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Utopia Talk / Politics / To MT, Hot Rod, other neocons
Wed Aug 04 08:31:18
Ever since Obama became president several of you have been loudly voicing your sudden concern over the public deficit and debt. Your criticisms would probably gain more traction had you raised any such concerns during the Bush administration's deficit expansions, but you didn't.

Now, Obama is obviously raising the deficit at a faster pace than his predecessor. But it cannot be ignored that Bush raised the annual deficit, even if it was at a lower rate than it was currently.

We all know that the government was last able to maintain at least a book-basis surplus during the final years of the Clinton administration. This had less to due with Clinton's policy initiatives than with the fact that he was fighting with a Republican-run Congress over what and would not be entering the annual budgets. Adversity yielded surpluses.

Now, we can all agree that a Democratic President and a Democratically-led Congress are a disaster when it comes to deficit levels. But we also know that a Republican President and a Republican-led Congress also spend like drunken monkeys without regard for fiscal responsibility when they have the chance.

My question then is this. The ideal combination for deficit control seems to be a Democratic President and a Republican-led Congress. In that case, assuming that the GOP was slated to take or retain control of Congress in any given election year, would you tend to vote for a Democratic candidate for president?
Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 08:38:55
I vote Libertarian, except for the last election where I have admitted that I voted McCain because I thought it imperative we keep Obama out oof The White House. My fears have proved themselves prudent to say the least.

As for Bush and friends spending too much, you gert no argument from me.
Adolf Hitler
Wed Aug 04 09:00:21
Hot Rod Apr 10th, 2008 2:15 PM

BTW, I will vote Libertarian regardless who The dems or repubs nominate, but *I AM INTELLIGENT ENOUGH* to know that there will not be a libertarian president elected in November.
Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 09:04:13
Fuck you racist dick sucker.
Adolf Hitler
Wed Aug 04 09:04:55
Hot Rod Apr 22nd, 2008 1:56 PM

Vote Libertarian.

Hot Rod May 12th, 2008 10:26 PM

Beings you asked, yes I do mind.

It was sarcasm.

I will vote The Libertarian ticket.
Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 09:05:24
Fuck you racist dick sucker.
Adolf Hitler
Wed Aug 04 09:09:51
Hot Rod Jun 12th, 2008 6:25 PM

LOL, you diss me for posting a very similar article then go out and dig up this one against McCain.

Poor Hellfire, he needs to hack away at the republicans to sanction his existence.

BTW, I vote The Libertarian Party Ticket.

I just defend McCain to watch you, and others, dance around with ants in their pants.
Adolf Hitler
Wed Aug 04 09:18:33
Bob Barr on the issues
Hot Rod Jun 19th, 2008 10:39 PM

They have my vote.

Hot Rod Jun 30th, 2008 8:48 PM


Hot Rod Jul 13th, 2008 9:09 PM

I vote *ONLY* Libertarian

Hot Rod Jul 15th, 2008 8:49 PM

Vote Libertarian.

Hot Rod Jul 25th, 2008 9:05 PM

Barr will get my vote.

On this forum I will diss Hussein and support McCain, just for the fun of it.

Hot Rod Aug 13th, 2008 6:03 AM

patom, no. I would not vote for Gingrich even though I think he would make a good President. And that, by itself, is a good enough reason to not vote for him. And I would not vote for McCain because of his divorce.

Any man that cannot hold his marriage together I do not trust to hold the country together.

Patriotic UPer
Wed Aug 04 09:19:37
What are you trying to say, that HR is a liar and a hypocrite?
Adolf Hitler
Wed Aug 04 09:21:36
HR - "patom, no. I would not vote for Gingrich even though I think he would make a good President. And that, by itself, is a good enough reason to not vote for him."

Straight from the asses mouth folks rofl
Patriotic UPer
Wed Aug 04 09:26:04
"I would not vote for Gingrich even though I think he would make a good President."

HR might have voted for Gingrich, but this guy cheated on his wife.

But HR wouldn't vote for McCain because he had a divorce?

You're pretty dumb.
Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 09:30:58
Patriotic UPer, no what he is trying to say is two things.

1. That the closer we got to the election the more I realized just how dangerous Obama was so I changed my vote from Bob Barr to John McCain as is my right and priviledge in a free society.

2. That he can't get enough of following me around with his nose up my ass.

He is a sick demented little dick sucking racist.
Patriotic UPer
Wed Aug 04 09:36:25
So you're saying you are not a principled person.

Adolf Hitler
Wed Aug 04 09:36:34
Patriot UPer, how could you possibly get that from his posts like

* I vote *ONLY* Libertarian
* And I would not vote for McCain because of his divorce. Any man that cannot hold his marriage together I do not trust to hold the country together.
* BTW, I will vote Libertarian regardless who The dems or repubs nominate

Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 09:47:39
LOL@Patriotic UPer

And here I thought you had some integrity. Guess you are just another of AH's dick sucking racist clones.

AH - Any man that cannot hold his marriage together I do not trust to hold the country together.

I never said that.
Patriotic UPer
Wed Aug 04 09:51:57
Not his clone. Nice try though. But it never cease to amaze me how you are a person with no conviction.
Adolf Hitler
Wed Aug 04 09:52:03
You naughty little lying genociding twat lol...

Hot Rod Aug 13th, 2008 6:03 AM

patom, no. I would not vote for Gingrich even though I think he would make a good President. And that, by itself, is a good enough reason to not vote for him. And I would not vote for McCain because of his divorce.

Any man that cannot hold his marriage together I do not trust to hold the country together.

Adolf Hitler
Wed Aug 04 09:52:32
Adolf Hitler
Wed Aug 04 09:58:43
Does your pathological lying never cease, Hot Psychopath? Ever? Even though you get caught several times every day? See, the fact that you never, ever stop lying even though you are now known as the biggest liar ever at UP, shows its not just a complete lack of morals, or intelligence, it shows its pathological. Its a mental sickness you have.
Adolf Hitler
Wed Aug 04 10:03:33
On initial democratic opposition to offshore drilling:

Hot Rod Patron Jun 20th, 2008 1:56 PM

I think I have figured out the problem.

Most countries, and the republican, look at their countries natural resources as an asset to better the lives of their people through economic growth.

The democrats look at those same natural resources as an ecological disaster waiting to happen.

The irony is of course, as always, like a 12 course fine dining meal lol

Adolf Hitler
Wed Aug 04 10:04:02
^ Wrong thread
Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 10:07:10
^-Thread Hog.

Five posts in a row to the same thread. That is SPAM. Please delete all of Hitler's posts to teach him a lesson.
Wed Aug 04 10:10:22
No I wouldn't vote for a dem for pres. There are a lot more issues to vote on then just the debt. Besides, with the tea party now I imagine the majority of republicans elected will now be expected to stay conservative and not overspend like they did during the bush years.
Wed Aug 04 10:46:48
"My question then is this. The ideal combination for deficit control seems to be a Democratic President and a Republican-led Congress."

There is no proof in this. The trajectory of the debt has always gone up unless the economy is good.

P.S. there is some major raping on HR here.
Wed Aug 04 11:51:41
"Five posts in a row to the same thread. That is SPAM. Please delete all of Hitler's posts to teach him a lesson."

- What you call "SPAM" is another's evidence.
Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 13:40:41
Canadian, I see you don't understand American Politics either.
Wed Aug 04 15:20:45
"Canadian, I see you don't understand American Politics either."

The Founding Fathers wrote the 14th Amendment
-child rapist Hot Rod
Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 16:44:44
mf thinks The Constitution and politics are one and the same. And he has the temerity to laugh at my error.

Wed Aug 04 16:54:14
Maybe this is why you want our government to get into genocides - you do not think knowing the Constitution would help you understand how and why our democratic system is set up.

Just a guess...

Or maybe you are just a retard.
Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 17:13:45
Or maybe you know less than anyone in the forum.
Wed Aug 04 17:24:34
That's unlikely. I know that pedophilia is wrong, whereas you still practice it.
Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 17:31:18
Of course you know less, you just proved it.

It never fails, when I win a point against almost everyone of you liberals and you don't have a comeback you make the standard pedophile comment.

It is your tell
Wed Aug 04 17:34:55
Knowing less about abducting young boys and sexually molesting them is not an area that one needs to know about.
Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 17:41:53
Here's your card.
Wed Aug 04 17:59:21
"Canadian, I see you don't understand American Politics either."

- I wasn't pasting on US Politics, I was piling on to the hypocrisy about you "only voting libertarian" and "I will vote Libertarian regardless who The dems or repubs nominate" before saying you voted for McCain/Palin ticket.

As to the thread, Rugian is correct in that the adversity created by a Democratic executive and a Republican legislature provides for better fiscal management (due to checks and balances) than when either party has control of both branches.
Wed Aug 04 18:15:14
HR stands for hypocrisy and retardation.
Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 18:18:36
Canadian, we Americans think it prudent to change our vote when one candidate proves himself to be totally inadequate for the job during the course of the campaign.

Only a fool would vote his party come hell or high water under those circumstance.

Of course it is evident from your comments that you vote your party come hell or high water.
Patriotic UPer
Wed Aug 04 18:22:06
It still stands. Hot rod still has no convictions or stands by any principles.

Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 18:23:58
So says the multi that stands by posting under the very first handle he used in the forum.

Pot/kettle. Go away.
Patriotic UPer
Wed Aug 04 18:46:33
This has nothing to do with my multiness. This has everything to do with your lack of conviction and principles. You are entitled to change your vote yes. No one ever dipsutes that. As much as you portray yourself as something more than other posters here regarding politics and most of the things you say we can only rely on as the standard. Making claims that you vote only libertarian but only preach about conservative ideals leads us to believe your anything but a libertarian.

Again to spread the platform and ideals of a particular entit or political party should perhaps be a priority. This would maintain your integrity instead of being the typical uniformed voter jumping back in forth. It makes it hard for any other poster with political aspirations or interest to discuss things with such a poster who is in the most basic of descriptions a "flake".

These are only miniscule examples that paints the political spectrum in such a negative light. A principled person with the political leanings or support for libertarianism would standby such concept. To be a "flip-flopper" and vote for a person that has a better chance than winning agains an opponent that you vehmently disagree with again destroy the core values of our voting rights. How? I am sure you are wondering.

It is a given thany any third party that enters the political realm will hardly ever make an impact. But it needs their support; take the tea party for example, for such a unique position they are in they are garnering support from all walks of life. And they are only gaining the momentum due to their base getting out to pus the agenda. This is where libertarianism is failing. Its because people like you lack as it has been repeatedly said, conviction and principles.

The pin point of this juncture is that your a prime example of a weak link in the chain of politics that will faulter and forever remain in turmoil. You are the crack in the foundation of a political tower that will come tumbling down and cause chaos and destruction. It is uninformed voters like yourself who don't vote for a person or party ideals. You have no concience and you vote with vanity. Hence why I consider you a poor american.

I hope soon more people like you would fade away.
Wed Aug 04 18:47:57
You fail to realize that debt as a % of GDP did not significantly rise between Clinton and Bush years until 2008. Do you know how much growth the Bush Administration brought to this country, even with debt? You have to look at debt as a % of GDP, not just actual numbers.
Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 18:49:27
Shit Obama even refuses to have a budget this year.
Wed Aug 04 20:13:49
once again liar rod makes shit up.
Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 20:15:48
Where can I find a copy of Obama's budget for the coming fiscal year?
Wed Aug 04 20:18:01
Is he required to present one right now, liar Rod?
Wed Aug 04 20:25:58
"Canadian, we Americans think it prudent to change our vote when one candidate proves himself to be totally inadequate for the job during the course of the campaign.

Only a fool would vote his party come hell or high water under those circumstance.

Of course it is evident from your comments that you vote your party come hell or high water."

- I guess I'm more principled than you. Also, "my" party has never been out of the race in my area, so I've never been confronted by that particular dilemma.

"Where can I find a copy of Obama's budget for the coming fiscal year?"

- Googled and found in ten seconds flat. Quit being such a lazy liar.


Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 20:32:13
I stand corrected, I must have heard someone making a joke.
Wed Aug 04 20:34:12
again you "heard" from someone.

This is a good way to make it seems as if you aren't the retarded one.
Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 20:39:59
Here's your card.
Patriotic UPer
Wed Aug 04 21:12:24
Heard someone making a joke? Here again is a prime example of you never checking any facts and spew out utter nonsense. So you "heard" this and you didn't bother to research it further in order to make some kind of well-rounded point. Now you're left there standing looking like a fool.....as usual.

Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 21:13:54
Here's your card.
Patriotic UPer
Wed Aug 04 21:18:56
Doesn't even make sense. When will you be a person with integrity?
Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 21:38:15
Here's your card.
Wed Aug 04 21:39:44
Rod, you were so pwned in this thread, that I even feel bad for you.
Hot Rod
Wed Aug 04 21:46:58
I don't think changing my vote constitutes being pwned.

Here's your card.
Wed Aug 04 21:51:36
here's your card. You were pwnt.
Thu Aug 05 08:59:41
It's really disgusting that pedo HR would resort to spamming when he gets owned.
Hot Rod
Thu Aug 05 09:02:02
There's your tell. Here's your card.
Thu Aug 05 09:28:19
Is this what you are going to do from now on when people call you out for the mistakes you made?
Cold Rod
Thu Aug 05 09:30:27
Just a petulant child.
Hot Rod
Thu Aug 05 09:42:26
Not at all. Not for the mistakes 'I' made.
Cold Rod
Thu Aug 05 09:43:44
So are you saying you never make mistakes?

Using your stupid logic.
Hot Rod
Thu Aug 05 09:49:49
BS, I have admitted far more of my mistakes than you have multi's sonny. Go play with yourself.
Cold Rod
Thu Aug 05 09:51:48
Only to repeat them again. Hot Rod/ Angel/ JPJ/ The Guardian/ Liberal, etc,etc

Seriously, watching it who you address as a multi. Multi.
Thu Aug 05 09:53:17
I can vouch for Rod here, he indeed admitted that he lied on multiple occasions. I personally lost count, in fact I presume that anything he say might be a lie. Cause I know that Rod is honorable and the next confession is just around the corner.
Thu Aug 05 09:53:18
you lied about your voting intention.
So again, are you going to spam the threads where your mistakes are revealed with the "here is card" phrase from now on?

A spam war can be arranged.
Hot Rod
Thu Aug 05 09:53:49
You listed every tag I have used, now list all of yours.
Thu Aug 05 09:54:37
Not every tag, Rod. He missed Hotrod.
Cold Rod
Thu Aug 05 09:55:17
"You listed every tag I have used, now list all of yours. "

I don't have to, as I am comfortable with my multiness. However, you cannot cope with yours. Hypocrite.
Cold Rod
Thu Aug 05 09:55:37
That's why I put etc. I could put General Public too.
Hot Rod
Thu Aug 05 09:59:13
CR - I can vouch for Rod here, he indeed admitted that he lied on multiple occasions.

Now if you would only admit all of the lies you have told.

I had a dream last night and I think you were somehow involved. Some guy I never heard of, from the Uzbekistan area, showed up at my door and he could not speak a word of English. You are the only one I know of that has been to that area so I blame you.
Hot Rod
Thu Aug 05 10:00:59
Go ahead, that would prove you a liar.
Thu Aug 05 10:01:13
I take your reticence as an admission that you were wrong for spamming the forum and will now stop spamming the threads in which you were called out for lying?

Very good.
Thu Aug 05 10:02:54
"Now if you would only admit all of the lies you have told. "

I only lie to women. Well, mostly to one particular woman.
Hot Rod
Thu Aug 05 10:03:50
mf - Asked and answered.

Here's your card.
Cold Rod
Thu Aug 05 10:04:31
Here's your sign.
Thu Aug 05 10:10:54
HR, very good.
A spam war can easily arranged for your threads.
Hot Rod
Thu Aug 05 10:14:03
If you can't hold your morning liquer, don't drink.

Member Thu Aug 05 09:28:19
Is this what you are going to do from now on when people call you out for the mistakes you made?

Hot Rod
Member Thu Aug 05 09:42:26
Not at all. Not for the mistakes 'I' made.
Cold Rod
Thu Aug 05 10:14:28
Here's your sign.
Hot Rod
Thu Aug 05 10:14:35
Oh! Here's your card.
Cold Rod
Thu Aug 05 10:14:51
Here's your sign.
Trolly McCool
Thu Aug 05 10:39:44
"The ideal combination for deficit control seems to be a Democratic President and a Republican-led Congress. "

Sample size, tardo.
Thu Aug 05 22:35:25
It's only happened twice. Clinton and Truman.
Milton Bradley
Thu Sep 23 11:55:35
Memory Lane
Wed Oct 31 15:31:07
Drinking again as I remember things, like re-upping this thread.

Cold Rod
Wed Oct 31 15:36:53
bwahahaha classic indeed
Wed Oct 31 15:41:26
"The ideal combination for deficit control seems to be a Democratic President and a Republican-led Congress. "

Yep, called that one.

Weird to see that I used to put effort into my posts.
Cold Rod
Wed Oct 31 15:43:03
Wed Oct 31 15:46:22
What year was this? 2008?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Oct 31 15:47:00

Care to repost the thread where Obama told Joe the Plumber he was going to redistribute the nation's wealth.

How about where he said he was not allowed to sign a specific EO but he signed anyway.

How about where Pelosi said she could hardly wait to pass Obamacare so she could see what was in it. Have you noticed this year's sales slogan?

She is selling the Democrats latest health plan that will cover everyone. Since the remnants of Obamacare are still around I guess that is what she is talking about.

Cold Rod
Wed Oct 31 15:47:04
Oh yeah
Cold Rod
Wed Oct 31 15:47:59
This is, ironically enough, about you Hot Rod. LOL
Wed Oct 31 15:56:06
Hot Rod was a libertarian?
the wanderer
Wed Oct 31 16:02:10
"redistribute the nation's wealth"

desperately needed
Wed Oct 31 16:31:29
"Weird to see that I used to put effort into my posts."

You grow up, your go-to masturbation material has become old and wrinkled and the old stuff just doesn't do it anymore, and you say "fuck it" and beat one off to the first pair of tits that drops by.

But, translated to forum posting.
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