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Utopia Talk / Movie Talk / It Follows
Fri Jan 01 12:08:55
Creepy movie. I don't know how to do these reviews but the story is about a girl who has sex with a guy, and then something starts to follow her. The only way she can get rid of it is if she has sex and pass it along to someone else. Then it will start to follow him instead.

The movie is not that scary that you will hide behind a pillow and wonder why you are going through it. Sure it has a few moments when you might get startled but the movie is maybe more creepy than scary.

Overall, it is an okay movie. I kinda liked the story. But I feel the movie lacked depth to its story, but then, has scary movies ever had depths? The characters in the movie are okay. Simple but okay I guess. And their lines are probably what to expect from a movie like this.

I wonder if it would have stopped following her if she crossed the ocean and went to Europe. Or would it be able to follow her there too? Would it walk on the ocean bed all the way across to europe until it reached dry land?

Is it possible to trick it somehow or get rid of it by other means than by having sex? Does lesbian sex also count or can she only pass it along by having heterosexual sex? Maybe gay sex will kill it? lol

Maybe it just follows you if you have casual sex? If she falls in love with someone, and if her love is returned, then maybe it will stop following.

I'm not gonna tell how it ends, but I'm just gonna say that I wanted more of it before it ended. Like, the story wasn't finished when the movie ended. I hate when a movie just leaves you with unanswered questions.

I don't know what the gist of the story is. Don't have sex? But if you do have sex, have more sex with someone else so you won't get killed?

I give it 6.5 out of 10.
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 01 20:14:11
This was one of my favorite movies of the last few years (a short list)! I gave it a small review here:

I thought it had a lot of symbolic depth, with my interpretation being that the creature represented how death always "follows" and that there's nothing that anyone can do to stop it (I've heard people refer to the creature as an STD like AIDS, but I think that that is completely unsupported, even contradicted, and so altogether a wrong interpretation). Sex was given a semi-Freudian treatment, where people will have sex to convince themselves that death can be delayed (maybe through children, but even on a shorter term: from the mental suspension given by climax or self-forgetting pleasures). The characters then try to face that no amount of attempting to trade death to someone else can actually delay anything for themselves. So Jay's character journey becomes existential; she faces throughout the entire movie that she can "buy time to think," but being really aware of "it", she knows that nothing suspends mortality, hence her depression even when she's traded it to someone else. Her friends deal with this mental presence of death in other ways, either fearing it (Jeff), ignoring it in some teen feeling of immortality (Greg), intellectualizing it (Yara), romanticizing it (Paul), etc... though Yara's reading of her story really give the big reveals about how the writer/director meant it to be perceived by the audience.

The story was also given a backdrop of growing up in the corpse of Detroit, which kind of makes it a "coming-of-age story". All of the characters seem to be in a kind of timeless world, which comes from the director musing on his own growing up in Detroit (this movie had a really personal feel from him). Also loved the scoring, with the music being half horror and half contemplation. Really I think it was beautifully done! Probably the best horror movie I've seen in years, actually.

I've been meaning to write a long review with gifs and such. Might have to start working on that :D
Cherub Cow
Fri Jan 01 20:24:03
*though Yara's reading of her story really [gives]
Sat Jan 02 05:32:20
I read on iTunes, where I rented the movie, someone said that if you like this movie then you might want to watch Drag me to hell also because it is somewhat similar (a girl being cursed) but is more scary, or something like that.

Cherub Cow
Sat Jan 02 19:21:10
Personally didn't like Drag Me to Hell at all! :p
It was basically Sam Raimi trying to remember how to make movies again after he took a break from making movies to make his Spider-Man trilogy ;D
Cherub Cow
Sat Jan 02 19:22:02
..also "Drag me.." wasn't meant to be scary; it was in Sam Raimi's comedy/horror style
Mon Jan 04 09:35:53
I'm really not a fan of modern "horror" movies (if you want to call them that), but I will say this looked interesting when I first saw the previews, although the way it was shown still looked like a lame jump-scare movie rather than an actual, suspense movie.

Might have to watch it if I can find it
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 05 00:16:48
Pretty much zero jump scares. Was almost all suspense :)
Tue Jan 12 08:35:46
It follows was boring.
The Children
Tue Jan 12 09:49:32
more important question: is it...on youtube?

Tue Jan 12 15:09:45

Starts at the beach scene
Cherub Cow
Tue Jan 12 17:58:49
The Children
Wed Jan 13 04:36:37
that troll. ur useless is what u r.


and look at that, full english

The Children
Wed Jan 13 04:59:20
20 min in...so boring still.
though it was kinda creepy when that strange thing pops up
Tue Jun 07 06:43:51
Bought this yesterday. Loved it. Best horror/suspense movie I've seen in 20 years (admittedly that sample size is small and I generally don't like the genre, but still lol)
Tue Jun 07 06:45:25
Two thumbs up and the mildly strange smile I had on my face while viewing the entire time
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