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Utopia Talk / Politics / Quote of The Day
Hot Rod
Thu Sep 30 08:18:25
"In matters of Power, let no more be heard of confidence in men, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."

~Thomas Jefferson
Thu Sep 30 08:29:59
So what constitutes mischief? Letting people die or taking people's money?
Hot Rod
Thu Sep 30 08:31:38
Read The Constitution.
Clitoral Hood
The Bloody Scourge
Thu Sep 30 08:32:59
it isn't his constitution.
Hot Rod
Thu Sep 30 08:37:03
Then why does he care? It is none of his business.
Clitoral Hood
The Bloody Scourge
Thu Sep 30 08:37:48
I disagree. our policies greatly affect other nations.
Hot Rod
Thu Sep 30 08:39:26
Then let him read The Constitution so he will know what our policies are "supposed" to be based on.
Clitoral Hood
The Bloody Scourge
Thu Sep 30 08:41:13
laughable conclusion.

the world changes, as does literature and ideals. your inability to cope with this change (i.e. your yearning for a country governed by an out of date document) has no business in politics.
Republican Rod
Thu Sep 30 08:49:52
"I am a Libertarian"

~Hot Rod
Hot Rod
Thu Sep 30 08:54:45
You want to get rid of The Magna Carta too?

How about the Constitutio Habita, parliamentary sovereignty over the Crown, The world's first Freedom of the Press Act introduced in Sweden in 1766, Englandâ??s Bill of Rights 1689, etc. There are many more all equally as important.

All of the above are much Older than our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Do you want to go back to where the elite few totally dominated the little people who had no rights?

If so, be patient. You may get your wish.
Clitoral Hood
The Bloody Scourge
Thu Sep 30 09:15:07
"Do you want to go back to where the elite few totally dominated the little people"

wait, we aren't there now? fuck me, I must be cynical.

your stupidity aside, my comments are about the fact that your interpretation of the constitution is skewed. I'm sure mine is too. I have the benefit, however, of being intelligent and understanding of change. No, this isn't some shitty obama speech. I never said get rid of the constitution. ever. anywhere. In fact, my allusion to changing ideals should have implied that the constitution should stay, but be modified to fit current standards.

Since I know your reading comprehension gets strained, here's a simple version for you HR: fuck off and die already. Us 'youngins' are better off without old pricks such as yourself.
Hot Rod
Thu Sep 30 09:25:36
And my point is that if your wish to revise The Constitution to reflect your Progressive Ideals would be to strip it of our Freedoms.

The Constitution is a road map designed to guide our society on a path to individual freedoms.

There are a few road signs that have confused The USSC and lead them to abrogate some of our freedoms, I agree they should be fixed so as not to cause any more damage to our personal liberties and to roll back the damage already caused.

Your ideas would strip most of the remaining liberties from society.
Thu Sep 30 09:26:44
This is coming from the guy who supports O'Donnell.
Thu Sep 30 09:28:47
"The Founding Fathers wrote the 14th Amendment."

-Molester Rod
Thu Sep 30 09:29:36
That is very cringe worthy.
Clitoral Hood
The Bloody Scourge
Thu Sep 30 09:34:39
do you even know what my ideals are?
Thu Sep 30 09:36:25
BTW, if anyone could dig out that thread in which Axis of Retards Hot Rod wrote that the 14th Amendment was written by our Founding Fathers, I would appreciate it very much. I'd like to include that hilarious post in my thread documenting AOR HR's idiocy and retardation.
Hot Rod
Thu Sep 30 09:41:23
CH, doesn't matter. To fundamentally change The Constitution, to "modernize" it, is morally wrong. Sorry, you will have to figure that one out for yourself, I refuse to waste my time explaining it to you.
Thu Sep 30 09:47:34
Morally wrong? Uhm no. Its a living document that reflects man's understanding of liberty in his age.

You might as well argue it morally wrong to dispute the god given rights of the Crown.
Thu Sep 30 09:50:40
I'm pretty sure your constitution doesn't really mention letting people die or taking people's money, but this is a choice (albeit an abstract one) your society has to make.

Also, if you don't modernize a document, it loses its meaning as language changes, and loses its applicability as culture changes. But by all means, stick to the Sanskrit version.
Clitoral Hood
The Bloody Scourge
Thu Sep 30 09:54:43
"To fundamentally change The Constitution, to "modernize" it, is morally wrong."

thank you for my daily giggle.
Thu Sep 30 09:55:37
This thread shows truly that Hot Rod does not understand the US Constitution. And being a fellow American I am embarassed that he has ignore this very crucial fact about the document. It was designed to be amended, that alone itself is a clear reason for it's existence of progression.

Thu Sep 30 09:56:48
or to be "modernize"

Technically, giving the women the right to vote in the 20th century would be "morally" wrong as it was "modernize".

Hot Rod
Thu Sep 30 09:59:50
When are you people going to realize that you argue for the rights of society while I argue for the rights of The Sovereign Individual.

The philosophies are different and I consider your philosophy to be just as dangerous as you consider mine.

The more rights you convey to society, the more rights you deny the individual.
Thu Sep 30 10:01:43
This only confirms moreso that hot rod was against women's rights to vote. And for us to elimination slavery.

Hot Rod
Thu Sep 30 10:03:01
Thu Sep 30 10:03:40
^ Hates the our constitution.
Thu Sep 30 10:06:39
You are on the record stating that you consider it "morally wrong" to modernize the living document known as the US Constitution. This can rendered as you were against womens' right to vote.
Thu Sep 30 10:07:43
The constitution is designed to allow itself to be fundamentally altered. It has since been fundamentally altered 17 or 27 times, depending on how you count the first 10.

Or are you against the 2-term limit for presidents?
Thu Sep 30 10:09:58
It's "morally wrong" to "modernize" the US Constitution. -Hot Rod

That's your answer, ehcks.
Thu Sep 30 10:12:58
Well, I guess HR would have loved giving Bush even more terms to destroy the country with.
Hot Rod
Thu Sep 30 10:23:12
I should think my last post would give you guys a clue.

I support positive Amendments that enhance the rights of The Sovereign Individual. Or that are at least positive changes that do not detract from those freedoms.
Thu Sep 30 10:28:55
Positive to who? You're being subjective here.

Most people believe that an amendment preventing the banning of homosexual marriage would be a "positive Amendment that enhance[s] the rights of The Sovereign Individual."

But you'd be against it, wouldn't you?
Thu Sep 30 10:29:59
That doesn't even make sense at all Hot Rod.
Thu Sep 30 10:31:11
"The more rights you convey to society, the more rights you deny the individual."

And yeah, that does make no sense.
Thu Sep 30 10:31:50
"The philosophies are different and I consider your philosophy to be just as dangerous as you consider mine."

I don't consider your philosophy dangerous. I find it dated and a bit quaint. Retarded at worst. In particular, I find it noteworthy that in your defense of the rights of the individual, you cite a document that only grants rights at the societal level.
Hot Rod
Thu Sep 30 10:39:00
ehcks - What part of the word *Individual* are you having trouble with?

I can only assume you people are being purposely obtuse. You are supposed to be educated aren't you?

Or do you just not care to even try to understand my posts?
Thu Sep 30 10:41:41
Well for one, your posts have to make sense. And from what I've ready and youve stated thus far;

"It's "morally wrong" to "modernize" the US Constitution."
-Hot Rod

"The more rights you convey to society, the more rights you deny the individual."
-Hot Rod

Those precepts destroy the fabrication of the US Constitution that you have claim you hold so dearly.
Thu Sep 30 10:47:48
So the only good amendment is one that names all the people it specifically applies to?

It's not easy to create a benefit to society that doesn't harm some individuals. If you're against progressing as a society because it might harm some persons, then we should be glad you have no political power.

The ultimate in personal freedom would be a world of non-social hunter-gatherer nomads. Would you like that?
Thu Sep 30 10:53:48
Any moment those quotes said by Hot Rod are going to be denied being said by Hot Rod.
Trolly McCool
Thu Sep 30 11:25:14
Hey, iTs MiStEr fOuRtEeN yR oLd GiRl AgAiN. HoW tHe HelL ArE yOu? PaSs YoUr MaTh FiNaL?
Trolly McNuggets
Thu Sep 30 11:28:09
Look! I'm relevant!
Thu Sep 30 11:57:05
"the world changes, as does literature and ideals. your inability to cope with this change (i.e. your yearning for a country governed by an out of date document) has no business in politics."

As someone else has already posted, the constitution is a fluid document that can be changed as the attitudes of the people or the times require.
Changing the constitution isn't easy, but it can be done. The process pretty much insures that the vast majority of the country agrees to the change, so I don't see that as a bad thing.
Clitoral Hood
The Bloody Scourge
Thu Sep 30 12:07:13
exactly kargen. but HR has repeatedly insisted on following 300 year old ideals.
John Adams
Thu Sep 30 12:25:53
It isn't a bad thing at all. Especially in the facet that the US Constitution must be ratified to reflect the changes of soceity. Other terms that would be notable for the word "changes"; progression or modernize.

To ignore the changing society and the world around you is a fundamental step of regression.
Hot Rod
Fri Oct 01 08:19:56
"These are the times that try menâ??s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their county; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny like hell is not easily conquered yet we have this consolation with us, the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value."

~Tom Paine after the Declaration of Independence
Republican Rod
Fri Oct 01 08:49:22
At the establishment of our constitutions, the judiciary bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government. Experience, however, soon showed in what way they were to become the most dangerous; that the insufficiency of the means provided for their removal gave them a freehold and irresponsibility in office; that their decisions, seeming to concern individual suitors only, pass silent and unheeded by the public at large; that these decisions, nevertheless, become law by precedent, sapping, by little and little, the foundations of the constitution, and working its change by construction, before any one has perceived that that invisible and helpless worm has been busily employed in consuming its substance. In truth, man is not made to be trusted for life, if secured against all liability to account.

Thomas Jefferson
Hot Rod
Sat Oct 02 11:49:54
"The U.S. Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself."

~Benjamin Franklin
Sat Oct 02 19:12:11
You must not forget that your personal constitution is the only pursuit of anything. What good is a personal constitution that isn't in the constant pursuit of overall happiness. It should be the very motor of such pursuit and not of the individual for what is good for everyone should very well be good for the individual.
Hot Rod
Sat Oct 02 19:19:02
The pursuit of individual happiness is the motor of the world.
Sat Oct 02 19:28:58
And the motor is working wonders individually determined by the wisest of fools foolishness. The virtue of selfishness is a detriment of overall personal pursuit. You are very low on the scale of fools and humanities perpetual fiber ring of cyclical drain of me above all things. Man will destroy itself through the reflection of me. It is all of history without the most important element of success repeating its failure.
Hot Rod
Sat Oct 02 19:39:25

You are peering at yourself upside down.
Hot Rod
Wed Oct 06 08:14:41
Ever wondered why it is that the conservatives are called the â??rightâ?? and the liberals are called the â??left?â?? If you read the bible, you can find the answer in the book of Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV) "The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left."
Wed Oct 06 08:23:20
i em hapy yuo hav finLY fowndid god hotrod
Hot Rod
Fri Oct 08 09:57:09
"The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then.
It is like a storm in the atmosphere."

~~Thomas Jefferson, letter to Abigail Adams, 1787
Fri Oct 08 10:05:58
I miss the days when Rod was in his "patriot" phase. "The spirit of resistance to government" lol, wtf? Is this the same bootlicker who defended warrantless wiretaps?
Hot Rod
Fri Oct 08 10:07:02
You never did understand that either did you?
Fri Oct 08 10:08:52
Yeah, I remember something that you stop being libertarian at the time of war.
Hot Rod
Fri Oct 08 10:12:43
As I recall, one end of the warrant-less wiretap would be a known or suspected terrorist.

Do you really want to go into The Patriot Act again which is now a Act passed by the democrats under Obama?
Fri Oct 08 10:16:30
"As I recall, one end of the warrant-less wiretap would be a known or suspected terrorist. "

And you are old, whats your point? Do you want me to explain the legalities again, retard?

"Do you really want to go into The Patriot Act again which is now a Act passed by the democrats under Obama? "

I think on some survelliance issues Obama is worse than Bush, he has been a total piece of shit on some issues, like killing americans abroad, without a trial. See, unlike you, I don't change my certain views based on who is in the WH, GOP or Dems.
Hot Rod
Fri Oct 08 10:25:10
You can explain whatever you like.

I'm going to lunch.
Hot Stick
Fri Oct 08 10:28:20
The nurse is going to wheel me into the dining room where I will eat microwaved beans and then prunes for dessert.

Then I will play scrabble and cribbage with Josephine and then the hot nurse will change me and I will have my nap.

Good day talk to yourself.
Fri Oct 08 10:30:48
Any chance Rod lives long enough to see a GOPer in the White House? So we can witness how his spirit of resistance to government is extinguished rather quickly?
Hot Rod
Fri Oct 08 21:41:38
Words to live by.

Lessons from Noah's Ark

Plan ahead... It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.

Stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone might ask you to do something REALLY big.

Don't listen to critics- do what has to be done.

Build on high ground.

For safety's sake, travel in pairs.

Two heads are better than one.

Speed isn't always an advantage. The cheetahs were on board but... so were the snails.

If you can't fight or flee---float!!

Take care of your animals as if they were the last ones on Earth.

Don't forget that we're all in the same boat.

When things get really deep, don't sit there and complain-- shovel!!!

Stay below deck during the storm.

Remember that the ark was built by amateurs and the Titanic was built by professionals.

If you have to start over, have a friend by your side.

Remember that the woodpeckers INSIDE are often a bigger threat than the storm outside.

Don't miss the boat.

No matter how bleak it looks, there's always a rainbow on the horizon.
Adolf Hitler
Fri Oct 08 21:43:14
^ This really should be considered spam and deleted on sight.
Hot Rod
Fri Oct 08 21:45:14
AH's words to live by.

Shit, Fuck, Cunt, Bathhouse.
Tentacle Rapist
Fri Oct 08 21:55:35
Clearly Hot Rod Despises the emancipation proclaimations though, other wise, he would let lil davey go free.
Adolf Hitler
Fri Oct 08 22:18:28
genocide rod's words to live by.

black putrefication, skin slippage, body cavity rupture, dead mom.
Hot Rod
Sun Oct 10 10:08:33
"Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual - or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country."

~~ Samuel Adams
Sun Oct 10 10:22:16
The more government you have the mnore freedom there will be.

You do not have the freedom to screw over A in order to benefit B.

Hmosexual marriage as currently constituted is not about the rights of Homosexuals to lawfully cohabit and have the same economic advantage - what few there are as any other couple it is about forcing the majority to accomdate what the majority feels is revolting.

Put it this way of you call it a civil union and give it all the same economic and other rights as a marriage no one cares. You call it a marriage and sixty percent of the country say not no but hell no and with Americas fastest growing Demographic 60-40 against it you aren't going to get it any time soon so you take the common sense compromise and settle for being ignored rather than risk making Phelps a hero to more than the handful of nitwits that still attend that cesspool he calls a church.
Sun Oct 10 10:29:07
"The more government you have the mnore freedom there will be."

I do believe that is a typo? I also believe it's correct.

"Hmosexual marriage as currently constituted is not about the rights of Homosexuals to lawfully cohabit and have the same economic advantage"

What? That's exactly wrong. The entire argument for homosexual marriage is one for the right to "lawfully cohabit and have the same economic advantage".

"Put it this way of you call it a civil union and give it all the same economic and other rights as a marriage no one cares."

Put it this way: You give blacks their drinking fountains and whites theirs, and no one car... oh, wait.

Sometimes the majority is abhorrently wrong. In those cases, the government needs to step in and change things.
Milton Bradley
Sun Oct 10 10:29:33
"what few there are as any other couple it is about forcing the majority to accomdate what the majority feels is revolting."

You are revolting, you freedom-hating bigoted little shithead.
Milton Bradley
Sun Oct 10 10:30:40
" the majority" is only the majority in religious hellholes, most predominantly in the most backwards regions of Africa.
Milton Bradley
Sun Oct 10 10:32:03
"You do not have the freedom to screw over A in order to benefit B. "

How are straights screwed over if homosexuals can marry?
Milton Bradley
Sun Oct 10 10:33:17
And let me make that 4 different milton bradleys in one thread!
Sun Oct 10 10:34:24
They'll have to recognize icky gay people being married.

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