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Utopia Talk / Movie Talk / The Walking Dead (Cont. 9)
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Nov 21 23:00:43 If you haven't watched the most recent episode, beware of spoilers!! Previous thread: http://www...hread=76377&time=1479178351047 |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Nov 21 23:12:18 @S7-E5: "Go Getters" Pretty neat episode. Now have multiple Negan assassins in the bushes; Carl, Michonne, and Jesus. Michonne seems to be the long game, since she's patiently training with the rifle, whereas Carl may just do something stupid and get Jesus killed... then again Jesus may convince Carl to make this trip strictly informational, in which case they'll both return with knowledge of Negan's main base... |
the wanderer | Tue Nov 22 00:43:05 Rosita wanted a bullet too... but perhaps just one since she only had one casing I suppose we'll be back to Carol & the tiger next week... lots of story lines |
Member | Tue Nov 22 03:52:22 Whose job is it to change the cat litter? |
Anarchist Prime | Tue Nov 22 12:33:30 http://twitter.com/i/videos/tweet/801103519243706370? |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Nov 28 00:38:08 Do we think that Heath (glasses; runner from Alexandria) was taken by the Atlanta hospital crew like Beth? ;D I like where they went with this episode... can't just opportunistically kill everyone, otherwise there can be no good will or development.. so Alexandria can't just subjugate another group in order to compete with Negan... hopefully Eugene can start making bullets soon -- that would be a good way to compete! |
the wanderer | Tue Nov 29 22:20:18 i had forgotten Heath & Tara even existed :p Heath could've driven off on his own maybe i'll probably forget about him by the next time he comes up anyway :p |
Cherub Cow
Member | Wed Nov 30 02:48:11 "i had forgotten Heath & Tara even existed :p" Yeah not the most important of the bunch ;D .. that made it nicer when Tara got all the way back to Alexandria in this episode; not sure I could be too interested in a long journey with her as the main character ;) "Heath could've driven off on his own maybe i'll probably forget about him by the next time he comes up anyway :p" The tire tracks may not mean much, but it looked like Tara saw his broken glasses on the ground, so I thought maybe he was taken... he did seem guilty enough about the savior-killing that he thought about leaving, but that scene on the bridge where he stays to help Tara also made it seem like he changed his mind and wouldn't leave his peeps if he could help it. But yeah! He's not exactly Beth or Daryl so difficult to care too much about when they bring his story back around :D |
the wanderer | Wed Nov 30 17:13:20 you're right, he's probably taken by someone, that's a common occurrence :p I didn't recall the broken glasses... or his name even when reading your first post :p |
Anarchist Prime | Wed Nov 30 18:09:37 what about the design on the pistol grip? it kinda looked like negan's bat. or was I seeing things? |
Cherub Cow
Member | Wed Nov 30 18:12:15 "you're right, he's probably taken by someone, that's a common occurrence :p" I hope they haven't become too formulaic with the captivity stories! ;D ... captivity stories seem to be a long-standing story feature, btw... in romanticism it was "who has the girl?" (Last of the Mohicans, Beauty and the Beast.. in the modern it was even Mario), but maybe in a "post-gender" world now it's "who has the idealist?"? ;D ... .. "I didn't recall the broken glasses... or his name even when reading your first post :p" I had to look up his name to write that!! :D I know he was in that Compton movie ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straight_Outta_Compton_(film) ), but in WD he's so far been a peripheral/add-on character, so I hope they don't expect the audience to care too much if he dies soon in front of Tara... though he did have that conversation with Glenn after the savior-murdering which could make him seem like a Glenn surrogate... for posterity: pic of his glasses: http://i.imgur.com/YxSIAcp.png |
Cherub Cow
Member | Wed Nov 30 18:14:42 "what about the design on the pistol grip? it kinda looked like negan's bat. or was I seeing things?" I think so... I don't necessarily recognize Negan's group symbol, but Carl had some kind of symbol on his pistol grip too (which Negan recognized), so it looks like Negan could find out about Rick's&HillTop's involvement in the outpost killings by noticing the grips... or did he already? :/ |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Dec 05 00:08:16 @S7-E7: "Sing Me a Song" Yup! Good job being stupid, Carl! How about killing Negan like you meant to, or how about next time you don't suggest to the person who has the power to kill anyone he wants that he kill you and your dad? ;D .. reallies though.. when does it ever work out to say some variation of "you don't have the guts!" to someone who can kill you for saying it? And Negan has already proven that he can and will kill peeps... Guess Carl just expects people to be on his level of teen-impulsive, like Carl thought he'd get a quick reaction instead of Negan's patient sadism response where Negan weighs all the options... blerg. Teens ;p And can we be pretty sure that the bullet that Eugene made for Rosita will just be a dud? She probably should have tracked down more casings so that she could test a round or two... though so long as she doesn't think that the round's success would be any better than a coin toss when/if she pulls the trigger, then I guess it's okay ;) (probably won't be, though) ..and that must have been Jesus helping Daryl to escape? Wonder if Daryl will betray Jesus or just stay instead... like a Theon Greyjoy situation. Cool cool! Midseason finale will be next week. Not sure if it will be 1&1/2 hours or 2... does seem like Negan will upset/stop an assassination attempt or two. These peeps need to get better plans together, like secret stashes outside of Alexandria and such... this half-baked stuff isn't going to cut it :/ |
the wanderer | Mon Dec 05 22:20:42 now we know how Dwight got his face Carl made dumb choices, but so did Negan imo... not a lot of reason for Carl not to whack Negan with the bat on that balcony (or at least for Negan to think he may try it) or stab him with a kitchen knife at home or whatever... why trust a crazy kid a whole bunch of assassins hanging around and Negan heads in alone :p |
Cherub Cow
Member | Thu Dec 08 20:55:39 "Carl made dumb choices, but so did Negan imo... not a lot of reason for Carl not to whack Negan with the bat on that balcony (or at least for Negan to think he may try it) or stab him with a kitchen knife at home or whatever... why trust a crazy kid" I was wondering if Carl *can* even swing a bat to do enough damage ;D .. but it also seems like it's a kind of psychological compliance situation.. like peeps just look at Negan's charismatic personality and can't imagine killing him. :/ .. not to Godwin's Law this, but I'm gonna! ;D .. it keeps reminding me of Hitler; all these frightened people holding the party line and failing to do anything to stop a one primary individual. If the show pushes that similarity all the way, it could be a bunch of failed assassinations that end with Negan killing himself when the Allied powers finally come to town ;) (that might be too perfect, though; the writing makes small references to different governmental models, but it doesn't seem to overdo by making specific and persistent reference..) "a whole bunch of assassins hanging around and Negan heads in alone :p" Yeah that was way risky! :D His confidence has been pretty incredible. They haven't revealed exactly how many peeps he brought to Alexandria, but it's definitely less than before.. they showed two trucks but only the one savior made himself visible when he opened the gate for Rosita+Eugene+Spencer. My guess would be a failed assassination attempt followed by another kneel+bash and an even more traumatized and suppliant Rick ;D |
the wanderer | Fri Dec 09 16:10:53 i wouldn't trust that psychological manipulation to work on a kid (who make bad decisions all the time :p) Negan should kill him... and wall himself off in a tower with many guards :p |
Cherub Cow
Member | Fri Dec 09 16:44:01 True! Kids can't be trusted :D ..and yeah, Negan may have just been sarcastic at the end of the episode, but killing [or blinding?] Carl should definitely be on the table for realz at the moment :D ..wonder if he'd really stay in Alexandria? It makes sense because it's nice (he even seemed pleased by running water, so probably much nicer than anything at his other compound), but it seems like they have more invested in defense at the other compound.. so at the least there would be some remodeling ;) |
the wanderer | Sun Dec 11 23:20:02 **** Show Night separator **** "My guess would be a failed assassination attempt followed by another kneel+bash and an even more traumatized and suppliant Rick ;D" pretty close... but Michonne got him back on track the ending at Hilltop with the forces reuniting was like when Leia and Luke join Han's mission to Endor... this whole thing is a rip off of Return of the Jedi :p |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Dec 12 02:14:58 "pretty close... but Michonne got him back on track" Yeah, did not expect that! This show has me so paranoid that I thought that Rick would kill Michonne after her speech XD ..I could totally see a Jedi parallel in that ending :D .. it was so uncharacteristically optimistic that I expected someone to get an arrow through the eye ;D .. and I wish that Carl had had his patch off and had winked at Enid with his socket ;D I also was wrong about Rosita's bullet not working.. and it's even worse that it did work, given how perceptive Negan was about it being homemade... having a secret bullet supply would have made a huge difference for Rick's group :( ..Have to wonder how they could get things going now. Hilltop, Kingdom, and Rick's group wouldn't be enough, and neither would adding the fish colony. Plus, the Umbers and Karstarks have declared for Ramsay.. though anyways the Umbers can hang for giving Rickon to Ramsay. Maybe Rick would have to get other groups (like some that haven't been mentioned yet?) to turn on Negan. Or maybe it's not a numbers game at all.. Pretty worried how they can manage such a long process because this show probably can't continue to support their actors for more than a season or two longer.. Rick and Maggie better strategize! :D Also.. - Pretty cold-blooded of Michonne to silencer-kill that Negan stray! I got the impression that the Negan person was trying to escape or something? Just because of all that talk of Michonne going out on her own, it seemed like she was a parallel to that.. or maybe she kind of wanted to die because she felt like there was no escape. Sad either way.. - How would it work to have Daryl on the run? Negan would have to know that Daryl would go to Rick. Like how long can they hide people at Hilltop before someone's like, "hey, maybe we should check all of the closets for stowaways?" ;p - Guess without Spencer there's no longer dissent in the group Very tense episode! I wasn't too worried about any particular characters during Negan's pool game, but the show still managed that generally terrified and powerless feeling.. I was shaking for a lot of it :D |
the wanderer | Mon Dec 12 09:18:21 there's also the weird boot guy that Rick & the other guy stole from... maybe he'll spot his goods on Negans truck and go all Rambo i predict one group of main characters, with the help of raccoons, takes out Negan's outer defenses then another group blows up the place, while Daryl turns Dwight to the light side who then throws Negan into a very deep pit, being mortally wounded in the process |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Dec 12 18:39:03 Does Dwight ask Daryl to take off his mask so he can look upon him with his own eyes? ;D .. "there's also the weird boot guy that Rick & the other guy stole from... maybe he'll spot his goods on Negans truck and go all Rambo" Oh yeah, forgot about that! They didn't see the body of the house-boat person, did they? If not, was it probably him? |
the wanderer | Mon Dec 12 21:47:55 maybe Dwight will have sunglasses on there kinda looked like there was a body in the background, but wasn't clear to me... there may have been two people feuding given that win/lose 'the finger' sign |
Anarchist Prime | Fri Jan 20 11:38:02 http://www...e&wl12=123062654&wl13=&veh=sem |
Cherub Cow
Member | Fri Jan 20 12:00:23 !! :D !! Can't tell.. is it wooden like a real bat or like, rubber or something? And do embedded brain bits come separately? |
the wanderer | Sun Feb 12 14:08:31 new episode tonight |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Feb 12 15:44:13 Yay!! I can live again!! ;D |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Feb 13 02:02:54 @Mid-Season Premiere (S7-E9: "Rock in the Road") Rick's smile was great :D .. like a Spartan smiling at death or something ;D Neat! Weeks ago I saw a preview that showed Rick's group attempting to arrange the hilltop/Kingdom alliance, but it wasn't clear to me if it would take place over the course of several episodes — instead they did it all at once, so a lot just happened! :D ..kind of curious how the priest was able to observe Rick and Aaron (if they did just definitively say with "boat" that it was him watching them in the previous episode). Didn't know that he could be sneaky :p And Tara was with Rick in that last scene, so it looks like she'll be able to get the matriarchal group to join the alliance.. It *looked* like the matriarchal group, anyways, though there were a few men mixed in. It doesn't seem like the priest would have known about that (like he wasn't arranging this alliance), so instead he and Michonne may be the only ones who thought to hide supplies outside of Alexandria. Though Richard from the Kingdom also had his little stash... with hidden supplies plus the explosives theft they must understand that beating Negan requires disrupting how much they give the Saviors vs. how much they keep for themselves.. Glad Walking Dead has returned! I'd started binging Homeland, and it's pretty wacky :p |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Feb 13 02:06:13 [me]: "so instead he and Michonne may be the only ones who thought to hide supplies outside of Alexandria" Oops! Forgot that Rick had just hidden the car that was carrying the explosives, so technically they've started hiding stuff too :p |
the wanderer | Mon Feb 13 12:49:10 i assumed Rick was smiling as he recognized the person who seemed extra covered up... perhaps Carol has joined the amazons? or there could be any number of female characters that i forgot existed :p |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Feb 14 12:59:28 I still think Rick has gone blood drunk! ;p Though they did leave that hospital crew behind.. and Alexandria did banish a couple of people (though that was before Rick's time). It could also be a totally new group.. and Rick may have been smiling because he already thinks that he has extra fighters for his Negan attack.. |
the wanderer | Tue Feb 14 13:03:06 or maybe he's a terrible actor |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Feb 14 13:06:41 lol! That would be great :D .. like the director couldn't stop Lincoln from laughing at his scene, so they just left it in :D |
Anarchist Prime | Wed Feb 15 08:58:21 "or there could be any number of female characters that i forgot existed :p" xena,sarah connor and taarna! |
the wanderer | Wed Feb 15 12:54:44 i miss Kaylee Frye, maybe it'll be her |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Feb 20 03:16:12 @S7-E10: "New Best Friends" Arg! I was totally wrong about it being the matriarchal group :/ and I completely forgot that it looked like someone was in the passenger seat of Gabriel's car when he originally left Alexandria (which now makes sense)..This new group seems mentally weird, and mixing that with the happy-sounding (and almost corny) synths playing in the background makes it look like they have some pretentious delusion about being a futuristic collectivist society. I couldn't tell if the rows of garbage were supposed to symbolize more garbage peeps (like more fighters) or just more garbage/supplies... and it seemed like a stupid deal to me, but Rick is probably thinking that they'll have plenty of guns and that they'll just need peeps to shoot them.. Interesting situation at the Kingdom! Carol would have to get suspicious or something.. otherwise she'll just become that Kingdom lieutenant's Pearl Harbor ;p |
the wanderer | Mon Feb 20 09:23:03 yeah, weird garbage people... I figured the view was to demonstrate their layered defense arrangement or just living conditions (to the viewer) Rick/Andrew had a pretty weak explanation for his smiling at the craft services table at the end of last episode I thought that was Yara Greyjoy with the Kingdom's tribute group, but don't see it on her IMDB page so maybe not |
the wanderer | Mon Feb 20 09:35:09 & what a missed opportunity to have a swarm of raccoons... every person should have had a raccoon on each shoulder |
The Children
Member | Mon Feb 20 09:37:07 dayum i finally picked up season 7 again. WHAT A SEASON, DOGS!!!! damn that some good shit. walkin dead finally good!?? damn watchin it in 1 go, is the best way 2 experience this stuff 4sure LOL |
The Children
Member | Thu Feb 23 01:23:14 hmm last 2 episodes not that good though. so he had a change of heart just like that...i mean like what happened. its not like carl got tortured and killed... and daryll suddenly appearin at the hilltop or him killin the fat dude while the dude had a gun. i mean wtf. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Feb 27 00:56:45 @S7-E11: "Hostiles and Calamities" lulz :D That must have been a record for fastest "I'm Negan" response ;D .. difficult to say if Eugene really turned and really drank the Negan Kool-Aid or if he's just setting up future angles (double agent situation).. The writers may be saying that Eugene was fully "Negan" by having him decide against helping the wives kill Negan, but it's also possible that he thought that fallout from killing Negan would cause too many problems (too unpredictable?). Helping with the compound's defense could even go both ways: it makes Negan stronger, but it would also build trust with Negan, which could be used against Negan later.. ..That pickle may have tipped the scales to pro-Negan, though ;p Dwight (scar-face) does seem to have gone fully *against* Negan, so Eugene would be a good target for Dwight. Dwight killing the doctor seems like a terrible resource decision (such a helpful profession to have around!), but if Dwight wants Negan's organization to be less powerful, then it makes sense to get those helpful professionals killed... |
the wanderer | Mon Feb 27 09:17:04 Eugene was also enjoying Daryl's torture music :p i think Eugene is still being the coward, also probably likes being a big shot i wasn't exactly clear why Dwight wanted the doc dead, but maybe because the doc was saying Dwight's wife did it |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Feb 27 12:19:52 "Eugene was also enjoying Daryl's torture music :p" *That's* what that was!! I knew it was a callback but couldn't quite place when it had been played :D .. "i think Eugene is still being the coward, also probably likes being a big shot" Yeah that makes sense. In Rick's group he was expected to toughen up, but Negan's group forgives weakness if it comes with a specialty (if loyalty a given). Rick's group did hype up Eugene's courage moment when he decided to drive the RV alone, but maybe that wasn't enough to make him turn a corner. Rosita would be annoyed that her pet project failed, but if Dwight kills him before anyone from Rick's group sees him, then it won't matter anyways ;p .. "i wasn't exactly clear why Dwight wanted the doc dead, but maybe because the doc was saying Dwight's wife did it" I think it was just opportunism. Dwight knew that Negan would kill him if he didn't return with his wife (that zombie story wouldn't sell if it was told by someone suspected of helping her escape), but if the doctor takes the blame then Dwight can be believed. Plus the doctor was known to be sympathetic, so it sells that he might have helped her. The irony of the doctor dying by his own advice was a good bonus ;D |
the wanderer | Mon Feb 27 13:11:26 yeah, helping tamp down suspicion was helpful to him hard to say who is going to kill who going forward :p |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Mar 06 01:45:13 @S7-E12: "Say Yes" Kewl! Rosita and Sasha on the war path :D ..figures that Rick would keep wanting to delay.. he did lose peeps and wants to prepare himself again for that.. but it's still that problem where they'll keep making Negan stronger in the meantime -- Rick would still lose people, just not on his own terms. Hopefully Rosita and Sasha won't be the ones that cause that loss... Was about to get serious with Michonne! I wasn't worried about Rick so much, but yeah.. they were getting really casual about a dangerous situation. Can't keep cutting it close! :p 63 weapons weren't enough? Is this collectivist group hiding people somewhere? Tara's conversation with Judith was pretty artificial.. I guess the writers couldn't find another way to show her thought process; Rosita is already talking to the priest, so that can't get trendy ;p |
the wanderer | Mon Mar 06 08:33:30 yeah, i was assuming Michonne was gonna die with all the casual cockiness you'd think Rick would consider his kids when wanting to stay out... guess he's a terrible father :p |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Mar 06 15:42:00 He and Michonne can make new kids ;) ..reminds me of the end of this: Picnicface - The Midlife Crisis http://www...midlife-crisis-from-picnicface |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Mar 13 00:15:25 @S7-E13: "Bury Me Here" More groundwork! I liked that closing shot: like not even the cameraman can sneak up on Morgan right now ;) .. he's gone into crazy "Clear" beast mode! — ready to kill anything in front of him! :D .. he and Carol teaming up will be a pretty frightening thing >:D - nice moment with Jerry eating his cake and the king telling him he can finish it ;p - I liked that Richard (king's lieutenant) mentioned that Morgan could consider killing himself.. and after the previous scene Morgan's blank stare read like, "I've already moved through that possibility" - It's nice that Richard at least *tried* to figure out a way to Pearl Harbor their situation without it costing anyone else's life, and it was nice that the writers sold his perspective pretty well.. even with that perspective being crazy. And very fun that Morgan delivered Richard's own lines after going Negan on him.. Kewl! Pretty nice episode, actually. Big transition point for Morgan. Looks like his training will temper his psychosis even if he accepts killing again :D |
the wanderer | Mon Mar 13 09:39:18 was Morgan trying to gain trust w/ the Saviors as was sorta Richard's plan? or was it just him snapping :p do we know exactly the circumstances of Duane's death? (Morgan's son) obviously some parallel was in Morgans head but i couldn't remember anything Richard's burial plan seemed a little flawed as not sure how people would have realized he was the one who sabotaged things & dug that hole (if he had just been shot dead as he planned) |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Mar 13 23:02:23 Totes! :D I kept trying to think of how he would get that to work afterwards.. like, maybe he had a note with him? Because it might not have made sense to them that he had sacrificed himself to start a war. Daryl knew, but he left... so Richard was relying on some dots getting connected by peeps who maybe didn't have all the dots ;) .. "was Morgan trying to gain trust w/ the Saviors as was sorta Richard's plan? or was it just him snapping :p" I think he was doing the trust thing, yeah — though snapping probably helped him sell that murder to the Saviors ;) Morgan told Rick that Duane was bitten by Duane's mother.. so I guess Duane was just in the flashback because he was drawing on all his pre-"Clear" trauma? |
the wanderer | Mon Mar 13 23:21:44 well Morgan said Duane's name by mistake instead of the recently dead kid, so i figure for him some parallel of Richard getting that kid killed to Morgan somehow getting Duane killed and killing Richard perhaps related to his own guilt |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Mar 13 23:34:55 "well Morgan said Duane's name by mistake instead of the recently dead kid, so i figure for him some parallel of Richard getting that kid killed to Morgan somehow getting Duane killed" Oh wow yeah — I forgot about that name slip! Wow.. actually that makes sense.. Richard talking about how he sat back and did nothing was def similar to how Morgan couldn't bring himself to kill zombie-Jenny until after she had killed Duane... so the name slip was showing that Morgan had sat back and done nothing again — losing another 'son' — and killing Richard could be like killing Jenny again, almost starting the whole process over for him.. |
the wanderer | Tue Mar 14 09:44:49 ah that could be it... i was thinking maybe there was some active role that Morgan did to get Duane killed but a passive role of not disposing of the mother would also work |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Mar 14 14:27:53 I'd forgotten that detail before looking it up yesterday! Here's the scene for reference: (from S3-E12; Morgan explains Jenny's death; someone added annoying music and edited flashbacks over the scene, but I think that's how they avoided copyright claims) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5VNtyn3_dA "You remember what happened to [Jenny]? You remember what she was? You gave me the gun. You tried to get me to do it because I was supposed to do it. I was supposed to kill her. My Jenny. I know I was supposed to, but I let it go — let it go like there wasn't going to be a reckoning ... I was checking out a cellar, and I didn't want Duane to come down there with me, and then when I came up, she was standing there right in front of him, and he had his gun up, and he couldn't do it. So I called to him, and he turned, and then she was just.. just on him, and I see red ... and I do it. Finally. Finally it was too late. I was supposed to —. I was selfish. I was weak. You gave me the gun." Compared to Richard in S7-E13: "There were always babies crying. I knew they had problems, but I didn't think they were mine to solve. I thought there were stronger or smarter people there than me. Who the hell am I, right? So I did nothing. And then there was a fight and a fire, and I lost my wife. And after three days of running, no food, and no sleep — of horror and terror — I lost my little girl. Right in front of me. Because I didn't do something. Because I waited." |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Mar 14 14:27:57 Also a neat deleted scene from that same S3-E12 that explains Morgan's meaning in saying, "clear": http://youtu.be/6NYD0xKj1Fo?t=1m50s "I realized I am here to 'clear' — to kill walkers, to kill people, to kill anything that comes anywhere near me. See I found out that I am the constant. Everybody changes and I don't. After all of it ... I don't [change]. I clear." Makes it especially dark that he now has to kill again! Like he may feel like he never changed after all. Should be a very kewl last few episodes of the season. With a planned mass assault, Rosita and Sasha on a suicide mission, and Eugene strengthening the Savior defense with metal-head walkers and other medieval contraptions, it could get pretty ugly :D :D |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Mar 20 00:22:26 @S7-E14: "The Other Side" Tense episode! That hasn't happened in a few. I was worried about Daryl and Maggie at Hilltop and then of course about Sasha and Rosita, who were not making good decisions. I get why Sasha and Rosita felt the need to relocate after they heard Eugene's radio request for walkers to be gathered from nearby buildings, but I think the better move would have been for them to hide in place and wait for another chance at a shot (patience!). An assault assassination with just two peeps can fail in too many ways... Daryl showing up could help Rosita get a sense of the layout and make better decisions, but it seems like they'll all just get to see each other die -- though at least fighting, if their discussion about Abraham was any indication of their futures. Anyways it'll make for a cool next episode :D |
the wanderer | Mon Mar 20 21:50:15 I think rescuing Eugene was a motive for their move too. was that definitely Daryl that showed up? I thought it was Eugene at first and one would kill the other :p |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Mar 21 14:38:01 Arg.. actually, looking again at that closing scene: http://i.imgur.com/zLdURx4.gif ..it looks more like Dwight. I saw the crossbow and thought it was Daryl, but I think Dwight has a crossbow too? .. "I think rescuing Eugene was a motive for their move too." That makes sense. Still! How many people can they free from the saviors and hide somewhere? ;D |
the wanderer | Wed Mar 22 09:20:42 Dwight's probably turned to the light side so just an ugly Daryl wannabe... presumably will die soon :p |
Cherub Cow
Member | Wed Mar 22 16:53:30 Yeah looks like he'll redeem himself just in time to kill Eugene and then be killed by Negan ;D |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Mar 27 03:12:41 @S7-E15: "Something They Need" I'm a little disappointed that they didn't do a direct continuity with Sasha's story :/ ... was hoping that we'd get to see the entire failed assault instead of just seeing that Sasha was somehow captured without being injured and that Rosita just returned with Dwight. Otherwise it was mostly a transition episode that was prepping the finale.. Sasha having a way to kill Negan if she's patient, Dwight ready to help, etc.. One potentially big development!: Negan signaled that he knows about Rick's incoming assault, so I wonder who the mole could be in Rick's group.. if it's not a main character, then it could be a number of people; Rick's group hasn't been quiet about who they tell about the attack (all of the Hilltop group knows, most of the Kingdom's upper level peeps know, probably all of the garbage peeps know, and now all of the matriarchy knows — not that the last group was in play at the time). It probably has to be a main character, though (as opposed to a random person that now has to be introduced). It can't be Eugene because Rick only started scheming after Eugene left. In Rick's core group, no one seems suspect to me, even the priest because he's sort of proven himself. I'd be surprised if it was anyone at all from Alexandria, even Aaron's pacifist BF Eric, since they all saw how Negan acts ... The Hilltop governor only just decided to out Maggie to Simon (Simon being the mustached Savior who visits the hilltop), so he probably hasn't said anything yet. Jesus has the go-between to deliver messages, but he really likes Maggie's vision. I think the weak link might be King Ezekiel because he was very opposed to war, was freaked out by Morgan killing, and might think that he'd be saving his peeps by expending Alexandria. It could be Ezekiel's fat guard instead, but he seems loyal from being well fed ;p One exception and surprise could be Daryl: if he turned, it could be that he's been acting on Negan's behalf this entire time. He has the information and has had time on the road to pass it (like after he left the Kingdom to go to Hilltop). And his escape may have been planned, like maybe Dwight's wife helped Daryl escape on Negan's orders and Daryl was allowed to kill Fat Eddy to make the escape look real? In that case it may only have been luck that Jesus was there to legitimize Daryl's escape. Jesus really didn't do anything to help in that scene; Daryl could have gotten out without him. It would also make sense because Negan's long-term survival may depend on reintegrated peeps who can act as informants and expose plots against him. Still, Daryl has been super loyal to Rick. Ah!! It's kind of a coin toss for me with Daryl :/ Season finale next week! Could get crazy!! :D |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Mar 27 03:15:51 *"allowed to kill Fat [Joey]" |
the wanderer | Mon Mar 27 09:30:59 how dare you question Daryl!!! i assumed it was Mayor McCheese of Hilltop even though he seemed to only be prepping to go traitor during the episode w/ his road trip thing King Ezekiel is an interesting possibility though |
the wanderer | Mon Mar 27 17:41:04 actually the original team we were routing for is pretty disjointed now... maybe turning into a Daryl/Negan buddy comedy wouldn't be so bad |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Mar 27 20:31:59 Yeah all the peeps have been pretty spread out. Carol, Maggie, Morgan, Sasha, Enid, and Eugene all currently stay outside of Alexandria. And even in the Alexandria part of the group, peeps have been splitting up to go on buddy adventures. Maybe it's to make the reunions more precious ;) .. "how dare you question Daryl!!!" Last episode of the season, can't hold anything back now! ;D |
Cherub Cow
Member | Sun Apr 02 23:36:35 [Season 7 Finale] @S7-E16: "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life" Cool stuff! The double-cross wasn't too unexpected (Rick trusted them way too quickly), but it was nice to see how Rick's group handled that. I take it that the double cross also explains who was feeding the information to Negan (that is, it must have been the garbage collectivists?). So Daryl probably not a spy after all — oops! ;D Very kewl that Rick got to repeat his "kill all of you" line to Negan. The show might be over-selling the abilities of a CGI pet tiger, though ;p Now that the element of surprise is gone, time for a messy, all-out war with Negan! \:D/ |
Anarchist Prime | Mon Apr 03 09:25:12 can't trust the sprockets. |
the wanderer | Mon Apr 03 09:35:05 i was expecting 1/3 of the main characters to be dead so a bit of a let down much of Alexandria should've been wiped out when Carl pulled his stunt... i couldn't identify any of the dead people :p |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Apr 04 19:49:53 Yes looked like no known characters died once the firefight started... that probably overplayed the "Sasha surprise!" factor (being able to turn around on the garbage peeps like that) :p Stills. I keep reminding myself that these peeps don't really know how to fight in a trained way. Even their sense of how possible it is to make shots from certain distances.. (thinking of Sasha's would-be shot and also when they were at the prison and unsure if they could hit the governor from the prison fences). |
Cherub Cow
Member | Fri Apr 14 04:59:57 ... just remembered.. what happened to Heath? :D Tara saw his glasses at the bridge and we never saw him again.. not the saviors after all? |
the wanderer | Fri Apr 14 10:56:09 maybe he'll be the villain a couple seasons from now |
Cherub Cow
Member | Fri Apr 14 12:31:04 That would be cool :D Rick beats Negan, then Heath arrives with a hairless, radioactive body and a hockey mask and tells Rick to "just walk away, and there will be an end to the horror." |
Anarchist Prime | Fri May 05 11:06:53 'Walking Dead' star Josh McDermitt quits social media citing death threats http://www...edia-citing-death-threats.html |
the wanderer | Fri May 05 22:09:40 very Eugene-like behavior... maybe he deserves to die |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon May 08 00:45:27 It's probably a move. He's only quitting social media because he was offered pickles for doing so. To get him to return, someone just needs to offer him more pickles. |
Anarchist Prime | Mon May 08 09:01:21 and ice cream. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Wed May 10 15:55:49 And retro video games. |
Anarchist Prime | Thu May 11 11:43:08 and a pet rock. |
The Children
Member | Sat May 20 04:01:30 daaaammmmnnnn!!!!!! season 7 ended with a BANG!! |
Anarchist Prime | Sun Jul 23 17:31:02 The Walking Dead Season 8 Official Comic-Con Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l82kiUvnKM |
the wanderer | Thu Nov 02 11:44:59 NEW SEASON TALK (spoiler potential) I thought the first episode was total crap... they had the boss & all the capos lined up w/ minimal cover and couldn't hit any of them, then attacked a seemingly empty building (i didn't notice a single enemy shown, although there appeared to be return fire, and don't recall a single death...) perhaps soured by 1st episode, also was disappointed in 2nd episode... at least people were shooting each other but they were strangers w/ no connection... & how does Morgan get knocked unconscious without any blows/bullets to his head... AND annoyed they didn't kill that trickster guy who was hiding in the closet, how can he ever be trusted... that's the only stuff i remember... i'll defer to CC if they were actually good episodes :p |
Anarchist Prime | Thu Nov 02 12:18:45 "AND annoyed they didn't kill that trickster guy who was hiding in the closet," true,at very least they should have kneecapped him. on the Brightside,he shall forever be know as pee pee pants. |
Anarchist Prime | Thu Nov 02 12:19:24 fuck u typos!!!!!!!!!!! |
the wanderer | Thu Nov 02 12:27:16 also in 1st episode, there was that guy who pulled Rick away: 'don't worry about killing that one guy who absolutely has to be killed' Rick 'ok' |
Cherub Cow
Member | Thu Nov 02 12:27:53 "they had the boss & all the capos lined up w/ minimal cover and couldn't hit any of them, then attacked a seemingly empty building" I agree! That was very strange. I kept wondering if it was part of some larger plan by Negan, but then he got trapped in that mobile home thing, so maybe not? Episode 2 made it look like Rick's group went to a different entrance of the compound to continue that assault (the part with Aaron and his BF), so maybe that makes sense.. like maybe Negan and his lieutenants were at an entrance that doesn't need to be guarded by people, but the other entrance is less secure so it *does* need to be guarded by people? If this makes sense, then they have a lot of details to fill in... .. "Morgan get knocked unconscious without any blows/bullets to his head..." It's possible that the shock of the other bullets could do that, plus hitting the floor.. but we def still need some kind of display of where he was hit — I watched that scene twice when it happened because I was surprised that he'd just been shot, and I was hoping that he was dead only because he had just claimed to have plot armor and if he'd die after claiming as much then this show would be more hard core than FWD (where Nick claimed plot armor and *did* live) :D .. "AND annoyed they didn't kill that trickster guy who was hiding in the closet, how can he ever be trusted..." Yeah I can't believe Jesus didn't kill him after that. Maybe Jesus is playing the long game by hoping that Negan's group can be incorporated after Negan dies, and maybe by successfully incorporating one of the worst of Negan's group Jesus will show the others that it's possible? Seems like a repeat of Morgan's jail strategy... I have a feeling we won't approve, Henry. I also would have liked it if Morgan had executed all of those Negan peeps in front of the Alexandria/Hilltop peeps :D :D Morgan looks like he's really struggling not to fall back into his "clear" kill-all compulsion. These first two episodes were a little chaotic so it's difficult to get any bearing, which is kind of neat (very much like a war simulation), but details definitely needed. And via the fantasy flash-forward and Rick's pained face, it looked like they were saying that Rick will be dying at the end of this 8-episode block? D: .. (or maybe he just *thinks* that he's dying).. or maybe the people that he thought would be their future were all killed?? D: |
the wanderer | Thu Nov 02 13:18:33 i think Morgan brushed his shoulder like it had been hit but maybe didn't even go through his armor... nonsense, i say :p in flash-forward Rick seemed a lot older didn't he? i think Coral walked by the frame quick but i didn't notice age indication (or if deliberately hidden) |
Cherub Cow
Member | Fri Nov 03 00:43:34 Yeah Rick was older in the flash forward, but I think the flash forward is Rick's hallucination of a future that he'll never have, which means that in reality things went/go terribly wrong for him (him being in pain with red eyes likely the true outcome). That probably means that some part of that hallucination is now impossible, like Michonne, Carl, or Maggie being dead? .. "i think Morgan brushed his shoulder like it had been hit but maybe didn't even go through his armor... nonsense, i say :p" Agreed! If his armor took all of that then that's a little bit silly. Those peeps totally unloaded on them in that scene.. hmmm... |
the wanderer | Fri Nov 03 13:55:47 oh i forgot about the red eyes part... yeah maybe disaster strikes |
the wanderer | Sun Nov 05 22:43:00 show night - spoilers ============ if i may continue to complain... even assuming you can expect the enemy to accept surrender & not just fire on you, not sure how you can purposely walk into an ambush while also having a fire team in the bushes given the ambush people would've been there first w/ unknown scouting of said bushes and apparently these stupid people are going to let the traitor mayor move around freely while keeping a horde of PoWs on site at least Daryl is doing the right thing |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Nov 07 23:07:55 @S8E03 — "Monsters" @ending: D: Oh no! Case in point for why they shouldn't be walking out in the open even when they think that an area has been "sort of" secured. This show really hasn't dealt with snipers much. FWD *sort of* introduced the problems that snipers add in that dam scene, but WD has avoided distance shooting. Looks like WD will keep this avoidance by having it just work for machine gun fire... and it looks like Carol's cynicism won't be broken after all, which justifies the successes of the episode ;) .. "not sure how you can purposely walk into an ambush while also having a fire team in the bushes given the ambush people would've been there first w/ unknown scouting of said bushes" Yeah... that was a bit of a risk. At most they should have thrown just a few soldiers for the trap, like maybe just the king and his guards (risky if considering position but more inspiring for the troops if he's putting himself on the line). That would have worked since the Saviors have orders not to kill the king, though I'm not sure that the king&co. knew that at that point, so the strategy would still be a bit crazy from their perspective. It would still be possible for Carol's flanking maneuver to work even if the Saviors had scouted that area, though, because Carol could move out of their scouted zone and then move in once the Saviors had committed to an assumed capture (Carol moves in once the Saviors ignore their flanks). And I guess it does make sense for the Saviors to prefer capture rather than just killing outright, since it's kind of their M.O. to capture by using larger forces and then to torture/intimidate. Carol could have relied on that M.O. for her plan. .. "and apparently these stupid people are going to let the traitor mayor move around freely while keeping a horde of PoWs on site" Yeah.. kind of silly, but I guess Carol thinks he's not an individual risk so much as a conspiracy risk (he has no fighting abilities but could try to betray them again), and maybe she can't test his loyalty if she just isolates him. If Gabriel returns then this arrangement may not work too well :p .. "at least Daryl is doing the right thing" Totes ;D Though Rick seems to be fighting for his conscience, so it's probably bad timing for Daryl to be so nonchalant about it. Also a problem that Daryl didn't pick up on Rick being sincere about giving his word ;p ... Still! Pretty fun that Daryl didn't even hesitate in either kill! \:D/ .. Aaron's BF scene at the end was kind of sad :'( That "It's not him" line was nice, particularly this far into the show.. like, all the characters know that zombie rule, but when it's someone close then it's still difficult to reconcile. Next week should be interesting! Gabriel's capture explored, Rick arriving at the .50-cal nest probably a little late to help more than a few of the king's peeps, and Maggie executing all of those Saviors in the same style as the Poland liquidations ;D |
the wanderer | Tue Nov 07 23:31:49 you may have been able to justify the ambush thing, but i still feel right about Morgan's weirdly being knocked unconscious :p |
the wanderer | Mon Nov 13 11:48:48 -new eipsode last night-- i liked this one... Carol & Daryl is all you need... it could've used Daryl leaping 100 feet off his motorcycle, dodging bullets in the air, leading to a MacGruber style throat-rip... but otherwise: B+ |
Anarchist Prime | Mon Nov 13 12:04:45 the tiger died. crappy episode. |
Cherub Cow
Member | Mon Nov 13 19:30:13 @S8E04 — "Some Guy" I liked this one too! Very cool beginning especially. The horror scene with the king waking up surrounded by all his dead peeps (lots of cool gore there — very informed by .50cal effects) and then Carol's sort of "Léon the Professional" shooting through the ceiling thing (something about her scene was familiar, but I can't place it. Maybe "Saving Private Ryan" when Upham shot through the wall? The WD scene was quick but well done in any case. Very war-like/brutal; shots and then dead). I also lol'ed at the scene with the weirdo Savior when he said, "Hell look at that: you got them all killed, they're *still* following you!" I was surprised that Carol didn't disable that vehicle before helping the king, but because Rick and Daryl stopped it anyways that doesn't matter too much. And I suppose a case could be made that Carol would have had to waste a lot of bullets to get through that reinforced tire rubber.. Also neat coordination between Rick and Daryl, particularly that "You look like shit" line. They've been really metal the last few episodes. It was kind of ridiculous that the .50cal opened fire on them but left them okay, though. I suspect that the writers wanted to leave the .50cals out of that scene (after all, the Saviors had disassembled them and boxed them up, meaning that the .50cals would need to be reassembled and reloaded on the go), but the writers maybe figured that viewers would consider it a plot hole if a .50 cal weren't used there (it wouldn't be, but viewers would think it). Using the walkers on the road as an obstacle made it a little more believable. And very sad for the king's tiger :'( Sweet that they explained that the king leapt to the tiger's rescue, and then the tiger leapt to his. Some reciprocity. It would probably be ridiculous to think that the tiger made some conscious decision like the king was talking about of himself and Carol, but the tiger saving the king (again) makes sense for the tiger's story. All the same, glad to have the tiger gone :p .. I was basically just pretending that it wasn't there because its CGI presence was so ridiculous. The actors were also having problems reacting off of a tennis ball or whatever was in the tiger's place. Anyhow, guess the king maybe took some of that weirdo Savior's words to heart; the king may feel like nothing without the tiger. It'll be interesting to see if his extended peeps stick around after losing so many fighters.. |
the wanderer | Mon Nov 13 22:22:17 i feel like they already used the 'noble character sacrifices itself so others can get away but instead of fleeing they stay & watch the noble character die yet still manage to get away so technically not ruining the sacrifice' thing... but that trope happens a lot, so i could be thinking of a different show/movie |
Member | Wed Nov 15 20:46:29 #ShivaLives! |
the wanderer | Fri Nov 24 21:45:00 there was another episode [spoilery talk] ...where we learn Negan is a good guy writer A: 'so, how do we get Eugene to learn about Dwight?' writer B: 'how about we make Dwight a handcrafter of chess pieces & Eugene just happens to stop by when the paint is still drying & gets paint on himself then later sees some unremarkable paint on some bag and makes the realization' writer A: 'sounds good' |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Nov 28 01:10:19 @S8E05 — “The Big Scary U” Got to see a little bit about why Negan just walked out of his office instead of launching a full attack at Rick’s peeps (mainly the problematic timing of the assault — which Eugene was able to orchestrate — and also because Negan wanted to play it that way). And looks like those .50cals already out of the picture, though the RPG might still be okay. .. @S806 — “The King, the Widow, and Rick” RPG confirmed! lol... Rosita not taking any chances I guess ;D .. seems like a waste, but she already looked around for weapons and had to pick whatever she could find for the kill, so.. :D RPG would have come in handy with the speaker truck, but that's twice now that Team Daryl has cleaned up an escaped vehicle, so 'no harm no foul'? Maggie's scene with the old Hilltop governor and then Maggie's later reversal against him seemed a bit like Littlefinger's conversation with Sansa and then Sansa's reversal. I'm not sure that that could have been an intentional borrow because that Game of Thrones episode (S7E7) was released August 27th, which would be kind of short-notice for Walking Dead's filming schedule.. but it's possible.. Oh no! Daryl found more dynamite for a new attack or was he just going to ram a wall? There seems to be a nice theme added into the episode about how Negan's group vs. Rick's group will handle their leader's absence. Negan's group seems afraid to move as individuals when he's gone, but Rick's group all wants to run out and go on autonomous [suicide?] missions (Daryl&Co., Michonne&Rosita, Aaron&Enid). That gives Negan more power over his personal vision (like a good Caesar), and for Rick it means that he needs competent individuals working with him ... like absolute rule vs. anarcho-collectivism imagined in plot form, and with Rick in that cage, it's up to his peeps to come through for him as a test of whether or not Rick's government works ;D "'so, how do we get Eugene to learn about Dwight?'" Sounds about right :D I think Dwight suspected before the paint (during Dwight's visit to Eugene's room my impression was that Dwight knew the real reason that Eugene had been nice to him in the meeting) so that detail was added in for Dwight's concrete knowledge. Not sure if there was a way around it.. If it hadn't been that detail then probably he would have noticed something else.. hmm.. |
Anarchist Prime | Mon Dec 04 08:31:51 why does rick love the sprockets so much? |
Cherub Cow
Member | Tue Dec 05 02:12:53 @S807 — "Time for After" D: So no walkers outside the Sanctuary, plus no snipers on comms, plus Eugene listening to lots of gunfire, probs means that time jumped forward past Eugene's successful plan (i.e., he made the Saviors the bullets and probably outfitted them for a counter-attack), and things have gotten too real real D: D: D: ..That means that the mid-season finale next week should be pretty ugly (as also promised in that flash-forward from the first episode of the season). Nice little back and forth with the father and Eugene... It's been difficult to track the religious intention on this show sometimes, but in general the writers seem not to try to frame things as being *affected* by religious structure (like, no obvious "'God' intervened for sure" moments). There have been times like Rick having a one-off faith issues in season [2?], or the group being saved by a storm when they were trapped in a barn (S5E09), but for the most part it hasn't been overtly moralistic about faith paying off. Still, in this episode, Eugene's crisis was framed through religion due to Father Gabriel. I think that the cinematographer/director even sampled Caravaggio's "The Calling of Saint Matthew" ( comparison: http://i.imgur.com/b0kMU9Q.png ; I Google'd this a little, but I don't think anyone picked up on this..). The reference would probably have been intentional, because Eugene (like St. Matthew) was given a chance to "see the light" (to be touched by "heavenly light") or otherwise to do the right thing. Then of course there were details like the chiaroscuro effect (light/dark) with the light pouring in through the window (Eugene remains on the edge of darkness as a good?/evil? metaphor), the pictured window is crossed (crucifix reference), a mediator figure is present and attempts to sway the person on the edge (Gabriel/Jesus)... difficult to say if the show writers had any meaning added in with the change of the amount of crosses in the window or if that was just incidental (maybe they didn't know that the window cross was symbolic in the Caravaggio painting so they simply tried to have any window in frame?), but they were at least trying to mimic the overall effect of the painting and were reversing the outcome by having Eugene go against the "light". Looks like Dwight got another chance! If Eugene wanted to be passive aggressive then he probably could have just waited outside the room and told Negan right after Dwight left ;D .. [swordtail]: "why does rick love the sprockets so much? " Yeah it's weird. They have numbers, but it seems likely that the trash peeps will turn on Rick again once they sense Negan's dominance. It's that mercenary problem: mercenaries typically have no loyalty, they just want to get paid. Was too convenient with them that they staged Rick's execution without a big viewing audience (allowing Rick to escape before the trash peeps' numbers could stop him). A weird writer decision given that the trash peeps probably would have let Rick fight even if they had been present for the entire thing... |
the wanderer | Tue Dec 05 22:22:42 i get the feeling you're the kind of person who paid attention & absorbed stuff in college if the trash people turn again & anyone suggests sparing them, i'll be done watching :p i'm glad they've added a consequence to the smearing yourself w/ blood thing by having it cause Gabriel's infection... it was providing easy escape methods |
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