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Utopia Talk / Politics / in 1000 years
Sam Adams
Sun Nov 21 23:36:00
assuming the chinks and liberals have not destroyed the world, people will look at their history books, sort of disbelieving, and be like "I can't believe these fucking primitive retards actually believed in religion."

sort of like how we look back on the primitive peoples of the dark ages and are like "I cant believe these retards thought the earth was flat".

Sure you had some philosophers and ship's navigators that were more intelligent and knew the world was actually round, but their voices were lost to history, overwealmed by the mass of average stupidity.
Sun Nov 21 23:40:32
I find it far more acceptable to think the world is flat. Especially back then. At least that belief isn't so blatantly obviously stupid.
Hot Rod
Sun Nov 21 23:41:48

I thought you posted once that you still think the earth is flat.

Sun Nov 21 23:43:05
Not me... and I doubt Sam did so.

But you've confused me with various posters whose names start with an 'N' over the years, so maybe it was one of them.
Hot Rod
Sun Nov 21 23:46:12

I was sure it was you Nekran. Oh well, macht nichts.

Sun Nov 21 23:47:03
The concept of a Flat Earth was never really accepted by Academia ever. Anyone sitting on a beach watching boats sail away could see the curve the earth. Even the Ancient Greeks knew the earth was round, going so far as to accurately measure its circumference.

Incidentally, that measurement was why Columbus had such a bitch of a time getting funding for his trip. Europe's Navigators and Astrologers knew his theorized distance to China by going West as BS. They were right of course, they just had no idea North and South America existed part of the way along.
Hot Rod
Sun Nov 21 23:52:01

I read once that The Ancient Greeks had a detailed map of the land masses beneath the Antarctic Ice Cap, something that was not proved till the 1930's. Not sure if it is true or not though, I never bothered to verify it.

Sun Nov 21 23:55:48
"I read once that The Ancient Greeks had a detailed map of the land masses beneath the Antarctic Ice Cap, something that was not proved till the 1930's. Not sure if it is true or not though, I never bothered to verify it."

its not. They would have had to have gone to Antarctica to do that. Keep in mind traveling to the Straights of Gibraltar (The Pillars of Hercules) was considered going to the end of the Earth for the Ancient Greeks.
Hot Rod
Mon Nov 22 00:13:20

Don't be so hasty, there is a great deal of evidence that the ancients *may have been* visited by aliens.

Mon Nov 22 00:29:55
Yeah yeah yeah and some people of religion believe that only a fool says there is no God...
Hot Rod
Mon Nov 22 00:32:13

I thought people of religion were supposed to pray for our immortal souls instead of calling us fools. :)

Mon Nov 22 00:41:47
Didn't say they called you that to your face now did I? And that would only be the Christians. There are one hell of a lot of religions in the world and most of them ar far more bloody minded than non Roman Catholic Christianity ever dreamed of being.
Hot Rod
Mon Nov 22 00:44:29

Just pulling your leg. :)

Sam Adams
Mon Nov 22 01:01:39
Aeros is mostly correct. While greeks, etc would have gone beyond the mediterranean, you don't really get to cross the southern ocean in a galley. Now its possible that ancient ships occasionally made longer voyages and returned(most would sink), there is certainly no way they had detailed maps of any landmass beyond their normal scope, as that would imply many intentional voyages.
Hot Rod
Mon Nov 22 01:04:05

Unless it was supplied to them.

Mon Nov 22 01:11:36
because alligators are the descendants of dinosaurs, dinosaurs still exist

~Pedo Rod on science
Mon Nov 22 02:03:45
I'm inclined to agree about the religion part...the God part not so sure.
Mon Nov 22 02:33:56
"Don't be so hasty, there is a great deal of evidence that the ancients *may have been* visited by aliens."

No there isn't.
Hot Stick
Mon Nov 22 02:48:04
Why did the *GREEKS* draw pictures of aliens helping them make the pyramids then?
Mon Nov 22 03:25:20
"Don't be so hasty, there is a great deal of evidence that the ancients *may have been* visited by aliens."

More recently even. I have it on good authority that Ayn Rand had an alien anal probe shoved up her rectum during her writing years.

Mon Nov 22 03:42:01
Ayn Rand's vagina was actually a hangar for alien spaceship. Actually it *may have been* a hangar, there is a great deal of evidence but we simply don't know.
Mon Nov 22 04:06:31
There is *a theory* that typing actually powers the anal probe and helps explain why aliens invented the internet.
Hot Rod
Mon Nov 22 04:19:52

miltonfriedmann, CrownRoyal and jergul.

The trilogy of stupidity.

Mon Nov 22 04:27:31
The *theory* is that random outbursts of typing such as in the 04:19:22 post are done on a probe controlled repower schedule.

CAPS and the use of *asterix* for emphasis characterize the repowering programming.
Mon Nov 22 04:28:39
You can't kill an idea, so religion will live on simply because there will always be things that cannot be explained, and people will continue to attribute this to the work of some higher being.
Mon Nov 22 04:37:34
"The *theory* is that random outbursts of typing such as in the 04:19:22 post are done on a probe controlled repower schedule. "

I only consider *theories* that are backed up by a great deal of evidence. Or *may have been* backed up.
Mon Nov 22 05:01:29
The theory *may have been* backed up by a great deal of evidence. Sorry about not providing that crucial piece of information CR.
Hot Rod
Mon Nov 22 05:07:05

The Easter Island statues, Alien Landing Sites of Nazca, The mathematics involved in The Pyramids, Costa Rica Spheres, The Dropa Stones, Images (art) for Ancient proofs of aliens, and I am sure there are others.

I am *NOT* saying this is proof, merely that it is conjecture that has not been completely explained.

Mon Nov 22 05:24:29
Look Rod, just keep an open mind with regards to Rand's vag. I am *NOT* saying there is a proof, merely that it is conjecture that has not been completely explained.
Mon Nov 22 05:26:30
The itching in your ass causing you to type also has a natural explanation far more powerful than *mere* conjecture.

You should delve into the matter in depth.
Mon Nov 22 05:36:29
Yes Rod, you have to delve.
Milton Bradley
Mon Nov 22 06:02:06
You cant have a great deal of evidence for 'maybe'...durrr

synonyms: 'attestation, confirmation, corroboration, documentation, proof, substantiation, testament, testimonial, testimony, validation, voucher, witness'
Michael Palin
Mon Nov 22 06:09:32
"I am *NOT* saying this is proof"

"great deal of evidence" means exactly: "great deal of proof"

So yes, yes you are saying exactly that.
Firestorm Phoenix
Mon Nov 22 09:29:22
Hot Rod
Member Mon Nov 22 00:13:20

Don't be so hasty, there is a great deal of evidence that the ancients *may have been* visited by aliens.

- Moron.
Hot Rod
Mon Nov 22 09:53:06
that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof.

Mon Nov 22 10:21:45
My hypothesis for both religious beliefs and alien conspiracies is this:

1. Humans have powerful imaginations.
2. Humans love to tell stories.
3. Humans use their imaginations to expand on other people's stories and retell them as their own.

Repeat for millenia.

4. Humans are gullible and take these stories as truth.
5. Humans are evil and use other people's beliefs for their own benefit.
Mon Nov 22 10:47:36
If we are able to walk through the utter darkness and get the perly gates opened we will need anothe world wiew.

To put in terms you understand or in your facutalitys rhetorics. If humans can warp timespace so that you travell through a wormhole Humans will need another way to look at the earth.

Parhaps, after America done their bookburnings in a couple of hundred years (and i said this before, i bet my balls that they will have bookstakes)- and Mars is inhabited. I find it to be a connection between Colombus discovery of america to see that we need new pathways to Mars (Wormholes can be the new pathway they seek). And as colombus II finds that pathway, discover heaven and open up the pearlygates to heaven to the former age (this age looking from a future age) we will establish other ways to see on our universe. We will have to do that!
Clitoral Hood
The Bloody Scourge
Mon Nov 22 11:29:45
hot rod believes anti-matter will be a source of cheap energy.
Hot Rod
Mon Nov 22 15:18:12

Clit, I knew you were godawful damned stupid, but I thought you were at least intelligent enough to understand the word "if."

Mon Nov 22 15:56:18

An interesting article suggesting it wasn't a Christian nor "curch" belief that the world was flat.

I'm going to have to look around a bit more. That site says the church never prosecuted anybody for believeing the Earth was round. We have pretty much always been told that they did.
Mon Nov 22 16:10:15
"The Easter Island statues, Alien Landing Sites of Nazca, The mathematics involved in The Pyramids, Costa Rica Spheres, The Dropa Stones, Images (art) for Ancient proofs of aliens, and I am sure there are others."

These are neither proof nor evidence of alien life. They are no more consistent with alien visits than any other occurrence.
Hot Rod
Mon Nov 22 16:23:16

Of course not, I should have checked with you first before I supposed.

Hot Stick
Mon Nov 22 16:26:42

Why do you think you know better than me?
What makes you think you can point out my belief doesn't make sense?

Hot Rod
Mon Nov 22 16:31:12

As usual, Ass Hole sticks his nose up everyone's ass.

Sam Adams
Mon Nov 22 16:45:54
Did you really just claim that some random drawings by fucking stone age primitives count as evidence of interstellar civilizations?
Hot Rod
Mon Nov 22 17:14:07

Not all of the photos are stone age nor are they confined to one culture or even one area of the globe.

Look people, I'm not saying these are proofs of aliens, just that they raise questions. Personally, I never heard of any of the ancients having Science Fiction as a part of their culture.


Jesse Malcolm Barack
Mon Nov 22 17:18:12
"Look people, I'm not saying these are proofs of aliens"


"The Easter Island statues, Alien Landing Sites of Nazca, The mathematics involved in The Pyramids, Costa Rica Spheres, The Dropa Stones, Images (art) for Ancient proofs of aliens, and I am sure there are others. " - you

"for Ancient proofs of aliens"

^__*for Ancient proofs of aliens*__^
Firestorm Phoenix
Mon Nov 22 18:24:52
"just that they raise questions"

Question one being: "Why are humans stupid enough to take this crap seriously?"
Mon Nov 22 19:49:51
Sam--> people will look at their history books, sort of disbelieving, and be like "I can't believe these fucking primitive retards actually believed in religion."


There will be no distinguishable identity of importance in 1k years.
Mon Nov 22 19:54:09
Does HR count as a human?
If not, what if Beck told HR this, would that count?
Clitoral Hood
The Bloody Scourge
Mon Nov 22 20:23:20
hot rod, anyone with even a semblance of understanding would be able to figure out that the products that come out of a particle accelerator wouldn't result in anything cheap.

there's no "if" at this point. physics would have to completely change to facilitate your "if".
Tentacle Rapist
Mon Nov 22 21:47:05
'because alligators are the descendants of dinosaurs, dinosaurs still exist

~Pedo Rod on science'

Did he really say that? That's fucking hilarious.
Tentacle Rapist
Mon Nov 22 21:49:55
I'm hoping in a thousand years Aliens are exploring the radioactive ruins of earth. Actually, I kinda hope the planet becomes a radioactive ruin tomorrow, but unfortunately no with the power to launch the nukes has enough balls to launch them.
Mon Nov 22 21:51:59
And we all hope that all emo kids will kill them self today.
Tentacle Rapist
Mon Nov 22 21:52:41
What the hell does emo even mean anyways?
Mon Nov 22 21:55:24
That you should just kill your self all ready so we stop hearing you bitch about being alive!
Mon Nov 22 21:55:54
fag emo.
Tentacle Rapist
Mon Nov 22 21:56:47
You fail to even slightly comprehend what I'm saying then. I'm not saying I want to be killed, I'm saying I want to see everyone else get killed. Quite the difference.

I see you have no idea what Emo actually means though.
Mon Nov 22 21:58:24
So let me get this straight, you want everyone to die except you?

So what makes an emo fag like you so special that you deserve to live?
Tentacle Rapist
Mon Nov 22 22:01:03
Well, not EVERYONE, just the vast majority of the Earth's population. Also, deserve is a meaningless word, you get what you can take in life, nothing more.
Tentacle Rapist
Mon Nov 22 22:03:26
Also, like everyone else on this planet, I will die anyways. Why do people make such a big deal about the timing of that event?
Mon Nov 22 22:04:35
Why are you not included in this vast majority?
You should just kill your self for being a such pussy and a hypocrite.
If you want a vast majority to die, it's only right to include your self too.
Tentacle Rapist
Mon Nov 22 22:06:41
The better question is why include myself in this majority? What would be the point? If I happen to die, oh well, but why would I bother killing myself?
Mon Nov 22 22:07:52
One for not being a pussy about it.
Milton Bradley
Mon Nov 22 22:08:49
Maybe he wants to see it implode before he goes.

Fuck this world. I want to see nuclear war and see it implode myself too.
Tentacle Rapist
Mon Nov 22 22:09:31
You really think you can convince someone who is not suicidal to kill themselves with a weak argument like that?

What are you, twelve?
Mon Nov 22 22:10:07
Then jump off a tall building, it will be like the world is imploding.
Milton Bradley
Mon Nov 22 22:10:07
I want to toast a melted body as mushroom clouds fill the skies.
Milton Bradley
Mon Nov 22 22:11:54
"'because alligators are the descendants of dinosaurs, dinosaurs still exist

~Pedo Rod on science'

Did he really say that? That's fucking hilarious. "

yes, but what can you expect from someone who admits he dropped out at 8th grade.
Tentacle Rapist
Mon Nov 22 22:12:15
'Then jump off a tall building, it will be like the world is imploding.'

Explain how this will result in me witnessing thousands dieing in a nuclear holocaust?
Tentacle Rapist
Mon Nov 22 22:12:38
Should have said billions actually.
Mon Nov 22 22:13:17
What for?
Lets assume the world goes nuclear and you happen to live an extra day compared to everyone else.

You would still die, and everything you have seen, feel, heard etc would be by then totally pointless and irrelevant as your existences stops, it will be like you were never born to begin with.
Tentacle Rapist
Mon Nov 22 22:16:37
'What for?
Lets assume the world goes nuclear and you happen to live an extra day compared to everyone else. '

Unless of course I found a company similar to vault tech.

'You would still die, and everything you have seen, feel, heard etc would be by then totally pointless and irrelevant as your existences stops, it will be like you were never born to begin with.'

If you truly believe that then I wonder why you bother with life at all. Are you sure I'm the one who's emo?
Tentacle Rapist
Mon Nov 22 22:17:28
i mean really, since you put forth the argument that once you die it's like you were never born, why do you even bother?

You need help dude.
Mon Nov 22 22:20:50
Are you becoming a religious nuter now?

I bother with life because i happen to like it and it's pretty addicting.
Whats your excuse?

How would you know what an emo is?
Go ahead kill your self now emo fag.
Tentacle Rapist
Mon Nov 22 22:27:33

'Are you becoming a religious nuter now?'

The glory of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is not be trifled with.

'I bother with life because i happen to like it and it's pretty addicting.
Whats your excuse? '

The fact that you need to ask what my 'excuse' is makes me question the honesty of your 'excuse'. You seem to be trying to convince yourself.

'How would you know what an emo is?
Go ahead kill your self now emo fag.'

It's called Googling. Ever heard of it?
Firestorm Phoenix
Mon Nov 22 22:28:45
According to HR, the progenitor of all human science:

Tentacle Rapist
Mon Nov 22 22:31:17
He couldn't be more wrong.


This is the progenitor of the universe, and all knowledge contained within.

All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster! (Blessed be his name)
Milton Bradley
Mon Nov 22 22:50:54
Submit to the Flying Spaghetti Monster (peace be upon him) or die.
Milton Bradley
Mon Nov 22 22:52:00
Seek out those who defy his will and kill them where they stand: Holy book of the spaghetti monster page 9042
Mon Nov 22 23:15:38
"Did he really say that? That's fucking hilarious."

Tue Nov 23 01:01:39
"The fact that you need to ask what my 'excuse' is makes me question the honesty of your 'excuse'. You seem to be trying to convince yourself."

Figured that much, ever so evasive ;)

"It's called Googling. Ever heard of it?"
Then why not google before asking what it is?
Milton Bradley
Tue Nov 23 03:52:37
Member Mon Nov 22 15:56:18

An interesting article suggesting it wasn't a Christian nor "curch" belief that the world was flat.

I'm going to have to look around a bit more. That site says the church never prosecuted anybody for believeing the Earth was round. We have pretty much always been told that they did. "

Yeah you can start with galileo dumbass
Milton Bradley
Tue Nov 23 03:54:27
"Hot Rod
Member Mon Nov 22 17:14:07

Not all of the photos are stone age (...)"

Lol...Actually, none of them are, though you may have lots of proof that they *may be*
Tue Nov 23 09:20:37
A proof can be used to show that something "may be" true? Is this Axis of Retards worthy?
Tue Nov 23 16:01:29
Tue Nov 23 16:01:29
Cloud strife
Wed Nov 24 13:12:46
Religion is indeed baffling. It always seems like it should be laughed out of existence any moment now.
Tentacle Rapist
Wed Nov 24 19:59:00
'"The fact that you need to ask what my 'excuse' is makes me question the honesty of your 'excuse'. You seem to be trying to convince yourself."

Figured that much, ever so evasive ;)'

I guess the difference between me and you is that I don't actually require an excuse to go on living.

"It's called Googling. Ever heard of it?"
Then why not google before asking what it is?'

From some idiotic reason I thought you might actually know the meaning of a word you were using.
Sports Mod
Wed Nov 24 21:08:16
"Religion is indeed baffling."

Not really. It's evolved into largely a social structure in which people who have trouble making friends can go to a place where everyone else has to like them because they all profess to be idiots together.
Cloud Strife
Thu Nov 25 19:56:14
Also burning people who call you on being stupid.
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