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Utopia Talk / Politics / Here's A Thought
Hot Rod
Sun Sep 26 08:39:39
If a race or nationality does not want to be profiled by the authorities, let the innocent ones help clean up the mess by speaking out.

I'm tired of their whining.
Adolf Hitler
Sun Sep 26 08:52:05
Oh look Rod had a thought! A stupid, racist, troll thought, but still! Im so proud of him!
Hot Stick
Sun Sep 26 08:59:13
Those niggers and teatowel heads. All they do is whine. Niggers should clean up nigger crime by hunting their own criminals on the streets. I am not racist because I voted B1.
Sun Sep 26 09:13:07
Did you speak out when a white man commits a crime?
Hot Stick
Sun Sep 26 09:25:07
Do *YOU* think *I* represent *EVERY* white man Andy?
Hot Rod
Sun Sep 26 09:34:23
asdasdfasdfasdfasdfa, if I am aware of a crime I report it no matter who committed it.

My guess is you never turn in the poor underprivileged minorities.
Milton Bradley
Sun Sep 26 09:34:36
I can see why hotrod is tired of innocent victims of racial prejudice complaining about being targeted. I mean, how is he supposed to be racist if he cant just point to any random nigger/raghead and assign them responsibility for crimes that people they have never met in their lives commit?
Milton Bradley
Sun Sep 26 09:36:45
"asdasdfasdfasdfasdfa, if I am aware of a crime I report it no matter who committed it"

If if they run a stop sign? Red light? Jay Walk?
Milton Bradley
Sun Sep 26 09:37:37
"asdasdfasdfasdfasdfa, if I am aware of a crime I report it no matter who committed it. "

hotrod knows that niggers and ragis never report a crime that they see. This doesnt make him a racist at all btw.
Hot Rod
Sun Sep 26 09:38:23
You guys are really surprising me.

Not only do you have nothing to contribute, but I had no idea how stupid you can be.
Milton Bradley
Sun Sep 26 09:39:17
If a white man commits a crime in australia you can be sure hotrod is there to report it and take responsibility for it.
Milton Bradley
Sun Sep 26 09:40:29
What was the last white crime you reported hot rod?
Sun Sep 26 10:01:32
Yes, minorities must be responsible for another minority's crime.

"I am a social liberal."
-Molester Rod
Sun Sep 26 10:38:26
Why miltie have you decided to be a class a Ass.
Sun Sep 26 11:08:20
I re-posted what molester Rod has said. Does his hypocrisy offends your morals as well?
Sun Sep 26 11:54:09
What his lack of math skills is hypocrisy?

I'd like to know what the context in which the use of the N word appeared was. The whole conversation not just what he said.

Milton Bradley
Sun Sep 26 12:26:42
"Condoms are not effective"

-Gary I'm way out of touch with reality D
Sun Sep 26 12:32:13
Milton lying through his teeth as usual.
Milton Bradley
Sun Sep 26 12:33:26
There is not way that I am lying. I am reposting what you actually said. "Like condoms are effective" is the equivalent of saying "condoms are not effective".

You may go now...
Sun Sep 26 12:58:24
"What his lack of math skills is hypocrisy?"

There is no mentioning of his math skills here, gfagD
Mon Sep 27 02:40:45
I actually think that profiling is good and benefits society.

I think the focus group should be 65+. A complete review of every individual reaching that age to acertain their total IRS liabilities, legal status, fraudulent and lifestyle issues that might both limit SS and Medicare payments. In addition to booting them out of the country if they are unable to prove US citizenship.

I think a surprising number of old people might have trouble proving they are US nationals. It would be a great cost saver.
Mon Sep 27 02:47:04
Oh yah. Did I forget the mandatory cash outs?

Hot Rod for example should be given a lump sum of 60 000 USD in lieu of future SS and Medicare payments.

We calculated earlier that this is a fair value return on payments made.
Firestorm Phoenix
Mon Sep 27 08:03:03
Guilty till proven innocent! - HR
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 27 08:07:43
FP, I bet it was you or someone with your mentality that came up with the idea for the cops who are looking for a 6'6" 240 lb Black Man to stop and strip search every 96 year old 97 lb white woman they come across.

Guess you would rather criminals go free than to hurt someones feelings.
Firestorm Phoenix
Mon Sep 27 08:26:07
No, I look for the 6'6" black man, not stop every black person I see and demand if they dont like it to look for the suspect myself.
Firestorm Phoenix
Mon Sep 27 08:27:21
Adolf Hitler
Mon Sep 27 08:29:50

"Hot Rod for example should be given a lump sum of 60 000 USD in lieu of future SS and Medicare payments. "

What were these calculations?
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 27 08:31:16
FP - No, I look for the 6'6" black man...

Well, at least you believe in racial profiling.
Firestorm Phoenix
Mon Sep 27 08:31:28
Dont do that! He'll fake his death and come back under an assumed name to collect twice! He's already got the practice after all.
Firestorm Phoenix
Mon Sep 27 08:33:40
Apparently, I am also height and weight profiling too. It also appears you fail to read, so once again:

"No, I look for the 6'6" black man, not stop every black person I see and demand if they dont like it to look for the suspect themselves."
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 27 08:41:51
"I look for the 6'6" black man..."

That proves you believe in racial profiling. You clearly don't stop 6'6" white men.

"demand if they dont like it to look for the suspect themselves."

That is merely responding to my OP.
Adolf Hitler
Mon Sep 27 08:48:14
This is profiling hot cunts mom:


Odor, color changes, and bloating of the body during decomposition are the results of putrefaction. The lower part of the abdomen turns green due to bacteria activity in the cecum.

A formation of gases enters the abdomen, which forces liquids and feces out of the body. The gases also enter the neck and face, causing swelling of the mouth, lips, and tongue. Due to this swelling and misconfiguration of the face, identification of the body can be difficult.'
Firestorm Phoenix
Mon Sep 27 08:53:03
The entire thread is a response to your trite, racist OP. You also seemed to miss the "not stop every black person I see" part. Then again, selective editing is your strong point. After all, a reasonable person couldn't hold the asinine beliefs that you do without closing their mind to fact.

HR: Races should police themselves if they dont like profiling!

Me: Racial profiling is racist and it is unreasonable to demand an entire race to police themselves

HR: You profile because you'd look for a 6'6" 240 lb black man!

Me: No. Following up a specific description is different than stopping every black person I see and demand they look for the guy if they dont like my harassment.

HR: You support profiling because you look for black people!

Me: No, I am looking for one specific black person that matches a specific description. Racial profiling would be to stop someone for being black and only just.

HR: Blah blah blah, you're a racist too, blah blah blah.
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 27 08:56:42
"not stop every black person I see"

Nope, just the tall ones. :)
Mon Sep 27 10:37:19
Retard Rod, a white guy has recently been charged of stealing in the county where I lived in. Please state that you will take responsibility for this crime.
Mon Sep 27 10:38:49
BTW, every time Molester Rod has a thought, it usually ends up with racist remarks or fondness for underage boys. Why?
Mon Sep 27 14:21:35
"If a race or nationality does not want to be profiled by the authorities, let the innocent ones help clean up the mess by speaking out."

Why is their fault or responsibility? Not getting singled out by the law is a human right.
Mon Sep 27 14:35:16
Not if you are a minority. Please get on with the program.
Milton Bradley
Mon Sep 27 16:41:42
Hot Rod how many whites have you reported since you believe people should police their own race?

Are you not doing your part?
Hot Rod
Mon Sep 27 16:50:26
I don't hang around with criminals.
Mon Sep 27 16:51:59
So you never claimed responsibilities for the crimes committed by Whites?

But other minorities should be held responsible for the crimes committed by their own race?

I see.
Milton Bradley
Mon Sep 27 16:52:42
Maybe blacks don't hang around criminals either. So how can they police their own?
Adolf Hitler
Mon Sep 27 16:56:00
I see. The difference between blacks and hot racist is that he doesnt hang around blacks. Man, can he dig himself down any further, the filthy, genocidal, lying, racist whore? I bet he can...somehow
Milton Bradley
Wed Sep 29 17:18:56
I know you are in your infamous running away stage but maybe you can answer the question HR.
Milton Bradley
Wed Sep 29 17:21:27
"let the innocent ones help clean up the mess by speaking out"

You don't need to hang around criminals to speak out. So why do we never see you speaking out every time there is a white crime like you expect other races to do for their own race?
Davey Avenger
Sat Nov 20 10:02:52
set davey free
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