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Utopia Talk / Politics / The most evil people on UP (OT)
Sun Nov 21 13:45:28
So UP is a flame pit, we are very nasty to each other. Speaking for myself I do not think most of you people are genuinely evil. Some of you are wrong and many are fucking stupid. A few are really fucking evil psychopaths.

Who are the 3 people you nominate to the most evil fucks of UP?
Milton Bradley
Sun Nov 21 13:52:37
shut the fuck up you AIDS infested cocksucking swede faggot
Sam Adams
Sun Nov 21 13:53:16
Milton Bradley
Sun Nov 21 13:53:22
Hot Rod, garyd, JB
Milton Bradley
Sun Nov 21 13:54:12
Hot Rod
Sam Adams
Sam Adams
Sun Nov 21 13:55:19
Sun Nov 21 13:55:58
"Hot Rod, garyd, JB"

Milton Bradley
Sun Nov 21 13:57:51
Jesse Malcolm Barack
Sun Nov 21 14:04:41
Man Rod wins this one hands down.

A dudes house should burn down cause putting it out is stealing and communism and i remember some shizz about killing 1 billion people too
Sun Nov 21 14:37:45
Hot Rod
Sam Adam
Sun Nov 21 14:41:00
Aeros is probably the most dangerous thinking member on this board. if his worldview on government and it's powers was shared by a significant amount of people America would be a truly facist state.
Sun Nov 21 15:01:54
I know you assign this role to 'baby-killers', but I was a technician in the IDF, not more than that.
Sun Nov 21 15:04:35
How unfortunate, you did not get to kill any Palestinians. You merely facilitated the means for others to do so =/
Sun Nov 21 15:19:40
I think everyone on here is bullshit and nobody would act out what they say here. Hell, most people wouldn't even say the same shit without the anonymity of the Internet.
Sun Nov 21 15:21:58
Aw, I opened this thread to complain that no one had nominated me, only to find that Sam had. How heartwarming! :)
Sun Nov 21 15:33:24
"Aeros is probably the most dangerous thinking member on this board. if his worldview on government and it's powers was shared by a significant amount of people America would be a truly facist state."

Yes, I want Fascism. Sieg heil!
Sam Adams
Sun Nov 21 15:34:30
its always the quiet ones:P
Sam Adams
Sun Nov 21 15:34:53
"Yes, I want Fascism. Sieg heil! "

this might be the most accurate post aeros has ever made.
Anarchist Prime
Sun Nov 21 15:37:34
"Who are the 3 people you nominate to the most evil fucks of UP? "

me,myself and i,
the unholy trinity of evil.
milton bradley
Sun Nov 21 15:42:00
hot rod angel jpj the guardian jb garyd
Sun Nov 21 15:49:46
Sam Adams, Freaky Boy, JB
milton bradley
Sun Nov 21 15:52:54
Dead serious HR after an american soldier lost it when his german girlfriend dumped him and tied her up and held her at gunpoint until the cops busted him: 'fucking slut'
Sun Nov 21 15:57:01
Belgians firmly established as most evil people on earth with a 100% nomination ratio :D
Sun Nov 21 15:59:49
^Should be nuked :)
Clitoral Hood
The Bloody Scourge
Sun Nov 21 16:24:05
if apathy can be considered evil, cthulhu probably deserves an honorable mention.
Sun Nov 21 16:24:52
"How unfortunate, you did not get to kill any Palestinians. You merely facilitated the means for others to do so =/"

Technically I hold no grudge nor blame any Wehrmacht soldier for anything. Unlike SS.
Sun Nov 21 16:25:05
Look at my favorite quote.


* How does human flesh taste like?
- Slurp. Like Chicken!

Sun Nov 21 16:30:48
wait, how did i get nominated for this again?
Clitoral Hood
The Bloody Scourge
Sun Nov 21 16:33:22
being in the military.
Sun Nov 21 16:37:37
Do you want to go and see a dead body???
Sun Nov 21 18:15:17
I should replace my choice of JB with Hot "Altruism is evil" Rod. JB is just stupid.
Hot Rod
Sun Nov 21 18:20:27

I will just go with all of the turds who make up lies and misquotes just so they can thump their chest and play BMOC to their sandbox butt buddies.

Renzo Marquez
Sun Nov 21 18:29:07
You seem to be pretty obsessed with sandboxes. Did you abduct Lil Davey from a sandbox?
Sun Nov 21 18:32:32
Hows your favorite serial killer then???

Mine is hillside strangler...
Hot Rod
Sun Nov 21 18:33:53

renzo, the stupidest turd of them all.

river of blood
Sun Nov 21 18:38:06
Hot Rod - definitely #1
Burn in hell you evil peice of self-serving deluded shit. Sometimes I come to UP just to rubberneck around his fucking illness.

I know that Sam might be a popular choice but I don't find sam to be "evil" or "sociopathic" in the clinical sense. In spite of his blatent racism (which I'm sure is what spawns most of the animosity) he seems endowed with a self-awareness and an empathy for at least those whom he perceives to be "like" him. He's xenophobic as all get out, but that's substantially different from "evil".

Likewise with Airhole: He'd having us all living in an orwellian nightmare, but not because he is evil - he's just fucking retarded.

river of blood
Sun Nov 21 18:42:51
Hot Rod, again, on the other hand..... is a fucking case study in toxic sociopatholgy that goes mostly unoticed by the general public because he hasn't been caught ass raping any children yet in the name of whatever his selfish needs are each morning when he wakes up with a half-woody. As soon as he can get enough brain cells together to rationalize such activity I'm sure he will. Fortunately his aging brain is rotting now and he'll just be quietly phased out of existence.
Milton Bradley
Sun Nov 21 18:44:14
How is quoting you making up lies?

Every one of the quotes has a link. Including the one where you claimed your stable(name for your crawlspace?) was full of children and that you imprisoned renzo's niece up in it and that she is your favorite victim(best polisher).
Hot Rod
Sun Nov 21 18:44:25

rob, when, where and how did you get so fucjing stupid?

Sun Nov 21 18:45:39
"in an orwellian nightmare"

You know, I use that phrase alot to describe the society depicted in 1984. Just because I favor some limitations to freedom in the name of security does not mean I favor it to such a degree as to be considered constricting.
Renzo Marquez
Sun Nov 21 18:52:16
HR, when, where, and how did you abduct Lil Davey?
Sam Adams
Sun Nov 21 18:59:11
"I favor some limitations to freedom in the name of security"


you might as well admit that you have testicular cancer.
Sun Nov 21 19:08:09
Or you could actually think for 5 seconds about what that actually means Sam. Forcing people to drive 25 MPH in a Residential area is a limitation on their freedom. However, it provides security for pedestrians who don't want to get turned into road pizza while collecting their mail.
Tentacle Rapist
Sun Nov 21 19:11:29
Then speed limits are Anti American and should be demolished. They alone are reason enough for a nation wide insurrection.
Sam Adams
Sun Nov 21 19:12:25
at night I cut down street signs that piss me off. If you werent such a fucking communist, you would too.
Sam Adams
Sun Nov 21 19:13:06
If you can't look both ways before crossing the fucking street, you deserve to die.

river of blood
Sun Nov 21 19:17:02
"Just because I favor some limitations to freedom in the name of security does not mean I favor it to such a degree as to be considered constricting."

Dude, when I asked you to say whether or not you agreed with asshole and pussy body cavity exams to get on a plane you refused to respond at all and ran away like the orwell-nightmare-worshipping cunt that you are.
Sun Nov 21 19:25:06
"Hot Rod - definitely #1
Burn in hell you evil peice of self-serving deluded shit. Sometimes I come to UP just to rubberneck around his fucking illness. "

The posts are a train wreck, you can't look away but you don't want to keep reading. He seems get stupider as a thread continues often reposting the same phrase over and over again.

I'm not sure if he's a sociopath, though. He's just a guy who grew up during reefer madness and mccarthy with no real education. Now he thinks propaganda is a good source of "news." Hitler would have an easy time convincing a person this stupid to start killing people because they look different.
river of blood
Sun Nov 21 19:26:06
I agree with Sam - in general - about shit like street signs and traffic laws. I'd rather be free of that shit and strongly enforce other basic laws that will consequently be violated by irresponsible assholes, e.g. vehicular homicide. But airhole doesn't want that because his pussy milquetoast ass need buffer laws to keep him behaving correctly - and then he want to force that lower bar on all of us like the selfish self-serving irresponsible prick that he is.
The Overseer
Sun Nov 21 19:28:22
You'd rather be free of traffic laws?

They're annoying, but they allow for predictability. Without predictability you've got either slow speeds or high kill count.

You've never been to a country full of people who ignore traffic laws, have you?
The Overseer
Sun Nov 21 19:29:12
Interested to see you name the worst country for driving you've been to and why.
Sun Nov 21 19:31:13
Jamaica had some bad drivers. I'm willing to bet it was because sober driving is a rarity over there.
Sun Nov 21 19:43:29
Bad drivers and a total disregard for traffic laws are separate things though. Usually drivers in places where traffic laws are disregarded HAVE to be good driver in order to survive :P
river of blood
Sun Nov 21 19:47:49
"I'm not sure if he's a sociopath, though. He's just a guy who grew up during reefer madness and mccarthy with no real education. Now he thinks propaganda is a good source of "news." Hitler would have an easy time convincing a person this stupid to start killing people because they look different"

I understand what you're saying, but I have to respectfully disagree. Hot Rod is a pathological liar and doesn't seem to care at all when he gets caught dead to rights. Remorseless. Doesn't recognize the rights of others and sees his self-serving behaviors as permissible (text-book). Tries to pathetically con us all by faking his death. Everything about him screams deceit and shamelessness and fakery. Sociopath.
The Overseer
Sun Nov 21 19:48:28
Not really.

They just drive slower and beep a lot.
river of blood
Sun Nov 21 19:49:48
"They're annoying, but they allow for predictability. Without predictability you've got either slow speeds or high kill count."


Don't fucking organize our lives around cars then.

And hang the speeding motherfuckers that kill someone. That'll keep their speeds down.
The Overseer
Sun Nov 21 19:51:54
Speeding isn't the only way of killing someone on the road.

And by slow I mean 40kph is about as high as you'll normally go.

Which makes driving one of them around at 120kph on a good highway quite fun, in a nasty sort of way.

Plus, if someone isn't concerned about the possibility that he/she might be killed in a car crash, then that person is probably fairly confident that he/she won't kill someone in a car crash.
The Overseer
Sun Nov 21 19:52:14
Also, which countries with bad driving have you been to?

What was the worst and why?
river of blood
Sun Nov 21 19:58:20
Enforce basic laws. No one has a right to kill you by running you down with their car. Enforce that fucking law. There's 90% of all the stupid shit you're worried about addressed right there. God damn, camaban, does your mom still wipe your ass for you?
The Overseer
Sun Nov 21 20:02:40
What are the basic laws and what are the most common extra/unnecessary laws in your opinion?

Can we get some definitions and examples of each so we know what you're actually arguing against?

And that law is enforced. As are preventative measures.

Aren't most of your health threads about how awesome prevention is?
The Overseer
Sun Nov 21 20:03:21
And once again you've avoided this:

Also, which countries with bad driving have you been to?

What was the worst and why?

Have you ever even left the US?

I seem to recall you avoiding similar questions in the past.
Sam Adams
Sun Nov 21 20:18:15
There are definetly some traffic laws that are about a million times worse than others.

For example, speeding is pretty safe. "Running" a red light after a full stop and checking both ways is perfectly safe. Running stop signs and red lights like they do in third world countries... at full speed without a thought that someone might be going the other way... is definetly retarded.
Sun Nov 21 20:19:57
Worst I've seen was Italy... their brake doubles as a horn and they refuse to ever have their car stand still before they reach their destination.

Oh and being against traffic laws is patently retarded.
Sun Nov 21 20:22:07
So it's 3 am and not another car in sight.

You near a red light.

Do you

a) yield, look both ways, and go

b) run it blindly

c) stop and wait for the light to change
river of blood
Sun Nov 21 20:22:34
I seem to recall my bag slapping up against your chin, but I don't make a big deal about it here.

Yes, I've been to Thailand, Canada, and Puerto Rico. Thailand is fucking horrible for driving in. What's your point?

"Aren't most of your health threads about how awesome prevention is?"

Prevention = putting you in prison for not exercising prevention? I don't recall advocating anything like that for healthcare. You must have me confused with your butthole buddy Obama.
river of blood
Sun Nov 21 20:23:13
Basic laws? You can't fucking go out and run someone down with your car and get away with it?
Sam Adams
Sun Nov 21 20:24:25
mexicans vote for B, sane people vote for A, and aeros votes for C.
Sun Nov 21 20:27:01
>>Thailand is fucking horrible for driving in.<<

Not in the urban areas. Of course all countries have areas with shitty roads. But if Thailand was the worse, then you have not seen bad.
The Overseer
Sun Nov 21 20:28:55
>>For example, speeding is pretty safe. "Running" a red light after a full stop and checking both ways is perfectly safe.<<

Yeah, generally here though (at least on the busier intersections) you've got turn left anytime with care lanes.

>>So it's 3 am and not another car in sight.

You near a red light.

Do you

a) yield, look both ways, and go

b) run it blindly

c) stop and wait for the light to change <<

Are you near a red light at 3am frequently enough for this to be a major problem that requires exceptions?

Even then, it's only a few seconds of red light. If that generally <20 seconds is that crucial, WTF?

>>Yes, I've been to Thailand, Canada, and Puerto Rico. Thailand is fucking horrible for driving in. What's your point? <<

Wow... For someone who's so rabidly against the US govt, your travelling record sucks.

Anyhow, you ignored the second part of the question: It's the bit that goes "And why?"

>>Basic laws? You can't fucking go out and run someone down with your car and get away with it? <<

Yes, that's the consequence we're trying to avoid. Now please list what you consider to be basic laws, and what you believe to be excessive ones and why.
Sam Adams
Sun Nov 21 20:48:17
excessive laws are anything that prevent a person from thinking on their own.
The Overseer
Sun Nov 21 20:48:24

For all your screaming (just had to double-check what the latest is on Thailand) you haven't been to *one* country that has the authoritarian sort of government you're claiming that America is falling into for comparison?

Dude, seriously. Travel a bit to some of these countries to get some perspective, THEN come back and scream about how the US is a fascist hellhole.
The Overseer
Sun Nov 21 20:51:24
>>excessive laws are anything that prevent a person from thinking on their own. <<

For example?
Sun Nov 21 21:02:41
Forced lobotomies?

I haven't heard about this law, but it'd certainly explain a lot about the US.
Sun Nov 21 22:02:12
Would someone here define evil rather then just listing the people you dislike a la MB?

MB isn't evil. To be evil requires at least a modicum of intelligence which definirely leaves the little drama queen out in the cold.
Hot Rod
Sun Nov 21 22:10:52

Camaban - >>excessive laws are anything that prevent a person from thinking on their own. <<

For example?

How about nearly two years of unemployment benefits instead of laws that will get people working again.


The Overseer
Sun Nov 21 22:14:38
Yeah, that doesn't have much to do with driving.

There are lots of dumb laws out there, but before you can really debate with RoB you need to know what he's talking about. Otherwise you've just got what can only be described as an ever-shifting amorphous blob.
Sam Adams
Sun Nov 21 22:17:43
>>excessive laws are anything that prevent a person from thinking on their own. <<

For example?

for example, pretty much anything that a democrat votes for.
Sun Nov 21 22:53:44
"So it's 3 am and not another car in sight.

You near a red light.

Do you

a) yield, look both ways, and go

b) run it blindly

c) stop and wait for the light to change"

You know, this would actually be a good Psychological question in order to try and peg someones comfort zone for Government involvement. TBH, I always follow option C.
Sun Nov 21 22:55:21
"for example, pretty much anything that a democrat votes for."

Hurr. What exactly do Democrats vote for? You do realize that we are talking about Personal Liberties here, and not Economic ones. In this case, the Republican Party would be the "bad guys", since they are the party most willing to limit individual freedom. Its the Democrats who have the best track record with maintaining it.
Sam Adams
Sun Nov 21 23:12:48
"TBH, I always follow option C."

called that one, commie.

"What exactly do Democrats vote for?"

ironically, they usually vote against democracy.

"the Republican Party would be the "bad guys", since they are the party most willing to limit individual freedom."

Sun Nov 21 23:15:53
"Even then, it's only a few seconds of red light. If that generally <20 seconds is that crucial, WTF?"

- Well consider: the traffic light exists to direct traffic and maintain a certain order. At 3 am with no cars around, there is no traffic to direct. Why shouldn't this fact make the traffic light - which purpose is not being fulfilled at the time - irrelevent?
Sun Nov 21 23:17:49

1. Patriot Act

2. Constitutional Amendment against Gay Marriage

3. Filibustering the Civil Rights Act

Sam Adams
Sun Nov 21 23:24:42
"1. Patriot Act "

supported and extended by dems as well. aeros fail

2, not a big deal. This does not affect the freedom of gays in any way. Marriage is just a word used by fucking retarded christians.

3, the civil rights act and all other hate crimes and affirmative action bullshit is racist. by supporting this you are actually the one who hates freedom and personal choice. aeros fail
Hot Rod
Sun Nov 21 23:25:32

1. The current PA was passed with the blessing of a great many democrats.

2. I agree with you there. The republicans have no more right to force their morality on the individual than you liberals have a right to force your economics on us.

3. Individuals have a right to make up their own minds whether they want to be racists or not. Besides, the CRA has not proved very successful so far. All you have to do is look at the racists in this forum to see how far it has to go.


Sun Nov 21 23:27:16
"Well consider: the traffic light exists to direct traffic and maintain a certain order. At 3 am with no cars around, there is no traffic to direct. Why shouldn't this fact make the traffic light - which purpose is not being fulfilled at the time - irrelevent?"

In some places I agree fully... but then the lights should be programmed to either switch off or maintain a signal that just signifies that you should pay attention to the crossroads (like the blinking yellow light we have around here, dunno about out there).

But in densely populated areas it is a different matter. I often walk/cycle home late at night and I hate those fucking assholes that ignore red lights at night. If I wasn't careful by nature and as wary of traffic in general as I am, I could've been killed a couple of times while there was "no traffic".
Sam Adams
Sun Nov 21 23:28:36
and its totally the principal of the thing. You gotta stop the anti-thinking line of thought immediatly, otherwise aeros thinks he has a chance to ruin the country.
Hot Rod
Sun Nov 21 23:29:06

Sam - 2, not a big deal. This does not affect the freedom of gays in any way. Marriage is just a word used by fucking retarded christians.

It does make a difference when their mate is dying in the hospital and they are denied visitation because of 'family only'. Other than that I agree with you.

Sun Nov 21 23:49:00
"I agree with you there. The republicans have no more right to force their morality on the individual than you liberals have a right to force your economics on us."

Why do you keep forcing yourself on Lil' Davey, Pedo Rod?
Mon Nov 22 00:32:41
Why do leftist believe they have the right to force their version of morality on everyone else?
Mon Nov 22 00:38:46
"instead of laws that will get people working again. "

What is this, USSR? Everyone must work?

Hot Rod
Mon Nov 22 00:43:15


Every post more stupid than his last. :)

Mon Nov 22 00:43:27
If a least the overwhelming Majority aren't working you won't have enough money to fund all those wonderful social programs. There aren't enough rich people and they don't hae enough money.
Mon Nov 22 00:47:43
"Why do leftist believe they have the right to force their version of morality on everyone else?"

wrong, gfagd. allowing people the freedom to live with their own choices is the antithesis to "forcing morality" on people.

Just because you are a racist and a bigot doesn't mean giving more rights to minority members is forcing morality on you.

Fucking retard.
Hot Rod
Mon Nov 22 00:50:14

It is when the minorities receive more benefits than the producers of the wealth.

Mon Nov 22 00:53:00
"If a least the overwhelming Majority aren't working you won't have enough money to fund all those wonderful social programs"

Rod, thats a shot at you and your leeching ilk.
Mon Nov 22 00:54:10
"It is when the minorities receive more benefits than the producers of the wealth."

So when are you going to return all the welfare you have been collecting?
Hot Rod
Mon Nov 22 00:55:47

Not only stupider, but thick headed to boot.

Someday, if you ever sober up, you may understand the concept of insurance.

Hot Rod
Mon Nov 22 00:57:13

CR, your stupidity is surpassed by mf's so don't feel too bad.

Mon Nov 22 00:58:02
"Someday, if you ever sober up, you may understand the concept of insurance. "

I do. Garyd clearly doesn't. What are the "wonderful social programs" you think he is talking about, dumbass?

Hot Rod
Mon Nov 22 00:58:11

LOL @ both of you.

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