I have to say that if that is true, then the loathing you pour on the Commander and Chief offers comfort to the enemy and could easily be construed as treason.

Yeah, Bin Laden is hanging on my every word, he has an around the clock watch on this forum just so he can be advised when I diss Obama.


milton bradley
Sat Nov 27 08:24:43
war is a dirty business but if you want to allow the jews to stand over your best friends dead body and drink the blood of his children then that makes you a filthy jew lover and if I have to splash a little water in a jews face or ask him to take a shower, then guess what, I will - hot himmler, 1942
Sat Nov 27 08:58:36
"Did you know that centuries ago the Jews used to keep their Sabbath even during times of war? After being slaughtered a few times they decided it was more practical to fight rather than pray. "

Right. Wtf, this is exactly what I said, why are you huffing and puffing, Rod? At a time of war, you abandon your libertarianism because it is more practical.

milton bradley
Sat Nov 27 09:10:09
^ wants to stand over the screaming bodies of newborn babies and watch filthy 3rd world jews eat them with a big fat nigger loving smile on his dick licking face - Hot 'Not Racist or Homophobic' Rod
milton bradley
Sat Nov 27 09:12:08
milton bradley
Sat Nov 27 09:19:50
'it is easy to make people like HR want war. All you have to do is tell them that the enemy wants to...' - goebbels 1939
Sat Nov 27 11:06:36
"The Patriot Act has been approved by many of the liberals in Congress."

And your approval of it makes you just as libertarian as those democrats.

"Warrant-less wire tapping was to be used when one end of the call; was overseas to a suspected terrorists."

A warrantless invasion of privacy which would be despised by any libertarian.

"Iraq was suspected by just about every Intel Agency in the world of have WMD."

You can keep on repeating that statement, but that does not make it any less false.

"Afghanistan was harboring our enemies."

I'll give you that one... the invasion was understandable, if very poorly executed.

"Have no idea what 'extraordinary rendition' is."

It means you're OK with kidnapping people in other countries and bringing them somewhere else without any oversight. It's very un-libertarian. You could've looked it up.

"I don't know of any politician who wants to force their religion on the people. Not even democrats."

I've shown you a video where Palin says she'd support a constituional amendment that would force everyone, even rape-victims, to keep their babies, because of her religious convictions. You said you didn't care because it wouldn't happen... she still wants to do it though. It doesn't get more unlibertarian than that.
milton bradley
Sat Nov 27 12:18:02
'I have no idea what extraordinary rendition means' - 'It means...' You dont get it, you just dont get it. The 'REASON' I pretemded I dont know what it means was NOT so you could explain it but to IGNORE that point without any counter argument. I swear you get stupider every day - Hot 'Honest' Rod
Hot Rod
Sat Nov 27 13:30:21

Nekran, of course you missed the main point that I was making.

Once the shooting starts and you are *at war* then you have to be practical. You cannot fight a war and maintain the same open society as in peacetime.

Things are different when you are at war.

As for her wanting to foist her religion on the nation that is obviously false. While she belongs to the The Pentecostal Church, she does not consider herself one. She things of herself as a "Bible-believing Christian." I have never heard her say that her role in government was to force everyone to join the Pentecostal Church or even read the bible, have you?

As for being pro-life, there are people from all walks of life, all levels of society, all religions and all political parties, including democrats, that are pro-life. Wanting a Constitutional Amendment to prevent abortions is *NOT* her forcing her religion on anyone. If it were to happen it would be forcing 'pro-life' on The American People.

Next time look for *MY* meaning I intended in my words, not the meaning that you want to believe I intended.

Sat Nov 27 13:38:57
"Once the shooting starts and you are *at war* then you have to be practical. You cannot fight a war and maintain the same open society as in peacetime."

You're acting as if there's actually any fighting going on anywhere in your country. Heavily restricting your own population's rights and freedoms because you have some soldiers thousands of miles away fighting some savages doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

"Wanting a Constitutional Amendment to prevent abortions is *NOT* her forcing her religion on anyone."

Yes it is. Her reason for wanting to do this is religious, not logical. Hence, it is trying to force one of her religious views on americans.
Hot Rod
Sat Nov 27 13:46:28

Nek - Hence, it is trying to force one of her religious views on americans.

Why didn't you say that in the first place, that is not her wanting to force her religion on everyone.

Everything we talked about in the previous posts were aimed at those who we are at war with, not the average American citizen. There are probably tens of thousands of the enemy living amongst us right now.

Sat Nov 27 13:52:49
The patriot act severely limited the rights of every american. Your paranoia isn't relevant. Who is "the enemy" anyways?

Also forcing a religious view on the population is ok in your libertarian book then, is it?
Hot Rod
Sat Nov 27 14:24:14

I know atheists that are pro-life that do not promote atheism. I know Catholics that are pro-life that do not promote Catholicism.

As I said, "there are people from all walks of life, all levels of society, all religions and all political parties, including democrats, that are pro-life. Wanting a Constitutional Amendment to prevent abortions is *NOT* her forcing her religion on anyone. If it were to happen it would be forcing 'pro-life' on The American People."

Pr-life is an issue that transcends all schools of philosophy and religion and walks of life. To say that Palin wants to force her religion on us because she is pro-life is fractious at best.

Wasn't it you who claimed Bush was a liar even if he believed a statement was true when he said if it was later proved to be an honest error? Here you have a sister belief that is equally without an honest foundation.

"The patriot act severely limited the rights of every american."

To this day The PA has nor affected me or anyone I know in the very least.

As I said, look for my meanings, not yours.

Sat Nov 27 22:31:01
"PPS, looks like you and I are the only true libertarians posting to this forum.

And I'm not too sure about you. :)"

- I just vomited in my mouth a little.
Sat Nov 27 23:46:37
"To this day The PA has nor affected me or anyone I know in the very least."

As long as it isn't you and the people you know who get screwed, everything is A-OK?

"Pro-life is an issue that transcends all schools of philosophy and religion and walks of life. To say that Palin wants to force her religion on us because she is pro-life is fractious at best."

Her motivation is religious... also I've never heard an atheist argue for extending it to cases of rape... in fact most religious people who have a modicum of sanity left in them don't even do that.
Hot Rod
Sun Nov 28 00:31:27

Nek, sorry to say you will always be an idiot.

Sun Nov 28 00:41:08
Palin's stance on the issue is religiously motivated. As is her die hard support for Israel. What is so hard to believe about that HR?
Sun Nov 28 01:48:59
"Things are different when you are at war."

Basically, the last time Rod was a libertarian was about a decade ago.
Hot Rod
Sun Nov 28 03:44:00

PPS, this goes back to something MadCow said that I took exception to.

"and supporting politicians who want to force their religious views on the rest of the country."

Obviously he was talking about Sarah Palin.

I took him to mean that *all* of her views on religion is what she wanted to force on us. He never came back to correct me if I got it wrong.

I don't doubt she is supporting a Constitutional Amendment to make abortion illegal because of her religious conviction. That is the motivation for tens of millions of people that support pro-life.

I just think it is silly for Nekran or MadCow or anyone else to say she wants to force her religious views on us.

It would be more intelligent to criticize me for supporting someone that wants a Constitutional Amendment to repeal Roe vs Wade. I really think her reasons are irrelevant.

But, I *DO NOT* support her on that issue which makes the charge against me double stupid.

Sun Nov 28 08:14:17
I think I can take that kind of insult from a man I've spent a good part of 300 posts on trying to patiently explain how to work with percentages.
Milton Bradley
Sun Nov 28 08:15:57
Its funny how every single skirmish or war in a continuous string of conflicts the USA has been in since it became a siperpower has been against the most evil and sinister enemies the world has ever faced, according to panicked, war lusting tards like hotrod.

Sun Nov 28 08:16:48
"I don't doubt she is supporting a Constitutional Amendment to make abortion illegal because of her religious conviction. That is the motivation for tens of millions of people that support pro-life.

I just think it is silly for Nekran or MadCow or anyone else to say she wants to force her religious views on us."

OK so explain to me how wanting to create a law out of religious convictions is not forcing religious views on other people?

"I really think her reasons are irrelevant."

That's one of your biggest problems. You think reason in general is irrelevant.
Milton Bradley
Sun Nov 28 08:18:17

Hot Rod
Sun Nov 28 08:47:00

Nekran - OK so explain to me how wanting to create a law out of religious convictions is not forcing religious views on other people?

The claim is that she wants to create a Constitutional Amendment, not just a law. Look up the process for passing a Constitutional Amendment. Even if she were President she would have virtually no impact on passing such an amendment.

MB, why do you think that terrorists are *GOOD PEOPLE?*

Sun Nov 28 08:49:39
^Libertarian, pft as if.
Hot Rod
Sun Nov 28 08:55:31

The opinion of NeverWoods the Nazi means nothing.

Sun Nov 28 09:36:05
Is that soo?
You are kinda of a Nazi your self perhaps even worse ;)
Hot Rod
Sun Nov 28 10:18:48

"Is that soo?"

It is even *so*.

Sun Nov 28 10:35:11
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