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Utopia Talk / Movie Talk / Until Dawn
Fri Mar 25 11:51:55
So this is a game exclusively for the PS4.

It is an interactive horror movie and u play a bunch of teenagers who goes on vacation to a remote cabin up in da mountains. And then shit starts to happen very quickly.

You have the regular type of characters that you see in teenage horror movies. The bitchy girl, the sexy girl, the tough guy, the sensible guy, and so on. Your mission is to make them survive until dawn. Or, maybe you dislike one character and wants him/her to die? No problem. You get to decide who lives and who dies. But, it is easier to get them killed than to get them to survive the night. You can get them all killed if u like, or try to keep all of them alive.

There is also butterfly effects. So the most tiny thing you do can/will have an effect on the other characters and how they will act throughout the story.

The story is interesting and you really want to keep on playing to know what the hell is going on. You get your usual suspect quite early, (I did anyway) but then you start thinking that it must be someone else, or that there are more than one. I was a little bit disappointed though how the story progressed mid-late game. However, that's just me.

Anyway, as you play da movie, you search for clues. These clues are vital to da story, and finding clues helps to keep some characters alive. So it means that sometimes you may need to search and go "off-road" so to speak or you will miss clues.

Overall I enjoyed this interactive movie a lot. Graphics are very good. Sound is very good. The athmosphere is great. I didn't get all that scared though. But sometimes I jumped and sometimes it was creepy.

It doesn't take that many hours to play through it. I finished it in two play sessions. But this is definitevly a game I want to play again. I only managed to keep 3 people alive until dawn. One of them was the bitchy girl who I thought was really annoying. My favorite character died of course.

So I'm gonna play it again and try to keep all of them alive.

It was fun so I give it 8/10.

Watch trailer here: http://youtu.be/UznMf1oMRGQ
The Children
Fri Mar 25 12:17:47
ah yes i have wtched this last year. i actually watched 2 different playthroughs 2 see most of da endings/ deaths and different cutrscenes

Fri Mar 25 13:02:15
Watched? How passive. Do you watch your girl banging another guy to see possible outcomes?
Fri Mar 25 14:07:58
Watch a short scene of gameplay here: http://youtu.be/ENyIbLd_g48

When I played this scene I was hoping she was gonna drop her towel. How is it possible that she can keep her towel on her while running around and being chased by that psycho? Daaaayum... a normal girl would have dropped her towel.
Cherub Cow
Sat Mar 26 00:53:32
Not good to see that people still give Hayden Panettiere work! ;)
the wanderer
Sat Mar 26 01:04:47
Hayden Panettiere almost killed my whole family

at a family reunion of sorts we were all out sightseeing or something in LA, & she was doing some cosmetic promotion or i dunno what in the street & the sidewalk was super crowded and the family was squeezing thru holding hands single file to stay together, but it was getting real tight so i just let go & figured every man for themselves... i've never been crushed so much by people

...we all survived though
the wanderer
Sat Mar 26 01:11:08
...I may have told that story before... it's just that it comes to mind whenever i hear her name... since she almost killed my whole family...
Cherub Cow
Sat Mar 26 01:31:18
lol! New story to me :D
So she's a killer too! Figures!!
Sat Mar 26 02:15:21
New here, too. So is hayden.
The Children
Sat Mar 26 08:32:27
is ur mom is a 60 year old prostitute. as a kid u had 2 watch other men enterin ur house and still has nightmares about that?

the wanderer
Sat Mar 26 11:26:58
no... but i do have Rorschach's general disdain of humanity
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